
About Me

=========================================================== There Comes a Time !There comes a Time when the ocean draws back,and the sky's open up.There comes a Time when the scent that we smell,is only the smell of the lie's that surround us!In that breif moment, we are aloud to see!There Comes a Time to Stand for what is desent and morally right!No matter how worthless it seems."THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES!"Was'nt it Martin Luther King that Sang from the pulpit of our Capital!"I HAVE A DREAM!"Who was it that said? "Don't ask what this great country can do for you!But what you can do for the country!"So I say This! "What can I do for our future""How can I assure Our Constitution will stand the test of time""I HAVE A DREEM". My Dreem is to garantee to the future of Mankind that America will stand this test!These are evil times! But not in the way George Bush tells us!He tells us he's "A WAR PRESIDENT" and in the same breath,"God is on my side!"He takes our children and bids them to kill in the name of his Dream!Is this the Dream you have!A New World Order!Is this the vision we all had in mind!THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES.Terrorist may still bomb us!If They do, Yes we may die!But this act of cowardness will not destroy the America We Love!It will only streangthen us, not devide us!If a man dies in the name of Liberty, his life is not waisted!But if a man die's in the name of Coruption and Imperialism.His life is surely waisted!There Comes A Time,if a man kills in the name of Liberty !We will comfort him in his return.If a man kills in the name of George Bush!We will still comfort him on his return!THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES!But in the end will God comfort our children for the Evil Mr. Bush bids them to do!Will they be punished for the blood that has been spilt!I understand that WE HAVE BEEN HURT!It is my belief that the guilty will suffer!But even children are told two wrongs don't make a right!To Kill is wrong in the Eyes of God!He will judge us in the end!THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES!So how does more killing make scense!Where are our morals?America says its a God fearing country!But all I see, is a sea of fearfull people, afraid of Terrorist!Is it God or Ossama Bin Laden you fear?If it is God you fear, stand up and say its wrong!If it Osama, turn the other cheek.Killing is not the answer!THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES!Remember! It wont be George Bush judging us in the end!You say to me, but I dont want to live in fear of terror"Saying in return"There are no easy answer to this!"But I can tell you this much.Killing their children and their dreams wont end it either!Maybe respect and dignity might bring them around!But then again there are no promises.We are a fool to listen to men who's only care is how right they are!A true man relizes his mistakes and tries his best not to repete them!A true man is not a man at all, but a HUMAN BEING!Compasion and wisdom, in the likes of Allah, Buddah and Christ.Or what ever faith you follow, or don't follow.We are all brothers and Sisters in the end.We are all Human Beings!It is natural to feel Prejudice, to tell ourselfs,I'm differant than them and to feel fear!But even Cats and Dogs can live together in Peace and Harmony!If its instilled at a young age.I've seen it with these eyes!Ignorance is the true enemy!It is Ignorant not to do unto others, as we would want for ourselfs!Or do we want Death for all we love and hold dear.Common sence can be the savior!War will just bring about the end!Steven A.Thornton 8-7-2005==================================================== =======
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============================================================ ============================================================ ========================================================= Come visit This Other Profile I've put together. Its a new age look at the problems that we see here dailey! I have put alot of time finding the right materials to open a door you might never imagined! If you take the time and watch these videos I'm more than sure it will changer your life! We are meant to be so much more than we know! These bastard Elitist are hidding the biggest Lie in the History of the World. Just know this It isnt 911! 911 was just a chest board move in the big picture. If you enjoyed the Da VINCI CODE Then put on your Learning Boots and Lets take a walk! Shall We?
Click to to visit It's 4:21, Hows your HEAD?
============================================================ ============================================================ =========================================================Pen tagon - Aired Only Once!

Click to to visit The United World Conciousness
=========================================================== ===========================================================I F THEY HAD A HEART!If they had a Heart and not just a brain I think the World could get along Without feeling so much Pain! Then they could feel the shame and aguish that they cause, and not just thinking of the bottom line and investment loss! C.E.O.’s and R.M.O.’s the industry’s Stockholders pray the profits grow. But they don’t care if they don’t see. As long as they don’t report it on T.V Their frightened minds are closed to logic I bet there dreams are frightening too. The profits come the profits its go. Insider trading and who’s to know! Dirty Deeds are done dirt-cheap! Your soul was free, so the price aint steep!We hope you don’t realize what’s going on! The Days of the Constitution will soon be done. The time has come for the Land Of The Free To trade their Freedoms for false Security! You will believe there right! You will watch the news from your T.V. You wont question their Authority! You will get in line. Vote like they want. Just to feed their Corporate God. A World Market is what we see. So if you’re not rich! Your someone we don’t need! Minds that think are like a disease So we better not catch you smoking weed!Religions Radiate, reason is gone! Preacher says Gods will is strong! They flock like sheep to see the Light. As they support a Leader that isn’t right! From the pulpit there opinions flow. Give Us Strength to win and fight! God is on our side! If Jesus were here he’d say, Yeah RIGHT! Do unto others is what he said! As you would want for yourself! So why isn’t this notion ever felt! It makes me tend to believe! Man Hates Himself!Steven A Thornton 2006 ============================================================ ========================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LOOSE CHANGE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ ===========================================================P art 1 Dr. Adam Weishaupt what have you found! Or should I say steel. Knights of the Templer discovered it. While un -earthing hollowed ground. A treasure to gaze apon. The proof had been found Look at my trinket, look at it glow. Bow to my chalice. While your cup is half full. So you call to the alter. Reborn in the water. Swearing your secrets to grimPart 2 Long ago it came to pass, they formed a society. Bringing together all of man! They formed the marketplace. It was part of the plan. Delivered to them the worlds value. By the sweat of other men. Republicans and Democrats, there all the same. In league with the Great Owl. Of Bohemia. The winged wise one. The keeper of their flame! Dull Care you can never killl. No matter how hard you try! Go ahead invite your flock. To gaize apon the Harvest of your pain! Silly fools with pueny minds. Secret deeds to keep you in line. Kill, cheat,steal and lie. Dance to the darkness, with your tribe!Part 3 Step in Deep it's the time of your life. The crumblings of Capitalism lie shattered on the ground. The numbness that I feel is lifting. The truth is revealed, as the dust settles in.Part 4 These intentions that you bestowe on us. Have ever deepening seams. This denial for the rights of man, is the sickness of your theme. Cast away your hooded reverencs.. Show us your hate! Cast away those wicked smiles that you fake! Nazi's diquised as Neo-Cons. Show us the hate! The bretheren you sheppered. The hidden plan of all our fate.Steven A.Thornton 2006++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ SECRET WMD IN ISRAEL ===========================================================O .K.C. You have made me see. Just how vulnerable we can be. Can't you see. That the world is crying. The news just lets us see. What it is and what they want. What they need us to believe.Who are the real patriots. I tell you I can't see. I'm just sitting here fastening up, the pieces of Democracy.O.K.C. You made me see. that my Children, my Family, my Friends, Myself. We are no longer free.Sometimes I feel like packing it up. Go searching for another shore. But in the morning when I open my eyes. I'm surrounded by a Civil War.Steve A. ThorntonCopyright ©2003 Steve A Thornton ============================================================ ============================================================ ============================================================ ======================================================== The Pep-Rally WARBoys and Girls, Friends and Lovers. Moms and Dads, Sisters and Brothers. They’ve called on us to fight on their shores. So its time to go and fight the Pep-Rally War. It’s time to go so get in line. Your Country’s calling you so go and fight! I was born and raised to cheer with the crowd. To feel the Honor and always be Proud! There’s no pride in killing others. Waving flags in the name of Big Brother. I hope the People grow to see the light! This Pep-Rally war will darken are eyes. I go to fight and I don’t ask why? There no way my President would lie! I’ll fight this War just like others. Blindly following the paths of my Brothers. You go and fight, you don’t ask why? In the name of America you let them tell you lies! I’ll fight this War just like some others. Waving signs for the love of my brothers! Our Leaders great he cares about the World! His morals are high and he doesn’t care about the oil! To Free Iraq to give them their rights. To spread through-out the world his fathers thousand points of light! Our leader is great, when it comes to his Pride! A Neo-Con in a Republicans disguise. A Kinder and Gentler Nation his Father said. In the Wake of the flood we will all wind up dead. How can you say this, who do you think you are? If you don’t like it here there are Boarders not to far. Stand and Fight no matter what the cause. If you don’t do it now you support Terror near and far. I’m a real American, and I care about this World. It’s my Right to free my mind and Protest War! If you just close your eyes and believe in what they say! You’re the one with the problem in America today!Steven Thornton 2006======================================================== === =========================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DARK SECRETS OF BOHEMIAN GROVE OUR GOVERMERNT POLITCIANS DOING CULT RITUALS!!!!!!!! THIS IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============================================================ ========================================================== MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosDOES THIS REMIND YOU OF SOMTHING YOU JUST SAW!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos ============================================================ ========================================================== WASHINGTON D.C THE PENTAGRAM OF LUCIFER!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosTHE GREAT OWL OF WASHINGTON (MOLOCH) SITTING ATOP THE PYRAMID!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosGREAT OWL OF BOHIEMIAN GROVE!!!!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ THE GREAT OWL HIDING ON THE DOLLAR BILL!!!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++TH EY ARE HIDDING THEIR TRUE OCCULT BELIEF'S WITHIN OUR MONEY! AND MONUMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosTHE TREE OF LIFE!!!!!!!LUCIFARIAN BELIEF!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosTHE MAYAN CALENDAR AND ITS 13 HEAVENS
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosFOR A CLOSER LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosBARBARRA PEIRCE BUSH'S MOMMY!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosHERE'S HER DADDY MR PEIRCE
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosNOW HERES BARBARRA PEIRCE BUSH!!!!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosNOW HERE BARBARRA BUSH AND ALISTER CROWLEY!!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosSEE THE PYRAMID AND EYE ON HIS HEAD!!!!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos ALESTER CROWLEY WAS A LUCIFERIAN LIKE ALL MASONS TRULY ARE!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosLOOK MORE LUCIFERIAN SIGNS FROM THE BUSH CULT!!!!!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosREMEMBER VICE PRESIDENT DAN QUALE?
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosI GUESS CLINTON WAS THERE BOY!!!!!!!
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I'd like to meet:

Want To Know The Truth?

13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati 3 Hours

911 Inside the WTC (Made for TV) 2 Hours

911 Road To Tyrrany 2 Hours 22 Minutes

911 The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati 2 Hours

911 The Greatest Lie Evers Sold 2 Hours 5 Minutes

A Taxation Is Not Necessary 43 Minutes

A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 57 Minutes

Aerosol Crimes (CHEMTRAILS) 1 Hour 45 Minutes

Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11

Aftershock Iraq

AIDS & Ebola Were Manufactured Dr LG Horowitz

AIDS - Fact Or Fraud? (1996) 2 Hours

AIDS Hoax-Ten reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 2 Hours

America Destroyed By Design

America's Economic Decline

America's Secret Destiny 2 Hours

American Drug Lords CIA / MOB Drug Running

Ancient Pompeii was a mediaeval Christian town ruled by Illuminati?

Angels and Demons Revealed 1 Hour

Angels Dont Play This HAARP

Anthrax Attacks 45 Minutes

Anthrax Investigation

Antichrist and a Cup of Tea 1 Hour 5 Minutes

Are Americans So Angry? 50 Minutes

Are You A Manchurian Candidate 27 Minutes

Art, Truth and Politics - Harold Pinter

Assassination of Russia

Astronauts Gone Wild

Avian Influenza: Preparing for the Pandemic 1 Hour 20 Minutes

Banking & The Federal Reserve

Banking with Hitler 45 Minutes

Bay of Pigs: Declassified

BBC Conspiracies - New world Order

Behind The Green Curtain 40 Minutes

Behold a Pale Horse 4 Hours 39 Minutes

Beneath Iraq and a Hard Place - Rory Bremner 50 Minutes 2006

Best Enemies Money Can Buy 55 Minutes

Between Iraq and a Hard Place

BEYOND Iraq and a Hard Place

Beyond Treason

Bilderberg: Masters of the Universe

Biological Testing In US Cities

BioTerror (biological weapons and germ warfare) 45 Minutes

Blackout in East Timor

Brainwashing: 101 46 Minutes

Breaking the Bank

Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS 1 Hour 41 Minutes

Breaking The Silence - John Pilger

Britain's Heroin Fix

Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception 1 Hour 25 Minutes

Bush and Bin Ladens

Bush Dynasty

Bush Family Crimes

Bush Family Fortunes

Bush giving the middle Finger

Bush Nazi Family History

Bush Scandals - Kevin Phillips

Bush Stole the Election - Banned BBC Documentary

Capitalism & Other Kids' Stuff 50 Minutes

Cell Phones - What They Didn't Tell You 30 Minutes

Chem Trails : What is wrong with our skies?


CIA & Satanism

CIA & Lockerbie

CIA Analyst - Pelletiere

CIA and the Nazis

CIA drug trafficking - CONTRA COCAINE 10 Minutes 1997

CIA Remote Viewing 50 Minutes

CIA Spy Secrets: playing dirty

Civilian Disarmament - Prelude for Tyranny

Closer: The Fall of Baghdad

Cointel Pro - War on Black America 50 Minutes

Cold War, Dirty Science

Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth 1 Hour

Confronting the Evidence A Call To Reopen the 9-11 Investiagtion

Conspiracies on Trial

Conspiracy Confessions

Conspiracy of silence

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories (Tex Mars & Alex Jones) 55 Minutes

Conspiracy Theory Rock Clip - censored by NBC only aired once

Constitution Class taught by Michael Badnarik (2003) Around 7

Contaminated: The New Science of Food

Countdown to killing

Crack the CIA

Da Vinci Code Decoded 1 Hour 35 Minutes

Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)

Dark Side of the Moon 52 Minutes

Dead in the Water - The BBC investigates the Israeli attack on the
USS Liberty during the 1967 war

Declassified: Ayatollah Khomeini 45 Minutes

Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness Video that is NOT shown to
45 Minutes

Despotism 10 Minutes - 1946

Diana: The Night She Died (UK Channel 5)

Dick Cheny - The Unauthorized Biography 40 Minutes 2004

Did we really land Men on the Moon? 55 Minutes

Divided America

DNC2000 protest footage

Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy" 1

East Timor 10 Minutes

Echelon The Most Secret Spy System

Economic vs. Human Rights

Eisenhower Farewell Address

Election 2004: Republican Terror Manipulations, How They Work and
30 Minutes

Elite Population Control 1 Hour 22 Minutes

Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room

Equinox - It Runs on Water (Free Energy - 1995) 1 Hour

Evolving Lies

Executive Power and the War on Terror 1 Hour

Exploring Life Extension 1 Hour 45 Minutes

Fahrenheit 911

Faith in Exile: The Lesson of Tibet

Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre

Final Warning - A History of the New World Order 2 Hours 42

Fluoride Deception

Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point 2 Hours

Freemasonary, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Michael Tsarion,
Hesham Tillawi
55 Minutes

From Prison to Paradise 6 Hours 17 Minutes

Gary Webb - In his own words

George Hunt:UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 (Population reduction,
Bank Scams etc..)
36 Minutes


Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence
1 Hour

Globalism the Program - General Ben Partin 2 Hours 25 Minutes

Government : Stealing Your Freedom 48 Minutes

Gulag USA - Texe Marrs

HAARP (BBLC 2005) 51 Minutes

Has someone been sitting on the FBI?

Hijacking Catastrophe 2004

History of Freemasonry 53 Minutes

History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet
2 Hours

Holes In Heaven? HAARP

Hollywood and the Pentagon

Hot Spots: Iran

How the Twin Towers Collapsed 45 Minutes

Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime. alt. cancer cure 1 Hour
23 Minutes

IBM and the Holocaust

Illuminati - NWO - Greedy Elite 1 Hour

Illuminati Mystery Babylon 2 Hours

Illuminati 9/11 1 Hour 25 Minutes

Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror 1
Hour 5 Minutes

Inflation 30 Minutes

Inner World of the Occult 3 Hours

Interview With John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman

Invisibly Visible 30 Minutes


Iraq, Tony & the truth

Iraq: The Reckoning - Dispatches

Isreali Terrorism

JFK : The Bush Connection

Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government
7 Hours 20 Minutes

Kidnap and Torture American Style - Dispatches

Loose Change

Loose Change 2 1 Hour 21 Minutes

Lost Civilizations - Byzantium 1 Hour 44 Minutes

Mad As Hell 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Mahatma Gandhi : Film : MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 2
Hours 15 Minutes

Majestic 12 documentary by William Cooper aka MJ-12 The Secret

Making of a Dictator

Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State (2005)

Masonry - Behind Closed Doors 2 Hours 10 Minutes

Masonry: Beyond the Light 2 Hours 25 Minutes

Masters of Terror (2003)

Masters of the Universe

Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon 2 Hours 15 Minutes

Michel Chossudovsky - Disarming War Agenda (Carlyle Group)

Military Video 25 Minutes

Milton Friedman on Limited Government 28 Minutes


Mission Accomplished

Mission Mind Control - 1979 ABC News

Money Banking and The Federal Reserve 42 Minutes

Monopoly Men

Mormons and the illuminati 41 Minutes

Munich: Mossad's Revenge

N. Wootan - History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy -
KeelyNet Conference)
2 Hours

Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free
Energy Program
1 Hour 30 Minutes

Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 45 Minutes

Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 42 Minutes

Oil as a Weapon

Operation Hollywood

Order Of Death

Order of the Knights of Malta 53 Minutes

Orwell Rolls In His Grave 1 Hour 40 Minutes

Other side of AIDS

Our Friend Saddam 40 Minutes


Owning the Peacock

Owning the Weather

P. Lindemann - The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (KeelyNet
3 Hours

Painful Deceptions

Palestine Is Still The Issue

Pallywood "According to Palestinian Sources..."

Peak Oil - Dr Colin Campbell

Peak Oil - Mike Ruppert 1 Hour

Pearl Harbor

Pedophile Politicians 1 Hour

People and the Land

Perspective on 9-11

Peter Lindemann - The World of Free Energy (KeelyNet Conference)
2 Hours

Pharmakeia: George W. Bush, The Apocalypse and the War on Weed
40 Minutes

Phil Schneider - August 1995 Lecture 2 Hours

Phil Schneider - May 1995 Lecture 1 Hour 44 Minutes

Phil Schneider - November 1995 Lecture

Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure 53 Minutes

Police State 2000

Police State II: The Takeover (2000)

Police State III: Total Enslavement

Population Control - None Dare Call it Genocide by Dr Stanley

Preparing for the Inevitable: Bioterrorism and Emerging
Infectious Diseases
3 Hours 40 Minutes

President George W. Bush: Wiretap Eavesdropping Full Speech
43 Minutes

Preventive Warriors 1 Hour

Private Toll Roads Are Bad -Alex Jones - 1 Hour

Problem, Reaction, Solution

Promises and Betrayals

Psychological Operations 30 Minutes

Purpose Of The Drug War

Reality Check - Alan Watt 1 Hour 40 Minutes


Religions based on Astrology? 53 Minutes

Republican Paul Findley Dares to Speak Out -- Again ! 1 Hour
9 Minutes

Resisting Government Secrecy in a Time of Terrorism with Seymour
55 Minutes

Revelations of a Mother Goddess - David Icke 3 Hours

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Surveillance 1 Hour
34 Minutes

Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor

Say No to War in Iraq - Mr. Galloway

Secret History of the Credit Card 55 Minutes

Secret Rulers of the World 50 Minutes

Secret US plans for Iraq's oil

Secret Wars of the CIA

Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes

a href="http://ww


1st responder radio chatter "the van just exploded"


thanks: Pamela's Protest Veritas (Latin For Truth)
13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati 2 Hours 23 min
200 miles per Gallon Supercarburator 47 Minutes
911 Inside the WTC (Made for TV) 2 Hours
911 = Demolition Experts are Speaking Up Against the Coverup 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 A Closer Look 25 Minutes
911 and the American Empire - How should religious people respond? 1 Hour 25 Minutes
911 Attack or godsend? 25 Minutes 2005
911 Eyewitness 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 In Plane Site 55 Minutes
911 Perspectives 2 Hours
911 Revisited
911 Road To Tyrrany 2 Hours 22 Minutes
911 The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati Part I 58 min
911 The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati Part II 55 min
911 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold 2 Hours 5 Minutes
911 Timeline - Paul Thompson (Pakistan Involvement) 1 Hour
911 Truth & Politics 1 Hour
A Taxation Is Not Necessary 43 Minutes
A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 57 Minutes
Aerosol Crimes (CHEMTRAILS) 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death 50 Minutes
African Coup 30 Minutes
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11
Aftershock Iraq
AIDS & Ebola Were Manufactured Dr LG Horowitz
AIDS - Fact Or Fraud? (1996) 2 Hours
AIDS Hoax-Ten reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 2 Hours
Air Force One Tagged by Mark Ecko
America Destroyed By Design
America in Peril (UN / New World Order) 2 Hours
America's Economic Decline
America's Secret Destiny 2 Hours
American Dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of 2004 (2004)
American Drug Lords CIA / MOB Drug Running
Ancient Pompeii was a mediaeval Christian town ruled by Illuminati?
Angels and Demons Revealed 1 Hour
Angels Dont Play This HAARP
Anthrax Attacks 45 Minutes
Anthrax Investigation
Antichrist and a Cup of Tea 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Are Americans So Angry? 50 Minutes
Are You A Manchurian Candidate 27 Minutes
Art, Truth and Politics - Harold Pinter
Assassination of Russia
Astronauts Gone Wild
Avian Influenza: Preparing for the Pandemic 1 Hour 20 Minutes
Banking & The Federal Reserve
Banking with Hitler 45 Minutes
Bay of Pigs: Declassified
BBC Conspiracies - New world Order
Behind The Green Curtain 40 Minutes
Behold a Pale Horse 4 Hours 39 Minutes
Beneath Iraq and a Hard Place - Rory Bremner 50 Minutes 2006
Best Enemies Money Can Buy 55 Minutes
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
BEYOND Iraq and a Hard Place
Beyond Treason
Bilderberg: Masters of the Universe
Biological Testing In US Cities
BioTerror (biological weapons and germ warfare) 45 Minutes
Blackout in East Timor
Brainwashing: 101 46 Minutes
Breaking the Bank
Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS 1 Hour 41 Minutes
Breaking The Silence - John Pilger
Britain's Heroin Fix
Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Bush and Bin Ladens
Bush Dynasty
Bush Family Crimes
Bush Family Fortunes
Bush giving the middle Finger
Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination
Bush Nazi Family History
Bush Scandals - Kevin Phillips
Bush Stole the Election - Banned BBC Documentary
Capitalism & Other Kids' Stuff 50 Minutes
Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips on MK Ultra Mind Control
Cell Phones - What They Didn't Tell You 30 Minutes
Chem Trails : What is wrong with our skies?
CIA & Satanism
CIA & Lockerbie
CIA Analyst - Pelletiere
CIA and the Nazis
CIA drug trafficking - CONTRA COCAINE 10 Minutes 1997
CIA Remote Viewing 50 Minutes
CIA Spy Secrets: playing dirty
Civilian Disarmament - Prelude for Tyranny
Closer: The Fall of Baghdad
Code Name Artichoke
Cointel Pro - War on Black America 50 Minutes
Cold War, Dirty Science
part I
part II
part III
part IV
part V
part VI
part VII
Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth 1 Hour
Confronting the Evidence A Call To Reopen the 9-11 Investiagtion
Conspiracies on Trial
Conspiracy Confessions
Conspiracy of silence
Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy Theories (Tex Mars & Alex Jones) 55 Minutes
Conspiracy Theory Rock Clip - censored by NBC only aired once
Constitution Class taught by Michael Badnarik (2003) Around 7 Hours
Contaminated: The New Science of Food
Corporate Logos
Countdown to killing
Crack the CIA
Da Vinci Code Decoded 1 Hour 35 Minutes
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)
Dark Side of the Moon 52 Minutes
Dead in the Water - The BBC investigates the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war
Declassified: Ayatollah Khomeini 45 Minutes
Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness Video that is NOT shown to Troops 45 Minutes
Despotism and Democracy (1945)
Diana: The Night She Died (UK Channel 5)
Dick Cheny - The Unauthorized Biography 40 Minutes 2004
Did we really land Men on the Moon? 55 Minutes
Divided America
DNC2000 protest footage
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy" 1 Hour
East Timor 10 Minutes
Echelon The Most Secret Spy System
Economic vs. Human Rights
Eisenhower Farewell Address
Election 2004: Republican Terror Manipulations, How They Work and Why 30 Minutes
Elite Population Control 1 Hour 22 Minutes
Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room
Equinox - It Runs on Water (Free Energy - 1995) 1 Hour
Evolving Lies
Executive Power and the War on Terror 1 Hour
Exploring Life Extension 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Fahrenheit 911
Faith in Exile: The Lesson of Tibet
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
Final Warning - A History of the New World Order 2 Hours 42 Minutes
Fluoride Deception
Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point 2 Hours
Freemasonary, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Michael Tsarion, Hesham Tillawi 55 Minutes
From Prison to Paradise 6 Hours 17 Minutes
Gary Webb - In his own words
George Hunt:UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 (Population reduction, Bank Scams etc..) 36 Minutes
Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence 1 Hour
Globalism the Program - General Ben Partin 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Government : Stealing Your Freedom 48 Minutes
Gulag USA - Texe Marrs
HAARP (BBLC 2005) 51 Minutes
Has someone been sitting on the FBI?
Hijacking Catastrophe 2004
History of Freemasonry 53 Minutes
History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Holes In Heaven? HAARP
Hollywood and the Pentagon
Hot Spots: Iran
How the Twin Towers Collapsed 45 Minutes
Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime. alt. cancer cure 1 Hour 23 Minutes
IBM and the Holocaust
Illuminati - NWO - Greedy Elite - David Icke - 1 Hour
Illuminati Mystery Babylon 2 Hours
Illuminazi 9/11 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Inflation 30 Minutes
Inner World of the Occult 3 Hours
Interview With John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman
Invisibly Visible 30 Minutes
Iraq, Tony & the truth
Iraq - The Death Squads (documentary)
Iraq: The Reckoning - Dispatches
Isreali Terrorism
JFK : The Bush Connection
Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government 7 Hours 20 Minutes
Kidnap and Torture American Style - Dispatches
Loose Change Second Edition
Lost Civilizations - Byzantium 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Mad As Hell 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Mahatma Gandhi : Film : MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 2 Hourss 15 Minutes
Majestic 12 documentary by William Cooper aka MJ-12 The Secret Govenment
Making of a Dictator
Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State (2005)
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors 2 Hours 10 Minutes
Masonry: Beyond the Light 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Masters of Terror (2003)
Masters of the Universe
Mayan Calendar goes North 01
Mayan Calendar goes North 02
Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Michael Tsarion Videos
Michel Chossudovsky - Disarming War Agenda (Carlyle Group)
Military Video 25 Minutes
Milton Friedman on Limited Government 28 Minutes
Mission Accomplished
Mission Mind Control - 1979 ABC News
Money Banking and The Federal Reserve 42 Minutes
Monopoly Men
Mormons and the illuminati 41 Minutes
Munich: Mossad's Revenge
N. Wootan - History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free Energy Program 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 45 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 42 Minutes
Operation Gladio Parts I II & III
Oil as a Weapon
Operation Hollywood
Order Of Death
Order of the Knights of Malta 53 Minutes
Orwell Rolls In His Grave 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Other side of AIDS
Our Friend Saddam 40 Minutes
Owning the Peacock
Owning the Weather
P. Lindemann - The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (KeelyNet Conference) 3 Hours
Painful Deceptions
Palestine Is Still The Issue
Pallywood "According to Palestinian Sources..."
Peak Oil - Dr Colin Campbell
Peak Oil - Mike Ruppert 1 Hour
Pearl Harbor
Pedophile Politicians 1 Hour
People and the Land
Perspective on 9-11
Peter Lindemann - The World of Free Energy (KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Pharmakeia: George W. Bush, The Apocalypse and the War on Weed 40 Minutes
Phil Schneider - August 1995 Lecture 2 Hours
Phil Schneider - May 1995 Lecture 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Phil Schneider - November 1995 Lecture
Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure 53 Minutes
Platonism and Alchemy
Police State 2000
Police State II: The Takeover (2000)
Police State III: Total Enslavement
Population Control - None Dare Call it Genocide by Dr Stanley Monteith
Preparing for the Inevitable: Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases 3 Hours 40 Minutes
President George W. Bush: Wiretap Eavesdropping Full Speech 43 Minutes
Preventive Warriors 1 Hour
Private Toll Roads Are Bad -Alex Jones- 1 Hour
Problem, Reaction, Solution
Promises and Betrayals
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Psychological Operations 30 Minutes
Purpose Of The Drug War
Reality Check - Alan Watt 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Religions based on Astrology? 53 Minutes
Republican Paul Findley Dares to Speak Out -- Again ! 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Resisting Government Secrecy in a Time of Terrorism with Seymour Hersh 55 Minutes
Revelations of a Mother Goddess - David Icke 3 Hours
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Surveillance 1 Hour 34 Minutes
Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor
Satans Kingdom
Say No to War in Iraq - Mr. Galloway
Scholar Peter Dale Scott on JFK and 9/11
Scholar Peter Dale Scott on JFK and 9/11 Q&A
Secret History of the Credit Card 55 Minutes
Secret Rulers of the World 50 Minutes
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
Secret Wars of the CIA
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 45 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 1 Hour 30 Minutes 2005
Secrets Of The Illuminati Revealed 2 Hours 33 Minutes
Seduction of a Generation (Sensitivity Training, Brainwashing) 30 Minutes
September 11th: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006 1 Hour 26 Minutes
Shadow Government Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11 attacks 31 Minutes
Shell in Nigeria
Silvio Berlusconi: The Italian Tycoon
Skull & Bones - Dutch TV
Something about Katrina 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Spin 60 Minutes 1995
Spinning Terror 50 Minutes
Spoils of War
Stan Meyers shows his invention, Hydrogen power
Stealing A Nation
Stealing Your Freedom - Dispatches
Technology and The Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 20 Minutes
Technology and the Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 21 Minutes
Telling Lies in Bosnia
Terror Storm
The Age of Terror: In the Name of the State
The American prison system
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
The Blind & The Dead (tex marrs & alex jones) 1 Hour
The Capitalist Conspiracy 47 Minutes
The Capstone That Killed JFK and The Speech That Sealed His Fate - Alan Watt 30 Minutes
The Final Solution to Adolph Hitler
The Citizens Guide To Surviving Police Encounters
The Corporate Globe
The Curse of Oil
The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion] 2 Hours
The Diamond Life
The Dollar a Day Dress
a href="


Open Complicity: Anatomy of the 9/11 Cover-Up


Constitution Class 1 of 7, for Patriots of USA Republic Constitution Class 2 of 7, for Patriots of America Constitution Class 3 of 7. for Patriots of America Constitution Class 4 of 7 , for Patriots of America Constitution Class 5 of 7, for Real Patriots Constitution Class 6 of 7, for Real Patriots Constitution Class 7of 7, for Patriots


9/11 Press For Truth
Cynthia McKinney is ma Hero! Blackout is her movie!!!!!
a"Total: 3376 Confirmed: 3362 Pending: 14Date Name Status05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/06/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/05/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/05/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/04/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/04/07 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending 05/01/07 Gullett, Zachary Pending 05/03/07 Gonzalez-Iraheta, Felix G. DoD Confirmation 05/03/07 Flores, John D. DoD Confirmation 05/03/07 Schwab, Coby G. DoD Confirmation 05/03/07 Grothe, Kelly B. DoD Confirmation 05/03/07 Bolar, Matthew T. DoD Confirmation 05/03/07 Umbrell, Colby J. DoD Confirmation 05/03/07 Weiss, Andrew R. DoD Confirmation 05/02/07 Soenksen, Katie M. DoD Confirmation 05/02/07 Jones, Ryan P. DoD Confirmation 05/02/07 Sunsin-Pineda, Astor A. DoD Confirmation 05/01/07 Kirk, Johnathan E. DoD Confirmation 04/29/07 Manion, Travis L. DoD Confirmation 04/29/07 Martin, Jay E. DoD Confirmation 04/29/07 Funcheon, Alexander J. DoD Confirmation 04/29/07 Botello, Brian A. DoD Confirmation 04/28/07 Tollett, Norman L. DoD Confirmation 04/28/07 Hicks Jr., Glenn D. DoD Confirmation 04/28/07 Ornsby-Adkins, Jay-D H. DoD Confirmation 04/28/07 Spencer, Cole E. DoD Confirmation 04/28/07 Hullender, Michael R. DoD Confirmation 04/27/07 Callahan, William J. DoD Confirmation 04/27/07 Woodall, Peter DoD Confirmation 04/27/07 Riehl, Nicholas E. DoD Confirmation 04/27/07 Tamez, Eddie D. DoD Confirmation 04/27/07 Kirkpatrick, David Austin DoD Confirmation 04/26/07 Degiovine, Christopher DoD Confirmation 04/26/07 Celestine Jr., Willie P. DoD Confirmation 04/26/07 Loggins, Adam DoD Confirmation 04/24/07 Maresh, Jeremy E. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Peterson, Dale G. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Pearson, Brice A. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Marshall, Randell T. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 King, Jerry R. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Locker Jr., Kenneth E. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Rodriguez, Michael J. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Moore, William C. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Vaughan, Michael L. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Knoll, Garrett C. DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Gaspers, Kevin DoD Confirmation 04/23/07 Avery, Jeffrey A. DoD Confirmation 04/21/07 Harper, Marlon B. DoD Confirmation 04/21/07 Slater, Michael J. DoD Confirmation 04/21/07 Bushnell, William W. DoD Confirmation 04/21/07 Tudor, Steven R. DoD Confirmation 04/21/07 North, Christopher M. DoD Confirmation 04/21/07 Bevel, Ray M. DoD Confirmation 04/20/07 Bishop, Jeffery A. DoD Confirmation 04/19/07 Moore, Dwayne L. DoD Confirmation 04/18/07 Morales, Jason M. DoD Confirmation 04/18/07 Oglesby, Wade J. DoD Confirmation 04/18/07 Rojas, Michael M. DoD Confirmation 04/17/07 Langenbrunner, Richard P. DoD Confirmation 04/16/07 Blue, Shaun M. DoD Confirmation 04/16/07 Delatorre, Jesse D. DoD Confirmation 04/16/07 Scherry, Daniel R. DoD Confirmation 04/16/07 Starcevich, Lucas V. DoD Confirmation 04/16/07 Genevie, Aaron M. DoD Confirmation 04/16/07 De Leon, Mario K. DoD Confirmation 04/15/07 Walberg, Steven J. DoD Confirmation 04/14/07 Schmit, Joshua A. DoD Confirmation 04/14/07 Wallace, Brandon L. DoD Confirmation 04/14/07 Santee, Daniel J. DoD Confirmation 04/14/07 Basham, Robert J. DoD Confirmation 04/14/07 Bishop, Ryan A. DoD Confirmation 04/13/07 Bowman, Larry R. DoD Confirmation 04/12/07 Putnam, Cody A. DoD Confirmation 04/12/07 Borbonus, John G. DoD Confirmation 04/12/07 Lindsey, James T. DoD Confirmation 04/12/07 Beadles, Jason J. DoD Confirmation 04/12/07 Newman, Gwilym J. DoD Confirmation 04/11/07 Sevaaetasi, Raymond S. DoD Confirmation 04/10/07 Bohrnsen, Kyle G. DoD Confirmation 04/09/07 Holden, Brian Lee DoD Confirmation 04/09/07 Solorio, Ismael DoD Confirmation 04/09/07 Walton, Brett Andre DoD Confirmation 04/09/07 Spohn III,, Clifford A. DoD Confirmation 04/08/07 Kennedy, Adam P. DoD Confirmation 04/08/07 Williams, Jesse L. DoD Confirmation 04/08/07 Simmons, David N. DoD Confirmation 04/08/07 Brown, Harrison DoD Confirmation 04/08/07 Singleton, Todd A. DoD Confirmation 04/08/07 Neel, Phillip I. DoD Confirmation 04/07/07 Grassbaugh, Jonathan D. DoD Confirmation 04/07/07 Emolo, Ebe F. DoD Confirmation 04/07/07 Hoover, Levi K. DoD Confirmation 04/07/07 McCandless, Rodney L. DoD Confirmation 04/07/07 Murphy-Sweet, Philip A. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 McSween, Joseph A. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Hall, Curtis R. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Billiter, Gregory J. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Cajimat, Jay S. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Schwedler, Joseph C. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Fuentes, Daniel A. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Rodriguez, Damian Lopez DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Dallam, Ryan S. DoD Confirmation 04/06/07 Palermo Jr., Anthony DoD Confirmation 04/05/07 Shaffer, Jason A. DoD Confirmation 04/05/07 Cauthorn, Forrest D. DoD Confirmation 04/04/07 Coon, James J. DoD Confirmation 04/04/07 Burge, Jerry C. DoD Confirmation 04/04/07 Cantrell IV, Joseph H. DoD Confirmation 04/04/07 Gibson, Derek A. DoD Confirmation 04/04/07 Freeman Jr., Walter DoD Confirmation 04/03/07 Becker, Shane R. DoD Confirmation 04/03/07 Figueroa, Gabriel J. DoD Confirmation 04/02/07 Spivey, Curtis R. DoD Confirmation 04/02/07 Olsen, Daniel R. DoD Confirmation 04/02/07 King, Bradley D. DoD Confirmation 04/02/07 Ritzberg, Brian E. DoD Confirmation 04/01/07 Mejias, David A. DoD Confirmation 04/01/07 Vick, Eric R. DoD Confirmation 04/01/07 McDowell, Robert M. DoD Confirmation 04/01/07 Bowling, William G. DoD Confirmation 04/01/07 Marcial III, Miguel A. DoD Confirmation 04/01/07 Arnette, Jason R. DoD Confirmation 03/31/07 Flores Jr., Wilfred DoD Confirmation 03/31/07 Shank, Neale M. DoD Confirmation 03/29/07 Polo, Joe DoD Confirmation 03/27/07 Forshey, Curtis J. DoD Confirmation 03/27/07 Golczynski, Marcus A. DoD Confirmation 03/27/07 Thomas, Sean Michael DoD Confirmation 03/25/07 McDonald, Sean K. DoD Confirmation 03/25/07 Nunez, Jason DoD Confirmation 03/25/07 Gonzalez, Orlando E. DoD Confirmation 03/25/07 White, Anthony DoD Confirmation 03/25/07 Swiger, Jason DoD Confirmation 03/24/07 Roberts, Trevor A. DoD Confirmation 03/23/07 Riewer. Greg N. DoD Confirmation 03/23/07 Springer II, Lance C. DoD Confirmation 03/22/07 Bogrette, Henry W. DoD Confirmation 03/22/07 Gardner Jr., Freeman L. DoD Confirmation 03/21/07 Lightner, Nicholas J. DoD Confirmation 03/21/07 Griffin Jr., Darrell R. DoD Confirmation 03/21/07 Sams II, Joey T. DoD Confirmation 03/21/07 Lee, Dustin Jerome DoD Confirmation 03/21/07 Lewis, Adrian J. DoD Confirmation 03/20/07 Glawson Jr., Curtis E. DoD Confirmation 03/20/07 Richardson, Stephen K. DoD Confirmation 03/20/07 Cornell, Wayne R. DoD Confirmation 03/18/07 Green, Ryan P. DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Guerrero, Marieo DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Kaiser, Anthony A. DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Timberman, Harry H. DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Allen, John E. DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Santini, Ed DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Davis, William N. DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Landry Jr., John F. DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Tauala, Nimo W. DoD Confirmation 03/17/07 Sebban, Benjamin L. DoD Confirmation 03/16/07 Brevard, Christopher R. DoD Confirmation 03/15/07 Stephens, John S. DoD Confirmation 03/15/07 Arnold, James L. DoD Confirmation 03/15/07 Brand, Emerson N. DoD Confirmation 03/15/07 Prater, Terry W. DoD Confirmation 03/15/07 Harris, Blake M. DoD Confirmation 03/15/07 Holzhauer, Raymond J. DoD Confirmation 03/14/07 Boyd, Joshua M. DoD Confirmation 03/14/07 Waterbury, Forrest J. DoD Confirmation 03/14/07 Chavez, Steven M. DoD Confirmation 03/14/07 Kowalczyk, Stephen M. DoD Confirmation 03/14/07 Rosema, Adam J. DoD Confirmation 03/14/07 Chevalier, Brian L. DoD Confirmation 03/13/07 Rosa, Angel DoD Confirmation 03/13/07 Garcia Jr., Alberto DoD Confirmation 03/13/07 Carr, Robert M. DoD Confirmation 03/11/07 Windsor, Nathanial Dain DoD Confirmation 03/11/07 Smith, Jonathan K. DoD Confirmation 03/11/07 Latham, Thomas L. DoD Confirmation 03/11/07 Woodcock, Daniel E. DoD Confirmation 03/11/07 Stone, Douglas C. DoD Confirmation 03/09/07 Veater, Dennis J. DoD Confirmation 03/07/07 Graham, Mark W. DoD Confirmation 03/07/07 Webb, Christopher R. DoD Confirmation 03/07/07 Rivera, Michael D. DoD Confirmation 03/07/07 Rankinen, Shawn DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Harris, Blake DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Russell, Ryan D. DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Mayo, Barry Wayne DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Estes, Justin M. DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Kosters, Cory C. DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Bell, Ryan M. DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Stanley, Robert DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Perkins, Andrew C. DoD Confirmation 03/05/07 Rollins, Justin A. DoD Confirmation 03/04/07 Kasson, Darrel D. DoD Confirmation 03/03/07 Bravo Jr., Raul S. DoD Confirmation 03/03/07 Moyer, Ashly L. DoD Confirmation 03/03/07 Peek, Michael C. DoD Confirmation 03/03/07 Parr, Brandon Allen DoD Confirmation 03/02/07 Young, Christopher D. DoD Confirmation 03/02/07 Tulang, Morgan C. DoD Confirmation 03/02/07 Williams, Wesley J. DoD Confirmation 03/02/07 Latourney, Paul M. DoD Confirmation 03/02/07 Rodriguez-Contrera, Luis O. DoD Confirmation 03/02/07 Gould, Dustin M. DoD Confirmation 03/02/07 Emch, Luke DoD Confirmation 02/28/07 Allen, Chad M. DoD Confirmation 02/28/07 Van Slyke, Bufford "Kenny" DoD Confirmation 02/27/07 Soto-Pinedo, Karl O. DoD Confirmation 02/27/07 Cadavero, Jonathan D. DoD Confirmation 02/27/07 Soukenka, Richard A. DoD Confirmation 02/27/07 Henry Jr, Lorne E. DoD Confirmation 02/26/07 Beardsley, William J. DoD Confirmation 02/26/07 Aguirre, Anthony DoD Confirmation 02/24/07 Barnett, Jeremy D. DoD Confirmation 02/24/07 Biggers, Ethan J. DoD Confirmation 02/22/07 Hager, Joshua R. DoD Confirmation 02/22/07 Buford, Travis Wayne DoD Confirmation 02/22/07 Walter, Rowan D. DoD Confirmation 02/22/07 Berry, David R. DoD Confirmation 02/20/07 Ford, Richard L. DoD Confirmation 02/20/07 Ahlquist, Clinton W. DoD Confirmation 02/20/07 Kim, Louis G. DoD Confirmation 02/19/07 Dunkin, Shawn M. DoD Confirmation 02/19/07 Bowe, Matthew C. DoD Confirmation 02/19/07 Cleveland, Adare W. DoD Confirmation 02/19/07 Colon, Pedro J. DoD Confirmation 02/19/07 Mcarn, Montrel S. DoD Confirmation 02/19/07 Witteveen, Brett DoD Confirmation 02/18/07 Howey, Blake H. DoD Confirmation 02/18/07 Apuan, Matthew S. DoD Confirmation 02/17/07 Boone, Christopher K. DoD Confirmation 02/18/07 Youngblood, Kelly D. DoD Confirmation 02/17/07 Escalante, Brian A. DoD Confirmation 02/17/07 Spillers, William C. DoD Confirmation 02/17/07 Marsh, Chad E. DoD Confirmation 02/17/07 Paton, Justin T. DoD Confirmation 02/16/07 Siebert, Todd M. DoD Confirmation 02/14/07 Morris, Daniel T. DoD Confirmation 02/14/07 Rode, John D. DoD Confirmation 02/14/07 Madore Jr., Ronnie G. DoD Confirmation 02/14/07 Seigart, Carl Leonard DoD Confirmation 02/14/07 Cummings, Branden C. DoD Confirmation 02/13/07 Mosteiro, Allen DoD Confirmation 02/13/07 Tanton, Nickolas A. DoD Confirmation 02/11/07 Kurtz, Russell A. DoD Confirmation 02/11/07 Sellen Jr., Dennis L. DoD Confirmation 02/11/07 Thrasher, Robert B. DoD Confirmation 02/10/07 Belser Jr., Donnie R. DoD Confirmation 02/09/07 Regan, James J. DoD Confirmation 02/09/07 Shaw, lan W. DoD Confirmation 02/09/07 Ross, Eric DoD Confirmation 02/09/07 Camacho, Leeroy A. DoD Confirmation 02/08/07 Holtom, James J. DoD Confirmation 02/08/07 Clevenger, Ross A. DoD Confirmation 02/08/07 Werner, Raymond M. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Pathenos, Matthew P. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Ellis, Joseph J. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Hill, Tarryl B. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Parcell, Jennifer M. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Minjares Jr., Gilbert DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Ruiz, Manuel A. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Saba, Thomas E. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Landaker, Jared M. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Tijerina, James Rodney DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Pfister, Travis D. DoD Confirmation 02/07/07 Harris, Jennifer J. DoD Confirmation 02/06/07 Frazier, Joshua J. DoD Confirmation 02/06/07 Browning, Brian A. DoD Confirmation 02/05/07 Van Parys, Brandon J. DoD Confirmation 02/04/07 Matheny, Randy J. DoD Confirmation 02/04/07 Spencer, Clarence T. DoD Confirmation 02/03/07 Sanders, Ronnie L. DoD Confirmation 02/02/07 Landeck, Kevin C. DoD Confirmation 02/02/07 Dunn, Terrence D. DoD Confirmation 02/02/07 McPeek, Alan E. DoD Confirmation 02/02/07 Zeimer, Matthew T. DoD Confirmation 02/02/07 Yoakum, Keith DoD Confirmation 02/02/07 DeFrenn, Jason Garth DoD Confirmation 02/01/07 Quill III, Richard O. DoD Confirmation 02/01/07 Mettille, Michael C. DoD Confirmation 02/01/07 Conte, Matthew G. DoD Confirmation 02/01/07 Elliott, Terry J. DoD Confirmation 02/01/07 Sieger, Eric R. DoD Confirmation 02/01/07 Butler, Tyler DoD Confirmation 02/01/07 Armstrong, David C. DoD Confirmation 01/31/07 Shannon, Stephen D. DoD Confirmation 01/31/07 Sigua, William M. DoD Confirmation 01/30/07 Carrillo, Alejandro DoD Confirmation 01/30/07 Aultz, Corey J. DoD Confirmation 01/30/07 Gist Jr., Milton A. DoD Confirmation 01/29/07 Emul, Adam Q. DoD Confirmation 01/28/07 Stewart, Carla Jane DoD Confirmation 01/28/07 Chao, Cornell C. DoD Confirmation 01/28/07 Resh, Mark T. DoD Confirmation 01/27/07 Garrigus, Mickel D. DoD Confirmation 01/27/07 Melia, Anthony C. DoD Confirmation 01/27/07 Swanson, Timothy A. DoD Confirmation 01/27/07 Toomalatai, David T. DoD Confirmation 01/27/07 St. John II, Jon B. DoD Confirmation 01/26/07 Johnson, Alan R. DoD Confirmation 01/26/07 Fairlie, Nathan P. DoD Confirmation 01/25/07 Fuller, Alexander H. DoD Confirmation 01/25/07 Balsley, Michael DoD Confirmation 01/25/07 Kidd, Mark D. DoD Confirmation 01/25/07 Shipp, Darrell W. DoD Confirmation 01/24/07 Callahan, Keith A. DoD Confirmation 01/24/07 Leija, Hector DoD Confirmation 01/23/07 Wiggins, Michael J. DoD Confirmation 01/23/07 Johnston, Gary S. DoD Confirmation 01/23/07 Kashkoush, Michael M. DoD Confirmation 01/22/07 Wilson, Jamie D. DoD Confirmation 01/22/07 Brown, Nicholas P. DoD Confirmation 01/21/07 Stout, Brandon L. DoD Confirmation 01/21/07 Sanchez, Emilian D. DoD Confirmation 01/21/07 Matus, Andrew G. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Bisson, Jeffrey D. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Olsen, Toby R. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Fennerty, Sean P. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 McNeill, Phillip D. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Morris, Darrel J. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Hill, Ryan J. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Kingman, Jonathan P. C. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Fritz, Jacob N. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Millican, Jonathan DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Freeman, Brian Scott DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Chism, Johnathan Bryan DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Falter, Shawn Patrick DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Warren, William T. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Lyerly, Sean E. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Langarica, Victor M. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Lake, Floyd E. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Canegata, David C. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Brown, John G. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Gabbard, Marilyn L. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Allgood, Brian D. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Kelly, Paul M. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Booker, Daryl D. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Haller, Roger W. DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Taylor, Michael DoD Confirmation 01/20/07 Jaynes, Allen B. DoD Confirmation 01/19/07 Castillo, Luis J. DoD Confirmation 01/19/07 Neal, Jacob H. DoD Confirmation 01/19/07 Borea, Russell P. DoD Confirmation 01/18/07 Rechenmacher, William J. DoD Confirmation 01/17/07 Valdivia, Jennifer A. DoD Confirmation 01/17/07 Alomar, Joseph D. DoD Confirmation 01/16/07 Schockmel, Collin R. DoD Confirmation 01/15/07 Corbett, Jason J. DoD Confirmation 01/15/07 Daily, Mark J. DoD Confirmation 01/15/07 Anderson, Ian C. DoD Confirmation 01/15/07 Cooper, John E. DoD Confirmation 01/15/07 Grimm, Matthew T. DoD Confirmation 01/14/07 Sanchez, Paul T. DoD Confirmation 01/14/07 Riekena, James D. DoD Confirmation 01/13/07 Wright, Gregroy A. DoD Confirmation 01/09/07 Wosika Jr., James M. DoD Confirmation 01/09/07 Sun, Ming DoD Confirmation 01/09/07 Berg, Ryan R. DoD Confirmation 01/07/07 Caldwell, Eric T. DoD Confirmation 01/07/07 Raderstorf, Stephen J. DoD Confirmation 01/07/07 Miller Jr., Daniel B. DoD Confirmation 01/07/07 Loncki, Elizabeth A. DoD Confirmation 01/07/07 Weiner, Timothy R. DoD Confirmation 01/06/07 Mitchell, III, Raymond N. DoD Confirmation 01/05/07 Mundell, Michael Lewis DoD Confirmation 01/06/07 Johnson, Jeremiah DoD Confirmation 01/04/07 Charles D. Allen DoD Confirmation 01/01/07 Vandling Jr., Thomas E. DoD Confirmation 12/31/06 Blohm, Alan R. DoD Confirmation 12/31/06 Schiller, Jonathan E. DoD Confirmation 12/31/06 Smith, Richard A. DoD Confirmation 12/31/06 Grant, Sandra S. DoD Confirmation 12/30/06 Sullivan, John M. DoD Confirmation 12/30/06 Dietrich, David E. DoD Confirmation 12/29/06 Carter, Lawrance J. DoD Confirmation 12/29/06 Newgard, William R. DoD Confirmation 12/28/06 Blum, Aron C. DoD Confirmation 12/28/06 Esckelson, Christopher E. DoD Confirmation 12/28/06 Ayala, Luis G. DoD Confirmation 12/28/06 Donica, Dustin R. DoD Confirmation 12/28/06 Miller, Nicholas A. DoD Confirmation 12/28/06 Spencer, William D. DoD Confirmation 12/27/06 Shaffer, Edward W. DoD Confirmation 12/27/06 McCormick, Clinton T. DoD Confirmation 12/27/06 Messer, Christopher P. DoD Confirmation 12/27/06 Given, Nathaniel A. DoD Confirmation 12/27/06 Koprince Jr., William C. DoD Confirmation 12/27/06 Tinsley, Douglas L. DoD Confirmation 12/26/06 Strong, Joseph A. DoD Confirmation 12/26/06 Schmitz, Joshua M. DoD Confirmation 12/26/06 Bubeck, John T. DoD Confirmation 12/25/06 Preston, Aaron L. DoD Confirmation 12/25/06 Nelson, Andrew H. DoD Confirmation 12/25/06 Clayton, Hayes DoD Confirmation 12/25/06 Wheelous, Dexter E. DoD Confirmation 12/25/06 Moon, Jae S. DoD Confirmation 12/25/06 Wilkus, Eric R. DoD Confirmation 12/25/06 Denfrund, Jason C. DoD Confirmation 12/24/06 Bixler, Evan A. DoD Confirmation 12/24/06 Morris, Stephen L. DoD Confirmation 12/23/06 Crutchfield, Michael J. DoD Confirmation 12/23/06 Barta, John DoD Confirmation 12/23/06 Vollmer, Chad J. DoD Confirmation 12/23/06 Algrim, Wilson A. DoD Confirmation 12/23/06 Mejia II, Bobby DoD Confirmation 12/23/06 Norris, Curtis L. DoD Confirmation 12/23/06 Elias, Elias DoD Confirmation 12/22/06 Sheppard, Joshua D. DoD Confirmation 12/21/06 Tamayo, Fernando S. DoD Confirmation 12/21/06 Burgess, Ryan J. DoD Confirmation 12/21/06 Mayhan, Ryan L. DoD Confirmation 12/21/06 Nolen, Kyle A. DoD Confirmation 12/20/06 Sebastien, Myles Cody DoD Confirmation 12/20/06 Dykman, Scott D. DoD Confirmation 12/20/06 McMillan, Jacob G. DoD Confirmation 12/20/06 Volker, Robert J. DoD Confirmation 12/19/06 Daul, Andrew P. DoD Confirmation 12/19/06 Pickard, Joshua D. DoD Confirmation 12/18/06 Kryst, Kevin M. DoD Confirmation 12/18/06 Mintzlaff, Brian L. DoD Confirmation 12/17/06 Stanton, Seth M. DoD Confirmation 12/16/06 Palmer, Nick J. DoD Confirmation 12/16/06 Baines, Joe L. DoD Confirmation 12/16/06 Staats, David R. DoD Confirmation 12/16/06 Stanley, Matthew J. DoD Confirmation 12/15/06 Kahalewai, Henry K. DoD Confirmation 12/15/06 Balint Jr., Paul DoD Confirmation 12/14/06 Spatol, Theodore A. DoD Confirmation 12/14/06 Yepsen, Luke C. DoD Confirmation 12/14/06 Clark, Matthew W. DoD Confirmation 12/12/06 Davis, Gloria D. DoD Confirmation 12/12/06 Dunkleberger, Brent W. DoD Confirmation 12/11/06 Cote, Budd M. DoD Confirmation 12/11/06 Dillon, Matthew V. DoD Confirmation 12/11/06 Miller, Clinton J. DoD Confirmation 12/11/06 McAnulty, Brian P. DoD Confirmation 12/10/06 Clemons, Thomas W. DoD Confirmation 12/10/06 Murphy, Shawn M. DoD Confirmation 12/10/06 Ford, Philip C. DoD Confirmation 12/10/06 Gibson, Brennan C. DoD Confirmation 12/10/06 Steinbacher, Nicholas P. DoD Confirmation 12/09/06 Krissoff, Nathan M. DoD Confirmation 12/07/06 Beeler, Brent E. DoD Confirmation 12/07/06 Linck, Henry W. DoD Confirmation 12/07/06 Gifford, Micah S. DoD Confirmation 12/07/06 Ciraso, Kristofer R. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Gibbs, Nicholas R. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Watson, Cody G. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Ryndych, Yevgeniy DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Krege, Travis C. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Mokri, Yari DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Huffman, Jason DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Castro, Jesse J.J. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Madden, Joshua B. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Patriquin, Travis L. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Pomante III, Vincent J. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 Libby, Dustin J. DoD Confirmation 12/06/06 McClung, Megan M. DoD Confirmation 12/05/06 Hess, Jordan W. DoD Confirmation 12/05/06 Miller, Marco L. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 Suarez-Gonzalez, Roger A. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 Nelson, Albert M. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 Echols, Thomas P. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 Anderson, Christopher A. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 Gauthreaux, Jay R. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 Turcotte, Nicholas D. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 McGinnis, Ross A. DoD Confirmation 12/04/06 Adkins, Dustin M. DoD Confirmation 12/03/06 English, Shawn L. DoD Confirmation 12/03/06 Sticklen, Joshua C. DoD Confirmation 12/03/06 McCloud, Joseph Trane DoD Confirmation 12/03/06 Evans, Kermit O. DoD Confirmation 12/03/06 Cooper, Troy D. DoD Confirmation 12/03/06 Haines, Kenneth W. DoD Confirmation 12/03/06 Farris, Billy B. DoD Confirmation 12/02/06 Tillery, Jesse D. DoD Confirmation 12/02/06 Rystad, Corey J. DoD Confirmation 12/02/06 McDonough, Bryan T. DoD Confirmation 12/02/06 Fiscus, Keith E. DoD Confirmation 12/01/06 Love Jr., Robert L. DoD Confirmation 11/30/06 Hartman Jr., John L. DoD Confirmation 11/30/06 Mulhair, Jeremy W. DoD Confirmation 11/29/06 West, Theodore M. DoD Confirmation 11/28/06 Loney, Jonerik DoD Confirmation 11/28/06 Mason, Chris DoD Confirmation 11/27/06 Gilbert, Troy L. DoD Confirmation 11/27/06 Schwarz, Michael A. DoD Confirmation 11/26/06 Dunn, Jeannette T. DoD Confirmation 11/26/06 Hamill, Jason R. DoD Confirmation 11/26/06 Fraser, David M. DoD Confirmation 11/26/06 Burrows, Joshua C. DoD Confirmation 11/25/06 West, Jeromy D. DoD Confirmation 11/25/06 Ledsome, Michael C. DoD Confirmation 11/25/06 Morris, Daniel M. DoD Confirmation 11/24/06 Moreno, Reece D. DoD Confirmation 11/24/06 Rapavi, Nicholas P. DoD Confirmation 11/23/06 Priestap, James D. DoD Confirmation 11/22/06 Davenport, James R. DoD Confirmation 11/22/06 Alonzo, Joshua C. DoD Confirmation 11/22/06 Warner, Heath DoD Confirmation 11/21/06 Musack, James P. DoD Confirmation 11/21/06 Watts, Donovan E. DoD Confirmation 11/21/06 Vizcaino, Eric DoD Confirmation 11/19/06 Shock, Jeremy S. DoD Confirmation 11/18/06 Shilling, Bradley N. DoD Confirmation 11/16/06 Schiller, Rhett W. DoD Confirmation 11/15/06 Dennison, John R. DoD Confirmation 11/15/06 Mutz, Mitchel T. DoD Confirmation 11/15/06 Haynes, Schuyler B. DoD Confirmation 11/14/06 Nguyen, Tung M. DoD Confirmation 11/14/06 Garcia, Justin R. DoD Confirmation 11/14/06 Felts Sr., Thomas H. DoD Confirmation 11/14/06 Scholl, Michael D. DoD Confirmation 11/14/06 Gonzalez, Mario D. DoD Confirmation 11/14/06 Brown, Timothy W. DoD Confirmation 11/14/06 Rivera, Eric G. Palacios DoD Confirmation 11/13/06 Winston, Peter E. DoD Confirmation 11/13/06 Kim, Jang H. DoD Confirmation 11/13/06 Allman II, Daniel J. DoD Confirmation 11/12/06 Winkler III, Harry A. DoD Confirmation 11/12/06 Cerrone, Michael A. DoD Confirmation 11/11/06 Martinez, Misael DoD Confirmation 11/11/06 Jackson II, William Samuel DoD Confirmation 11/11/06 Ramirez, Angel De Jesus Lucio DoD Confirmation 11/09/06 Salcido, Rudy A. DoD Confirmation 11/09/06 Warren, Kristopher C. DoD Confirmation 11/09/06 Burgess, Bryan DoD Confirmation 11/09/06 Kennard, Courtland A. DoD Confirmation 11/09/06 McCoy, Gregory W. G. DoD Confirmation 11/07/06 Doria, Richwell A. DoD Confirmation 11/07/06 McCaughn, Ryan T. DoD Confirmation 11/06/06 White, Lucas T. DoD Confirmation 11/06/06 Priestner, John R. DoD Confirmation 11/06/06 Henderson, Miles P. DoD Confirmation 11/05/06 Desjardins, Douglas C. DoD Confirmation 11/05/06 Galvan, Jose A. DoD Confirmation 11/04/06 Powell, Kyle W. DoD Confirmation 11/04/06 Gelina, Mark C. DoD Confirmation 11/04/06 Bridges, James L. DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Finken, Paul J. DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Kruger, Eric J. DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Gage, Joseph A. DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Brown, James DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Whitehouse, Jason D. DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Lasky, Michael H. DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Holler, Luke B. DoD Confirmation 11/02/06 Bridges, Michael P. DoD Confirmation 11/01/06 Kim, Minhee DoD Confirmation 11/01/06 Koehler, Gary A. DoD Confirmation 11/01/06 Ellenburg, Kevin J. DoD Confirmation 10/31/06 Franco, Jason DoD Confirmation 10/31/06 Weidemann, Michael R. DoD Confirmation 10/30/06 Foyteck, Kraig D. DoD Confirmation 10/30/06 Seeley, Michael T. DoD Confirmation 10/30/06 Bostic, Kenneth E. DoD Confirmation 10/29/06 Nealey, Troy D. DoD Confirmation 10/27/06 Zimmerman, Luke J. DoD Confirmation 10/26/06 McGinnis, Ricky L. DoD Confirmation 10/25/06 Brown, Donald S. DoD Confirmation 10/25/06 Gilbert, Thomas M. DoD Confirmation 10/25/06 Chaires, Daniel B. DoD Confirmation 10/25/06 Thornsberry, Jonathan B. DoD Confirmation 10/25/06 Komppa, Charles V. DoD Confirmation 10/23/06 Bock, Amos C. R DoD Confirmation 10/23/06 Sare, Charles O. DoD Confirmation 10/23/06 Buerstetta, Richard A. DoD Confirmation 10/23/06 Overstreet, Tyler R. DoD Confirmation 10/23/06 Eason, Carl A. DoD Confirmation 10/22/06 Rogers, Nicholas K. DoD Confirmation 10/22/06 Mock, Willsun M. DoD Confirmation 10/22/06 Creed, Matthew W. DoD Confirmation 10/22/06 Aguirre, Nathaniel A. DoD Confirmation 10/22/06 Taylor, David G. DoD Confirmation 10/21/06 Herzberg, Eric W. DoD Confirmation 10/21/06 Knier, Tony L. DoD Confirmation 10/21/06 Watkins, Joshua C. DoD Confirmation 10/21/06 Manoukian, Nicholas J. DoD Confirmation 10/21/06 Elrod, Nathan R. DoD Confirmation 10/21/06 Collinsworth, Clifford R. DoD Confirmation 10/20/06 Witte, Kevin M. DoD Confirmation 10/19/06 Lopez Jr., Edwardo DoD Confirmation 10/18/06 Barlow, Patrick O. DoD Confirmation 10/18/06 Brozovich, Daniel A. DoD Confirmation 10/18/06 Perez, Jose R. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Winegeart, Daniel W. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Paulsen, Ronald L. DoD Confirmation 10/18/06 Montalvo, Jesus M. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Dumas Jr., Joseph C. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Unger, David M. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Culbertson III, Russell G. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Loudon, Christopher E. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Haupt, Ryan E. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Taylor III, Norman R. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Frigo, Nathan J. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Sizemore, Garth D. DoD Confirmation 10/17/06 Booth, Joshua L. DoD Confirmation 10/15/06 Baroncini, Jr., Lester Domenico DoD Confirmation 10/15/06 Bicknell, Stephen DoD Confirmation 10/15/06 Deese, Joshua DoD Confirmation 10/15/06 Lootens, Jonathan E. DoD Confirmation 10/15/06 Paine, Mark C. DoD Confirmation 10/15/06 Babb, Brock A. DoD Confirmation 10/15/06 Hines, Joshua M. DoD Confirmation 10/14/06 Moore, Keith J. DoD Confirmation 10/14/06 King, Charles M. DoD Confirmation 10/14/06 Kane, Joseph M. DoD Confirmation 10/14/06 Lauer, Timothy J. DoD Confirmation 10/14/06 Simpson, Jonathan J. DoD Confirmation 10/14/06 Chavis, Leebenard E. DoD Confirmation 10/13/06 Craver, Johnny K. DoD Confirmation 10/13/06 Stanton Jr., Kenny F. DoD Confirmation 10/13/06 Hewett, Thomas J. DoD Confirmation 10/12/06 Hawkins, Gene A. DoD Confirmation 10/11/06 Walsh, Justin T. DoD Confirmation 10/11/06 Adcock, Shane T. DoD Confirmation 10/11/06 Sowinski, Nicholas R. DoD Confirmation 10/09/06 Feniello, Shelby J. DoD Confirmation 10/08/06 Jones, Derek W. DoD Confirmation 10/09/06 Bowman, Jon Eric DoD Confirmation 10/09/06 Williams, Phillip B. DoD Confirmation 10/08/06 Secher, Robert M. DoD Confirmation 10/08/06 Austin, Shane R. DoD Confirmation 10/08/06 Johnson, Stephen F. DoD Confirmation 10/09/06 Arechaga, Julian M. DoD Confirmation 10/08/06 Monroe, Jeremy Scott Sandvick DoD Confirmation 10/08/06 Fulkerson, Timothy DoD Confirmation 10/07/06 Napper Jr, Roger Alan DoD Confirmation 10/07/06 Wood, John Edward DoD Confirmation 10/07/06 Parrish, Lawrence DoD Confirmation 10/07/06 Johnson II, Carl W. DoD Confirmation 10/07/06 Asbury, Brandon S. DoD Confirmation 10/06/06 Hale, John Edward DoD Confirmation 10/06/06 Payne, Bradford H. DoD Confirmation 10/06/06 Arvanitis, Nicholas A. DoD Confirmation 10/04/06 Rosales, Benjamin S. DoD Confirmation 10/04/06 Garvin, Edward M. DoD Confirmation 10/04/06 Moudry, Christopher O. DoD Confirmation 10/04/06 Obourn Jr., George R. DoD Confirmation 10/04/06 Burke, Timothy DoD Confirmation 10/04/06 Bright, Dean DoD Confirmation 10/03/06 Rojas, Jonathan DoD Confirmation 10/03/06 Isshak, Daniel DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Perry, Joseph W. DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Oremus, Michael K. DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Jarrett, Justin R. DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Ellis, James D. DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Armijo, Raymond S. DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Walker, Kristofer C. DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Greenlee, Satieon V. DoD Confirmation 10/02/06 Narvaez, Joe A. DoD Confirmation 10/01/06 Lannaman, Denise A. DoD Confirmation 10/01/06 Nelson, Mario DoD Confirmation 10/01/06 Haag, Chase A. DoD Confirmation 10/01/06 Peterson, Justin D. DoD Confirmation 10/01/06 Cosgrove III, Christopher B. DoD Confirmation 10/01/06 Seal, Aaron L. DoD Confirmation 09/30/06 Tejeda, Luis E. DoD Confirmation 09/30/06 Sourivong, Kampha B. DoD Confirmation 09/30/06 Nisely, Scott E. DoD Confirmation 09/30/06 Weber, Robert DoD Confirmation 09/29/06 Monsoor, Michael A. DoD Confirmation 09/29/06 Blaney, Christopher T. DoD Confirmation 09/28/06 Chamroeun, James DoD Confirmation 09/27/06 Lyons, James N. DoD Confirmation 09/26/06 Lanzarin, Jose A. DoD Confirmation 09/26/06 Riviere, Christopher T. DoD Confirmation 09/26/06 Reynolds Jr., Edward C. DoD Confirmation 09/26/06 Paul, Henry DoD Confirmation 09/25/06 Mellen, Casey L. DoD Confirmation 09/24/06 March Jr., Howard S. DoD Confirmation 09/24/06 Martinez, Rene DoD Confirmation 09/23/06 Kincaid, IV, Kenneth E DoD Confirmation 09/23/06 Locklear, III, Velton DoD Confirmation 09/23/06 Dominguez, Carlos DoD Confirmation 09/23/06 Simmons, Windell J. DoD Confirmation 09/21/06 Bevington, Allan R. DoD Confirmation 09/20/06 Rodriguez, Yull Estrada DoD Confirmation 09/20/06 Zimmerman, Christopher Michael DoD Confirmation 09/20/06 Kavanagh, Eric DoD Confirmation 09/20/06 Needham, Robb Gordon DoD Confirmation 09/20/06 Jones, Charles Jason DoD Confirmation 09/19/06 Lanham, Jane Elizabeth DoD Confirmation 09/19/06 Callahan, Robert Thomas DoD Confirmation 09/19/06 Raymond, Jared J. DoD Confirmation 09/19/06 Huff, Ashley L. Henderson DoD Confirmation 09/18/06 Worster, James R. DoD Confirmation 09/17/06 Knox, Adam L. DoD Confirmation 09/17/06 Davis, David J. DoD Confirmation 09/16/06 Roddy, David Sean DoD Confirmation 09/15/06 Granados, Cesar A. DoD Confirmation 09/14/06 Cain, Marcus A. DoD Confirmation 09/14/06 Hartman, Jennifer M. DoD Confirmation 09/14/06 Smith, Aaron A. DoD Confirmation 09/14/06 Miller, Ryan A. DoD Confirmation 09/14/06 Williams, Clint E. DoD Confirmation 09/14/06 Makowski, Russell M. DoD Confirmation 09/14/06 Weir, David Thomas DoD Confirmation 09/13/06 Shaffer, Jeffrey DoD Confirmation 09/13/06 Mattingly, Matthew C. DoD Confirmation 09/12/06 Perez, Emily J.T. DoD Confirmation 09/11/06 Andrews, Harley D. DoD Confirmation 09/10/06 Jordan, Alexander DoD Confirmation 09/09/06 Benson, Johnathan DoD Confirmation 09/09/06 Seig, Anthony P. DoD Confirmation 09/08/06 Gordon, David W. DoD Confirmation 09/07/06 Ramsey, David J. DoD Confirmation 09/07/06 Montes, Luis A. DoD Confirmation 09/07/06 Frassetto, Vincent M. DoD Confirmation 09/06/06 Shank, Jeremy R. DoD Confirmation 09/06/06 Carroll, John A. DoD Confirmation 09/04/06 Gutierrez, Marshall A. DoD Confirmation 09/04/06 Debro, Germaine L. DoD Confirmation 09/04/06 Walsh, Christopher DoD Confirmation 09/04/06 Valdepenas, Eric P. DoD Confirmation 09/04/06 Gunterman, Hannah L. DoD Confirmation 09/04/06 Shoemaker, Jared M. DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Merrill, Jason L. DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Andino Jr., Edwin Anthony DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Madaras, Nicholas A. DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Henkes II, Richard J. DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Miller, Ryan Edwin DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Johnson, Philip A. DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Harris, Shane P. DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Dreese, Justin W. DoD Confirmation 09/03/06 Porras, Ralph N. DoD Confirmation 09/02/06 Alex, Eugene DoD Confirmation 09/01/06 Mercado-Velazquez, Angel D. DoD Confirmation 09/01/06 Golla, Cliff DoD Confirmation 08/31/06 Deason, Michael L. DoD Confirmation 08/30/06 Hanson, Joshua R. DoD Confirmation 08/30/06 Wolfe, Colin Joseph DoD Confirmation 08/29/06 Warndorf, Christopher Tyler DoD Confirmation 08/29/06 Vosbein, Matthew J. DoD Confirmation 08/28/06 Shannon L. Squires DoD Confirmation 08/28/06 Schneider, Matthew E. DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Benson, Darry DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Hansen, Jeffrey J. DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Almazan, David J. DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Champlin, Donald E. DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Jones, Joshua D. DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Novak, Shaun A. DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Lee, Qixing DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Jazmine, Moises DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Smith, Tristan DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Cross, Kenneth DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Dolan, Dan DoD Confirmation 08/27/06 Hildreth, Seth A. DoD Confirmation 08/26/06 Weimortz, David G. DoD Confirmation 08/26/06 Zayas, Edgardo DoD Confirmation 08/25/06 Pierson, Jordan C. DoD Confirmation 08/24/06 Solomon, Gordon George DoD Confirmation 08/24/06 Williams, Dwayne E. DoD Confirmation 08/24/06 King, Jeremy E. DoD Confirmation 08/24/06 Thorne, William E. DoD Confirmation 08/23/06 Hirlston, James Daniel DoD Confirmation 08/23/06 Barbieri, Thomas J. DoD Confirmation 08/22/06 Darga, Paul J. DoD Confirmation 08/21/06 Clemmons, Brad A. DoD Confirmation 08/20/06 DeRoo, Gabriel G. DoD Confirmation 08/20/06 Kenyon, Chadwick Thomas DoD Confirmation 08/20/06 Galvez, Adam Anthony DoD Confirmation 08/20/06 Newman, Randy Lee DoD Confirmation 08/19/06 Quick, Marquees A. DoD Confirmation 08/18/06 Villa Jr, Ruben J. DoD Confirmation 08/17/06 Arellano, James J. DoD Confirmation 08/16/06 Loa, Jeffrey S. DoD Confirmation 08/16/06 Glover, Michael Dennis DoD Confirmation 08/16/06 Phillips, John P. DoD Confirmation 08/16/06 McKenna IV, John James DoD Confirmation 08/12/06 Jenkins, Kenneth A. DoD Confirmation 08/12/06 Zeigler, Kevin L. DoD Confirmation 08/12/06 Lloyd, Michael C. DoD Confirmation 08/10/06 Long, Jeremy Z. DoD Confirmation 08/09/06 Brown, Jeffery S. DoD Confirmation 08/09/06 Mennemeyer, Steven P. DoD Confirmation 08/09/06 Woods, Shane W. DoD Confirmation 08/09/06 Ramirez, Ignacio DoD Confirmation 08/09/06 Jagger, Aaron DoD Confirmation 08/06/06 Melvin, Tracy L. DoD Confirmation 08/06/06 Zamora, Jose DoD Confirmation 08/06/06 Clark, Carlton A. DoD Confirmation 08/06/06 Seale, Stephen A. DoD Confirmation 08/05/06 Kubik, Brian J. DoD Confirmation 08/04/06 Segura Jr., Leroy DoD Confirmation 08/04/06 Storey, Clint J. DoD Confirmation 08/04/06 Beste, Bradley H. DoD Confirmation 08/03/06 Dechen, Kurt Edward DoD Confirmation 08/03/06 Ulloa Jr., George M. DoD Confirmation 08/02/06 Lee, Marc A. DoD Confirmation 08/02/06 Tomci, Joseph A. DoD Confirmation 08/02/06 Jopek, Ryan D. DoD Confirmation 08/02/06 Laird, Dustin D. DoD Confirmation 08/01/06 Hsia, Hai Ming DoD Confirmation 07/31/06 Ford, Joshua DoD Confirmation 07/29/06 Hanson, Jason DoD Confirmation 07/29/06 Baucus, Phillip E. DoD Confirmation 07/29/06 Williams, Christian B. DoD Confirmation 07/29/06 Butterfield, Anthony E. DoD Confirmation 07/27/06 Higgins, James W. DoD Confirmation 07/27/06 Murray, Adam R. DoD Confirmation 07/27/06 Sanchez, Enrique Henry DoD Confirmation 07/27/06 Roos, Timothy D. DoD Confirmation 07/26/06 Koth, Edward A DoD Confirmation 07/25/06 Graves, Joseph A. DoD Confirmation 07/24/06 Castner, Stephen W. DoD Confirmation 07/24/06 West, Jason M. DoD Confirmation 07/24/06 Samson Jr., Dennis K. DoD Confirmation 07/22/06 Swanson, Christopher DoD Confirmation 07/22/06 Russell, Blake H. DoD Confirmation 07/22/06 Fargo, Adam J. DoD Confirmation 07/21/06 Wallace, Matthew P. DoD Confirmation 07/21/06 Pate, Christopher T. DoD Confirmation 07/20/06 Plowman, Derek J. DoD Confirmation 07/20/06 Ramon, Julian A. DoD Confirmation 07/18/06 Cayer, Geofrey R. DoD Confirmation 07/18/06 Vecchione, Mark Richard DoD Confirmation 07/17/06 Baughman, Nathaniel S. DoD Confirmation 07/17/06 Pugh, Kenneth I. DoD Confirmation 07/17/06 Smith, Scott R. DoD Confirmation 07/17/06 Dickinson II, Michael A DoD Confirmation 07/16/06 Evey, Jason M. DoD Confirmation 07/15/06 Contreras, Andres J. DoD Confirmation 07/15/06 Holguin, Manuel J. DoD Confirmation 07/14/06 Turner Jr., Thomas B. DoD Confirmation 07/13/06 Floyd, Al'Kaila DoD Confirmation 07/12/06 Tharp, Jerry A. DoD Confirmation 07/12/06 Hernandez Jr., Irving DoD Confirmation 07/10/06 Dreasky, Duane J. DoD Confirmation 07/09/06 Montoya, Damien M. DoD Confirmation 07/08/06 Micks, Joseph P. DoD Confirmation 07/08/06 Linden, Troy Carlin DoD Confirmation 07/08/06 Flores, Omar DoD Confirmation 07/03/06 Pabla, Paul DoD Confirmation 07/02/06 Noyes, Justin DoD Confirmation 07/02/06 Mason, Collin T. DoD Confirmation 07/01/06 Ware Jr., Carl Jerome DoD Confirmation 06/29/06 Muldoon, James P. DoD Confirmation 06/29/06 Miller, Kyle DoD Confirmation 06/29/06 Clark, Ryan. J. DoD Confirmation 06/29/06 Rose, Christopher D. DoD Confirmation 06/29/06 Luckey, Bryan C. DoD Confirmation 06/28/06 Page, Rex A. DoD Confirmation 06/27/06 Morrow, Jason W. DoD Confirmation 06/27/06 Wallace, Terry O.P. DoD Confirmation 06/27/06 Jones, Jeremy DoD Confirmation 06/26/06 Potocki, Michael J. DoD Confirmation 06/26/06 Plouhar, Raymond J. DoD Confirmation 06/26/06 Lisk, Terry DoD Confirmation 06/25/06 King, Paul N. DoD Confirmation 06/24/06 Sanchez, Virrueta A. DoD Confirmation 06/24/06 Laymon, Benjamin J. DoD Confirmation 06/24/06 Norton, Justin Dean DoD Confirmation 06/23/06 Singletary, Channing G. DoD Confirmation 06/23/06 Gibbons, Devon J. DoD Confirmation 06/23/06 Buckley, Ryan J. DoD Confirmation 06/23/06 Bievre, Mario J. DoD Confirmation 06/23/06 Beyer, Paul A. DoD Confirmation 06/22/06 Baker, Riley E. DoD Confirmation 06/21/06 Cuaresma, Sirlou C. DoD Confirmation 06/21/06 Whyte, Nicholas J. DoD Confirmation 06/21/06 Buzzard, Jason J. DoD Confirmation 06/20/06 Leon, Christopher D. DoD Confirmation 06/20/06 Williams, Benjamin D. DoD Confirmation 06/20/06 Webb, Brandon J DoD Confirmation 06/20/06 White, Christopher N. DoD Confirmation 06/17/06 Ramirez, Reyes DoD Confirmation 06/17/06 Jones, Robert L. DoD Confirmation 06/16/06 Menchaca, Kristian DoD Confirmation 06/16/06 Tucker, Thomas Lowell DoD Confirmation 06/16/06 Koch, Brent W. DoD Confirmation 06/16/06 Babineau, David J. DoD Confirmation 06/15/06 Santos, Jeremiah S. DoD Confirmation 06/14/06 Estrella, Michael A. DoD Confirmation 06/09/06 Guerrero, Salvador DoD Confirmation 06/09/06 Alday, Zachary M. DoD Confirmation 06/09/06 Slaven, Ben DoD Confirmation 06/09/06 Zoucha, Brent DoD Confirmation 06/09/06 Velez, Jose M. DoD Confirmation 06/08/06 McSwain, Clarence D. DoD Confirmation 06/08/06 Crabtree, Daniel DoD Confirmation 06/08/06 Santos, Luis D. DoD Confirmation 06/07/06 Vaughan, John Shaw DoD Confirmation 06/07/06 Crombie, David N. DoD Confirmation 06/07/06 Love, Scott M. DoD Confirmation 06/06/06 Smykowski, Mark T. DoD Confirmation 06/06/06 Blakley, Richard A. DoD Confirmation 06/06/06 Anderson, Andy D. DoD Confirmation 06/06/06 Pernell, Carlos E. DoD Confirmation 06/06/06 Sanders, Ryan T. DoD Confirmation 06/06/06 Gionet, Daniel DoD Confirmation 06/05/06 Lawson, Issac S. DoD Confirmation 06/05/06 Rovinski, Gary DoD Confirmation 06/05/06 Jaenke, Jamie DoD Confirmation 06/03/06 Stover, Michael D. DoD Confirmation 06/03/06 Harmon, Darren DoD Confirmation 06/03/06 Cummings, Ryan J. DoD Confirmation 06/03/06 Tribble, Brett L. DoD Confirmation 05/31/06 Mejia, Benjamin E. DoD Confirmation 05/31/06 Kolasa, Alexander J. DoD Confirmation 05/30/06 Bucklin, Brock L. DoD Confirmation 05/30/06 West, Bobby R. DoD Confirmation 05/29/06 Loveless, Jeremy M. DoD Confirmation 05/29/06 Funkhouser, James A. DoD Confirmation 05/27/06 Garcia, J. Adan DoD Confirmation 05/27/06 Doring, Nathanael J. DoD Confirmation 05/27/06 Bennett, Richard A. DoD Confirmation 05/26/06 Lucas, Adam DoD Confirmation 05/25/06 Lufkin, Caleb A. DoD Confirmation 05/25/06 Blair, Robert E. DoD Confirmation 05/25/06 DiCenzo, Douglas A. DoD Confirmation 05/23/06 Hermanson, Michael L. DoD Confirmation 05/23/06 Posivio III, Robert G. DoD Confirmation 05/23/06 Freund, Steven DoD Confirmation 05/22/06 Leusink, William J. DoD Confirmation 05/22/06 Christoff Jr., David DoD Confirmation 05/21/06 Ramirez, Benito A. DoD Confirmation 05/18/06 Fulks, William B. DoD Confirmation 05/18/06 Holland, Daniel E. DoD Confirmation 05/18/06 Cournoyer, Nicholas DoD Confirmation 05/18/06 Allen Jr., Lonnie Calvin DoD Confirmation 05/18/06 Seidel III, Robert DoD Confirmation 05/17/06 Deal, Lee Hamilton DoD Confirmation 05/16/06 Halsel, Santiago M. DoD Confirmation 05/15/06 Flint Jr., Marion DoD Confirmation 05/15/06 Dampier, Grant Allen DoD Confirmation 05/14/06 Mahaffee, Shane DoD Confirmation 05/14/06 Yearby, Hatak Yuka Keyu M. DoD Confirmation 05/14/06 Marin-Dominguez Jr., Jose S. DoD Confirmation 05/14/06 Worrel, Matthew W. DoD Confirmation 05/14/06 Weeks, Jamie D. DoD Confirmation 05/14/06 West, Robert H. DoD Confirmation 05/14/06 Engeman, John W. DoD Confirmation 05/13/06 James, Richard Z. DoD Confirmation 05/13/06 Gebur, Ron DoD Confirmation 05/12/06 Teeters, Brandon L. DoD Confirmation 05/12/06 Conboy, Adam C. DoD Confirmation 05/11/06 Vahaviolos, Steve DoD Confirmation 05/11/06 Licalzi, Michael L. DoD Confirmation 05/11/06 GramesSanchez, David J. DoD Confirmation 05/11/06 Burnett, Jason K. DoD Confirmation 05/11/06 Burkart, Armer N. DoD Confirmation 05/11/06 Snowberger III, Stephen P. DoD Confirmation 05/11/06 Clark, Eric D. DoD Confirmation 05/10/06 Carbonaro, Alessandro DoD Confirmation 05/09/06 Latimer, Aaron P. DoD Confirmation 05/08/06 Wagner, Gregory A. DoD Confirmation 05/07/06 Legaspi, Emmanuel L. DoD Confirmation 05/06/06 Palmer, Cory L. DoD Confirmation 05/06/06 Deraps, Leon DoD Confirmation 05/06/06 Fenton, Matthew J. DoD Confirmation 05/06/06 Veverka, David Michael DoD Confirmation 05/06/06 Kelly Jr., Dale James DoD Confirmation 05/05/06 Gaylord, Alva L. DoD Confirmation 05/05/06 Torres, Teodoro DoD Confirmation 05/05/06 Saenz, Carlos N. DoD Confirmation 05/05/06 Vacho, Nathan J. DoD Confirmation 05/04/06 Parker, Elisha R. DoD Confirmation 05/04/06 Bixler, Stephen R. DoD Confirmation 05/04/06 Quinton, Bryan L. DoD Confirmation 05/04/06 Reinke, Gavin B. DoD Confirmation 05/03/06 Zieske, Benjamin T. DoD Confirmation 05/03/06 Proctor, Joseph E. DoD Confirmation 05/03/06 Letendre, Brian S. DoD Confirmation 05/03/06 Eckhardt, Christopher M. DoD Confirmation 05/01/06 Moscillo, Robert L. DoD Confirmation 05/01/06 Light, Robbie Glen DoD Confirmation 04/29/06 Sakoda, Steve M. DoD Confirmation 04/28/06 Herlem, Bryant A. DoD Confirmation 04/28/06 Hardy, Brandon M. DoD Confirmation 04/28/06 Mills, Lea R. DoD Confirmation 04/28/06 Davis III, Edward G. DoD Confirmation 04/28/06 Gomez, Jose DoD Confirmation 04/27/06 Wall, Mark A. DoD Confirmation 04/27/06 Webber, Matthew A. DoD Confirmation 04/27/06 Mendez, Bobby DoD Confirmation 04/26/06 Ford, Michael L. DoD Confirmation 04/25/06 Henry, Raymond L. DoD Confirmation 04/25/06 Herrema, Richard J. DoD Confirmation 04/24/06 Bandonill, Metodio A. DoD Confirmation 04/24/06 Simons, Aaron William DoD Confirmation 04/23/06 Ehney, Robert W. DoD Confirmation 04/23/06 Lasswell Jr., Shawn Thomas DoD Confirmation 04/23/06 Daniel, Jason B. DoD Confirmation 04/22/06 Lueken, Eric R. DoD Confirmation 04/22/06 Zimmerman, Travis C. DoD Confirmation 04/22/06 Bouthot, Michael E. DoD Confirmation 04/22/06 Allcott, Jacob H. DoD Confirmation 04/22/06 King, Eric D. DoD Confirmation 04/22/06 Colnot, Kyle A. DoD Confirmation 04/20/06 Ramseyer, Jason C. DoD Confirmation 04/19/06 Tinnell, Patrick A. DoD Confirmation 04/19/06 Settle, Robert J. DoD Confirmation 04/18/06 Weikel, Ian P. DoD Confirmation 04/16/06 Cubert, Clinton W. DoD Confirmation 04/15/06 Melcher, Mark W. DoD Confirmation 04/15/06 Sims, Justin D. DoD Confirmation 04/15/06 Winslow, Ryan G. DoD Confirmation 04/15/06 Mayorga, Pablo V. DoD Confirmation 04/15/06 Cothran, Derrick J. DoD Confirmation 04/14/06 Settle, Darin T. DoD Confirmation 04/13/06 Perez, Stephen Joseph DoD Confirmation 04/13/06 Bachar, Salem DoD Confirmation 04/13/06 Waits, Andrew K. DoD Confirmation 04/12/06 Glimpse, Marcus S. DoD Confirmation 04/12/06 Calderon-Ascencio, Roland E. DoD Confirmation 04/12/06 Bandhold, Scott M. DoD Confirmation 04/11/06 Hess, Kenneth D. DoD Confirmation 04/11/06 Roehl Jr., George R. DoD Confirmation 04/11/06 Costello III, James F. DoD Confirmation 04/11/06 Blanco, Joseph A. DoD Confirmation 04/10/06 Gardner, James W. "Will" DoD Confirmation 04/10/06 Lamberson, Randall L. DoD Confirmation 04/09/06 Love-Fowler, Joseph I. DoD Confirmation 04/09/06 Collins, David S. DoD Confirmation 04/09/06 Rogers, Gregory S. DoD Confirmation 04/08/06 Martini, Philip John DoD Confirmation 04/08/06 NavarroArellano, Juana DoD Confirmation 04/08/06 Creighton, Shawn R. DoD Confirmation 04/08/06 Missildine, Jody W. DoD Confirmation 04/07/06 Waller, Richard P. DoD Confirmation 04/06/06 Taylor, Bryan N. DoD Confirmation 04/06/06 Edwards, Chase A. DoD Confirmation 04/06/06 Sesker, Daniel L. DoD Confirmation 04/06/06 Harris, Dustin J. DoD Confirmation 04/04/06 Johnson, Ty J. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Ehle, Jeremy W. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Nettles, Marcques J. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Palmisano, Eric A. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Aguilar Jr., Andres DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Twitchell, Abraham G. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Sandoval-Flores, Felipe D. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Bass, David A. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Gallagher, Patrick J. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 St. Germain, Brian R. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Padilla Aleman, Geovani DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 McIntosh, Eric A. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Kim, Kun Y. DoD Confirmation 04/02/06 Procopio, Scott J. DoD Confirmation 04/01/06 Hartwick, Michael L. DoD Confirmation 04/01/06 Moshier, Timothy J. DoD Confirmation 04/01/06 Devora Garcia, Israel DoD Confirmation 04/01/06 Clay, Darrell P. DoD Confirmation 03/31/06 Beisel, Jacob Walter DoD Confirmation 03/30/06 Duenas, Joseph J. DoD Confirmation 03/30/06 Moss Jr., Walter M. DoD Confirmation 03/28/06 Rowe, Michael D. DoD Confirmation 03/28/06 Tharp, Sean D. DoD Confirmation 03/28/06 Hernandez, Robert DoD Confirmation 03/25/06 Carlson, Frederick A. DoD Confirmation 03/23/06 McCaulley, Randy D. DoD Confirmation 03/23/06 Beery, Brock A. DoD Confirmation 03/21/06 McKinzie, Antoine J. DoD Confirmation 03/18/06 Barraza, Ricardo DoD Confirmation 03/18/06 Brehm, Dale G. DoD Confirmation 03/16/06 Pinson, Amanda N. DoD Confirmation 03/16/06 Gonzalez, Carlos M. DoD Confirmation 03/16/06 Yates III, Nyle DoD Confirmation 03/15/06 Zawaydeh, Angelo A. DoD Confirmation 03/13/06 Silva, Marco A. DoD Confirmation 03/13/06 Dan, Corey A. DoD Confirmation 03/13/06 Lewis, Bryan A. DoD Confirmation 03/12/06 Marino (Figueroa), Kristen K. DoD Confirmation 03/11/06 Duerksen, Amy A. DoD Confirmation 03/10/06 Long, Bunny DoD Confirmation 03/08/06 Fry, John D. DoD Confirmation 03/07/06 Martone, Justin R. DoD Confirmation 03/07/06 Salas Jr., Ricky DoD Confirmation 03/06/06 Zanutto, Adam O. DoD Confirmation 03/05/06 Jessen, Kevin P. DoD Confirmation 03/03/06 Snyder, Matthew A. DoD Confirmation 03/01/06 Youmans, Joshua V. DoD Confirmation 03/01/06 Merchant, Christopher S. DoD Confirmation 03/01/06 Priest, Tina M. DoD Confirmation 02/27/06 Lewis, Dwayne Peter R. DoD Confirmation 02/26/06 Pearce, Joshua M. DoD Confirmation 02/26/06 Schornak, Christopher J. DoD Confirmation 02/26/06 Humble, Joshua U. DoD Confirmation 02/26/06 Farr, Clay P. DoD Confirmation 02/25/06 Thornton, John Joshua DoD Confirmation 02/25/06 Schuster, Benjamin C. DoD Confirmation 02/25/06 VanAlstine, Adam J. DoD Confirmation 02/24/06 Muscat, Dimitri DoD Confirmation 02/24/06 Powers, Joshua Francis DoD Confirmation 02/22/06 Wilwerth, Thomas J. DoD Confirmation 02/22/06 Misner II, Gordon F. DoD Confirmation 02/22/06 Howard II, Curtis T. DoD Confirmation 02/22/06 Morr, Allan A. DoD Confirmation 02/22/06 Marion, Christopher L. DoD Confirmation 02/22/06 Gourley, Gregson G. DoD Confirmation 02/22/06 Jones, Rickey E. DoD Confirmation 02/21/06 Fitzgerald, Almar L. DoD Confirmation 02/20/06 Collado, Jay T. DoD Confirmation 02/20/06 Kuhlmeier, Daniel J. DoD Confirmation 02/20/06 Davila, Jessie DoD Confirmation 02/18/06 Conley, Matthew D. DoD Confirmation 02/18/06 Matheny IV, Charles E. DoD Confirmation 02/17/06 Garcia, Anthony R. DoD Confirmation 02/17/06 Edwards Jr., Amos C. DoD Confirmation 02/14/06 Washam, Rusty L. DoD Confirmation 02/14/06 Barnes, Matthew Ron DoD Confirmation 02/14/06 Probst, Michael S. DoD Confirmation 02/12/06 Kemple, Andrew J. DoD Confirmation 02/12/06 Garcia Villareal, Felipe J. DoD Confirmation 02/12/06 Wilson, Nicholas DoD Confirmation 02/09/06 Smith, Ross A. DoD Confirmation 02/09/06 Chavez Jr., Javier DoD Confirmation 02/07/06 Phillips, Steven L. DoD Confirmation 02/07/06 Kokesh Jr., Allen D. DoD Confirmation 02/06/06 Herried, Patrick W. DoD Confirmation 02/06/06 Schuck, Brandon S. DoD Confirmation 02/06/06 Spann, Jacob D. "Jake" DoD Confirmation 02/06/06 Gerena, Orville DoD Confirmation 02/06/06 Parr, David S. DoD Confirmation 02/05/06 Mercedes Saez, Sergio A. DoD Confirmation 02/05/06 Hayes III, William S. DoD Confirmation 02/05/06 Morningstar, Christopher R. DoD Confirmation 02/05/06 Boehmer, Jeremiah J. DoD Confirmation 02/04/06 Martinez Salazar, Roberto L. DoD Confirmation 02/03/06 Zamora, Jesse M. DoD Confirmation 02/03/06 Cornett, Lance S. DoD Confirmation 02/02/06 Cox Jr., Simon T. DoD Confirmation 02/02/06 Messer, Scott A. DoD Confirmation 02/02/06 Howard II, Walter B. DoD Confirmation 02/01/06 Cardelli, Sean T. DoD Confirmation 02/01/06 Owens, Anthony Chad DoD Confirmation 02/01/06 Viglienzone, Caesar S. DoD Confirmation 02/01/06 Bustamante, Marlon A. DoD Confirmation 02/01/06 Avery, Garrison C. DoD Confirmation 01/28/06 Schoff, Brian J. DoD Confirmation 01/28/06 Herrera, David L. DoD Confirmation 01/28/06 Barbosa, Felipe C. DoD Confirmation 01/27/06 Lopez Lopez, Hugo R. DoD Confirmation 01/25/06 Johnson, Joshua Allen DoD Confirmation 01/25/06 Durbin Jr., Jerry M. "Michael" DoD Confirmation 01/24/06 Miles, Sean H. DoD Confirmation 01/23/06 Wagler, Peter D. DoD Confirmation 01/23/06 Chase, Lance M. DoD Confirmation 01/23/06 Scott, Joshua A. DoD Confirmation 01/23/06 Calapini, Lewis T. D. DoD Confirmation 01/23/06 Hunter, Matthew D. DoD Confirmation 01/22/06 McElroy, Brian DoD Confirmation 01/22/06 Norton, Jason L. DoD Confirmation 01/20/06 Arrelano Pandura, Carlos DoD Confirmation 01/20/06 Dewey, Brandon Christopher DoD Confirmation 01/20/06 Frantz, Matthew C. DoD Confirmation 01/20/06 Yazzie, Clifton J. DoD Confirmation 01/20/06 Flanagan, Dennis J. DoD Confirmation 01/20/06 Scott, Rickey DoD Confirmation 01/17/06 Shepherd, Adam R. DoD Confirmation 01/16/06 Garcia, Ruel M. DoD Confirmation 01/16/06 Kenyon, Rex C. DoD Confirmation 01/15/06 Kendall, Dustin L. DoD Confirmation 01/15/06 Dudkiewicz, Kasper Allen DoD Confirmation 01/14/06 Watts, Justin J. DoD Confirmation 01/13/06 Jordan, Michael Anthony DoD Confirmation 01/13/06 Price, Jonathan Kyle DoD Confirmation 01/13/06 Jackson, Kyle E. DoD Confirmation 01/13/06 Carver Jr., Mitchell K. DoD Confirmation 01/10/06 McMullen, Michael Joseph DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Lundstrom, Brett L. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Jacobs, Jeriad P. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Brown, Kyle W. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Camilomatos, Radhames DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Upchurch, Clinton R. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Johnson, Robert T. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Field, Nathan R. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Braswell, Darren D. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 deMoors, Joseph D. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 LaBouff, Douglas A. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Martinez, Michael R. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Anderson, Stuart M. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Melson, Jacob E. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Edwards, Michael I. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Troxel, Chester W. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Campbell, Jaime L. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Little, Jason T. DoD Confirmation 01/07/06 Mercado, Raul DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 McCurdy, Ryan S. DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Gettings, Albert Pasquale DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Walker, Ryan D. DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Lopezreyes, Jason DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 McLaughlin, Michael E. DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Cann, Adam Leigh DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Mariano, Robbie M. DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Peralez Jr., Johnny J. DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 White, Stephen J. DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Petty, Christopher P. DoD Confirmation 01/05/06 Hecker III, William F. DoD Confirmation 01/01/06 Bishop, Jason Lee DoD Confirmation 01/01/06 Vanderhorn, Christopher J. DoD Confirmation 12/31/05 Corniel, Marcelino Ronald DoD Confirmation 12/30/05 Taha, Ayman A. DoD Confirmation 12/30/05 Pfender, Jonathan R. DoD Confirmation 12/30/05 Dostie, Shawn Christopher DoD Confirmation 12/29/05 Lutz II, George Anthony "Tony" DoD Confirmation 12/29/05 Teewia, Prince K. DoD Confirmation 12/28/05 Forbes, Aaron M. DoD Confirmation 12/27/05 Morberg, Joshua M. DoD Confirmation 12/27/05 Sage, Lance S. DoD Confirmation 12/26/05 Carver, Dane O. DoD Confirmation 12/26/05 Santos, Isaias E. DoD Confirmation 12/26/05 Salter, Richard Matthew "Matt" DoD Confirmation 12/26/05 Coles, Dominic R. DoD Confirmation 12/25/05 Cardinal, Anthony O. DoD Confirmation 12/25/05 Gudino, Sergio DoD Confirmation 12/24/05 Andres Jr., Joseph J. DoD Confirmation 12/24/05 Maravillosa, Myla L. DoD Confirmation 12/23/05 Willey, Cheyenne C. DoD Confirmation 12/23/05 Reali, Regina C. DoD Confirmation 12/22/05 Lopez-Feliciano, William DoD Confirmation 12/22/05 Britt, Benjamin T. DoD Confirmation 12/20/05 Naputi, Richard Jr. DeGracia DoD Confirmation 12/20/05 Cleary, Michael J. DoD Confirmation 12/19/05 Mason, Johnnie V. DoD Confirmation 12/18/05 Tapia, Samuel DoD Confirmation 12/16/05 Fales, Adam R. DoD Confirmation 12/15/05 Boyce, Timothy R. DoD Confirmation 12/15/05 Lucas, Joseph Alan DoD Confirmation 12/14/05 Presley, Michael B. DoD Confirmation 12/14/05 Pospisil, Kenneth B. DoD Confirmation 12/13/05 Navarro, Peter J. DoD Confirmation 12/13/05 Kesinger, James C. DoD Confirmation 12/13/05 Karim, Brian C. DoD Confirmation 12/13/05 Zyla, Michael S. DoD Confirmation 12/12/05 Mitchell, Curtis A. DoD Confirmation 12/12/05 Nelson, Lex S. DoD Confirmation 12/12/05 Kubasak, Jared William DoD Confirmation 12/11/05 Bennett, Keith A. DoD Confirmation 12/11/05 Moudy, James S. "Shawn" DoD Confirmation 12/10/05 Casica, Kenith DoD Confirmation 12/10/05 Nelson, Travis L. DoD Confirmation 12/10/05 Floyd Jr., Clarence L. DoD Confirmation 12/10/05 Atkins, Julia V. DoD Confirmation 12/09/05 Orosco, Adrian N. DoD Confirmation 12/08/05 Rivera-Vargas, Milton DoD Confirmation 12/08/05 Smith, Kevin J. DoD Confirmation 12/08/05 Akers, Spencer C. DoD Confirmation 12/07/05 Taylor, Michael C. DoD Confirmation 12/07/05 Bier, Joseph P. DoD Confirmation 12/06/05 Siekert, Thomas C. DoD Confirmation 12/06/05 Wright, Brian A. DoD Confirmation 12/04/05 Cuka, Daniel M. DoD Confirmation 12/04/05 Schild, Richard L. DoD Confirmation 12/03/05 Shelton, Jimmy Lee DoD Confirmation 12/02/05 Futrell, Marcus S. DoD Confirmation 12/02/05 Travis, Philip L. DoD Confirmation 12/02/05 Dodson Jr., Philip Allan DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Adams, Brent A. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Watson, Craig N. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Stevens, Andy A. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Patten, Andrew G. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Modeen, Scott T. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 McElveen, Anthony T. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Martinez, Robert Alexander DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Kaiser, Adam Wade DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Huhn, David A. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Holmason, John M. DoD Confirmation 12/01/05 Clay, Daniel J. DoD Confirmation 11/30/05 Taylor, William G. DoD Confirmation 11/30/05 Richardson, William D. DoD Confirmation 11/30/05 Snyder, Joshua D. DoD Confirmation 11/30/05 Jakoniuk, Grzegorz DoD Confirmation 11/29/05 Hasse, Donald J. DoD Confirmation 11/29/05 Mills Jr., Jerry W. DoD Confirmation 11/26/05 Angus, Brett E. DoD Confirmation 11/25/05 Tull, Gregory L. DoD Confirmation 11/24/05 Christensen, Ryan D. DoD Confirmation 11/24/05 Pearrow, Eric P. DoD Confirmation 11/24/05 Delgado, Marc A. DoD Confirmation 11/24/05 Reynolds, Steven C. DoD Confirmation 11/24/05 Villanueva, Javier A. DoD Confirmation 11/23/05 Knop, Allen J. DoD Confirmation 11/23/05 Meeuwsen, William B. DoD Confirmation 11/23/05 Bass, Aram J. DoD Confirmation 11/22/05 Gallardo, Denis J. DoD Confirmation 11/21/05 Dearing, John Wilson "J.W." DoD Confirmation 11/20/05 Sacco, Dominic J. DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Alcozer, Christopher M. DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Troyer, Tyler J. DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Terrazas, Miguel DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Idanan, Michael J. DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Hinton, Dominic Joseph DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Blair, Jonathan F. DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Karolasz, Edward DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Zilinski, Dennis W. DoD Confirmation 11/19/05 Yost, Anthony R. C. DoD Confirmation 11/18/05 Reyes, Luis R. DoD Confirmation 11/18/05 Gaunky, Anthony Alexander "Alex" DoD Confirmation 11/17/05 Widner, Vernon R. DoD Confirmation 11/17/05 Alarcon, Ivan Vargas DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 Paytas, Dylan R. DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 Murray, Jeremy E. DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 Roman-Cruz, Alexis DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 Ware, Joshua J. DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 Rogers, Jeffry A. DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 Deeds, Roger W. DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 Lucente, John A. "JT" DoD Confirmation 11/16/05 McGlothin, Donald R. DoD Confirmation 11/15/05 Schiavoni, Nickolas David DoD Confirmation 11/15/05 Grigg, Travis J. DoD Confirmation 11/15/05 Holley, Matthew J. DoD Confirmation 11/15/05 Estep, James E. DoD Confirmation 11/14/05 Longoria, John M. DoD Confirmation 11/14/05 McCrackin, Christopher M. DoD Confirmation 11/14/05 Mendoza Jr., Ramon J. DoD Confirmation 11/12/05 Sutherland, Stephen J. DoD Confirmation 11/12/05 Mendez Ruiz, David A. DoD Confirmation 11/12/05 Zubowski, Scott A. DoD Confirmation 11/11/05 Chisholm, Tyrone L. DoD Confirmation 11/11/05 Mendez Sanchez, Antonio "Tony" DoD Confirmation 11/11/05 Fisher II, Donald E. DoD Confirmation 11/10/05 Swaim, Daniel Freeman DoD Confirmation 11/10/05 Terando, Joshua A. DoD Confirmation 11/10/05 Parrott, Michael C. DoD Confirmation 11/08/05 Cashe, Alwyn C. "Al" DoD Confirmation 11/08/05 Tamburello, Jeremy P. DoD Confirmation 11/07/05 Reyes, Mario A. DoD Confirmation 11/07/05 Pope II, Robert C. DoD Confirmation 11/07/05 Freeman, Brian L. DoD Confirmation 11/07/05 Smith, Justin S. DoD Confirmation 11/06/05 Hayes, James F. DoD Confirmation 11/06/05 Cahill, Joel E. DoD Confirmation 11/06/05 Sorensen, Ryan J. DoD Confirmation 11/05/05 Wren, Thomas A. DoD Confirmation 11/04/05 Boatman, Darrell W. DoD Confirmation 11/04/05 Yancey, Dustin A. DoD Confirmation 11/04/05 Gurbisz, James M. DoD Confirmation 11/04/05 Brown, Timothy D. DoD Confirmation 11/04/05 Fegler, Jason A. DoD Confirmation 11/03/05 Toczylowski, Jeffrey P. DoD Confirmation 11/03/05 Howe, Darren D. DoD Confirmation 11/03/05 Pratt, Daniel J. DoD Confirmation 11/03/05 Wehrly, Kyle B. DoD Confirmation 11/02/05 MacKenzie, Tyler R. DoD Confirmation 11/02/05 Smith, Benjamin A. DoD Confirmation 11/02/05 Munger, Joshua J. DoD Confirmation 11/02/05 Procopio, Mark J. DoD Confirmation 11/02/05 Ferderer Jr., Dennis J. DoD Confirmation 11/02/05 Martino, Michael D. DoD Confirmation 11/02/05 Bloomfield II, Gerald M. DoD Confirmation 11/01/05 Espiritu, Allan M. DoD Confirmation 11/01/05 Tsue, Daniel A. DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Kading, Matthew R. DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Oneto-Sikorski, Robert C. DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Jack, Derence W. DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Lieto, Wilgene T. DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Johnson, Adam R. "A.J." DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Martin, David J. DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Byler, William J. DoD Confirmation 10/31/05 Tessar, Jonathan DoD Confirmation 10/30/05 Dameron, Joel P. DoD Confirmation 10/30/05 Hodshire, Michael Paul DoD Confirmation 10/29/05 Guy, Shaker T. DoD Confirmation 10/29/05 Hill II, Raymond D. DoD Confirmation 10/29/05 Rojas, Kenny D. DoD Confirmation 10/28/05 Jutras, Dillon M. DoD Confirmation 10/28/05 Banaszak, Debra A. DoD Confirmation 10/27/05 Kremm, Jared J. DoD Confirmation 10/27/05 Eckfield Jr., Robert F. DoD Confirmation 10/27/05 Wood, William W. DoD Confirmation

My Blog

Google News REPORTS PAUL CONCEDES (I must say that I told you all not to get too excited)

Google News REPORTS PAUL CONCEDES ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />True or Not! Ron Paul was out of this race from the start!   It doesn't matter if he removes ...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:02:00 PST

Delusion fills Voting supporters!

Delusion fills Voting supporters!This News about Republican Canidates dropping out just makes it a for sure win to who ever isn't Ron Paul!I still think Giuliani will be the Republican Choice!Money wi...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:19:00 PST


ALERT! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SHUT ME UP!I'm getting tired of defending my position!I'm Tired of trying to WAKE YOU UP!Many appreciate what I do, but there are the Haters!I will continue to harass the ...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 10:06:00 PST


THE TWELVE YEARS OF BUSHby Steven Thornton.On the first Year of Terror, My President sent to me.One 911 and the NEW WORLD ORDER,for the Free.On the second Year of Terror,My President sent to me.Two un...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:27:00 PST


Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:28:00 PST


 ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> "It really doesn't matter who's in the White House"!"What really matter is what are people doing, what are people saying"!"WH...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 01:40:00 PST


Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 10:21:00 PST

Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere Increasing faster (1hour ago!)

Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere Increasing faster (1hour ago!) Choke on this Al Gore Haters!Some Scientist Disagree with you!Let the Gore Bashing Begin!Look forward to your emails!Concerned!Science News...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 03:23:00 PST

George Bush Gay allegations published

George Bush Gay allegations published----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: CONCERNED ABOUT U.S! aka Shame on U.S!!Date: Oct 22, 2007 9:29 AMRE: George Bush Gay allegations publishe...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:35:00 PST

Another Brainwashed Drug Fed Plant by our Government

Another Brainwashed Drug Fed Plant by our Government!HE WANTS US TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!Hey here's another Wanna Be "Chris Crocker" I want attention LOOK AT ME! This dude looks like hes got motor functio...
Posted by The NEOCRATICAN REPORTER (SHAME ON U.S!) on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:31:00 PST