ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe profile picture

ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe

So Little Time - So Much to Brew

About Me

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That said, I am known as Chryss
aka AngrY Butterknife
aka Reverend Muffy the Sausage Queen,
aka Tzarina of the Universe, and Healer of the Futile Stenchy Masses
aka Brewzer O'Nale
aka Stinky (thanks, Dad)
aka Squish
aka Dangerkitty
aka Spin
aka Sparky
aka Catwoman (thank you, boy wonder)
aka uhh, that's enough of that crap.
I am a hipocrit. Because I am a human. But I'm working on that...
A feral kitty of Viking descent, a dabbler in the art of life, a lover of humanity (even the so-called assholes). :: I've a deathgrip on my waning youth as I gratefully live each day new, wide-eyed and breathless, taking it all in like a hungry child. (...Even when I'm cranky.) :: I'm a chameleon - sometimes a curse. :: Humor is REALLY IMPORTANT. As important as love and honesty and responsibility.
:: I'm happiest when I'm in the presence of music, or if I'm making and/or giving stuff to people :: I've been told on several occasions recently that I've lived many lives in this one, whatever that means :: I love the Brits :: I'm kinda sarcastic, but I mean well. really ::
:: I make my own beer ::
:: A lover of truth, of beauty and of the pursuit of wisdom of the universe. (yeah, I said it. Haha.):: And the sensual is how we thank ourselves ::
:: I'm overjoyed that i don't know everything. The second you think you have a clue, the big red buzzer goes off. I actually enjoy those moments of humility when you find out you're still pretty dumb. Gives me a reason to stay awake ::
:: :: :::: :: :: I am grateful for my pain. Not in the old masochistic way I used to be. But because it inspires me toward solutions, which give me knowledge, which will manifest to more wisdom, as I put it to experience. I'm all about intense glorious creativity around me, as i attempt to achieve that higher consciousness and creativity within myself and find a way to share it to the benefit of myself and you. ::
:: Music is my greatest muse, the amazing people in my life the sweetest distraction from my angst. I cherish my friends who help me in ways they don't even know about. Even the flakey ones; EVERYTHING and EVERYONE has mirrors. :: I'm pretty spiritual, but not in that "let me tell you who God is" way.We won't know 'til we're dead what the story really was, so I just figure you find the tools that work best for you and do the best you can with them, while keeping the rule golden. Karma. Balance. I am grateful for the gift of this stunning planet, which I strive to embrace and protect. ::
I thrive on revolutionary psychology balanced with the sensual. And chocolate is my friend. I forget the rest...
And to your right - A toy. I didn't steal it. I'm not giving it back.
Skwishy sent me this pic. She sez it's me.
Go see the line drawing on Skwishy's page. She drew it all by herself
"I hate patriotism, I can't stand it. It's a round world last time I checked."
-- Bill Hicks
Oh My.
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
-- Kahlil Gibran.
Recently found this drawing I did a reallllly long time ago.
Need to reshoot it at a better resolution to show the detail. I wish I had more time to draw.

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My Interests

...::: An object in motion remains in motion.
Get out of your chair. :::...

Earth ^ Giving a Damn ^ the Arts ^ Live Music ^ the Human Form ^ the Sciences ^ Justice ^

Meditation ^ Cooperation ^ Creating ^ Learning every minute ^ That piss & vinegar feeling ^ Modern Primitive ^ Breaking things ^ Fixing things ^

You have learned something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something. - H.G. Wells

Talking and Listening ^ Up all night ^ Liberating animals ^ Dragons (it sucks that they got trendy) ^ Being effective ^ Developing new philosophies and rediscovering old ones ^ Sweets. Spices. ^ Reality ^ Helping ^ Growing from every challenge ^ Cloud Formations ^ Fantasy ^ the Absurd ^ Serial Killers ^ The human animal and what makes it tick ^

When you walk through fire
See the fire as a light
And walk through the light

Sleazy Dive Bars ^ Dark Romance ^ Bob Dobbs ^ The Kern River ^ British Humor ^ The Sacred Geometry (the Golden Mean) ^ Intellisensuality ^ Spontaneous Human Combustion ^ The Sounds of Intimacy ^ Believable porn ^ Bathing ^ Aiming and firing successfully ^ Barter ^ Embracing pain and conquering it ^

Self-healing ^ Flavors ^ Infatuation at it's peak ^ Scrambling in and around the earth ^ That gum that squirts in your mouth ^ Majick ^ The death of the 7 egos ^ Evolutionary Psychology ^ Texture ^ Tapping into the cosmic consciousness and pursuing Samadhi ^ Critters ^ BDSM ^ Resolution ^ What nature does ^ Anthropology & Sociology ^ Comedy ^ A sense of freedom ^ The word "fuck" ^ The many mysticisms ^ Humor ^ The pursuit of Alchemy ^ Learning to learn ^ Teaching effectively ^ Loving, nurturing, and Caring sans the Codependency crap ^ Playing with cameras ^ This big wet orb we live off of and are made from ^ The Sensual ^ Searching
Hard-core amusement park rides!! ^ Being overwhelmed ^ The art of love and loving ^ Gnosis ^ Buddhism ^ Non-religious spirituality ^ Hanging out ^ Hanging in ^ Medicine ^ Animals ^ The Dance ^ Stuff in my mouth (often food) ^ Floating ^ The freaky tongue action of Simpson's characters when they scream ^ Babies on spikes (oh, wait, that's my evil twin's thing...) ^ The unusual ^ The exotic ^ and The Meaningful.

I'd like to meet:

Just off the top of my head :::::::::::::: People not ready to die yet. ::All of the spiritual "leaders" of the world, dead and alive, especially the Dalai Lama, and have a nice sit-down on a beach in Central California - potluck-style :: Bill Hicks :: Nietzsche :: Jung :: R. Crumb :: Timothy Leary :: Master Samael Aun Woer :: Oliver Vernon :: Robert Plant :: Joseph Marshall :: Bowie (again) :: Some of the people i meet here :: Noam Chomsky :: Einstein :: Richard Feynman :: I could go on for daaaays...


Almost nothing makes me happier than music. Almost :::::..


Off the top of my tiny head: Indy films, cheesy B-films, Kubrick, Aronofsky films, Akira Kurozawa films, Horror (quality or cheesy),Documentary films, Martial Arts flix (emphasis on ARTS), Fine animation (Adam Jones's work stands out), Repo Man, Don't Look Back, Shaun of the Dead, Crash, Pi, Fight Club, Harold & Maude, the Monty Python flicks, Head, EVERYTHING the Beatles did, Kill Bill(s), Fear and Loathing, Donnie Darko, Shakes the Clown, Young Frankenstein, a Clockwork Orange, Taxi Driver, Orgazmo, Tim Burton films, Mike Nesmith Films, Terry Gilliam films, the Princess Bride, Hudsucker Proxy, Shawshank Redemption, Crumb, Decline of the Western Civilization, Meet the Feebles, Hedwig & the Angry Inch, Terry Zwigoff films, David Lynch stuff, Chris Cunningham's work, Old Tarantino stuff, the Man Who Fell to Earth, Hard Day's Night, SLC Punk, Willy Wonka, lots of stuff with Johnny Depp (fellow gypsy), Sean Penn, Steve Buscemi, Bud Cort, Kevin Spacey (and his big fat ego), John Turturro, Dennis damned Hopper, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and too many other actors and directors i can't think of the names of this week. i don't even know why i attempt a list - i know i will only leave out ones that really matter.


T.V. is largely evil, but you gotta have a noggin for what's real.Good documentaries.
Humor presented by humans with brains.

Corporate media can basically go suck.


I love good novels, but seldom get to read them. I find myself indulging in reference books and bios the rest of the time. I find if i can learn something, I feel better about the use of the precious little reading time I have. Recent authors Kahlil Gibran Hunter S. Thompson Tom Robbins Kurt Vonnegut Nietzche Kafka Poe Burrows Dr. Seuss Robert Anton Wilson Tolkien Kerouac etc. I'm working on blending the aforemention with more exposure to creative fiction Actually i've got about 10 books going simultaneously. Silly me.


Definition: a person who lives above and beyond the call of humanity, and makes the planet better in some way. Humility is a plus.
I have personal heroes, like Mike Kieffer and others who have given me the proverbial fishing pole instead of a handout. But I have to speak here of my first hero: My brother Paul stands at the top of my list. And this picture. (The photog kept saying "smile bigger. BIGGER!" That's why Paul's not smiling and my face looks like it's gonna blow apart sideways.) Paul saves lives every day. A Doctor, a Medical Researcher, and a Professor. The adopted father of 2 amazing young men and husband of the smartest, most gracious woman I know. He is exceedingly intelligent, humble as hell, and has a heart you can see from space. He was a positive influence on me in my most treacherous, vulnerable point of adolescence. If not for that, I'd probably be locked up right now. He makes a difference in this twisted world. I require that he outlive me.

My Blog

The light came late

I know it's ridiculous, that it's been 2 months already since we lost him, but with everything that I've had my head into (and my inability to remember those early days of M.I.A.), it never hit me. It...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 03:29:00 PST

Do This. JUST DO IT. pleez.

Most pipples wut know me know that I did the whole cancer thing a little while ago. Due to lack of insurance, I got marginal care, and ended up with longterm noggin issues (which affect me financially...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 02:34:00 PST

Re Stink about my Ink

I'm getting some chiding about my uncharacteristic new tattoo. Cuz it's uncharacterstic. Or is it. Since every tattoo I get has to have a meaning, Ima surprise you by turning something stupid into som...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 02:24:00 PST

Another Wake-Up Call

For the several-th year in a row, November has brought bizarre and unpleasant circumstances that relieved me of my wallet, it's contents, and much of my bank account. and a job. So i've been whining l...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 05:22:00 PST

Last Day of Warped 07. Backstage.

The old school stage was a frigging blast! I got backstage with little more than a familiar face or two and an inappropriate offer on my part. hehe. Got to the show with a ticket from Theresa. Thanks ...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 09:42:00 PST

That "God" Guy

this subject keeps coming up, so i guess i should blather a tad about my feelings. that's what this is for, right?we won't know if there's a god until we're dead. that's a job for faith.but i get bent...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 03:55:00 PST

Dream Interpretation

the subject of dream interpretation via a book or website has been brought up a lot lately by daniel. we've both been having weird-ass dreams, and i even had one where i had sex with someone i'm close...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 03:57:00 PST

Did one of those "enter your birthday" deals

Your date of conception was on or about 13 September 1961 which was a Wednesday. You were born on a Wednesday under the astrological sign Gemini. Your Life path number is 3. Life Path Compatibilit...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:23:00 PST

Me Birfday

On 6/8/07, two days after mein day, friends were coming over to drink homebrews and absynthe and gather in general prior to heading over to Chain Reaction to see Narcoleptic Youth, Media Blitz, etc. I...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 01:18:00 PST

Gidget Goes to Heaven 3/10/07

Last year I moved to the O.C., and had a helluva time finding humans to know. One night my ex and I stopped into the Dollhut. The Adolescents were playing!! It was an awesome gig, and I couldn't have ...
Posted by ScarLett ♥ ButterknYfe on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 01:46:00 PST