"Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie"

Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado, we're on the opposite side of the Set now..

About Me

Leave me a message and we'll talk about it, My page, my blogs and bulletins and Groups I'm in say A lot..click here Just remember, 'A little bit of everything is good, and Too much of anything is not.'
GDD..WB[Strawman]+Razoor[Tinman]=Sharp like the Shooting Dog Star[Leo].

Click here to view my Bulletins for the week

Click here for my BP profile
Take the quiz:
Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)

Ra, the Sun God
Ra was considered self-created, and the creator of all. He was the Sun God, making him one of the most powerful gods of ancient Egypt. Many worshipped him and depended on him. You may be a bit arrogant. Perhaps you have reason to. Perhaps you are fantastic like Ra and deserve to be worshiped like he was. Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

My Interests

Evolution VI TME (Tommi Makinen Limited Edition).................... Evolution 5 6 7 8 & 9 Collection with Ludacris to start it off!!

'My Dossier for the F/22',Simulated in the Middle East, where every nation takes turn being the 'Enemy'. Demonstration Video bellow.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone who are 'Ready for Freddie', 'In it, to Win it' AND have Respect for the 'Boogie Man', No Fear.. All Judan Sensei's, you know who you are!! Ladies dat wanna take on 'Freddie 2Gedha, 4daChedha'
Virgin Mary's who want to take the Red Pill
Frankensteins/Raiders of the Lost Arc!! And Many Moors


All kinds of music especially if its a hit. Check out all my Friends profiles and Music, They are FEEDING the WORLD, View My Blogs and videos for Some Real Edutainment!!

Click here to view my Bulletins for the week


The Missing Link: The Matrix Unplugged

Includes Malcolm X, Taj Tarik Bey, Hebrew-Israelite and Moorish History. Martin Luther King, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad, Muhammad Ali, and many more! Packed full of info that all of so-called black America should study. Answers alot of questions to the identity of the people (known as black) in America. Shocking, but very interesting and should be considered a study guide from people in America (thought to be African)descent. VERY POWERFUL! I caught the first version 3 years ago, and am the first to put it out here! Not for those with weak Minds! Request your OFFICIAL DVD COPY TODAY! Receive your official DVD copy of "The Missing Link: The Matrix Unplugged" for a small donation Click here for more info!!

Crack the CIA..

The Black Dot-Hip Hop Is Dead Part!

The Black Dot breaks down The Life and Death of the Hip Hop Matrix Part!.

Black Dot Hip Hop Is Dead Part !!

The Black Dot continues to break down Hip Hop Part !!.

Rudy Ray Moore in Action Again.. An Icon, Rapper, Judan Sensei!

DARPA’s iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid: ‘The Official Version’

This was constructed almost entirely using government / military quotes, animations, videos, images and photos. The narrative is sourced from government quotes from start to finish. It is the “official version”, if you will, but in an unprecedented format.It unveils the governments numerous and ongoing programs related to A.I., “NBIC”, the “Global Information Grid”, nanotechnology, biotechnology, autonomous drones, “naval sea-bases”, space weapons, weather modification… or more directly: domestic and global totalitarian technological domination. American Imperialism meets Artificial Intelligence.The only debate is: what are we going to do to stop it? Time’s running out…It mostly centers around DARPA materials, as they’re the fountainhead of all of this, but this is all a broad multi-agency effort. Some of the video content, the “OS” of the video, was screen captured from the DARPA sites old iXo interactive flash presentation, from almost a yearago, but is now no longer available.See also: “They Want Your Soul” in my other videos section here on Google Video.Also visit: www.ignoranceisntbliss.com www.myspace.com/ignoranceisntbliss

Navigating the Afterlife Cydonia Inc.

Did the ancient Egyptian technology extend into mastery of the afterlife? In the Valley of the Kings, the tombs of Seti I and Tuthmosis III have been closed to the public for over a decade. Arcane funerary texts cover the walls of the tombs with a bewildering list of spells and secrets that allow the deceased to navigate the afterlife. Dr. Rick Strassman, author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, discusses the biochemistry of the death experience and the role of the mysterious pineal gland. Our powerful interaction with DMT is shedding new light on the ancient understanding of the "third eye" or pineal gland as the seat of consciousness. Lon Milo Duquette discusses the strange state of consciousness known as Lucid Dreaming and its unexpected relationship with the afterlife experience.


Sci Fi, Adventure, Kung Foo, All Discovery, Fox News(gotta hear the Propaganda), sports and Racing, Military channel, Music Videos, and C-span.


I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

People are books, and Actions speak Louder than words.


All the Mighty Messengers/Kristos, and Many Moors!!!

Click on "View all of 'my' Groups" for some interesting threads to read.. I Moderate the Group (+)Beyond the Edge of Knowledge(-) ,!!

My Blog

BEYOND TREASON: the use of depleted uranium FULL MOVIE

Vietnam War, should've taught us about how the 'ELITE' (aka TPTB=The Powers That Be) create Ritual Sacrafices (aka poulation control)Thanks to:O-t-N Full Screenfor the most detailed listing o...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:15:00 PST

More Coverups, Safe Space!!

In Case some do not understand English, here it is in Spanish. Lift up the Tapestry!!  More Top Secret Clearenced WHISTLE BLOWERS come out, click here ...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 02:39:00 PST

Who knows what Symbolism really means??

Jordan Maxwell gives his Interpretation of the Occult, time to do your Homework..Only 3 hours  ;)~ ...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 10:21:00 PST

Part II 'Washing the World of Truth'

http://www.stewartsynopsis.com/blacked_out_through_whitewash .htm wrote:Blacked Out Through Whitewash (1992) Part I: Exposing the Greatest Cover- ups in "His-Story" by: Suzar(Because the need is critic...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:54:00 PST

Who was 'CODE NAME -Zoro-'??

Co-Intellpro's Code Name for Martin Luther King Jr. ..> (click here for fullscreen) The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.by Denis Mueller The Assassination of Martin Luther King ...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Wed, 23 May 2007 12:05:00 PST

Age of Aquarius!!

Age of Aquarius!! With Jordan Maxwell, who's done our Homework for us.. Thank you Wendall!! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Wendall Date: 20/05/2007 Sometimes I wonder if pe...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:33:00 PST

Who in AmeriKKKa Can Do The Math??

With a Budget Deficit like AmeriKKKa's, Id say our Governments credit rating is shot, but the Banks keep giving to the poor Govt.  I know we have Educated Monkeys Running things Right, Right? Jus...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:54:00 PST

Who's Matix is it anyway??

'The Greatest Story never Told!' from ChiefLiberation Part i: ----------Part ii: Part iii: Part iv: Part v: Hip Hop Matrix Decoded from the "BlackDot....
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 04:34:00 PST

Ongoing Signitures

Sarting off with GOOD vs. EVIL Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many friends you have. Or how many people call you. Or how accepted or unaccepted you are. Not about if you have plans...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 02:44:00 PST

Name Calling

If you've seen me use terms like 'Piece of work' and 'DipFooIV' in my Group Post, 'Ancient Eygpt' and 'Edge of Knowledge', They are defined below 'Piece of work'=Piece of Art Work or Creation with Tho...
Posted by "Gangsters don't Dance...............We Boogie" on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 04:52:00 PST