I want to help the human race move beyond this primitive existence of corruption, wars, and unhappiness. We could be using our time and resources to make a wonderful life for ourselves, but we need better leaders in government, the media, schools, and business.
If you don't understand what I mean, start by watching the free videos at my site HugeQuestions.com
My page is to spread information about the corruption and choas in order to reach that small number of people who might help us make a better world, so I am only interested in people who want to help me. Please look at some of my articles at EricHufschmid.net to understand my view of the world.
Most of the people who want to be my friend are Zionists who want to promote propaganda. I don't need any more of those "friends". I am tired of looking through the friend requests. I would rather this page be for information, not to collect friends.