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Life is about the betterment of the human condition, stretching one's own mind, increasing social aw

About Me

We are Star Kids visiting this planet, helping her and her inhabitants to stay healthy. We are more than 22 billion years old genetically, and our souls are eternal. Would you like to know more about your origins, trillions of inhabited planets, religion and spirituality? I will tell you and I will show you. See the Star Kids videos first please ...
"Mission Control acknowledges that the process of waking up is a little tricky. Even though you are genetically encoded to do so, by the time you reach the point of activation, you will be totally convinced that you are an Earthling."E. T. 101 Zoev JhoIs it possible that you came to planet Earth from another star system? Are you here on a special mission to help this planet and its human family shift into a higher vibration by raising the spiritual awareness of those around you?As incredible as it may sound, there are many people on planet Earth today who have a deep, inner knowingness that they may indeed be here as a Starseed. Such individuals are often educated and respected members of society. They can be found in the fields of medicine, law, teaching, the humanities and other walks of life that seem to center around some form of service.Millions of others are in the process of awakening at this very moment. And they too are seriously wondering if they came from the stars.Beginning in 1960's, and continuing for the next 20 years or so, a series of books were published, which contained channeled information from a humble, discarnate messenger called Ra. The first book in the series is called, The Ra Material.Ra's message raises the distinct possibility that there are indeed beings from elsewhere (Wanderers) who are continuing to awaken on planet Earth. To be precise, Ra estimated that 65,000,000 were already incarnate on Earth during the 1960's.Wanderers are described as beings who have evolved to a point of physical and spiritual maturity, which compels them to compassionately reach their hands out to any entities in the universe who call for help. Ra further states that these individuals are from all reaches of the infinite creation. And they are bound together by a common and very singular purpose; to serve those in need.At this moment, planet Earth and its inhabitants fit that description well. We are in great need. That is why the Starseed wanderers are among us. They are here to help us raise our vibrations and those of Earth Mother so that their transformation, prophesized for these times, can take place.This will be accomplished by shifting our awareness from self-centeredness and an over-identification with the material world to a more balanced one that puts far more emphasis on the spiritual. If we do not do this soon, we'll have to start all over as a family of souls until we get it right. Apparently, we've reached this point before during the times of Atlantis. That civilization also over-identified with the greed, pleasures and self-indulgences of the material world, while at the same time ignoring the spiritual aspects of life.During the late 1980's, another book was published called, E. T. 101. It has been out of print for a while. However, you should be able to find a copy here. It ranks among the finest literature I've read that relates to the Starseed experience. Like The Ra Material, it is also channeled information and it is THE manual for Starseeds.In essence, E. T. 101 stresses that there are many Starseeds on planet Earth today who were pre-programmed to awaken at this critical moment in time. These awakened Starseeds are here to help Earth and its inhabitants shift into a higher vibrational dimension. And it appears to be imminent.This book describes Starseeds as volunteers from distant star systems, who respond to the cry of help from individuals on planets that are in the process of awakening to their true spiritual nature. Plant Earth and its inhabitants is one of them.After hearing the call, Starseed volunteers came to Earth in earlier times and purposely forgot their real identity and origin. This temporary amnesia allowed them to become dysfunctional humans by taking on all the ego-based, human traits.Today, Starseeds find that their outer and inner worlds are being turned inside out and upside down, which has ignited their awakening process. As the Starseeds gradually remember their true identity and mission, the fear-based thinking they've taken on by becoming an Earthling is being transformed to that which is based upon love. This in turn impacts the entire collective consciousness of this planet in a very positive way. And we are experiencing that shift this very moment.E. T. 101 tells us..."As the old programs of a dying world begin to unravel, you may experience a little discomfort, such as your entire world falling apart. It may be useful during this transition to remember that you are an interdimensional master who is an expert at transmuting crumbling realities. You have done this many times before."This book is a must for anyone who wants to know if they are a Starseed, what's going on, and how to move through your inner changes and mission successfully. In a nutshell, when our entire lives have fallen apart, this book brings hope, understanding and the explanations why.Another book that does the same is, From Elsewhere, by Scott Mandelker, Ph.D.If you have a deep, inner feeling and knowingness that you might be from another star system, don't be frightened. Apparently, there are many here at this moment in time who are part of the same courageous mission. If you have a fascination with the stars, UFO's, ETs, have awakened spiritually, find your life is in turmoil, have an urgent need to be of service to mankind, or any combination of these "symptoms," then you may indeed be from another star system.Take heart, Starseed. You have long endured the human trial and have finally begun to awaken to your true nature and purpose. As you go through your day-to-day struggles, know in your heart that you are transmuting all the negative, dysfunctional patterns you have willingly become by taking on the human form. This is turn makes it easier for those who are human to follow your lead.Although you may not remember it at this time, you agreed to do this to assist the Earth in her birthing process into the Light and to liberate the souls who have lost their way on this planet. That is why you are here. That is your mission of love and service.As always, my words are meant to inspire thought and a sense of wonder about who you really are. Please, in the end, reach your own conclusions by researching the books I've listed below.
If you suspect you might be a Starseed visiting planet Earth at this point in time, don't feel frightened or disillusioned. There are millions of others who feel the same way you do.From the books I have read about Starseeds, I've put together a blend of symptoms for you to consider. Keep in mind that you do not need all of the symptoms to be a Starseed. Why? It all depends at what stage you find yourself in during the process of awakening that is taking place these days. It also has to do with the way in which you pre-programmed yourself to realize you may be a Starseed.Here are the symptoms...- As a child, you felt you didn't belong here- While growing up, perhaps you felt alone, that maybe your father and mother weren't your real parents- You developed an interest in the stars, UFOs, ETs, space travel and other worlds- At some point in your life you began to awaken spiritually- This awakening experience was accompanied by your whole life turning upside down and inside out- This same experience may also have been associated with a dark night of the soul or spiritual crisis experience- You have a strong urge to serve humanity in some way- You feel you are on a mission but don't quite know what it might be- You find yourself detaching from your old identity and are dissociating from your old way of life- You find your ego desperately trying to hold on to the old ways of doing things- You are experiencing discomfort... like your whole world falling apart- You feel that time is speeding up rapidly- You feel bored with the aimlessness of your familiar routine- You feel exhausted and you want to "veg" out- Your ego complains constantly, as you go through the process of inner change and remodeling- The process of inner change is causing much mental, emotional and physical disturbances- You have seen a UFO or have been taken aboard a ship in real life or in your dreams- You love shows such as Startrek, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of a Third Kind, Contact, E. T., Star Wars, Heaven Can Wait, etc.- Your old life is dying and a new life is emerging- You have an urgent need to continue understanding your spiritual nature and the universal truths- You been contacted in some way by benevolent spirits or beings- You are genuinely kind, gentle and loving with no desire to harm anotherAfter reviewing this list, perhaps you can begin to develop a feel for possibly being a Starseed. I highly recommend that you also research the Starseed books I've listed in another section of this website (see bottom of that page). Then decide whether you may indeed be from the stars.
Finally, take the Starseed test by clicking here: The Starseed Test
Namaste: An ancient Sanskrit understanding... I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you, which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, and of Peace. When you are in that place in you... and I am in that place in me, We are One.
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A 90% Cancer Cure Diet using Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese
The God Code - Gregg Braden on coast to coast
Learn To Meditate
Our Alien DNA !
Star Kids: the Emerging Cosmic Generation - Free Book
Racist Apartheid Drug War Against USA Citizens
Time Travel
Pleiadean Truths
The Truth About Jesus
Largest Scope JOINT PSYCHIC Exercise Yet
Know your Constitutional Rights
Vatican Sex Crimes
Conversations With God
Circumcision - will you do this to your child?
Healing the Cabal
You can heal with your mind
Soul Mates and Soul Families
You Are Not What You Own
A Vision from Star Nations
UFOs in the Bible
FOREX Trading
Support the Troops?
Message from Archangel Michael
100 quotes from "The Secret"
How to Clear the Negative Ego = Fantastic !
You Are A Healer
Eckhart Tolle "The Flowering of Human Consciousnes
Open Letter to the Cabal
Direct Message from Asheoma te ka Meata of Star Nations
The Law of One
And the Cabal Will Fall
Hearing Your Angel's Messages
The Hopi Message of Peace to All
Fighting With Dinasours
12 Symptoms of your Awakening Divinity
Star Nations Move To "Plan C"
Spirit Guides
The Message of the New Star Children
Children of Light Chapter VIII
Self Multi-dimensional Healing Energy Alignment
Subtle ways Angels and Spirits let you know there around
Clear Negative Implants, Elementals
October 17 = Very Important Day
Galactic Federation News Radio NOW
One Nation Under Siege !!!
Sirian Update from the Galactic Federation
Instructions for Life - Dalai Lama
Updated Coast to Coast Files
Which Aliens Control Our Planet?
Raising your Vibration
Teachings of Buddha
Bringers of the Dawn...
Learn To Meditate
Cosmic Plan - Peruvian Contactee Sixto Paz
Conversations With God
Lobsang Rampa, a Tibetan monk
A 90% Cancer Cure Diet using Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese
Lightworkers are Winning
What Prevents Us From Being Happy?
Secret Underground Tunnels NWO
The repertoire of your DNA is unlimited!
First Wave Indigos
Soul Life
Astral Projection
Meditation Links...
Secret Unions
New Light on the Chakras
Are You Ready For a Real Revelation?
Legend of Atlantis 5 Part Video Series
Healing Starseeds
Why Channelings are Vague
UFO's In Earth's History
Food as Medicine
Meaning of Dreams: Spiritual Guidance from dreams
The Power of Positive Affirmations
Indigo And Crystal People ...
Most Important Psychic Exercise = Star Nations
Star Nations Will Fly Across Planet Earth
Extraterrestrial Races Outside of the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex
10 Dangerous Mistakes To Make With Women
Star Nations Manifesto of Assistance to Humans 11:11
Incredibly Important = Reincarnation of Walk-Ins!
Star Ship Landing and Healing
An Urgent Call to Participate in a Historic UFO Effort
Incarnated Angels and Starpeople
Meditate For Earth With 3.5 Billion Aliens
Water Instead of Gasoline
The Fatal Flaws of Faith and Belief
A Public Statement from Star Nations
E.T. 101
Explanations and Teaching From Star Brothers
Put Your Problems Down
Buddhist Trick to a Problem Solution
The Multi-Dimensional Relationship
Shift to 5th Dimension Causes Stress and Unease
History of USA Wars
4 Videos about the Talmud of Jmmanuel (Jesus)
Classified Anti-Gravity Earth Space Craft
Trust in your intuition
Stop The Energy Vampires
Lobsang Rampa, a Tibetan Monk
Starseeds, Walk-ins and Lightworkers
Feeling is the Language of the Soul
Star Kids, Other Dimensions and Master Numbers
Crystal Children, Star Kids, & Starseeds
Sacret Sexuality
Open Chakras = Laws of Attraction
Principles of Spiritual Evolution
The Cosmic Instruction Manual
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See My 222 Videos on MYSPACE
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My Interests

The Most Important Video :
Part 1 was invented by Jordan Maxwell, the truth about Jmmanuel aka Jesus is on the Semjase page and in the Talmud of Jmmanuel ...

This is the right way the peace symbol should be displayed = press here to see more information why the upside down symbol only brought us more war = All New Billy Meyer information included:

“The art of life is to live in the present moment, and to make that moment as perfect as we can by the realization that we are the instruments and expression of God Himself.”~Emmet Fox

Click on Photos for Links

I'd like to meet:

Beautiful Star People who love life, from this and many other planets :)

The Real 4400 = Meet Your Star Family

Top Secret Interview with Dr. Wolf

Dolphins Are Related to Zeta Aliens

Are We Alone?

Ganymede Crystal Cities

Ancient Aliens

Secret Government Debunkes UFOs

Erich Von Daniken - Search for Alien Technology

Reincarnation = A Fact of Life

Edgar Cayce 1

Edgar Cayce 2

Previous lives


Near Death Experiance

Astral Travel



"The saga of Star Visitors' contacts with humankind is the greatest unpublished headline of the Millennium, and the most important missing fact in our history books." -- Dr. Richard Boylan


Click on Billy Meier for tons of incredible information:

Click on the Billy Meier picture:

Watch this Billy Meier video:

We came from Lyra and Vega,
moved to Mars, Malona and Earth!


Some of my art:

More Art by Dalibor

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with
reason...then accept it and live up to it.

Dogma Kills Spirit


Abundance = Everything we need in our lives is here on earth and has been created for us in abundance! Most of us are afraid to accept this. Fear, prejudice and lack of confidence keep us from seeing and experiencing this. The energy of Abundance helps you to recognize that you already have everything you need to fulfill your dream and live your life with passion no matter how ambitious you are.

Download The Secret From Here

"To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance." Buddha

Also Listen to This 100 years Old Book:

Science of Getting Rich

Our Deepest Fear


Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) writes about our Earth and Henoch , Jeremiah, Elisha, Isaac, Jmmanuel(Jesus) and Mohammed in the english translation of the Talmud of Jmmanuel ...
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Video about the Talmud of Jmmanuel (Jesus): Billy Meier found this 2000 years old scroll in Palestine, and since the translation from old Aramaic 21 assassination attempts were tried on him, (he is protected by Pleiarens) and the translator was murdered with his entire family. Why is it so important to the world powers to keep this information top secret? You tell me.
UFO Billy Meier Jmmanuel 2 of 4

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Talmud of Jmmanuel = Press Here
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway. --Mother Teresa
Click on Semjase for eternal truths:
This radio show is simply incredible! You will never be the same after listening to it ...
Click on the picture to listen live:
John F. Kennedy speaks secrets from the grave. Only now do we understand what he was trying to warn us of. While he was a member of the Freemasons, his assassination has Freemason written all over it. He was killed in a ritualist way by the dark forces that reign over us today. He was a loose canon and speaking of truths from his presidential podium. Please keep in mind that bush Sr. was head of the CIA at the time of his death and the CIA was the branch that carried out his assassination.
Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censur of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. And I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the moral conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe. JFK
68 Million People in USA Stopped Paying Illegal Income Tax, That Is The Reason Why The World Bankers Want To Place A Chip In You !!! Never Accept a Slavery Chip !!! We Need To Abolish Federal Reserve! Every Congressman and Senator Will Be Held Accountable !
Crop Circles Explained
Blueprints in Crop Circles
360 Subliminal Messages Planted in Us Before We Were Reincarnated on Earth
In order to manifest physical change we must first change our consciousness. Once we are full of love we will share it with others around us. Darkness disappears with the appearance of light. Evil begets more evil and can only be conquered with love. Bless you on your journey.
See these great shows:
Dr. Bruce Lipton
Near Death
Underground Tunnels
Star Gates
Root of All Evil = Organized Religions 2
Philip Corso Jr
Queen Still Owns USA!
Video Compendium
Greatest UFO Story
Reverse Diabetes!!
Satanist Freemasons
Who Wrote the Bible
Crop Circles Evidence
High HIGH Priest
Aliens Are Helping Us
My Video Blog
Aliens in Art
Tether $ Huge UFOs
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Alien 51
God Code

My Blog


.. ..http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=RBmuc8_GySQhttp://www.youtub e.com/watch?v=12BhS22ZySAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzP8 XOIwqTshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8...
Posted by Dalibor on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:20:00 PST

Great Artists - Updated

Great Artists An illuminating new documentary DVD series examining the lives and works of 14 of the greatest artists of the western world. What influences shaped these outstanding artists and what mak...
Posted by Dalibor on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 01:45:00 PST

David Wilcock = Edgar Cayce Reincarnated about 2012

David Wilcock = Edgar Cayce Reincarnated about 2012 ..http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=8978118361869233 020 http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-4353521315087386. ..
Posted by Dalibor on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 04:38:00 PST


Evidence Of Reincarnation, Born Again, Pass It On, Semkiw Teekam - Awesome video clips here...
Posted by Dalibor on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 12:34:00 PST

Close Encounters, Star Kids & ETs

Close Encounters, Star Kids & ETs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qNGjq4ZB8w&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VEpsLSOsl4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
Posted by Dalibor on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:57:00 PST

Incredibly Important = Share with the planet !!!

they wont let me repostplease repost for everyone to see this:http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.indiv idual&VideoID=23088798Chinese Secret SocietyChallenges IlluminatiBy Henry Makow PhD...
Posted by Dalibor on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 09:56:00 PST

You are invited to Dalibor Moyzes art show at Venice on Nov 2

You are invited to Dalibor Moyzes art show at Venice on Nov 26 - 9 pm at http://www.claudiamilan.com/events.html1350 Abbot Kinney Blvd - suite 101 Venice CA [email protected] T...
Posted by Dalibor on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 09:42:00 PST

Artists - Sell your art in Project Hope Art Auction !!!

Hello once again to all the fabulous, talented wonderful people blind copied on this update - :-)   I will ask that each and everyone of you take a few moments to access the Project Hope b...
Posted by Dalibor on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 11:57:00 PST

My Art in Phoenix Arts Collective Oct 20 - 21

Please look at the attached invitation, and forward it to everyone you know. See you on the 20-21, in party clothes!Sincerely,Claudette CohnGallery DirectorPhoenix Arts Collective (PACO)4105 North 51...
Posted by Dalibor on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 07:43:00 PST

Art of Dalibor Moyzes in Mandala Gallery, San Antonio, Texas

Grand Opening  Mandala Art Gallery September 29, 2007, 6:00 PM1701 Blanco RoadSan Antonio TexasFrom nothing, just an idea ...Create something, the greatest business, an art gallery:Here's this week's...
Posted by Dalibor on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 03:47:00 PST