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This is not the official "Disclosure Project" site but i must advertise them to the myspace community amongst other material
Do not fear the truth.
Net news
Written by Sean Dodson
Thursday May 24, 2001
The Guardian Newspaper
The truth is out there
The web has always been home to the most whacked- out theories, not least of which is the search for extraterrestrial life. But last week, the search for ET took a potentially serious turn when the hallowed halls of the Washington Press Club hosted the launch of the Disclosure Project. Made up of nearly 350 former US military and intelligence personnel, the project not only insists that UFOs exist, but its organisers now want an official inquiry to find out why the evidence of their existence has been kept from the public.
UFO technology, they say, could solve the energy crisis and end global warming. The project also wants a complete stop to the "weaponisation" of space.
Check out the deadly serious webcast at:
(The Guardian Thursday May 24, 2001)
The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 450 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.
click here to watch it in good quality and to save it, make a DVD and pass it on to everyone, or just send them here and tell them to watch the video below this message :)
"Remember, UFOs are secret not because people are afraid so much of extraterrestrials, but because UFOs themselves are running off of energy and propulsion systems that would replace the need for oil and gas. So, the secrecy has been mostly out of greed, not out of a [need for] security" - Dr Steven M. Greer, M.D
Washington D. C. 1952. During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to the leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon. Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers. Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day.
Before the night was over, a pilot reported seeing unexplained objects, radar at two local Air Force bases (Andrews and Bolling) picked up the UFOs, and two Air Force F-94 jets streaked over Washington, searching for flying saucers.
Then, a week later, it happened all over again. More UFOs on the radar screen, more jets scrambled over Washington. Across America, the story of jets chasing UFOs over the White House knocked the Korean War and the presidential campaign off the front pages of newspapers.
" 'Saucer' Outran Jet, Pilot Reveals," read the banner headline in The Washington Post.
"JETS CHASE D.C. SKY GHOSTS," screamed the New York Daily News.
"AERIAL WHATZITS BUZZ D.C. AGAIN!" shouted the Washington Daily News.
As rumors spread, President Truman demanded to know what was flying over his house. Soon the federal government was fighting the UFOs with the most powerful weapons in the Washington arsenal -- bureaucracy, obfuscation and gobbledygook.
That seemed to work. The UFOs never returned.
On April 6, 1966, in Westall Australia, more than 200 students and staff from two schools watched as the object landed in a nearby paddock, lifted off and vanished. It was a low-flying, silver/grey shining object, either of classical flying saucer shape or close to it, "a cup turned upside down on a saucer". The UFO appears to have left a circle of scorched grass.
On the UFO, everyone seems to agree, Mr Ryan says. It was a low-flying, silver/grey shining object, either of classical flying saucer shape or close to it, "a cup turned upside down on a saucer". The students were familiar with light aircraft because the schools were close to Moorabbin Airport. Although the UFO was of similar size, "everyone said straight away that they knew it was not a plane", Mr Ryan said, nor a weather balloon.
Some of the witnesses who are prepared to testify before the senate
Brigadier General Steven Lovekin, Esq.: Army National Guard Reserve, October 2000
Brigadier General Lovekin entered the military in 1958. In 1959 he joined the White House Army Signaling Agency and served under President Eisenhower and then under President Kennedy with an above top secret clearance. He was familiar with Project Blue Book and related how that project ..ed highly scientific and specific UFO cases from very reliable sources. They reviewed photos taken from Air Force pilots, Marine Air Corps pilots, and some foreign pilots and multiple reports of radar lock-ons. He was also shown a piece of metallic debris taken from the Roswell crash. While working under President Eisenhower, he discovered that Eisenhower had a keen interest in UFOs, but that Eisenhower came to realize that he had lost control of the subject.
FAA Division Chief John Callahan: October 2000
For 6 years Mr. Callahan was the Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA in Washington DC. In his testimony he tells about a 1986 Japanese Airlines 747 flight that was followed by a UFO for 31 minutes over the Alaskan skies. The UFO also trailed a United Airlines flight until the flight landed. There was visual confirmation as well as air-based and ground-based radar confirmation. This event was significant enough for the then FAA Administrator, Admiral Engen, to hold a briefing the next day where the FBI, CIA, President Reagans Scientific Study Team, as well as others attended. Videotape radar evidence, air traffic voice communications and paper reports were compiled and presented.
Kasher John C. "Jack" Kasher, PhD, is an authority on UFOs and a professor of physics and astronomy at the U of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). One of his research projects has been to analyze the UFOs appearing on video footage taken by NASA during Discovery Space Shuttle Mission STS-48.
Merle Shane McDow: US Navy Atlantic Command, October 2000 Mr. McDow entered the Navy in 1978 and gained a top-secret, Special Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) clearance with a Zebra Stripes. He was assigned to the Atlantic Operational Support Facility, Atlantic Command, then under Admiral Trane. Mr. McDow was present when a UFO was tracked by radar and seen by pilots visually moving at high speed up and down the Atlantic coast. The Command Center was put on Zebra alert and Admiral Trane gave the order to force down the UFO. Mr. McDow discusses the threats, intimidation and confiscation of logbooks that occurred after the event.
Sgt. Chuck Sorrells: US Air Force (ret.), December 2000
Chuck Sorrells is a career Air Force military man who was at Edwards Air Force Base in 1965 when not one, but at least seven UFOs appeared over Edwards Air Force Base airspace, moving in extraordinary fashion at enormous speeds, making right-hand turns and other maneuvers which no known aircraft was capable of at the time. They appeared on multiple radars, were seen visually by several people, and a special UFO officer scrambled and authorized a jet to intercept these objects. This event lasted for five or six hours. An edited transcript of the audiotape of the event follows his testimony. Security Officer Larry Warren: United States Air Force, September 2000 Larry Warren was a security officer at Bentwaters Air Force Base in the United Kingdom. He was present during an event in 1980 when an extraterrestrial vehicle landed, hovered, and interacted with Air Force personnel on base. Afterwards, the many personnel who had witnessed the events were intimidated, debriefed, and forced to sign ..s telling a false version of the story. Captain Robert Salas: December 2000 Captain Salas graduated from the Air Force Academy and spent seven years in active duty from 1964 to 1971. He also held positions at Martin Marietta and Rockwell and spent 21 years at the FAA. In the Air Force, he was an air traffic controller and a missile launch officer as well as an engineer on the Titan 3 missiles. He testifies about a UFO incident on the morning of March 16, 1967 where 16 nuclear missiles simultaneously became non-operational at two different launch facilities immediately after guards saw UFOs hovering above. Lt. Colonel Dwynne Arneson US Air Force (ret.), September 2000 Lt. Col. Arneson spent 26 years in the USAF. He had an above top-secret SCI-TK (Special Compartmented Tango Kilo) clearance. He worked as a computer systems analyst for Boeing and was the Director of Logistics at Wright-Patterson AFB. At one point he was the cryptography officer for the entire Ramstein AFB in Germany and while there one day he received a classified message that said that a UFO had crashed in Spitsbergen Norway. Crerie Richard Crerie is one of 3 witnesses in 1964 at Two Rocks Ranch Station in Petaluma, CA--a World Radio Intercept Station, High Security Army Intel. They saw a triangular formation. Colonel Ross Diedrickson: US Air Force/AEC (ret.), September 2000 Colonel Dedrickson is a retired Colonel from the USAF. He went to Stanford business school where he studied management. Back in the 1950's part of his responsibilities included maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapon stockpile for the AEC and accompanying security teams checking out the security of the weapons. Many reports kept coming in that UFOs were seen at various nuclear storage facilities and some of the manufacturing plants. Mr. Franklin Carter: US Navy, December 2000 Mr. Carter was trained as an electronic radar technician in the Navy in the 50's and 60's. He tells of an incident where he witnessed a clear, unambiguous radar contact speeding along at 3, 400 miles an hour. There were other radar operators as well who, at various times in 1957 and 1958, also witnessed these unusually fast moving objects. At the time, the fastest human aircraft clocked in at 1, 100 miles and hour. In one case an Air Force operator tracked one of these UFOs 300 to 400 miles out in space. Mr. Gordon Creighton: Former British Foreign Service Official, September 2000 Mr. Creighton spent many years in the British Foreign Service. He spent 10 years in China and in 1941 he saw a UFO while at the Embassy. In broad daylight he saw a disc-shaped, silent UFO with a blue white light on top flying very fast. In 1953 he spent some time with the Military Defense in Whitehall and worked on the floor underneath a department, Air Technical, dealing with UFOs. He says that a UFO landed on the estate of Lord Mountbatten in the south of England near Southampton. Staff Sergeant Stoney Campbell: US Air Force, October 1999 Sergeant Campbell entered the Air Force in 1966. In the summer of 1967 he was guarding a B-52 at a SAC AFB in Oklahoma when suddenly, directly over one of the B-52's, a huge bluish haze appeared. It was in the form of a boomerang wing and was glittery and not solid. It was picked up on radar and seen by numerous people. Lt. Colonel Wojtecki Lt. Colonel Wojtecki spent 20 years in the Air Force and retired in 1988. He spent most of his time with Strategic Air Command and Tactical Air Command. He tells of a night in April of 1969 while stationed at Loring AFB in Maine when he and his flight instructor both saw three very bright lights in a perfect equilateral triangle silently moving across the sky. They estimated that this UFO was lower than 3, 000 feet. He discovered the next morning when he reported for duty that for six hours, a UFO was seen hovering over a group of B-52's containing nuclear weapons. Every time a plane drew near to the lights, they would part and move in ways that were very unconventional. When the planes left, the lights came together again and focused on the group of B-52's. Many years later Lt. Col. Wojtecki attended a lecture given by SG and saw a photograph of a UFO that was the exact configuration that he had seen years earlier. Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army, Sergeant Stone tells an amazing story about the history of UFOs and extraterrestrials dating back to the early 40s and probably before. General Douglas MacArthur organized a group called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit back in 1943 to study this issue and it continues to this day. Their purpose is to recover objects of unknown origin particularly those that are of non-Earthly origin. They obtain field intelligence information and pass it on to those who are the keepers of this information. Stone says that even Project Bluebook had an elite investigation unit, which was outside of Bluebook. This unit was thought to be working in conjunction with Bluebook but in fact was not. Stone has seen living and dead extraterrestrials in his official duties on an army team that retrieved crashed ET crafts. He thinks that the extraterrestrials will not permit us to explore the depths of outer space until weve learned to grow spiritually and that they will make themselves known soon if we dont first acknowledge their presence. Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, July 2000 [We are grateful to James Fox for sharing this interview.] Lord Hill-Norton is a five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of Defense who was kept in the dark about the UFO subject during his official capacities. In this short interview, he states that this subject has great significance and should no longer be denied and kept secret. He emphatically states, that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations; that it behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation, and not the subject of rubbishing by tabloid newspapers. Hodges U.S. President Eisenhower, January 1961 "In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together. Mr. Don Johnson, December 2000 Mr. Johnson was putting himself through college working at Century Graphics in 1971/72. Part of his job was to run blueprints through a large printing machine. Century Graphics used to get jobs from various military electronics firms such as Lockheed, Litton, Hughes and RCA. While he had a low clearance, there were times when his assistance was needed on top-secret ..s. In one case he was working on a lithograph negative of the routes for all the American and Russian subs. In his testimony he states that he also worked on a huge electronic diagram from Hughes-Suma Corporation. In the center of the diagram in a large rectangle it said antigravity chamber. When he completed his work he turned to the man training him showing him the verbiage. This man told him that he was not supposed to be working on that and for him to put it back and forget about it. Nick Pope: British Ministry of Defense Official "I believe that governments and the military, and indeed private researchers, politicians- whoever- should place everything in the public domain on this issue. Governments cant, I think, have it both ways. You cannot say on the one hand, as the party line often goes, that UFOs are of no defense significance, and then on the other keep back some of the data." " You simply cant do that. You have to have it one way or the other. And if, as governments consistently say when the politicians probe on this issue or when the media inquire, that theres really nothing to worry about, then okay, lets see all the data. Sgt. Karl Wolfe: US Air Force "I didnt want to look at it any longer than that, because I felt that my life was in jeopardy. Do you understand what Im saying? I would have loved to have looked at it longer, I would have loved to have had copies. I would love to have said more about it, discussed it more, but I knew I couldnt. I knew the young fellow who was sharing this was really, really overstepping his bounds at that point. Monsignor Corrado Balducci, September 2000 [Through translator] Monsignor Balducci is a Vatican theologian and an insider close to the Pope. He has been featured on national Italian television numerous times to express that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon and not due to psychological impairment. In this testimony he explains that not only the general populace but also highly credible, cultured, and educated people of high status are recognizing more and more that this is a real phenomenon. He goes on to speak about the extraterrestrial people as part of Gods creation and that they are not angels nor are they devils. However they are probably more spiritually evolved. Dr. Roberto Pinotti: Italian UFO expert
"Probably there are, in every part of the world, invisible links with a definite invisible college that is keeping this secret". They are dealing with this subject from the standpoint of research secretly in order to have gains and technologies to be applied in a various ways. The UFO problem is not only a scientific problem, it is also an intelligence problem. Senator Daniel K. Inouye
There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself. Mr. Mark McCandlish, US Air Force
December 2000 Mark McCandlish is an accomplished aerospace illustrator and has worked for many of the top aerospace corporations in the United States. His colleague, Brad Sorenson, with whom he studied, has been inside a facility at Norton Air Force Base, where he witnessed alien reproduction vehicles, or ARVs, that were fully operational and hovering. In his testimony, you will learn that the US not only has operational antigravity propulsion devices, but we have had them for many, many years, and they have been developed through the study, in part, of extraterrestrial vehicles over the past fifty years. In addition, we have the drawing from aerospace inventor Brad Sorenson of the devices that he saw, as well as a schematic of one of these alien reproduction vehicles - in some remarkable detail. THOMAS E. BEARDEN
May 2000 President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army (Retired). Fellow Emeritus, Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study. Director of Association of Distinguished American Scientists. Course work completed for doctorate; thesis being submitted. MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS Mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University with minor in Electronic Engineering. Graduate of Command & General Staff College, U.S. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officer's Course, U.S. Army (equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering). Graduate courses in statistics, electromagnetics. Numerous missile, radar, electronic warfare, and counter-countermeasures courses. Mr. Harland Bentley
Mr. Bentley has been involved in working on classified projects with several Government agencies including NASA and the DOE. He has a BS-EE degree and extensive training in nuclear engineering. Mr. Bentley recounts a story of personally witnessing a UFO crash at a Nike Ajax Missile Facility in Maryland and viewing a group of UFO's on radar take off at a calculated 17, 000 miles an hour after having hovered on the ground. He also speaks of a 1967/68 incident where he overheard a conversation between Houston Control and astronauts in flight talk about avoiding a collision with a UFO spacecraft and our astronauts actually seeing living beings moving about through portals on the UFO. Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt: US Marine Corps
"'You weren't supposed to be there.' 'You are not supposed to see this.' 'You are going to be dangerous if we let you go.' I thought that they were going to kill me, really "They had a Lieutenant Colonel from the Air Force and he did not identify himself. And he told me, 'If we just took you out in the jungle, they would never find you out there.' I didn't want to test him to see if he would really do that so I just said, 'Yeah.' And, he said, 'You have got to sign these papers. You never saw this.' I 'don't exist' and 'this situation never happened.' And if you tell anybody, you will just come up missing Theodore C. Loder III, Ph.D.
Dr. Ted Loder is a respected scientist and oceanography professor at the University of New Hampshire. After learning from his cousin, Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin, that the ET/UFO subject is not only real but is the key to technologies that could preserve our Earth's environment while advancing humanity into a sustainable planetary society, he has become an outspoken advocate for ending the secrecy surrounding this subject. He has worked to introduce students, other scientists, and legislators to the fact that humans are not alone in the universe. Dr. Richard Haines - November 2000
Dr. Haines has been a NASA research scientist since the mid 1960's. He has worked on the Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab programs as well as several others. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Haines has compiled over 3, 000 cases of unusual visual and radar sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena. He notes that numerous foreign cases also appear in the literature and are very similar in nature to the American reports. In one case here in America, a B-52 captain told him that he and his crew had five round spheres appear just off of each wingtip, behind their aircraft, above the aircraft, and below and they kept up with the plane at cruise altitude and speed. The captain tried to shake the spheres with evasive maneuvers but each sphere kept exact position. There are other cases where pilots look into the transparent cupola of some of the UFOs and detail can be seen inside. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown (ret.), US Air Force
After returning from WW II an Air Force hero, Col Brown worked in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. He was assigned to work on Project Grudge where he was responsible for investigating UFO's and came to recognize that on some cases there were no viable conventional explanations. He later came to believe that Bluebook was a deliberate whitewash to the public. Among others he was privy to reports of cases where four independent radars were tracking objects that were traveling 5000 miles an hour. Lt. Col. John Williams
Colonel Williams entered the Air Force in 1964 and became a rescue helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He has an electrical engineering degree and was in charge of all the construction projects for the Military Air Command. During his time in the military he knew that there was a facility inside of Norton Air Force Base in California that no one was to know about. He heard that there was a UFO craft stored there and that people such as certain Senators including Bob Dole had visited the facility. Colonel Williams also relates another story that his father told him: One time attending a dinner party he had a conversation with a high-level RAND official who told him that the government was spending more money on antigravity devices than any other project in the history of this country. James Kopf: US Navy Crypto Communications
A few days later the Commanding Officer and the Executive Officer came on the closed circuit television system that we had on board. It was the only way that they could address the crew of 5, 000. He [the Commanding Officer] looked at the camera -- and I will never forget this -- and he said, I would like to remind the crew that certain events that take place on board a major naval combative vessel are considered classified and should not be discussed with anyone without a need to know. And that was all he said. Dr. Paul Czysz
Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell-Douglas in the field of exotic technologies. While at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, he was involved in tracking UFOs over Missouri, Ohio, and Michigan. These UFOs were seen my many people: military, local police, and civilians, and were clocked at speeds around 20, 000 MPH as they performed unusual, silent maneuvers. Dr. Czysz spent more than half his career at McDonnell-Douglas working on classified and compartmentalized projects, and testifies to the processes involved in maintaining secrecy on these projects. He warns against the human tendency to make every new technology into a weapon, pointing out that our weaponization of space does not address the threat of Earth terrorists, and the idea of using these weapons against extraterrestrial targets would be suicidal. Lieutenant Bob Walker, US Army
Lieutenant Walker was a 2nd lieutenant in the Army. After World War II at a NASA (then NACA) open house he saw a 30-foot saucer-shaped craft which had been brought back from Germany for study. On another occasion he was piloting an aircraft for a TV station when a disc shaped object came in from the west. He had his camera and climbed to 12, 000 feet to take some photos of it. After landing, he immediately had the pictures developed and enlarged. The object turned out to be a football shaped silver object with points at each end. His film was subsequently taken from him under unusual circumstances. In his testimony he also speaks of a time when he happened into a diner late at night near Ft. Campbell in Kentucky and overheard conversations from MPs about how a flying saucer had landed next to a nearby farmhouse and the MPs were there cordoning off the area. Creatures were present and were shot at by the frightened farmhouse owner. Mr. Michael W. Smith, US Air Force November 2000
Michael Smith was an Air Traffic Controller with the Air Force in Oregon and, subsequently, in Michigan. At both of these facilities he and others witnessed UFOs tracked on radar and moving at extraordinary speeds. He also confirms that personnel were expected to maintain secrecy concerning these observations, and that NORAD, the North American Air Defense Command, was fully apprised of these events. In fact, in one event in Michigan, NORAD was fully engaged, and steered B-52s returning to base around these UFOs. Professor Robert Jacobs, Lt. US Air Force November 2000
Professor Jacobs is a respected professor at a major US university. In the 1960s he was in the Air Force. He was the officer in charge of optical instrumentation and his job was to film ballistic missile tests launched from Vandenberg Air Force base in California. In 1964, during a test of the first missile they filmed, they caught on film a UFO traveling right next to the missile. He says it looked like two saucers cupped together with a round ping-pong ball like surface on top. The film showed that from the ball a beam of light was directed at the missile. This happened four times, from four different angles, as the missile was about 60 miles up and traveling at 11, 000 to 14, 000 miles an hour. The missile tumbled out of space and the UFO left. Dr. Carol Rosin December 2000
Dr. Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified before Congress on many occasions about space based weapons. Von Braun revealed to Dr. Rosin a plan to justify weapons in spaced based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat. She was also present at meetings in the 70s when the scenario for the Gulf War of the 90s was planned. Commander Graham Bethune, US Navy (retired) November 2000
Cmdr. Graham Bethune is a retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance. He was a VIP Plane Commander who flew most of the high-ranking officers and civilians from Washington D.C. In his testimony he explains how he was flying a group of VIPs and other pilots into Argentia, Newfoundland when they all witnessed a 300 foot UFO that traveled 10, 000 feet straight up in a fraction of a second toward their plane and was on radar. He has ..ed the event extensively. A selection of those ..s follow this testimony. Testimony of Major George A. Filer III November 2000
Major George Filer was an Air Force Intelligence Officer who not only had an extraordinary encounter with a massive UFO on radar over the United Kingdom but later, in the 1970s while he was at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, found out that an extraterrestrial biological entity had been shot at Fort Dix. The Extraterrestrial fled to adjacent McGuire Air Force Base, where it died on the tarmac. He testifies that this life form was then picked up and taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Afterwards, many of the key personnel on the base who had a connection with this event, were quickly transferred. Major Filer also points out that the ridicule factor has been very effective at silencing people who have seen ETs or UFOs, and has helped to maintain secrecy. Lt. Frederick Fox: US Navy Pilot
There is a publication called JANAP 146 E that had a section that says you will not reveal any information regarding the UFO phenomenon under penalty of $10, 000.00 fine and ten years in jail. So they were quite adamant that whatever experiences you had you were not to go public with it without their permission The subject never came up with Air Traffic Control. In any event I would never have opened my mouth. There was a Captain, Pete Killian, who was written about in some of the UFO books. He was a Captain with American Airlines back in the 50s that evidently had a sighting and testified before the Senate committees. And then there was another captain that actually took a photograph of a UFO off his wings. And of course they were subject to ridicule. I didnt want to go that direction. So, I never reported anything to FAA or the military. A lot of pilots just did not want to get involved in this because of peer pressure and ridicule. So the secret has been kept Mr. David Hamilton US Department of Energy
David Hamilton works for the Department of Energy in the area of new generation power systems. He explains that we have nearly exhausted the worlds supply of fossil fuels, just at the time when Asia and China are undergoing an industrial revolution and are positioning to become bigger consumers of these fuels than the first world countries already are. In order to alleviate the current Earth crises of environmental pollution, global warming, etc. and advance as a sustainable technological society, we must develop technologies that dont fit into the old paradigm. Dr. Paul LaViolette October 2000
Dr. Paul LaViolette has written four books and has published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University, and is currently president of the Starburst Foundation, an interdisciplinary scientific research institute. He is the developer of subquantum kinetics, a novel approach to microphysics that accounts for electric, magnetic, gravitational, and nuclear forces in a unified manner and resolves many long-standing physics problems. Based on the predictions of this theory, he developed an alternative cosmology that effectively replaces the big bang theory. Mr. John Maynard Defence Intelligence Agency Official
Of corporations involved in this matter, Atlantic Research Corporation is one of the big ones. So its not very often heard about. Its an insider beltway bandit, if you want to call it that very low profile, mostly has all of its work done within Intelligence. TRW, Johnson Controls, Honeywell: All of them at some point or another became involved with the Intelligence field. Certain works, activities were contracted out to them. Atlantic Research was one of them -way back. These are entities that were created out of people in the Pentagon to become a beltway bandit -- received projects, grants, and monies to do certain projects that were so highly classified and compartmentalized that you know only about four people would know what was going on. So it was that tightly controlled. Mr. Don Phillips, Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF, and CIA Contractor
Don Phillips was in the Air Force at Las Vegas Air Force Base during an event when UFOs were seen moving at enormous speeds near Mt. Charleston, northwest of Las Vegas. In addition, he worked with Kelly Johnson at the Lockheed Skunkworks on design and construction of the U-2 and the SR-71 Blackbird. He testifies that we not only have these extraterrestrial devices, but have also achieved tremendous technological advances from their study. He states that in the 1950s and 1960s, NATO did research into the origin of ET races, and disseminated reports to the leaders of various countries. Mr. Phillips further states that there are records and filmed ..ation of meetings in California in 1954 between ETs and leaders of the USA. He lists a few of the technologies we were able to develop because of the ETs: computer chips, lasers, night vision, bulletproof vests, and concludes, Are these ET people hostile? Well, if they were hostile, with their weaponry they could have destroyed us a long time ago or could have done some damage. Mr. Phillips now develops technologies that can help eliminate environmental pollutants and reduce the need for fossil fuels: energy generation systems that use natural energies from planet Earth. Captain Lori Rehfeldt October 2000
Lori Rehfeldt was stationed at the 81st Security Police Squadron at RAF Bentwaters in England during the UFO events that occurred in December 1980. She and a colleague were on duty late that night, when they saw in the distance an object they thought was a plane landing on the runway coming in from the direction of the North Sea. They also saw it silently explode, split into three parts, and speed across the runway; then it went straight up and disappeared.
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UFO sighting from Windsor Castle - August 18, 1783 From: Historical Artwork and UFOs by Matthew Hurley
"The Madonna with Saint Giovannino"
Above Mary's left shoulder is a shining, or glowing, disk shaped object. A man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the floating object in the composite below. Painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown, although attributed to the Lippi school.
"The Annunciation"
painted by Carlo Crivelli in 1486 on display in the National Gallery in London. A familiar disk shaped object is shining a beam of light through the house wall and down onto the top of Mary's head. Much activity is going on in this painting, besides people pointing, filled with cryptic symbolism, the meanings lost to modern researchers.
Broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates many flaming and "large black globes" that were repoted to have appeared in the skies over Basel, Switzerland in 1566.
From the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library, Switzerland.
UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany on November 4, 1697
The objects were described as being "two glowing wheels" Note: if the round object on the far right is the moon, the UFOs were either very low or very large. Notice also the many people pointing. This was likely a famous event.
Many UFOs today are military, of human origin.
German nazi UFO from 2nd world war
It has come to light that a police helicopter was involved in a dramatic high-speed chase in the sky over Sussex - in pursuit of a UFO.
The astonishing pursuit began when a suspected UFO was spotted as it flew 1,000ft above Brighton by the crew of a Sussex-based police helicopter. Sergeant John Tickner and paramedic Sean Mitchell sat mesmerised as the mysterious glowing object floated next to them before shooting off at high speed into the distance. They were so stunned they decided to follow it and used a thermal imaging camera to video events as they chased the object for three minutes before giving up and returning to base.
Mr Tickner, 50, who retired last week after 30 years with Sussex Police, said: "We were flying back from Beachy Head and at 1,000ft. We didn't expect anything to join us. Not for a moment did we believe it to be anything sinister. We thought it was funny though, so we chased it around for three minutes and were laughing and joking about little green men."
The video footage they took of the object is now being examined by UFO enthusiasts around the world in the hope that it will provide evidence of life on other planets.
The bizarre incident happened on the evening of August 11, 2000.
A police helicopter went on a dramatic high-speed chase - in pursuit of some little green men. The tale of the unexpected began when a suspected UFO was spotted next to the Sussex Police vehicle as it flew 1,000ft above Brighton. Inside, crew members Sergeant John Tickner and paramedic Sean Mitchell sat mesmerised as the glowing object floated next to them before disappearing into the distance. They were so stunned they decided to follow it and used a thermal imaging camera to video events as they chased the mystery object for three minutes before giving up and returning to base.
Now their video is being pored over by UFO enthusiasts around the world in the belief it could provide evidence of life on other planets. Experts say they are baffled by the Brighton phenomenon. But both Mr Tickner and Mr Mitchell are convinced they did not witness a close encounter of the third kind. Mr Tickner, 50, who retired last week after 30 years with Sussex Police, said: "We were flying back from Beachy Head and at 1,000ft we didn't expect anything to join us. Not for a moment did we believe it to be anything sinister. "We thought it was funny though so we chased it around for three minutes and were laughing and joking about little green men. None of us took it seriously."
The bizarre incident happened on the evening of August 11, 2000. The crew passed the film footage to a TV company making a ..ary about their work. The story was picked up by a magazine and the film has been screened at a UFO conference.
Jaime Maussan and Santiago Garza - 22nd of April 2006 - International UFO Congress
The UFO enigma as it pertains to the astronaut has developed a sizeable mythology. The following incidents all fall into this category and the reader must decide for themselves how authentic they sound!
The Discovery Incident. 1989
Top of the list of these questionable incidents is the drama concerning the Space Shuttle Discovery. An American radio ham Donald Ratsch claimed to have intercepted messages from Discovery that appeared to indicate the presence of a UFO. The exchange alleged to have transpired between the Shuttle and Mission Control spoke of a 'fire', which UFO investigators claim is NASA code for an unidentified object! Shortly after this followed the message 'we still have the alien spacecraft under observation'. Later it was claimed that for a few minutes Discovery was entirely drained of its power and rendered completely inoperative.
Following Donald Ratsch's disclosure of the incident , the so called Discovery Encounter made headlines throughout the world. For their part NASA vigorously denied the claims, and were backed up by the crew of the Discovery who attributed the furore to an elaborate hoax!
The strange moon.
Another of the great astronaut legends concerning encounters with aliens is the issue concerning the sovereignty of the moon. For a long time the direction of NASA was geared to putting a man on the moon followed by full lunar exploration. In the event of course this is exactly what happened. Only not quite. Suddenly the entire programme was terminated. From the glory of putting a man on the moon the long term mission of lunar exploration suddenly evaporated.
Strange decision.
Not even the Russians felt disposed to take up the baton. This is strange, and however you look it at it represents a curious decision. To have come this far and to just give up like that seems hard to understand. Some attributed this climb down to a rumour that aliens had made it clear that super power violation of a moon they regarded as their own would not be tolerated. In other words, it was a "hands off our moon" ultimatum!
In his book "UFO's - Fact or Fiction" author Nigel Blundell has the following to say on the matter: " Aldrin and Armstrong are alleged to have seen some UFO's in a crater and Aldrin filmed them as Armstrong got out. His censored words are supposed to have run: 'These babies are huge sir.....enormous...I'm telling you there are other space craft out there!' Continues Blundell: " The story would be entirely laughable had it not come from former NASA officials Otto Binder and Maurice Chatelain, former boss of the organisations communications system.
Another unattributed report has Armstrong telling an unnamed friend in military intelligence: 'We were warned off. There was never any intention of a space station or a moon city'!
Additional input into the cessation of lunar exploration was published in the Canadian newspaper Midnight. In February 1977 the paper published an article with photos it claimed showed signs of alien excavation. According to the article: "Alien beings have been discovered on the moon say American scientists. We have learned that their machines and workings can be seen in official photographs from NASA.
The article additionally claimed an American astronomer had broken through reams of official secrecy to discover the real truth behind the lunar landings. To quote the article: " it was to avoid a confrontation with the Beings that the US government suspended its moon exploration programme. Astronomer George H Leonard of Rockville says he was told by a space scientist that 'top people' around the world have been briefed about the aliens'!
In the book UFO Magic in Motion, author Arthur Shuttlewood commented on Leonard's claims in the following terms: " He (Leonard) believes NASA turned its attention to Mars and Venus from the moon survey, to see if anything could be discovered about the aliens origins. Forthrightly he said: 'NASA is simply lying to the American people about UFO's'. According to Leonard: "A lot of people at the top are scared. One set of pictures, in one area alone, was enough to bring about secret briefings of top people around the world"!
Russian casualties.
More sensation from the crypt of astronaut folklore concerns the fate of an unnamed pair of Russian cosmonauts! In the very early days of space flight it was alleged that one of the first Russian missions was lost without trace. Prior to contact being severed it is said the crew became increasingly alarmed . An intercepted message claimed the following exchange: "It's closing on us ..... it is truly massive...if we don't get back the world will never know of this". At this point transmission was abruptly severed and the story has it the pair were never heard from again!
An equally sinister shroud of mystery veils the strange events concerning the flight of the Soviet space ship Voskhod 1. In 1964 this was successfully launched on a five day mission which in the event lasted barely 24 hours. The exact circumstances behind this abrupt curtailment may never be known, but it is widely thought that a prime factor was a sudden encounter with a UFO! A German newspaper commented that the Soviet craft 'was repeatedly overtaken by extremely fast flying discs which struck the craft violent shattering blows with their powerful magnetic fields".
A year later the crafts successor Voskhod 2 became embroiled in a similar incident. According to some accounts the crew admitted sighting a peculiar shaped object close to their craft. Moments later all communication with ground control was severed and remained so for several hours.
As a result of these incidents and others like it Soviet cosmonauts were later trained in the correct procedure to adopt in dealing with these alien space craft. In fact not so long ago Marina Popovich, a Colonel in the Russian military, and herself a former test pilot, openly admitted that today's cosmonauts are routinely taught the proper protocol of dealing with aliens.
This acknowledgement of the existence of alien visitation of Earth even extended to the father of the German rocket programme Hermann Oberth. At a news conference he announced: " There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are planetary craft of some sort"!
US experience.
Across the Atlantic in America the US space programme brought its own spate of curious incidents. In 1966 two bright red glowing objects captured the attention of astronauts Young and Collins as they circled the Earth. At the time they had ventured further into space than any other human.. Suddenly both astronauts were amazed to find they were no longer alone. Two bright red glowing objects now occupied the same orbital path. The astronauts immediately informed Mission Control, who in turn requested further information. In their words: "If you can get a bearing maybe we can track them down."! Just at that particular moment astronaut Young radios back: "They just disappeared...."!
The official verdict attributed the sighting to space junk discarded from an unmanned Saturn rocket earlier that month. A cosy explanation, but one that fails to explain the erratic movements of the objects as they left orbit and disappeared so quickly. The astronauts were adamant these were not stars and it is difficult to image what man-made device of that time could emit a glowing red light so far out there in space!
Pulling the plug.
Author Frank Edwards claimed that NASA deliberately pulled the plug on the voice link to the astronauts to avoid creating a sensation. In his book "Flying Saucers - Here and Now" , he makes the following allegation: "Friends of mine who were present at the Space Centre during this incident tell me that the voice of astronaut Young was cut off the intercom for more than a minute as he began describing what he was watching. By the time he came back on the intercom he seemed to have been briefed, for that was when he "guessed" that he had only been seeing some satellite!"
Author Edwards maintains that as cameras became more prevalent aboard space flights, Mission Control initiated a 5 second tape delay before releasing the pictures back to the networks. Ostensibly this was in the interests of "good taste"! Comments Edwards: " NASA seemed to be afraid that these foul talking astronauts might say a bad word.....something like UFO perhaps"?
The Hubble enigma.
An instance of public space transmission being cut in the face of embarrassing circumstances occurred quite recently on a Space Shuttle mission to repair the Hubble space telescope. The incident which was broadcast on a special edition of Strange but True, contains audio exerpts of astronauts puzzled by strange flashing lights seen moving around the Space Shuttle on February 18th of this year. Shown to a background picture of Mission Control, the astronauts can be heard talking routinely to one another before one of them cries out: "What a flash! I saw a light flash.....there it is again"!
So unusual is the incident that one astronaut imagines he is seeing things, but his companion then confirms the sighting. Seconds later one of them observes: "There's two of them.....there's another one. What are they"? Apparently the flashing lights continue. One of the astronauts makes a joke about them: " Who'd be taking pictures"? he wonders. The other responds: "It's just gone past in front of us . Further lights! Gone up!"
At this point the picture shows a supervisor stride across to the Mission Control director and both pictures and sound terminate abruptly. The studio discussion on the incident has one "expert" believe that at the time of the incident the two astronauts are actually inside the Shuttle, unable to see out, and that the lights are LED's on a control panel. This rather naive explanation fails to account for the fact that in the words of the astronauts the lights are most definitely moving. Their genuine surprise suggests this is a situation they have never encountered before, and one of the astronauts actually questions whether he is seeing things. The fact is that whatever they are looking at is quite obviously more than just a pair of malfunctioning diodes on a control panel. Interestingly NASA declined to comment on the incident.
Famous Incidents.
Perhaps the best ..ed astronaut sighting occurred aboard Gemini 7 in 1965. Astronaut Mc Divitt saw "a cylindrical object with an antenna-like extension". According to Mc Divitt's account of the incident the distance of the object, which was silvery in appearance, was impossible to gauge, but at least initially was more than just several miles distant. At that time it was in "free drifting flight" over the Pacific Ocean. Suddenly the craft appeared to change direction till it was on a collision course towards them. Hastily the astronauts began to consider preparations for avoiding action, but the craft ran past them without incident.
A further drama aboard Gemini 4 concerned a bright object going from "south to north", above the space craft. Later investigation deepened the mystery still further when it was confirmed there was no satellite traffic in the area at that time!
Yet an another strange sighting occurred aboard Gemini 7. Astronauts Borman and Lovell reported sighting a "bogey" at ten o'clock high. Exchanges with Mission Control confirmed this was not the rocket booster and subsequently a variety of small particles - never properly explained - were observed at a distance of 3 or 4 miles.
Condon enquiry.
Each of the three above mentioned incidents was thoroughly investigated by the infamous Condon Inquiry. The conclusion was that the incidents were definitely "unexplained", and in the "highest category of credibility"! And as Edgar Mitchell reveals a lot of people know a lot more than they're telling, astonishing revelations that must eventually become known!
"The least improbable explanation is that these things are artificial and controlled. . .my opinion for some time has been that they have an extraterrestrial origin."
-Dr. Maurice Biot, aerodynamicist and mathematical physicist.
"Remember, UFOs are secret not because people are afraid so much of extraterrestrials, but because UFOs themselves are running off of energy and propulsion systems that would replace the need for oil and gas. So, the secrecy has been mostly out of greed, not out of a [need for] security" - Dr Steven M. Greer, M.D.

My Interests

The Official Disclosure Project site (click here)

The brilliant persistent Steven Greer

“The evidence that at least one extraterrestrial civilization has visited Earth is extensive both in scope and detail. In its totality it comprises a body of evidence which at the very least supports the general assessment that extraterrestrial life has been detected, and that a vigorous program of research and serious diplomatic initiatives is warranted. Consider the following overview of facts:

• There are numerous daytime and night time photographs and videotapes of clearly non-human spacecraft from all over the world; these films and videotapes have been evaluated and deemed authentic by competent experts in optical physics and related fields.

• There are more than 3500 military and commercial aircraft pilot reports of encounters worldwide; many cases have corroborating radar ..ation and multiple witnesses both on the ground and in the air.

• There are more than 4000 landing trace cases from around the world.

• There are hundreds of electromagnetic cases where spacecraft have been observed by police, military personnel and civilians to affect car engines, radios and other electric devices.

• There are more than 100 first- and second- hand witnesses to the retrieval of an extraterrestrial spacecraft and at least four extraterrestrial bodies from a crash which occurred in July, 1947, 75 miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico; written and videotaped testimony from several first-hand witnesses who are respected military officers have been obtained.

• There are hundreds of credible reports, many with multiple witnesses, of humanoids in association with landed spacecraft.

• There are several multiple-witnessed events where humans have been taken on board spacecraft.

• CSETI (The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has in the past 18 months succeeded in intentionally establishing contact with extraterrestrial spacecraft, on two occasions at very close range, and with multiple witnesses present.

• Various polls have indicated that approximately 10% of Americans (25 million people) have seen them at close range so that details of the structure of the object can be discerned.

• Numerous US. Government ..s exist which indicate that these objects are real and have been involved with observing Earth for several decades.

It is an understatement to say that the time has arrived for a serious and open international dialogue regarding the possibility of future interplanetary relations. In no other area of human experience has so much evidence existed for so long, and yet been attended by such a paucity of serious research and analysis - at least in the civilian domain. While the subject matter [of UFOs] itself is extraordinary, it is the absence of a serious human response to it that is most extraordinary.”

“Most of the problems that we face in our world today, whether they be spiritual and religious or scientific, political and economic, are all because people are holding onto some perspective that has nothing to do with the truth but has to do with their own belief system and addiction to something that is outdated, and they can’t let go of it.”

click HERE to go to their page
True independant news, this is one of few radio stations you want to listen for the REAL news, small non profit making news agency unlike CNN, Fox News, etc

radio interview with the well known theologian David Ray Griffin and Chip Berlet 26-1_64kb.mp3 highly recommend this site, thank you Laura) m (one of the oldest UFO internet sites, recommended)

Aaron Russo interview, please watch both

Alex Jones interviews Aaron Russo

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in the subject... open mind type people... skeptics also, we keep an open mind... people who questions things... anyone interested in getting secrets out of the open.... anyone who is famous and fearless of ridicule who could get the media interested on the subject... we need exposure one way or another... question everything, question yourselves and the government, especially what the government say...

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre." ~ Frank Zappa 1984

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" ~ George Orwell

One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying: "There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. "The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

The media never talked about this story as far as i know/remember. Is this a lie or the truth? Either way, this should have made it onto the news in 1989, but of course nothing.... (for example, i live in London, a huge city full of so-called well informed people. Hardly anyone knows that there has been a 9-11 truth movement for over 4 years in the States... suppression, distraction and ridicule are the tools used for this)

please sign the official Disclosure Project petition to the United Nations.
Please click here to sign the petition and please insist to others to do so, thank you, unconditional eternal peace and love to all

my personal messaged youtube videos


frank zappa and the mothers of invention, prefuse 73, dub, brian eno, adrian belew, aphex twin, thelonius monk, fats waller, john lennon and the beatles, brian wilson and beach boys, the clash, steve reich, igor stravinsky, bela bartok and much more



if the video does not work, right click it, go to properties, copy and paste the URL address and paste it into another web browser
~ Early documentary. Dr. Steven Greer in a 80s UFO documentary
~ Dr. Steven Greer talk in 2004, speaking out against the secrecy
The Toronto UFO Disclosure Press Conference May 9th, 2006
~ Mark McCandlish relates how in 1988 his colleague Brad Sorensen was allowed in a secret hangar at Norton Air Force Base to view multiple man made UFOs
~ sky news - Roy Lake & crowded skies interview
~ Mexico - videotaped by pilots with the Mexican military as they flew drug patrols over the state of Campeche
~ Jaime Maussan lecture with many different videos (thanks Joe)
~ area 51 footage
~ or try this one if it doesn't work
~ object seen over Belgium
~ Mark McCandlish relates how in 1988 his colleague Brad Sorensen was allowed in a secret hangar at Norton Air Force Base to view multiple man-made UFO's
~ This amazing video footage is alleged to have been leaked from the Area 51 secret military base in Nevada, by a high ranking Military source who worked within the complex. The UFO was allegedly captured on Military cameras and shows the mysterious object to change shape and move around erratically. At one point, the object is seen to cover 13 miles in just 6 seconds, making extensive changes in velocity and performing manoeuvres that no aircraft, that we know of on this planet, are capable of doing even with today's technology
~ belgium video
~ or try this one if it doesn't work
~ Colorado sighting of very large UFO with a fast scout type UFO
~ if it doesn't work, try this one
~ It is thought that this footage was captured in New Mexico in 1997. The unidentified craft comes in contact with the New Mexico desert, bounces in the air after impact, creating a huge cloud of dust. Immediately, following impact, the craft looses control - bouncing once again in the air before crashing for the last time into the desert, showering the surrounding area with debris. Could this footage be a failed test flight of an American test flight from Area 51?
~ Peculiar sphere shaped object moving across the sky
~ unknown, UFO in mexico Naranja
~ Colorado 1963
~ long video in which object at first looks like a string of helium balloons attached together in a long rectangular shape, but later it splits whilst a third object arrives
~ NASA footage from the space shuttle Columbia during mission STS-80 above the Earth during a thunderstorm.Day 13 of the Mission on December the 1st 1996. There are well over a dozen or more "unknown" objects in this video, objects that don't appear to be city lights, stars, or satellites. There's also over a dozen objects that streak by the camera.There is one very predominant object in the video that is the "main object" of the video as others appear to come and go. Objects can be seen cruising below the clouds, rising up from the clouds, spheres of light changing shape and color, streaks or "rods" of light cruising very close by the camera, UFOs traveling thousands of MPH in orbit, objects entering the Earth's atmosphere from deep space. It is all most bizarre and NASA have kept pretty quiet about the whole thing. This is the whole video of the event!

~ if it doesn't work, please click here
~ Strange cloud like object in the sky. Movement is bizzare; definately not a cloud. If you can't see it at first, wait until the camera zooms in. Footage was taken by NASA.
~ concorde video, this is NOT a UFO but the reflection of the sun inside the lens of the camera, not intended to be a hoax, but trust me, it's the reflection of sunlight in the lens. Analysed by photographic experts

~ or try this one if it doesn't work
~ News report UFO. Utah countryside is part of Tommy Woodard's job with the Utah Film Commission.
~ Robert Lazar's Video Of Recovered UFO Testflight Area51.mpeg
~ Foo Fighter Fly by Of Apollo Command Module Lunar Orbit.mpeg
~ flashing orb/light in space
~ space shuttle footage
~ skywatcher film, classic footage
~ UFOs over Mexico (same footage as Jaime Maussan)
~ unknown footage taken from inside a plane
~ a hoax most probably
~ security camera footage, Edinburgh, Scotland
~ Interesting long video. Ramon Watkins, also known as "Prophet Yahweh" agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time. What they witnessed, and captured on camera, stunned the reporter and crew.
~ Airy Discs Focus NASA 1999 ufo sightings from Space Shuttle
~ NASA secret transmissions smoking gun ufo revealed martins stubbs
31 min 49 sec - May 4, 2003
Stunning images of the space with cameras that belong NASA
~ More NASA footage, when the tether breaks away from a satellite, many UFOs appear which NASA say is "debris" despite some of this so-called cosmic debris clearly passing behind the tether which is very far away
~ Russian military UFO sightings 2 min 52 sec - Mar 11, 2006
~ UFO Video about Flying Saucers from Billy Meyer 1 hr 40 min 53 sec - March 22, 2006
~ 62 Children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe were approached by alien UFO visitors 6 min 29 sec - Mar 11, 2006
~ Hovering UFO in Mexico, 1999
~ 3 UFOs in Mexico, maybe 2006
~ UFOs/Orbs appearing before the STS-80 satellite 4 min 22 sec
~ UFOs in space + Gordon Cooper


the information below is to do with another cover-up which must be dealt with ASAP, the enemy here are either the neo-con right wing freemasons (and/or skull&bones) or the american navy (black ops); both is probable. F***, what do i know?
go to Google video and do a search on Kay Griggs, Phil Schneider, Mark Phillips, Mike Ruppert, Paul Craig Robert, etc for more info on covert operations/FBI/CIA etc

9-11 Symposium
--very important--
The information highlight of the symposium was undoubtedly the Sunday morning panel discussion. The panel was a who’s who of the most credentialed 9/11 skeptics ever impaneled. It was moderated by Alex Jones who set the stage and pushed the envelope from his first statement; this seemed to energize the crowd as well as the panel members. The fact that C-Span had agreed to film this event had the panel chomping at the bit to hit bullet point after bullet point.
"Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on. And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake. And something was wrong with the plane, or -- anyway, I'm sitting there, listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came and said, 'America is under attack.'"These observations make it appear that George Bush had access to coverage of the attacks that the public did not. As some have pointed out, George Bush could not have seen the first plane hit the tower live on commercial television, since it was a surprise attack and no television station was covering that area when the first plane hit. A White House spokesperson said that the president's comment was "just a mistaken recollection"
that's bollox if you ask me, lying freemasonic scum (not all freemasons are scum, but the high ranked ones like Albert Pike are true evil scum, apologies for getting personal on this page, but it must be said)


The web is full of sites covering various conspiracy theories. Many seem well-researched, and appear to have plenty of detailed documentation to prove their claims. But are they really true?
I can never be 100% sure, but one good way to start is by checking a few claims for yourself. Many of the “facts” I read can be distorted, or simply wrong. Quotes are taken out of context. Relevant information can be ignored. And much of those can be discovered with a minimum of .. research.
Whatever you believe about UFOs, 9/11, NWO, the spreading of false claims helps no-one, and I’d like to play a small part in revealing the real truth and not fantasy. If they are just conspiracies and nothing else, then we should debunk them.
The overall message here is, check things for yourself. Don’t trust a site just because it’s telling you what you want to believe. Don’t believe me without evaluating my arguments and checking the references I provide. (I'm as likely to make mistakes as anyone else). Look into the claims yourself, discover both sides of the argument, and make your own mind up. The truth deserves nothing less. The real truth shall set us free. Do we really have a free press Mr.Murdoch?
From Laura's journal
A letter to our fearless leaders, our patriotic band of brothers who with great flourish and grandeur have stolen our freedom, while sheepishly smiling have taken our rights as you've meticulously planned how to determine our destiny by slowly distorting our realities for your own've given us false successes and unbearable heartaches....manipulating our perceptions, dividing us as brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, friends and lovers by slowly poisoning our minds and our hearts, replacing love with fear, hypnotizing us with your words and distracting us with designed theatrics, lulling us to sleep with your musical lies that play softly in our ears....but as you bask in the glow of your unearned glory....not everyone sleeps....and those still awake will awaken the others from this toxic dream-like state that we've found ourselves in....the few will become many and there will be an incomprehensible awakening because we are brothers and sisters undivided by country or color, undivided by gender or race...unstoppable by distance..connected by spirit, united by love, strengthened by knowledge.....and we no longer fear you.


John F. Kennedy, Doctor Steven Greer, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Aaron Russo, Helen Thomas, Sherry Jackson, Keith Olbermann, Frank Zappa, Veronica Guerin, Isador Feinstein Stone, Jap PM Yukihisa Fujita, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dan Wallace, Stephen Colbert, Cynthia McKinney, Robert Greenwald, Dave von Kleist, William Rodriguez, Alex Jones, Bill Hicks, Robert Bowman, Steven Jones, Webster Griffin Tarpley, Aung Yan Shui, Dave Von Kleist, Phil Schneider, Bill Cooper, Ghandi, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Timothy Good, Nick Pope, Edgar Mitchell, my parents, Tim Ryan, David Shayler, Annie Machon, Sibel Edmonds, Dr Joseph Lowery, all innocent victims of war, Lady Diana, Daniel Ellsberg, Kourosh Asad, Vernon Coleman, Jaime Maussan, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Jim Garrison, Jeff King, David Ray Griffin, Stanton Friedman, John Lennon, Jeff Wells, Charlie Chaplin for making "the great dictator", Giulietto Chiesa, Joe Banister, Ron Paul, Sherry Jackson, Richard Gage, Dan Aykroyd, Robin Cook, Kay Griggs, Graeme MacQueen, Anna Politkovskaya and many more
Be careful of charlatans and dis-information agents who are there to sabotage the truth movement
William Rodriguez
click here to go to his homepage
support this hero who the government want to silence
with Charlie Sheen
"take it upon yourself to make a change" - William Rodriguez, December 1st 2006

My Blog


Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:26:00 PST

anti war anti trident anti iraq/iran aggression 24th February 2007

Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 05:54:00 PST

Photos i took of the London 24th feb 2007 Anti War Anti Trident Protest

Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:09:00 PST

BBC are biased scum - Producer Struggles to Defend Flaws & Bias of BBC Hit Piece

Click below to see videos and full article roducerstruggles.htm   PLEASE REPOST THIS IN YOUR BLOG.... THE BBC ARE SCUM F****S. let ever...
Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:35:00 PST

Various Videos (Russo - Tarpley - UFO - Dan Wallace - 911, etc)

Various Videos (and stuff i posted recently)   Full in depth interview of Aaron Russo conducted by Alex Jones amp;hl=en     N...
Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST

William Rodriguez- Silenced by the media for speaking the truth   Magical Realism9/11 Survivor Detects Sleight of HandRuss Wellen When William Rodriguez was a young man, the Amazing Randi hired him as an assistant-...
Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 07:58:00 PST

Aaron Russo made a film to educate America, please watch 5242198&hl=en-GB" flashvars=""> if it doesn't work, simply go this to page ...
Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 11:00:00 PST


EXOPOLITICS OR XENOPOLITICS? tm EXOPOLITICS OR XENOPOLITICS? by Steven M. Greer M.D.Director, The Disclosure Project http://www.Discl...
Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 03:37:00 PST

Michael Tsarion's point of view.... video

i like this guy very much.....i don't agree with everything he has said in the past.... maybe this guy is for you &q=Michael+Tsarion &nb...
Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 05:15:00 PST

photos of emergency demonstration 22nd July in London

  support from all religions     they made sure we didn't get nearer to the American embassy       this is not my photo, i ran out of batteries when...
Posted by The Disclosure Project & Other Subjects on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 01:18:00 PST