without god everything is nothing profile picture

without god everything is nothing


About Me

pele our hawaiian fire goddess
.. MT.BAKER WASHINGTON,such a beautiful place for the soul on the farrie 2 orcas island washington, i love this place,my grandmothers ashes are spread here maui sunset ..... venus pools,maui haleakala crater at sunrise,10,500 feet above the clods,maui maui waterfall me indications that hurricane katrina was purposely allowed to happen iraq for sale..the war proffiters video on electronic voting conspiracy video on sex trafficking/children for sale EMPIRE OF OIL Aloha, I'm into enlightening the masses about the sacredness of the goddess and our sexuality, sex is sacred as in love, not as the devil, as in porn. Sexual energy is magical whether it be in the light or the dark side,when it is on the dark it becomes just that,black magic,which is potent and enslaving to the mind and senses of those who cannot see through it's illusion. In spiritual scriptures such as the Veda's (ancient spiritual text's) the age that we are living in is called Kali Yuga or the degraded age. Materialism is rampant and sex is degraded in this age. Once the sexual energy is exploited it loses it's sacredness, it's purity and innocence. Pornography is not love, once love is removed from the sexual act it becomes perverted to a base level, we are spiritual beings, not animals. Even animals only mate for procreation. Basically sex is for having children and or an expression of desire and fulfillment, it enlivens the senses and is meant to inspire one towards creative thinking and living. Mother/Father God are divinely and passionately in love. Pornography dulls the senses to anything higher than a jaded satisfaction. Anyone who cant understand this has already crossed over the line to immorality. Nothing morally good can come out of pornography, and the fact that we would question this is a sure sign of the times in which we are living, Kali Yuga. I feel that the dark forces are promoting pornography as a means to steel souls and lower mans consciousness. The sex chakra or center is called the seat of the soul or mother flame chakra, once this is perverted the energy is stolen and cannot rise to higher levels. Now that I've shared that with you here is a little tid bit on me. I was givin the name Leh'arra at birth, it's pronounced (lay-are-uh), it means little shining light. ohh and i am! lol...i was raised on Maui, but spent 14years in Seattle, i love the n.west. I started writing songs on Maui when i was about 14. I've got some of my soft acoustic side up for now, don't be fooled I'm a vocal chameleon, metal is in my pulse, here is a piece entitled (one drop of rain) enjoy.. An entity is there..i feel the evil stare..moonless is the sky..demons coughing at the fire..where is the way out of here..one drop of rain would quench my hungry thirst away..i saw through my pain, darkest wood's, inside my veins..blood swept my tears fade away down the Nile..while i reembody my souls next travels....in my travels i became a queen..lifetimes before my existence here..I'm starving to swallow the knife that cut's me free from my addiction..spoon fed from souls beyond the grave...my spirit's already flown radharani and krsna <param name="movie" value="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-16115 4636796558877&hl=en" / one of my favorite movies below (influences....from new age music,classical,trance,Celtic,renaissance,ambient,classic rock,funk,fusion,hop,metal,t.h.c..lol,passion,daydreams,pain ,love,rage,joy,our god&goddess,divine energy from Radharani,Krishna, Jesus,Mother Mary and all the archangels of light,my dreams,my visions,my heart,and the creative unique individuals i create music with,myself......god&goddess bless....don't forget to be humble,grateful,honorable,spiritual....beyond the illusion of darkness is enlightenment..beyond the illusion of fear is empowerment..beyond the illusion of doubt is fulfillment..beyond the illusion of arrogance is humility..beyond the illusion of self righteousness is spiritual attainment ..beyond the illusion of shame is forgiveness...beyond the illusion of sorrow is healing...beyond the illusion of emptiness is completion...beyond the illusion of death is everlasting life. reality check maui sunset

My Interests


Member Since: 8/1/2006
Band Website: myspace.com/jamminbliss
JAWs (Peahi), Maui. 50 Feet Wave - More free videos are here makena ,maui me in my backyard A MANS WISDOM,STRENGTH,HONORABILITY,INTEGRITY,SELF CONTROL,HUMILITY,SPIRITUALITY,AND MATURITY CANNOT BE MEASURED AT TIMES OF PEACE,EMPOWERMENT,PROSPERITY AND TRANQUILITY,..BUT IN THE TIMES OF LOSS,PAIN,ADVERSITY AND OPPOSITION.. aloha,my name is leh'arra i was raised on maui, and feel very blessed..please enjoy the music,i know it is new to those who have not heard it,but it is a little older than id like to have up, the material does not reflect the direction i'm headed in in my life musically right now..i was very held back emotionally and vocally when i wrote the material that is up,my voice is much more multidimensional than what you can hear..my heavier side is very haunting,powerful and passionate,i cant wait to share and express more of my musical soul with you..i was trained vocally by david kyle in seattle for 10 years,he trained ann wilson,chris cornell,kenny g and so on,so the gift of music is in me and i take it very seriously..at this time i'm on the prowl for humble (what patriarch,arrogant self righteous musician does'nt think he's not humble..lol), unique,deep,pro,multidimensional musicians here on the island..i am auditioning musicians for a celtic metal/trance/ambient/tribal/groove project as we speak,its been taking an eternity to find the right chemistry..lol..i want to blend beauty with the beast musically and venture into a new realm..if you have the magic and are highly multidimensional and you are on the island find me and show of thyself ..aloha nui...goddess bless......here is a chapter from the I AM discourses,(saint germain) every student should guard with great watchfulness that he does not use the" I AM" in negative expression,for when you say: "I AM sick,I have failed,'I AM not accomplishing this thing as i should," you are throwing this mighty creative energy into action to destroy the thing you wish to accomplish..this always happens whenever you use the word "I, for that is the release of the universal power within. knowing that the "I AM" is you, then realize when you say, "my head aches,we do not get along,i have no money,etc," you are throwing the energy into those parts to act accordingly to the thing you have decreed; for when you say "MY," it is the same energy acting,because there is only one person who can say "I " or "MY " and that is you, decreeing for your world .....the picture is jesus and saint.germain,they work hand in hand in the ascended master realm,along with the entire ascended host(archangels) and brotherhood of light),to assist mankind to his ascension in the light,out of the entrapments of the false material ego... ALOHA,CHECK OUT MY OTHER SITE (when all else fails theres the music) its at the top left corner of my top friends..please view the pictures, blogs & video's i've posted there as well..TO COMMENT,scroll to the bottom of my page,you will see where to comment, the pics i have up of me are meant to make me look as young and good as possible..lol. ah,the wonders of photo touch up,i think i had my finger on the fuzz & hide effect for 2 long..lol..what bl.circles or red eyes? lol..u dont want to see me wake up n the morning..lol ENVY,JEALOUSY,SEDUCTION AND DECEPTION IS COMMON IN A BEAUTIFUL SEXY LOOKING WOMAN. JUST BECAUSE A WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS NOT A DECEPTIVE PLAYER, MEN HAVE TO BE JUST AS CAREFUL ABOUT BEING DEVOURED & SEDUCED BY A GORGEOUS LOOKING DECEPTIVE WOMAN, AS MUCH AS A WOMAN HAS TO BE CAREFUL NOT TO ALLOW HERSELF TO BECOME ADDICTED TO A GOOD LOOKING DECEPTIVE MAN. LOOKS ARE AN ILLUSION, I'M TELLING YOU,WHEN SOMEONE TURNS YOU ON,IS VERY SEXY AND BEAUTIFUL, YOU MIGHT WANT TO TAKE A BIG STEP BACK AND ASK YOURSELF,IS THIS A GOOD LOOKING DECEPTIVE PSYCHIC VAMPIRE THAT COULD STEAL MY SOUL,RIP ME OFF,USE OR BREAK ME? I'M TELLING YOU,I KNOW THIS FROM EXPERIENCE, DECEPTION IS AN ART FORM FOR MANY,IT ALLOWS ONE TO SIMULTANEOUSLY PLAY WITH THEIR DARK SIDE AS WELL AS THEIR LIGHT FOR POWER AND CONTROL. SEX CAN BE USED TO ENSLAVE YOUR SOUL TO THE WRONG PERSON IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL, SEX IS A DRUG PERIOD. I'M ESPECIALLY WARNING THE GUILELESS MEN AND THEIR WEAKNESS FOR BEAUTIFUL LOOKING WOMAN, WATCH IT GUYS!! IF YOU ARE NOT WITH THE RIGHT PERSON,YOUR SOUL COULD BE STOLEN AND LOCKED AWAY THROUGH THE ART AND ILLUSION OF SEX,SEDUCTION,MANIPULATION, AND CHARM. BE CAREFUL ,LOOKS ARE ONLY SKIN DEEP,PLAYERS WILL USE THEIR GOOD LOOKS,WIT/CHARM AGAINST YOU THROUGH DECEPTION,SEDUCTION AND MANIPULATION,FOR POWER AND CONTROL. PLAYERS WILL NEVER ADMIT TO THEIR GAME EITHER,DO NOT EXPECT TO GET THE TRUTH FROM A DECEPTIVE HOT LOOKING PLAYER. LIFE IS A GAME FRIENDS,DO NOT LAY ALL YOUR CARDS OUT ON THE TABLE,YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU DO EXPOSE OF YOURSELF,BECAUSE YOUR VULNERABILITY COULD BE USED AGAINST YOU. PLAYERS CAN ALSO WOO THE BIRD OUT OF THE TREES,REMEMBER, PLAYERS KNOW HOW TO PLAY YOU WHILE THE LIGHT IS SHINING IN THEIR EYES. WISE UP,WOLVES HIDE IN SHEEPS CLOTHING AND IN ALL THE COOL PLACES.DON'T GET ME WRONG,ITS NOT THAT I DO NOT HAVE TRUST,I LOVE LIFE, I'M SO THANKFUL FOR MY LIFE, I THRIVE TO BE HAPPY DAILY. BEING IN LOVE IS ALSO THE MOST BLISSFUL,SPIRITUAL,SACRED AND MAGICAL EXPERIENCE WHEN IT IS UNCONDITIONAL,IF LOVE IS NOT UNCONDITIONAL,IT BECOMES POSSESSION AND CONTROL. LOOK,I'M JUST SHARING SOME OF MY HARD LEARNED KNOWLEDGE TO MY PEEPS,I LOVE YA,IF I DID'NT ID SAY NOTHING TO YOU,AND IF YOU TOOK THE TIME TO READ THIS MESSAGE OF LOVE AND INSIGHT YOU NEEDED TO...1LUV Jack Herer on Hemp

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Influences: lava falling into the hawaiian ocean huge statue of shiva . hawaii is not a legal state BEYOND THE FALSE EGO LIES THE POTENCY OF THE PURE SELF...THE MEANING OF EXISTENCE IS TO EVOLVE...THE GIFT OF LIFE IS TO LOVE.

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Sounds Like: More Videos Wicca - What is Wicca? Part 2


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.....have you taken a deep look within lately and asked your soul to give its hearts desire to you?..if you had not thought of this yet,id say grasp the moment in hand and pray for all of which you must brake through,to be given the spiritual strength to continue in faith ,in all your endeavors, intention made real ,to leap for faith in a new dimension called now,let it give you the peace you've searched for ,but till now never knew...1luv .by LeH'aRrA
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Type of Label: None

My Blog

deforestation..a tragedy

..Greenpeace Say No To Deforestation Diesel - The funniest videos are a click away .....
Posted by without god everything is nothing on Mon, 19 May 2008 11:09:00 PST


Posted by without god everything is nothing on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 11:55:00 PST


Posted by without god everything is nothing on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:20:00 PST


Posted by without god everything is nothing on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 10:24:00 PST


* So that is this shit in our skies? Mr. Weatherman? I suppose you have shit in your eyes? Very Persistent Contrails Mr. Weatherman! Friday April 13Saturday Ap...
Posted by without god everything is nothing on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 08:15:00 PST

chris conrad on the drug war and medical marijuana.. C.I.A contributes to the crack epidemic

a talk with expert chris conrad on the drug war and medical marijuana cia contributes to the crack epidemic...
Posted by without god everything is nothing on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 08:15:00 PST


Posted by without god everything is nothing on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:27:00 PST


| ...
Posted by without god everything is nothing on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:02:00 PST


Posted by without god everything is nothing on Thu, 17 May 2007 05:56:00 PST

911 TRUTH EXPOSED..please watch this,its what really happened,wake up,you are brainwashed

Posted by without god everything is nothing on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:48:00 PST