Sentinel profile picture


When you can't debunk the conspiracy theories, you debunk the government.

About Me

I thought I was pretty much your average person, until I discovered information that led me to believe that the American government has been involved in some (if not all) of the most violent and horrid events to befall the American people throughout history....Now I'm a tad angry and quite motivated to show everyone that will look, what I know and what I have seen and read.
All I ask is that you look at everything with an objective mindset and when looking at all the information, remember what the former FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover once said:
" The individual is handicapped by coming face to face
with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists " .
Open your eyes America. It's time to wake up and have a dose of reality. You're not going to like it (I don't like it) ...but we all have to at least know the truth...and decide where to go from there. One thing I do know for sure...I will not go peacefully to where my government wants to take me.
View my Bulletins here

My Interests

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence." — Henry Kissinger

Quotes like this interest me...

Impeaching The Current
would interest me...

and taking back what the current
administration keeps throwing away...
Our Rights!

I like these last two the best...They should ring a bell.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
-- Declaration of Independence

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
-- Second Amendment

I Support "Honorable" Troops
I Support Palestine
I Support Lebanon

I'd like to meet:

Anybody having any pertinent information and/or links not on "my" space at present.
Who YOU should meet:
Allow me to introduce you to some sites that will shake you to your core...

Think you know what happened on 9/11 ... JFK ... Pearl Harbor ?

Think you know who is in control of our economy?

Think you know which way this country is headed?

Ever heard of the "Illuminati"..."Skull and Bones"?

Click on a link below...See for yourself how none of these disasters could have happened as our government maintains. See how You and I are just assets of a privately owned company (The U.S.A.) . We're really not Free at all.

Pilots For 911 Truth
911 Essentials
Pentagon: Hunt The Boeing!
Free Press International
Beyond Treason
Friends of Liberty
We Are Change
The Friends of the
Article V Convention
Arnold Exposed
JFK's Murder Solved
Cop fights CIA
Illuminati Archives

Not So Cool Facts About Israel
Thanks 2 ProThink

Confirmed...Voting Machines Hacked!
It's Time For Change
Wake Up America!
Janeane Garofalo Enlightens Bill Maher
Coincidences...Yeah Right!
Thanks 2 Pan Man

And More Coincidences
Thanks 2 Russell

Independent Media In A Time Of War

Bush Owns 1400 Radio Stations
Thanks 2 free from propaganda

JFK Speech Worth Remembering

Thanks 2 Chris


Thanks 2 Tyler

Soundtrack = "What Would You Do?" By Paris
Thanks 2 f*ck the Elite

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is that good men do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke

"They that can give up essential liberty
to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Ben Franklin 1759

Sign by Dealighted

Something you will never see in the news in America

Israelis....The Real Terrorists

"...Israeli journalist, Arieh Shavit, explains of the massacre, "We believe with absolute certitude that right now, with the White House in our hands, the Senate in our hands and The New York Times in our hands, the lives of others do not count the same way as our own."

Why would we as a people allow this to happen?

The 1994 Pulitzer Prize nominee Kevin Carter took this photograph above of an African girl, nothing but a skeleton, trying to crawl towards a U.N. Food Shelter, about one kilometer away. Behind her, a few yards away, was a vulture waiting for the girl to die to feast. The picture of the vulture stalking a starving girl is real and was taken in Sudan in 1993. Why is Israel receiving so much U.S. aid that other countries could use to feed and care for people? EXPOSE TRUTH.


Ed Brown Gassed? Interview Audio
The Power Hour

E. Howard Hunt Testament Audio
Dear Mr. President MusicVideo
Paris Music
J. Gibson w/ Gov. Ventura Talk Show
Sharif Music
The Illuminenaughty Music
Coast 2 Coast AM NewsTalk
Radio Deception Music
Free Talk Live NewsTalk
Shoot to Kill Music
Political Inversion NewsTalk
Bands Against Bush Music
Info Wars' Main Stream NewsTalk
King James Music


Beyond Treason (Must See)
Justice For 9-11 Censored!
911 Eyewitness Part I
911 Eyewitness Part II
911 Eyewitness Part III
911 Commission Report
Omissions & Distortions
American Dictatorship Exposed
Independent Media During War
Bush Owns 1400 Radio Stations
MI5 Agent Speaks of 9/11 Censored!
Iraq For Sale-The War Profiteers!
Chicago 911 Truth Convention
America Freedom to Fascism
Blue Print for Tyranny - Iron Mt.
Gov. Jesse Ventura on 9/11 Pt. 1
Gov. Jesse Ventura Pt. 2
Bush...Keeping it in the family
LBJ's Mistress on JFK Hit Censored!
Mind Control Sex Slave Tells All
Watch all eleven parts!
Seung-Hui Cho-MK-Assassin Pt. 1
Seung-Hui Cho-MK-Assassin Pt. 2
Phil Scneider's Last Video
Before He Was Assassinated Censored!


Secret WMD in Israel
BBC Reports WTC7 Down
Before It Collapses!
Breaking The Silence
Conspiracy Theories
The Third Stage Censored!
The Truth & Lies of 9/11
U.S. Trained 911 Hijackers?
Big Brother is Watching You
The Television Program "They"
Did Not Want You To See Censored!
CIA...Drugs & Mena Arkansas
The "Stringpullers" Don't Want You To See This Documentary! Censored!
Keith Olbermann Nails Bush
Olbermann: O'Reilly and Fox Liars
Rosie O. Questions 9/11
Keith Olbermann Spanks Rudy
O'Reilly Owned by Phil Donahue
Rosie O. Sounds Off on WTC7
Comic Relief by Bill Maher
Another Bill Maher Highlight


Why You Are In The Dark Article
Alan Greenspan Claims Iraq War Was Really For Oil NewsLink
Evidence 4 Debunkers NewsLink
Northwood Documents PDF File
911 FAA Tape Destroyed NewsLink
93 Lands in Cleveland? NewsLink
Military Bars 911 Intel NewsLink
A President Gone AWOL NewsLink
Halliburton Sells Nuclear
Tech. To Iran NewsLink
Halliburton bails out of Iraq,
KBR, and now America NewsLink
David Ray Griffin Interview
Confession of E. Howard Hunt:
CIA Team Murdered JFK NewsLink


The Awakened , FDNY...
And those that bring us
the following short clip(s):
Americans Should Know What Israel is Doing
Thanks 2 Hassan Nasrallah
The War On ___
Thanks 2
Israeli Spies in U.S. Government
Thanks 2 Eddie
Explanation of the Towers...
Given by MIT Engineer Jeff King!
The End Game (Trailer)
Thanks 2 XPIOLT
Halliburton Infecting Our Troops Get Chipped...Risk Cancer
Thanks 2 Mike4freedom
Pilot Speaks Out About 911
Thanks 2 Tom
Still No Shortage of F*cked-Up Cops
Thanks 2 Zetetic
Uh....What? Dictatorship?
Powell & Rice-Iraq Has No WMD's So Why Did We Go?
DO YOU SEE A BOEING 757? Look at my pics...You'll see
It looks more like a Cruise Missile!
Where is Flight 93?
What Did Rumsfield Just Say Flight 93 Shot Down?
Thanks 2 FREEDOM
Cynthia McKinney Thanks 2 Veritas (Latin For Truth)
For A New American Century Thanks 2 Bobby
Barry Says War Corporatism!
America Freedom to Fascism
Trailer For the full 2 hour documentary
click here
Thanks 2 f*ck the Elite
No Propaganda In Our Media?
Watch This! Thanks 2 Portland 911 Truth
Jackie Mason on Gun Control Thanks 2
Warning Explicit Language Thanks 2 f*ck the Elite
Thanks 2 f*ck the Elite
Thanks 2 Think
Snoop Blasts Bill O'Riley Thanks 2 NWO
Trump Blasts Bush Administration Thanks 2 A NEW ORDER on THE NEW WORLD ORDER

Sign by Dealighted

My Blog

Americas Police Brutality Pandemic

There was a time when I, like so many other youngsters, wanted to be a cop. Sure, it was nestled between wanting to be a cowboy, doctor, firefighter, and astronaut, but it was in there. I admired th...
Posted by Sentinel on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 05:11:00 PST

Censorship In The Mainstream Media&All Is NOT What It Seems

The mainstream media here in America is not what it seems to be. It is engineered to lull you to sleep with programming fraught with meaningless content like "Friends", "Seinfeld", "American Idle", a...
Posted by Sentinel on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 06:39:00 PST

America’s War On Drugs...

Is it a war or is it a legal form of genocide?So do you think that our "War on Drugs" has been effective?  Perhaps but effective for whom? Who has really benefited since the declaration of war? H...
Posted by Sentinel on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:47:00 PST

The Secret History of the American Empire

"&* The current Latin-American revolution and its lessons for democracy* How the "defeats" in Vietnam and Iraq benefited big business* The role of Israel as "Fortress America" in the Middle East* Trag...
Posted by Sentinel on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:09:00 PST

The Power of The Israel Lobby

Why Dems and Republicans Bow to the Israel LobbyBy John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt10/09/07 "New York Times" -- The following is an excerpt from the Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John J. Me...
Posted by Sentinel on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 07:49:00 PST

Patented Cure For Aids (Must See)

It was man it wasn't.....SHUT UP!Do the research before you come to me spewing uneducated bile from your mouth. I was in the field....I know the shit they pull. If it isn't about making mon...
Posted by Sentinel on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 01:45:00 PST

Why State Militias Should Reform and Activate

Call me what you will&crazy&.extremist&idiot&.I care not.What I do care about are my two little girls and my wife. I care about my best friend (Single father) and him having to raise two gorgeous dau...
Posted by Sentinel on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 06:45:00 PST

I Want You To Get Mad!

Why aren't we mad yet?We say we are but we're not.We march until someone is arrested then stop or even worse disperse.We protest and disrupt speeches being made until someone is arrested but then the ...
Posted by Sentinel on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 04:10:00 PST

Vatican Assassins

Well this is news to me....I have actually never heard of thisTell me your opinions.And don't ask me why they cut-up this video into a thousand pieces. I originally had it in one full film. Anyway he...
Posted by Sentinel on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 08:06:00 PST

The Federal Reserve and IRS Must Die

You should really know who controls your money....your economy...and your country.Did you know that the 16th amendment (that covers income tax) was NEVER ratified by the states?It's ILLEGAL people.Aar...
Posted by Sentinel on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 02:55:00 PST