Photo by william
I live life..I don't just coast thru it..but when I say I'm in luv you best believe I'm in luv L-U-V.. if your band isn't punk I'm probably going to deny you but my taste is crap so take that as a compliment :) my darling precious friends,I love you and am eternally grateful for your priceless friendship :) ..
punk,thunders,ramones,X,the Jam,sham 69,buzzcocks
Decline of the Western Civilization,X-The Unheard Music,Rock n Roll High School
Tasty Ted ( this!
by Elias Art by DWL Art:Tony Sac By:Yukari By:Dandy Gelatine art by Laura
"satellite dishes,a symbol of our non communication maybe? we can tune in to channels and find out what mushrooms grow in the central american rainforest, we can reach right round the world with our satellite dish, but we dont kno who lives right next door,and maybe we are safer like this.Since the "care in the community" scheme was implimented in the early nineties,many,many seriously unstable people once deemed unfit to walk amongst us were turned out and housed in hostels and bedsits to fend for themselves and maintain there own medication,prescriptions and appointments,bless them,its gone wrong a couple of times believe me,throw in the inner city explosion of street drugs...welcome to the circus. i hope this film along with its vicious soundrack,makes you feel uneasy for a while. show this film around spread the unease........". s.k.(gad) uglylove/19electricfilms.