History, Politics, Religion, Current Events.
A great source that has been sifting through all the chaff and conducting high quality interviews is Daryl Bradford Smith of The French Connection .
For daily news, I browse through sites such as WhatReallyHappened and Information Clearing House .
Some informative blogs that I read, from bloggers of diverse backgrounds and interests, include Lawrence of Cyberia , Gorilla in the Room , Lenin’s Tomb , Aangirfan , Flying Imam , Cannonfire , Rolled Up Trousers , and Xymphora .
Jews Sans Frontieres is an excellent anti-Zionist blog that brings to light interesting media pieces.
Also I regularly browse Ziopedia for articles and exposes.
People who are concerned about the state of our world, and who are interested in finding the truth behind the corruption, and who can contribute to this truth so I can learn more as well.
Oh, and hopefully nice people.
Go ahead and listen to the stinging rap song Meen Erhabe!? by the Palestinian group DAM .
Also, Riz has a hilarious song and a video clip entitled the 'Post 911 Blues'
Essential for everyone to understand recent history, listen to the 1961 speech of Benjamin Freedman . Also those of Myron Fagan and Samuel Untermyer.
Absolutely outstanding in exposing the history of current global financial control, the use of usury in it, it's effects on politics and industry, and the prominent role of the Rothschilds and other Zionists (who backed movements such as the 'Illuminati', the Bolsheviks, founded Zionist Israel, etc) is The Money Masters .
A great documentary, which studies the media coverage of the conflict in Palestine, is Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land , and should be a warning to not trust the mainstream media on other issues such as the 'War on Terror', US foreign policy, world economics, etc.
Also, John Pilger's documentary Palestine Is Still The Issue is a good introduction to the Palestine conflict.
Eric Hufshmid's Painful Deceptions is one of the first videos raising questions about 911. Eric Hufschmid is not afraid to reach the conclusions that the research leads to, instead of blaming the world's problems on vague, invincible entities like the faceless 'New World Order'. Check out more of his files at Huge Questions .
Also watch The Revolution Will Not Be Televised . Just imagine an Arab government standing up to the US and benefiting it's own people like that.
Also, see Pilger's Stealing a Nation to learn about the little known displacement of Diego Garcia's people.
Television, especially news television, is avoided. For entertainment I watch animes and movies (and play video games), and also read online comics and watch clips, such as those of Ted Rall , Dilbert , Get Fuzzy , and AvP! .
Red vs Blue !!!
Benjamin Freedman for speaking out.
Rachel Corrie for standing up.
Malcolm X for being a man.
Hugo Chavez for working for his people.
Kay Griggs for speaking out.
Everyone who struggles for justice, in places such as Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, South America, Africa, everywhere, and don't forget Diego Garcia.