.: Janine :. profile picture

.: Janine :.

You have the power to create your reality... Make a beautiful one !! * Let LOVE speak thru your sens

About Me

< Unless you are happy in your ordinariness, you will never be happy. You are happy just to breathe, you are happy just to be; you are happy just to eat, just to go to sleep again. YOU ARE HAPPY. Now happiness is not derived from anything -- it is you. A man who knows himself is happy not because of any reasons; his happiness is uncaused. It is not a thing that happens to him, it is his whole way of being. He is simply happy. Wherever he moves he takes his happiness with himself. >
((( OSHO )))

< Balance is not a static thing > MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

:-: Colours, Nature (beautiful Gaia!), Music, Silence, Flavours, Scents, Surprises, Paradoxes, Animals (from bugs to whales), creative People, Mysticism, Weirdness, Awareness...

To feel, to learn, to share, to imagine and TO LOVE, are my favorites verbs in life.

"Find the extraordinary in the ordinary... If you could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, your whole Life would change."
((( Siddhartha Gautama )))


I'd like to meet:

:-: It's my pleasure to meet PERSONS WHO LOVE finding their own answers, their own way and path, always learning and willing to share. People who believe that everyTHING and everyONE is a little --smtimes an immense-- piece of BEAUTY and MYSTERY inside this ineffable, joyful music called LIFE.


< A vosotros, los audaces buscadores e indagadores, y a quienquiera que alguna vez se haya lanzado con astutas velas a mares terribles. A vosotros, los ebrios de enigmas, que gozáis con la luz del crepúsculo; a aquellos cuyas almas son atraídas con el son da las flautas hacia todos los abismos laberínticos: pues no queréis con mano cobarde seguir a tientas un hilo, y que preferís adivinar que hacer mil deducciones… >
((( Also Sprach Zarathustra )))


Remember to

It's time to clean all the mess we have made.

"Jumbo In The Modernworld" - John Cale


Everything is both, SMALL AND GREAT at the same time !
from microbes to whales...
from a grain of sand to planets...
from atoms to galaxies...
from your little heartbeat to God's

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My heart and taste are * E C L E C T I C * Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classical, Folk (of many countries), New Ege, Acoustic, Electronica, Ambient, Experimental, World Music... Peculiar voices used as an instrument or as a loudspeaker of tales and poetry... any kind of [not-poseur] music that could sublime the mood and colour the spirit.

BRIAN ENO (especially his ambients and projects with Fripp, Harold Budd, Wobble, Moebius, Shwalm...) :: BJöRK (Vespertine is still my favorite) :: JEFF BUCKLEY (great emotional voice silenced by a river) :: THE SMITHS and MORRISEY (the sweet voice of sharp lyrics) :: T-REX ('cuz I love to boogie!) :: AEROSMITH (from their toxic beginnings on 70's to now) :: TIM BOOTH (his BONE) :: DANIEL LANOIS :: DAVID BYRNE :: LISA GERRARD

Talking Heads, Cousteau, My Morning Jacket, Massive Attack, Radiohead, Thievery Corporation, Aphex Twin, Eels, The Gathering, White Stripes, Veruca Salt, Interpol, Elbow, Peter Gabriel, Robert Plant, John Cale, David Sylvian, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin, Morphine, Roxy Music, The Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, Prince, Jack Johnson, Eric Serra, Van Morrison, The Who, Grant Lee Buffalo, Ian Hunter, Cat Power, Hugo Largo, Dead Can Dance, Hope Sandoval, Beth Gibbons, Madredeus, Emiliana Torrini, Elizabeth Fraser, Ute Lemper, Antony & The Johnsons, Laleh, Mika, Emy Winehouse, Rodrigo y Gabriela...

And all the GREAT none-label musicians and bands I've found in MySpace from many countries and styles.

Like this brave-hearted friend who sings to the souls for the coming new era of light: Wilson Noble

Y de la música de México me encantan los HUAPANGOS tocados en vivo y las historias de Gabilondo Soler.

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*Don't forget to eye the next videos*

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Who is it? BJöRK !
Who is it

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PATTI SMITH, so alive, barefooted n' fascinating!
Patti Smith - Dancing Barefoot (Live Acoustic)


EMILIE SIMON, deserted
Desert | Emilie Simon

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NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS, weeping the song
Nick Cave - The Weeping Song

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LAURIE ANDERSON performing beautifully, with Adrian Belew on guitar!!
Laurie Anderson - Excellent Birds



:-: All the movies with unexpected endings or unusual, introspective plots such as Fellini's, Lynch's, Cronenberg's, Lars Von Trier's, Aronofsky's...
Any Charles Chaplin's and Roberto Benigni's films.
“VATEL” [Gérard Depardieu & Uma Thurman]
“LABYRINTH” [David Bowie & Jennifer Connelly]
“LA VITA E BELLA” [Roberto Benigni & Nicholeta Braschi]
“ANTONIA’S LINE” [dir. Marleen Gorris]
“BILLY ELLIOT” [dir. Stephen Daldry]
“MATILDA” [dir. Danny DeVito]
"DANCES WITH WOLVES" [dir. Kevin Costner]
“V FOR VENDETTA” [dir. James McTeigue]
“DEAD MAN” [Jonnhy Depp, dir. Jim Jarmusch]
“CRASH” [dir. Paul Haggis]
"AMERICAN BEAUTY" [dir. Sam Mendes]
"KILL BILL" [Quentin Tarantino]
And Tim Burton's movies.
"CHICKEN RUN" (indeed, Wallace & Gromit adventures) and "RATATOUILLE" are some of my favourite animated films. On the other hand, "THE OTHERS" [dir. Alejandro Amenábar] is my favourite spooky film.
Ah, y también todas las de TIN TAN :)
"He who wants to be smart, tries to learn more and more everyday, but he who wants to be wise, tries to forget more and more everyday".
((( Lao-tse )))


:-: I am not a TV-vorous one. I prefer to watch the sunset and the rain drops falling. Although I don't deny myself sometimes an episode of Sponge Bob or Dr Gregory House -both are sharp and funny.

Painting by Francisco Trigueros

"For everything that lives is holy, life delights in life."
((( William Blake )))





"You who reed, and I who write, are very much the same. We meet on the common ground of an uncommon Age, and share out our gifts of dark and light, good dreams and bad, simple joy and not so simple sorrow."
((( Ray Bradbury, 1965 )))


:-: There're no more heroes but ourselves doing something in an UNSELFISH WAY (not expecting any retribution, renown, nor glory) to help someone in need. But one should know that sometimes our helps is needless and unhelpful.
Maybe I've been a hero sometimes, but most of the time I'm just a FOOL! And Tarot upholds this.
Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins the journey into the unknown. To do this, he does not regard the world he knows as firm and fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite deck, he is seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In order to explore and expand, one must disregard convention and conformity. Those in the throes of convention look at the unconventional, non-conformist personality and think What a fool. They lack the point of view to understand The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in tradition as one who is closest to the spirit world. In many tribal cultures, those born with strange and unusual character traits were held in awe. Shamans were people who could see visions and go on journeys that we now label hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with physical differences had experience and knowledge that the average person could not understand. The Fool is God. The number of the card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect circle. This circle represents both emptiness and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by mountains and valleys or by his physical body. He does not accept the appearance of cliff and air as being distinct or real. Image from: Mary DeLave http://www.marydelave.com/
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< Piensa en todas las grandes palabras y en las grandes enseñanzas como en tus enemigos mortales. Evítalas, porque tienes que encontrar tu propia fuente. No tienes que ser un seguidor, un imitador. Tienes que ser un individuo original; tienes que encontrar tu esencia más profunda por ti mismo, sin guía, sin escrituras que te guíen. Confía en la vida; si confías, sólo entonces podrás abandonar tu conocimiento, sólo entonces puedes poner tu mente a un lado. Cuando el corazón es inocente y los muros han desaparecido, quedas unido al infinito. Y no te sientes engañado: No hay nada que se te pueda quitar.>

My Blog

Ashes and Snow

"ASHES AND SNOW" is now in Mexico City. And I would like to share this interesting photographic exposition to all that haven't had the opportunity to enjoy it yet.I love the reverence that Gregory Col...
Posted by .: Janine :. on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:39:00 PST