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Uncle Sam


About Me

Welcome to the informational non-opinionated site of Uncle Sam. I love the United States, and strongly believe that we have the potential to once again be known as the greatest nation in the world. I support our military 110%, thank them for fighting courageously, and dying honorably for what they believe in their hearts is our freedom. This site is the antithesis of anti-American! My enemy is the small group at the top of our government, whom I demand stop the senseless killing of American citizens and innocent citizens of other countries in their quest for global domination.
I spread my views and information primarily through my blogs!
Read them and subscribe today!
The primary goal of my factual information given and videos that I piece together is to raise awareness of the incomprehensible criminal acts
by the United States’ government against its own citizens. For the majority of people, it’s too much to bear; they immediately shut their mind off to any idea that differs from what they are comfortable with. Witnessing this time and time again sickens me as a proud American and shows that our government has done its job quite efficiently in making its citizens think and act like sheep, believing stories fed through CNN, MSNBC, and FOXNews, that make no scientific sense whatsoever. Most accept the garbage spewed out because the truth is much more difficult to hear and believe. So true!
However, there are many like me who are dedicated to exposing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Finding thousands of official documents, original photographs, and undoctored videos from the morning of September 11th that prove a controlled demolition of the WTC Buildings by our own government, contradicting the idea of a terrorist attack, is extremely easy. Getting people to listen to the indisputable scientific and mathematical factual data is the most difficult part, and for some, impossible!
The United States Government’s story of the events on September 11, 2001:
Flight 11.
At 7:59am, American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767, took off from Boston’s Logan International Airport. During the flight, a few Arabic men, armed and dangerous with box cutters (oh, no!), hijacked the plane on a kamikaze mission. At 8:46am, the plane collided with the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The heat from the fires (scientifically impossible) weakened the steel of the building and it collapsed at 10:28am.
Flight 175. At 8:14am, United Airlines Flight 175, also a Boeing 767, departs from Logan International. Scary Arabs with weapons synonymous to razor blades are also able to take over the whole plane, and flew it into the South Tower at 9:03am. This is the first of three steel buildings in history to collapse due to fire at 9:59am.
Flight 77. American Airlines flight 77, a Boeing 757, took off from Washington Dulles International Airport at 8:20am, and was also taken over by Saudi Arabian Islamic fanatics. It was crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37am. It was unable to be stopped because the United States’ Military only had over an hour and a half to stop the attack on the most heavily guarded building in the world. The crash of the huge 757 must be the cause of the small hole, little fire, and almost no wreckage at the Pentagon.
Flight 93. At 8:42am, United Airlines Flight 93 took off from Newark International Airport. Brave passengers took over the plane, but not before it crashed in Shanksville, Pennslyvania, leaving absolutely no wreckage, luggage, bodies, a drop of blood, or, as a witness describes “nothing bigger than a phone book”.
World Trade Center Building 7. WTC Building 7 was not hit by a plane, sustained minimal damage from the collapse of the Twin Towers, and had a few small fires. Amazingly, and to everyone’s surprise (severe sarcasm), the third steel building in history to collapse did so at 5:20pm. All 47 stories fell straight down at freefall speed into its own lower levels.
All who agree, say "I'm blind and ignorant!"
Sorry, that was harsh. But if you don't know any better, it's not your fault. You haven't been exposed to the truth! But now the truth's staring right at you, so read the page, bulletins, and especially blogs, and you'll no longer have excuse "I didn't know any better" when our government administration takes the last of your rights!
Getting Started!
Begin watching the videos below to learn about the unanswered questions involving the events of September 11, 2001! First, be sure to stop or pause my page's song from playing so that you can clearly hear what is being said in the videos, and you're on your way! Question your original beliefs, listen to what is being said, remember your questions for later, and always keep an open mind!
Below is an excellent video for those new to the 9/11 Truth Movement, unfortunately better known as the "conspiracy theorists". It is actually a preview for an excellent movie, September 11: Revisited. It reminds viewers of the events and emotions of September 11, 2001, and introduces some of the key questions and discussions of the 9/11 debate. A great "starter" video for anyone and everyone! Introduces Dr. David Ray Griffin.
This second video introduces the questions in the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, the use of controlled explosives in the North Tower, South Tower, and Building 7, and makes one ask the question, "Was this an inside job?" Yes, unfortunately, it was. You will be introduced to Alex Jones, Dr. Ray Fetzer, Dr Steven Jones, and again hear from Dr. David Ray Griffin.
The next video is a real "eye opener", I've been told by my readers. What did President George Bush and his administration know about the 9/11 attacks, and when did they know it?
The following video relates to the Pentagon "attack". There has been no video released to the public showing a plane actually hitting the Pentagon. However, the FBI has confirmed that it has in its possession 85 cameras that were immediately confiscated. They refuse to release these tapes, in direct violation of the Freedom of Information Act. Enjoy this introductory video clip about the Pentagon blast, thanks to Dylan Avery and Loose Change!
Finally, Uncle Sam's personal favorite video. I just love this topic, but still can't make a decision on my opinion and/or belief concerning this matter. It's too detailed to be a coincidence, I know that for sure. Enjoy this final video on my main page, and if you're still interested, and you'd better be, you can check out and subscribe to my blogs. Thanks for checking out the site!
Concerning All Comments!
No profanity whatsoever. No extreme pictures. No "thanks for the add!" I am glad to have you as a friend; you're welcome. No "awesome site!" Thank you very much for the thought. Compliments are appreciated! No promoting yourself or your band. Sorry, you have your own page for that. Respect these rules or your comment will be denied. Thanks!

My Interests


My Blog

Invasion of Two Innocent Nations! Government Brainwashing!

Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List!www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!   Brainwashing has two similar definitions. The first is "to impose a set of usually political...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:38:00 PST

Must See Picture Gallery for 9/11 Truthers & Americans!

Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List! www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!   Explosions before the collapse!             ...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 04:15:00 PST

Detailed Explanation of the Destruction of the Towers Given by MIT Engineer Jeff King!

Written by Uncle Sam Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List!www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!   The primary goal of my factual information given and videos that I pie...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 06:20:00 PST

The North American Union is No Conspiracy Theory!

Written by Uncle Sam Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List!www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!     There is a plan to create a collective government for the Uni...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:31:00 PST

Detailed Review - History Chanel’s 9/11 Conspiracies Part 1

The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or FictionA History Channel SpecialA Detailed Review by Uncle Sam Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List!www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!  ...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 03:34:00 PST

Detailed Review - History Chanel’s 9/11 Conspiracies Part 2

The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or FictionA History Channel SpecialA Detailed Review by Uncle Sam Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List!www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!  ...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 03:59:00 PST

Detailed Review - History Chanel’s 9/11 Conspiracies Part 3

The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or FictionA History Channel SpecialA Detailed Review by Uncle Sam Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List!www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!  ...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 04:38:00 PST

Detailed Review - History Chanel’s 9/11 Conspiracies Part 4 - Final

The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or FictionA History Channel SpecialA Detailed Review by Uncle Sam Add Uncle Sam to Your Friends List!www.myspace.com/unclesam9112001 Subscribe to Uncle Sam's Blog!  ...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:32:00 PST

Proof that Government Lies, Spreads Fear to Start War and Gain International Power!

Written by Uncle Samwww.myspace.com/unclesam10Alex Jones is a leader, if not the leader, in the 9/11 Truth Movement. He runs two amazing websites, prisonplanet.com and infowars.com. He is respected by...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 02:51:00 PST

Planes Did Nothing! Explosions Brought Down Towers! Eyewitnesses & Experts Speak Out!

Written by Uncle Samwww.myspace.com/unclesam10In April of 2006, almost five years after the World Trade Center demolitions, human remains were found on the roof of the Deutsche Bank building (picture ...
Posted by Uncle Sam on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 02:50:00 PST