People with the following characteristics are our only hope for future: intelligent, humorous, independent, skeptical, creative, honest, energetic, and original. Perhaps together we can break free from the cult-of-personality consumerism and technology-driven isolation that is eating us alive.
We stand aloof from the mechanisms of the masses...we refuse to prostrate ourselves before the mediocrities who have weasled their way into positions of access...we yearn for an unscripted life yet often must earn our bread by perpetuating the status quo...the idea of America is too wonderful for us to accept that this is the only fork in the road: death by smothering, idiotic smilers or rotting in tragic isolation.
VIDEO of Highly SEDATED Apollo 11 Astronauts Lying:
Obscure, avant-garde METAL for the discerning listener. Here is a starter list:
Fall of the Leafe: Fermina
Symbyosis: Crisis
Novembre: Novembrine Waltz
Root: Black Seal
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy: Themes
Bal-Sagoth: Battle Magic
Unhola: Inferno
Atrox: Contentum
Illdisposed: Submit
Night in Gales: Nailwork
Kralizec: Origin
Andromeda: Extension of the Wish
Phlebotomized: Skycontact
Without Grief: Deflower
Bethlehem: Dictius te Necare
Edge of Sanity: Purgatory Afterglow
Darkane: Rusted Angel
Gorefest: False
Dissection: Storm of the Light's Bane
Evergrey: In Search of Truth
Borknagar: Quintessence
Theory in Practice: The Armageddon Theories
Sadist: Crust
Silencer: Death - Pierce Me
Arcturus: La Masquerade Infernale
Amon Amarth: Once Sent from the Golden Hall
The Crown: Eternal Death
Dark Tranquillity: Projector
Diabolical Masquerade: The Phantom Lodge
Intestine Baalism: An Anatomy of the Beast
Moonsorrow: Kivenkantaja
Some cool Scandinavian folk bands: Varttina, Hedningarna, Gate.
Oh, and the James Brown Live CD I got at Fry's...SWEET!
Give me The Big Lebowski or give me death!
Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs. Will give historical perspective to liberals who think Bush is the root of our problems. He may be today's face, but the forces at play behind the scenes go way back and have plans beyond 2008.
All time favorite is Pere Goriot by Balzac (Norton Critical Edition, translated by Burton Raffel. Accept no dumbed down Penguin edition!)
Still waiting for the publication of Hemingway's lost adult novel, A Farewell to Pants.
To quote the band Only Living Witness,
"All my heroes, they let me down..."