PeaceLoveVegan profile picture


Animals are my friends, and I don't eat my friends. A vegan President? Imagine the possibilities! Pl

About Me

I am a vegan writer, AR activist, and food coach. My passion is helping people transition to a healthy, compassionate diet and lifestyle. To that end, I am always on the lookout for the best-tasting vegan foods and enjoy sharing my finds with others. I also love tending to my flower and vegetable gardens, painting in watercolor, and making beaded jewelry.
Check out the inspiringly beautiful artwork from my friends at Veganart:
"We recognize that we are in a world which truly needs compassion, that we need to extend compassion to one another and to everything living. And that our cause can truly be to lift up this world from a condition of suffering and cruelty to all the creatures of this planet, and through elevating the cause of every creature, we elevate our own humanity." ~U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Photo credit Susan Sabo. Taken at Animal Acres, a sanctuary for farmed animals.
"The unidentifiable slab of meat beneath a cellophane wrapper is far removed in appearance from its original source. Thoughtlessly, we often choose not to recognize that it is the body part of a once living, feeling being. But at the deepest spiritual level, each one of us knows that killing is wrong. That is why there can be no moral or rational justification for the continual torture and slaughter of billions of sentient beings." ~Gail Davis, Author, Activist
"If beef is your idea of real food for real people, then you better live real close to a real good hospital." ~Neal Barnard, M.D.
"As we talked of freedom and justice one day for all, we sat down to steaks. I am eating misery, I thought, as I took the first bite. And spit it out." ~Alice Walker, Author
"If you're eating or drinking something made from cow's milk, it's because a calf chained in a box somewhere isn't." ~Dan Piraro, Cartoonist and Author
"I think all the social evils can be traced back to the slaughterhouse. Terrorism. It's only natural that we have terrorism. We've been terrorizing innocents for years, and it's only the karmic reaction that we start to reap what we sow." ~Chrissie Hynde, Musician and Songwriter
"Saying you're an environmentalist who still eats meat is like saying you're a philanthropist who doesn't give to charity." ~Howard Lyman, environmentalist, activist, and author, Mad Cowboy
Come see the wildly imaginative artwork of my friend, James Sizemore:

My Interests

Michael Moore supports Conyers-Kucinich Healthcare Plan, HR 676
“Thank you, Dennis Kucinich for running for President,” said award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore as he endorsed the Conyers-Kucinich universal healthcare bill, HR 676. “And thank you,” Moore continued, “for at each of the debates, bringing up this very important issue and requesting that our fellow Democrats state their specific positions of how we’re going to bring healthcare to all Americans and remove the profit incentive from healthcare. It has to be removed, and thank you for saying that over and over again.”

"Insurance companies are holding our healthcare system hostage and forcing millions of Americans into poverty with unconscionable premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. We've got to have NOT-FOR-PROFIT healthcare; get the insurance companies out of the picture. Healthcare is not a privilege, it is a right, and it is a human right."
~Dennis Kucinich at the SEIU Conference on Health Care, Las Vegas, NV, March, 2007
Call or write to your Congressperson and ask that he or she support HR 676, the Conyers - Kucinich universal, single-payer, NOT-FOR-PROFIT healthcare plan.

I'd like to invite you to join me in taking a minute of silence each hour on the hour – a transformational experience. It's a great way to reduce stress, find peace, release creativity, and to tap into intuitive insight.
PeacePulse provides an hourly reminder by sounding a chime on your computer – on the hour and one minute after. Why not give it a try? To experience the global pulse of silence, reflection, and peace click here.
Wishing you peace always, PeaceLoveVegan

Can you feed your dog or cat companion a cruelty-free diet? Yes, you can! Click here to find out more.
Cicily's favorite cruelty-free and allergen-free kibble.
Cicily's favorite cruelty-free and allergen-free treats:
Bone Vivant Gourmet Vegan Dog Treats
They come in Blueberry, Peanut Butter, Carob Mint, Veggie, Garlic, and Spiced Apple flavors, and they're so good, you'll be tempted to eat them yourself! But please don't. Let your doggie enjoy them. Cicily also recommends:
Mr. Pugsley's
Belly Rubs
Wet Noses Pumpkin Treats
Darford Brand VegiHearts
Newman's Own Organics Vegetable Dog Treats
While cats are true carnivores, they can thrive on a nutrionally balanced, vegan diet that contains taurine and all the essential fatty acids they need. (There's nothing cruelty-free about feeding your cat pet food that contains slaughterhouse waste, roadkill, and euthanized cats and dogs, as most commercial pet foods do!) Here are some of the options available:
Vegecat supplement
Evolution cat food
Wysong Anergen Vegan Canine/Feline kibble
(Contains taurine, but requires an additional protein source, like tofu, for a nutritionally complete feline diet.)
And please, please, please do not use regular "clumping" kitty litter in your cat's litter box! Clumping cat litters may be convenient for you, but they can be deadly for your cat. Two ingredients found in most clumping cat litters have been implicated in diseases and deaths of many animals and humans. The first, sodium bentonite, (which is stripmined from the Earth), is added as a clumping agent to traditional cat litters to make them “scoopable.” Sodium bentonite acts like an expandable cement: it swells to up to eighteen times its dry size and can be used as a grouting, sealing, and plugging material. When cats lick themselves after using the litter box, they ingest pieces of the litter. When the litter gets inside them, it expands just as it does in the plumbing. I watched my poor cat slowly starve to death from the mass of litter that grew inside him, unbeknownst for years to either me or my veteriniarian!
Also, the dust from these litters can coat our cats’ lungs, leading to respiratory problems. There have been reported instances of poisoning in humans from chronic ingestion of sodium bentonite, so just imagine what effect it can have on our cats! Quartz silica (sand), the other ingredient in most clumping litters, is a known carcinogen for both humans and household pets when inhaled.
So switch your cat litter to one made from a plant-based material—it's so much better for you, your cat, and the environment. There are litters made from natural ingredients such as compacted pine shavings, cedar, wheat, and corn, all of which make healthier alternatives. Here are a few options—the first one is my favorite:
World's Best Cat Litter made from corn
Feline Pine
Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Litter
One Earth Cat Litter made from corn cob granules, yucca, and pine
Natures Miracle made from corn cob granules with natural enzyme odor control

I'd like to meet:

Vegans, vegetarians, anyone interested in eating more healthfully, animal rights activists, environmentalists, progressive thinkers, people interested in creating peace in their lives and in the world, artists, and writers, and oh, yeah...these guys:

California claims its dairy cows are happy. Are they? Click here to find out.


Pearl Jam, Steve Kimock Band, Jim Weider's Project Percolator, King Crimson, Dandy Warhols, Andrea Bocelli, John Mayer, Yes.

This is no life for a dog. Would you want to live such a life of loneliness? Click here to learn how you can help spread the news and end the misery of chained dogs.


City of Angels, Twelve Monkeys, Being There, Wuthering Heights, Life is Beautiful, The Witness, All the Little Animals, Peaceable Kingdom, Fearless, The Freshman, Millennium.


Monk, House, LOST, Boston Legal, Carnivale, Six Feet Under, Seinfeld, Vanished, Justice, Northern Exposure, Thirty-Something, Stargate SG-1, Brothers and Sisters, The Lost Room.

People often erroneously equate a vegan lifestyle with deprivation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Vegan food offers a profusion of taste, color, and texture and is a celebration of life!


Diet for a New America, Ask and It is Given, Phases of the Moon, The Sirens of Titan, Siddhartha, Atlas Shrugged, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight.

Looking for some great vegan recipes in a hurry? Check out 7 Minute Chef, a wonderful e-book created by the same amazing chefs who wrote Vegan World Fusion Cuisine. It even features one of my very own recipes! Click Here to get your copy!


Dennis Kucinich, Neal Barnard, M.D., John Robbins, Howard Lyman, Richard Feynman, Alex Hershaft, Marshall Rosenberg, St. Francis of Assisi, Rachel Carson, and Rozalind Graham.
This is my favorite ice cream in the whole world and VegNews Reader's Choice Winner:
To get some coupons so you can try it for yourself, click here:
Sinfully Scrumptious Sundae
I admit it: The first time I tasted Soyatoo, I cried. And when I tasted Vegan Sweeties Brownie Cookies for the first time, I groaned with pleasure after each and every bite. They taste like a cross between a chocolate brownie and a chocolate glazed donut. The creamy, rich flavor of Purely Decadent ice cream, the sweet, chewy taste of Vegan Sweeties cookies, and the heavenly melt-in-your-mouth goodness of Soyatoo whipped topping combine to create a sundae that is beyond delicious.
1 pint Purely Decadent Dairy Free Purely Vanilla Ice Cream
1 package Vegan Sweeties Brownie Cookies
1 can Soyatoo Whipped Topping
1 bottle Santa Cruz Organics Chocolate Syrup
1 box Edward and Sons Let's Do Sprinkelz
Scoop ice cream into four dessert bowls. Break cookies into bite-sized pieces and place over ice cream. Top with Soyatoo, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles. Indulge in pure decadence!
Need help transitioning to a healthful, compassionate diet? Please click on any of the following links to get your own free starter kit!
Pretty animal art from Harriet Peck Taylor:
Following are scenes of special beauty that inspire my imagination.
These are places I'd surely like to stay for awhile...
According to the Law of Attraction, this is my new home. Won't you come and visit me there? We can share a quiet meal, sit back, and enjoy the view!

My Blog

My Tastebuds Just Went into Overdrive!

I've always been a huge fan of Purely Decadent ice cream. But now they've outdone themselves with ice cream made from coconut milk! They managed to take my two favorite things: Thai food and sweets, a...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Thu, 22 May 2008 05:31:00 PST

Comment Captcha is Overkill

I implore all of my friends who use captchas for comments to please reconsider. It now takes me twice as long to leave comments for my friends than it used to, because I have to type in those confound...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:30:00 PST

Give Dennis Kucinich His Due

by STEVE COBBLE[posted online at The Nation on February 19, 2008]Five years ago, this month, the world said no to the Iraq War, with massive demonstrations all around the world involving 10 million pe...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:36:00 PST

Integrity Now!

Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 08:03:00 PST

Inspiring Letter to Dennis Kucinich from Alexandra Paul

This letter expresses how all Kucinich supporters feel right now. Please understand that we must support Dennis in his bid to keep his Congressional seat. The same corrupt powers that silenced him in ...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:54:00 PST

Want to Honor Dr. Martin Luther King? Support the True Peace Candidate!

Give the Candidates the MLK TestA Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford"What would Dr. King do?"The corporate media-mangled Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton "debate" over the relative contributions o...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:30:00 PST

I Am Not a Health Reform

December 15, 2007By DAVID U. HIMMELSTEIN and STEFFIE WOOLHANDLERCambridge, Mass. IN 1971, President Nixon sought to forestall single-payer national health insurance by proposing an alternative. He wan...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 07:46:00 PST

The Green Philosophy of Dennis Kucinich

The Democratic candidate calls for a new energy paradigm. But are Americans ready to be "in harmony with nature"?By Amanda Griscom LittleDec. 11, 2007He may be eating the front-runners' dust in the p...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 12:46:00 PST

How to Vote in Primaries and Not Be an Idiot by David Swanson

How to Vote in Primaries and Not Be an Idiot by David SwansonBy David Swansonafterdowningstreet.orgDec. 10, 2007Emphasis added by MeA Short Instruction Manual1. Virtually nobody votes in primaries (or...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 01:03:00 PST

Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath Water

In the last 24 hours, there has been a flurry of bulletins circulating from disgruntled former Dennis Kucinich supporters. They are all in a tizzy! Why? Because when questioned, presidential candidate...
Posted by PeaceLoveVegan on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 07:34:00 PST