ilaceword§ profile picture


Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave

About Me

MILITANT AGNOSTIC: I don't know and you don't either.
Why would al Qaida have Star of David drapes??? Care to guess?

My Interests

GLOBAL RESEARCH Preparing Katrina

France opens secret UFO files covering 50 years

The Omissions of the 9/11 Commission - Do you really think they are on the side of justice?

The High-Fivers More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers

The President's Actions on 9/11, detailed timeline with links to articles, Part 1
Timeline Part 2
Timeline Part 3

MOSSAD has murdered 530 Iraqi Scientists, Academics

Did bin Laden admit to 9/11?

9/11 Trial Evidence posted on website

9/11 conspiracy theorists thriving

European Inquiry says CIA flew 1,000 secret flights

Iran threatens Israel if US attacks

Welcome Home to a Marine

When Osama bin Laden was Tim Osman

Connecting the Dots:9/11 and Zionists

Who is behind Al Qaida in Iraq? Pentagon admits fabricating Zarqawi legend

Berg decapitation filmed from inside Abu Graib prison

Banned from ever airing!! 'The Conspiracy of Silence' documentary

Great pictures from inside the Bohemian Grove

OWN-the-NWO Masterpiece project - lots and lots of docs!!

Gay marriage is irrational - humor

Hitachi Shows Off World's Smallest RFID Smart Tag - Powder size

Chinese officially create first artificial snowfall

Division Theory:The Binary Soul Doctrine

Noah's Ark and the Golden Ratio

Evidence for creation by outside intervention

Alien Skulls: The Great Debate

Hopi Indian Prophecy

Imaginal Perception: A Window into the Unexplained

Déjà Vu, Again and Again

The Holographic Universe

Electric Comets In Action - Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Disintegrates

Baked Alaska:A look at HAARP

The RFID Hacking Underground

British Inventor unveils 8000 MPG car

The Tesla Roadster

History of 'New Energy' Invention Suppression Cases

Mysteries Under Moscow

Archaeological Cover-ups - A plot to control history?

OOPARTS, Bone & Relics from Deep inside the earth

Ancient Civilizations:Six Great Enigmas

Pyramid Human Sacrifice: Past, PRESENT & Future

Stars in relation to the pyramids/Giza/Mars/Stonehenge

The Black/White Hole


Electronic Mind Control-Brain Zapping Part 1

Alien Abduction,Black Magic & the Dark Gods - Brain Zapping Part 2

Mind Control and MK-ULTRA

New information made public about Project SERPO:What does it mean?

Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

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__________________________________________________________ Thank you NUCKINFUTSINTEXAS!!!

No plane here...

Evidence of Thermite used on WTC core columns There is substantial evidence that thermite was used to cut the central support columns, which caused the towers to fall. Evidence can be seen on photographs of the columns from the rubble of the World Trade Center. In this photo, for example, the column directly above the fireman's helmet shows that it was cut with thermite. There is a substantial amount of hardened molten iron which can be seen on both the inside and outside of the box column. This is precisely what one would expect to find on a column which had been cut with thermite. Experts who have viewed this photograph say that this column was not cut with a torch.
Does this really look like the result of a fire? Recognize the truth for what it is. Watch the video below for more.


Which Twin Peaks character are you?
You are Audrey Horne. You're spoiled and manipulative, but you're also whip-smart and indomitable. You always get your way, even if you first have to get into deep trouble. You are so feisty and independent that you like to think you need no one -- unless, of course, you WANT them -- but in fact, what you really need is a good friend.
Take this quiz !

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Tool(is there anyone else?),music of BOB, ETHA, When Gravity Fails, NIN, Tori Amos, Skinny Puppy,Brian Jonestown Massacre, Throbbing Gristle, Nitzer Ebb, King Crimson, Faith No More,Course of Empire, Bauhaus, Einsturzende Neubauten, Laibach, Front 242, The Bolshoi, Portishead, Pink Floyd, Aphex Twin, The the, the Smiths/Morrissey, A Perfect Circle,BRMC, 2 Foot Yard, this is the teeny version


I felt I might actually ought to include some movies,now my dvd collection is in the hundreds and we are big movie buffs so it's hard to narrow down, but here's a few faves: Dial M for Murder, Mulholland Drive - just about anything Lynch,Dr. Strangelove, Begotten, Maybe Logic, Waking Life, The Yes Men, Bob Roberts, The Corporation, The Life Aquatic, Sideways, 12 Angry Men, Slasher (which btw the John Landis, the director almost busted me and Bob smoking out when he parked next to us in the garage at the Dallas showing!), anything Christopher Guest, Network, Primer, Metropolis, Citizen Kane, Leon the Professional, Requiem for a Dream, Pi, The Fountain, Following, Reservoir Dogs, really anything Tarantino, OH! the Manchurian Candidate (The original!), anything with Olivier esp. his Hamlet, Mel Gibson's sucks, Blade Runner, Donnie Darko, M, Oldboy (This film freaking rocks! Get it! watch it!), Lola Rennt, 8 1/2, The Big Lebowski, Everything Mel Brooks, esp. High Anxiety is my fave there, The Aniversary Party, Run Ronnie Run, Deathtrap, this has got to be stopped.


I don't watch much tv, but some I like to catch are Curb Your Enthusiasm, MR SHOW, Real Time, Daily Show & Colbert Report, The Office UK & US, Hopeless Pictures, The Festival, Al Franken, Henry's Film Corner Chappelle Show, Twin Peaks, Carnivale - Fu'huuuewwwww on that, HBO!
Flight of the Conchords
"I'm not a fan of facts. You see, facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are."


Recently: Fortunate Son by James Hatfield,The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle Blowers, and the Cover-up by Sander Hicks,E.din by El, Holographic Universe, Francis Crick, Paul von Ward, Terror Timeline by Paul Thompson, Carl Munck, Osho, Robert Anton Wilson, Graham Hancock, Julian Jaynes, Carl Jung, The Franklin Coverup by John Decamp, The Golden Thread of Time, Mario Livio, Cousto, Oscar Wilde, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Henry James, Timecraft by Kelly Ford, Chuck Palahniuk, Ogden Nash, My Pet Goat (really consuming!!)

The many, many videos and audio clips that were on my profile you can now find below. I urge you to watch the movies that are available online. Browsing each individual category will take you to a smaller subcategory of listings.

.. Speaks for itself... .. width="425" height="350" ..


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My Blog

Habeas corpus, military tribunals, Iran, and Ron Paul

Congressman Ron Paul is right. The terrorist threat is primarily blowback from decades of bad foreign policy in the Middle East, much of it hidden from the American people. As Congressman Paul has not...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 02:19:00 PST

Indonesia finds asymptomatic H5N1-infected poultry - bird flu mutates

Indonesia finds asymptomatic H5N1-infected poultry JAKARTA, June 11 (Reuters) - Indonesia has found traces of H5N1 bird flu in apparently healthy-looking poultry, making it tougher to detect the disea...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:16:00 PST

A Shocking Idea: Nerves Might Run on Sound, Not Electricity

A Shocking Idea: Nerves Might Run on Sound, Not Electricity Most people know that nerves work by passing electrical currents from cell to cell. But you might be surprised to learn that no one knows ex...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:26:00 PST

LEAKED 2007 Bilderberg Participant List BEFORE THEY MEET!

From Tony Gosling: Author Danny Estulin has managed to get hold of this year's participant list BEFORE the event. Please circulate it to all your National Press and broadcast media to give them as l...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Thu, 31 May 2007 08:52:00 PST


All you have to do is register your property with the USDA under the National Animal Identification System. You'll be assigned a seven-character number that stays with the property forever and the USD...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:16:00 PST

Chinese make first artificial snowfall

Chinese make first artificial snowfallBy Richard Spencer in Hong Kong Last Updated: 1:37am BST 20/04/2007   China claimed yesterday to have caused a snowfall for the first time as part of i...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 01:13:00 PST

Flying Cars, Priced to Move, with video

Flying Cars, Priced to Move Times are tough in the flying car business. The million-dollar pricetag tends to keep the customers away. The regulatory headaches are intense. And it's not like the thing...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:40:00 PST

Colbert Report waves false flag?

A wag of the finger worthy? You can decide. See the flag he is waving? A gold fringed admiralty flag.Either he is ignorant to it's meaning or he is hoping everyone else is ignorant to it's meaning....
Posted by ilaceword§ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:27:00 PST

France opens secret UFO files covering 50 years

France opens secret UFO files covering 50 years .. END HEADLINE --> .. BEGIN STORY BODY --> by Marlowe Hood1 hour, 30 minutes ago France became the first country to open its files on UFOs Thursday...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:22:00 PST

I didn't know THAT was in the bill!!!

John Whitehead recently wrote a shocking but very important piece for the Rutherford Institute. I am going to quote from it This stuff is truly horrifying . . .  "Prior to the elections that tran...
Posted by ilaceword§ on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:20:00 PST