writing. gambling. rock and roll. revolution. evolution. Social justice. Rebalancing our planet. The moon. New energy, ancient history. Other dimensions. Other realities. Indigenious Culture. The Old Ways repowered to become the New Ways. The Seven Stars, the Seven Rays of Light. 11.11 . Real change and all the misery it can bring, and the true happiness that can be achieved if we can just walk through that door....Wisdom. Ascention. Mobilisation. Noise and the change we will bring. Now that the new revolution has begun, it is time for the Spiritual Warriors to connect. We are connected....The quickness of the Deer, The brawn of the Bear, and the way of the Wolf. "You have been given eleven arrows. You are to shoot them straight ahead"
meet, and then slug hard...real, real, real hard: Dick Cheney, Head of the Assclowns. Or, really any of these guys...here is your government, minus 'THE DECIDER'
Unit F. Iggy Pop/The Skulls/The Wierdos/D.I./TSOL/The Dead Kennedys/Bad Religion/JFA/The Adicts/The Damned/The Subhumans/Rudimentary Peni/UK Subs/King Crimson/The Lewd/The RoleModels/Narcoleptic Youth/Los Illegales/The Gears/El Nada/Killing California/El Centro/Black Randy and the Metro Squad/The Adolescents/OneWord Soution/BlackfireWait there must be more:System of a Down/Stanford Prison Experiment/The Minutemen (rip D.Boone) /Saccarine Trust/Redd Kross/The Alley Cats/Circle Jerks/ Unit F/the REAL Vandals (pre 1990)/The Fall/Wire/The Pixies/Electric Frankenstein/DEK/The Wrecking Crew/Raised Under Regan/Amerikan Made/Good Neighbor Policy
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Seriously...I just cant anymore Here is the best show that I've seen...Love does not go away....
The Unbearable Lighness of Being, Kundra; The World According to Garp;M is for Mars, Bradbury. Jung. Octavio Paz. More coming
RANDI RHODES, IGGY, HENRY, STEVE ALBINI, Tony Adolescent, Anyone who survived the Warped Tour, Crab, JxNx, Craig/James & Adam, Jello Biafra, ....every child that manages to survive...IVAW...um...i'll think of more-Grey, Lisa Renee, Joe Frank, The Elders and Ascended Masters, the Archeangels, members of the Consortium, the spirits and all the Spritual Warriors, identified and yet to emerge. My WildMare.