"the universe is that big, every part of it is the center"href="
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whoever wants everyone to be the greenest
get this clock
The human body is an air machine! Our bulbous intestinal sacs were not meant to become sewers but conductors of air! The stomach is an abnormal imflammation resulting from our excessive food intake and will shrink back and dissapear when we stop eating and drinking. Just behind the stomach is the solar plexus, or "second heart" which begins to pulsate as the stomach recedes and which aids the elimination and regeneration process. Other glands and organs previously dormant or atrophied(including parts of the brain) start to come back to life as well resulting in higher sense perceptions and abilities, and all this because there is more energy to go around! Our true nature is formless and transparent, like the water or mist which takes the shape of its surroundings. We are souls, or creatures of feeling, collecting the memories of our material sojourns, and our true self is revealed in the dream state. Here we freely express and create our joys and fears, unobstructed by rules or reason, yet shaped by our waking state. Spirit immersed in matter becomes soul, and matter imbued by spirit becomes mind. At death, the body and mind are no more, but the spirit/soul lives on. This is why we must trust our feelings more than our thoughts; thoughts are tools to be used -often untested, but feelings are the real you -tried and true; when you cannot decide something -go with your feelings. We have created this material/mental world for our own amusement and learning and will change it when we decide(collectively) that it is no longer interesting or useful to us. When we do so we will return to our formless state and begin Creation all over again. Stripped down to your core, you are a ball of colored light and energy a few inches across with other balls of light and energy circling around it. This is your life force which supports and animates your body or physical structure. The color and size of this central ball of light determines your spiritual evolution. Red is the lowest followed by orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Most of us are somewhere between yellow and green which is also where the sun or spiritual center of our solar system is. From simple balls of light we have evolved into our present sophisticated physical form. This has taken many lifetimes and thousands of years, and every time we die and leave our bodies some progress is made and our light, which preserves the memories of our physical sojourns, becomes a little larger and brighter. Eventually it will become as large and bright as the Sun itself, but this will take much more time and experience. Our solar system is a great being or God who long ago graduated from our level of being, and beyond this are even greater and older beings or Gods who ensoul entire galaxies, and greatest of all is the One, or very first being or God, who ensouls the entirety of Creation itself.Being rooted permanently in one locality, nation, or even planet is not in our true nature. The concept of home is an illusion we suffer based on insecurity. Time and familliarity are what make a place your home, so that if you stay somewhere long enough -you will consider it as your home. Because first impressions are always the strongest, we all want to go back or are subconciously drawn to our very first home(wherever that is) so we can experience that blissfull feeling of perfect "belonging". Collectively, this search begins with our desire to go back to the womb-like and paradisical inner earth or its central sun (where we go to at death). Even here our search is not satisfied or ended so we to go to some other planet or sun, and on and on untill we go all the way back to the center of creation itself which is the root source of everything physical -yet even this is not our ultimate home. The truth is we are all vagabonds and travellers and that the entire universe or omniverse is our home. So long as we remain anchored in the physical we will always need a physical location to call home, but once free of the bonds of matter, our home becomes much more vast and all-encompassing. Outer space appears dark and lifeless to humans, when in reality it is filled with life and light. In the higher dimensions it is the cosmic bodies which appear to be dark and forbidding. From here they are seen as traps or lures for incarnating spirits, which is basically what they are, but they are also schools or playgrounds where both young and old spirits alike work out their problems or issues. Once the problem or issue is resolved, they return back to their outer space home -untill another problem or issue comes up.WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE? Most of us have no other purpose in life than to try to make the most of our opportunities, usually in one or more of the following broad categories: money or wealth, fame or status, power or influence, love and romance, passion or sex, raising a family, exploring, discovering, or inventing, to bringing peace and harmony into the world, caring for others, or just being useful in some way. While this is fine for the common man or woman, the true seeker aims for much higher, He or she is not content with temporal aims or goals but seeks the permanence of an infinite existence where aging, sickness, and death are no longer a burden and where heartfelt creativity rather than enforced duty becomes the modus operandi. This does not mean that we have to leave the material plane, but rather, we must learn to master it -which is everyone's real and ultimate goal. This can be done in one lifetime or in many, depending on individual motivation and circumstance. Some have already achieved this state but for most it remains in the subconcious awaiting to be awakened. There can be more than one purpose in life, in fact there are twelve basic or general ones(one for every sign of the zodiac), and whichever one you focus on will only come to fruition through the twin necessities of experience and education.THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE The religious assumption and/or scriptural statement that God is perfect is inaccurate. There is no such thing as perfection, rather there is a striving towards it. Ultimate or total perfection is an ideal that will forever be out of reach, be it for human, God, or any living thing. Even the God of all Gods, whose body is the Wheel of Creation itself, is constantly learning, growing, and changing. If ultimate perfection were ever to be reached , the being reaching it would have no further reason to live -it would die or lose itself in imperfection, or have to create something totally new to continue. What if humanity was once perfect, and having nothing else to do or nowhere else to go, decided to give itself the ultimate challenge of losing itself into our present drugged and degenerated state and wondering if we could ever get out of it? Matter is a drug for spirit but it is also a teacher. The incarnation process is an addiction. The more times you incarnate, the more you(spirit) become trapped or entangled in matter. It is the duty of those spirits, oversouls, or angels who have not yet incarnated to help bring back those who have. If all the angels or spirits incarnated at the same time, there would be no one to "save" us and we'd all be permanently lost, as the tendency in matter is to continue degenerating rather than regenerating. Matter or death is the ultimate challenge for spirit or life.LET GO AND LET GOD Divinity is a natural process. The only thing holding it back is all of the artificial mental conditioning we receive from day one of our existence. Remove this conditioning which acts like a heavy weight and your true and natural divine self will resurface. Easier said than done. This would entail all kinds of sacrifices and changes which many of us would find nearly impossible to enact, yet at some point they must be done. Most of us are living enforced lifestyles that are unnatural or inimical to our true inner natures and we feel this in those painfully concious moments just before, during, or after sleep. Yet we bury these feelings and force ourselves to go on with our daily grind, dying a little more everyday. What is it that keeps us going the other way? Mostly fear(of others). It seems few of us have the courage to just "let Go and let God", but when you do, it will feel like you've just plugged into a new and stronger power source and gone will be that feeling of despair and emptiness. Feeling is the key. You must FEEL your way back to your divine source. You must also be truthful. By being truthful you liberate all those blocked emotions that have slowly been killing you. Instead, let your emotions carry you to new and higher levels of being.WHAT GOD REALLY MEANS Most Christians picture God as an old wise man with white a beard and hair in a white garb sitting on a throne in heaven(wherever that is) together with His only son Jesus, and surrounded by angels, looking out on all of Creation. This is a limited concept. In truth, God really is everyone and everything. Every particle of Creation is a manifestation of that universal life force we call God, whether it is a rock, a tree, an insect, or a human being -each of these is a different expression of God. In our human kingdom, each of us at most, expresses one twelfth of the totality of God. Why do you think there were twelve apostles? Each one expressed certain traits which when added together comprised the entirety of human expression. It may very well be that there exists a singular concentrated and manifested entity at the center of the Wheel of Creation who is a personalized reflection of everyone and everything, but this is very hard to imagine. Just as there are three letters in the word God, so there are three words that best describe Him/Her/It -ALL THAT IS.IF THERE IS A GOD, WHY DOES HE NOT SHOW HIMSELF? This is perhaps the most poignant question you can ask a believer, and the answer will always be something like "Well, you see, God has a specific time table for when he'll show up. According to prophecy..." or "He decided to leave us rebellious humans alone for 6000 years to prove to us that we are incapable of ruling ourselves without Him." While there may be some truth to these responses, humans are hard pressed to wait 6000 or even 2000 years for His Son's glorified kingdom on Earth. There must be a faster way to prove that God exists and that He's running the show. Prophecy is often vague and can be made to apply to any number of scenarios, and prayers can be answered and miracles still performed, but how can you be sure they're coming from God? Yes nature and creation speak abundantly on God but these are all indirect indicators. What we need is for God to show Himself visibly and to take a direct and irrefutable hand in our world affairs. Parents show themselves to their children, kings, presidents and prime ministers to their public, and bosses to their employees, so why can't God do the same with humanity? Was the Exodus of 3600 years ago God's last grand appearance? If God is our Parent and truly exists as we are told by the clergy, has He abandoned us? Are we truly such bastards to be left in the care of others(reptillians?-who are also not showing themselves) and to fend for ourselves? Or is humanity at a stage(collectively) where it is about to become an independant adult in our planetary community and therefore has no further need for an intercessing God ? These are serious questions for which, unfortunately, most of us do not have solid answers.PRAYER ACTUALLY WORKS I'm am not normally a religious person, but like everyone else in times of need, I seek divine or superhuman assistance -mostly in the form of prayer. What astonishes me is that I usually receive an answer -sometimes the very next day! Of course your prayer must be sincere and reasonable, and some prayers or requests may require more time than others to be fulfilled. Apparently there exists an invisible world around us populated by invisible entities, some good, some bad, and some neutral - just like the police officers, crooks, and common people of this world. Some of these "angels" or entities are ready to help you while others are just as ready to mislead you and still others simply ignore you. In real life it is not enough to just "hope" for something to happen -you must make the effort to at least ask for it. So it is with prayer. Make a firm and sincere request -and you will be surprised at the results.RIGHT LEADS LEFT AND TOP GUIDES BOTTOM Why is the right side considered good and the left side evil, or the top a higher nature and the bottom a lower one? Where do these simple concepts originate from? Perhaps they are based on the fact that the right side of the body is sightly larger than the left and must therefore lead the way. This can be proven by placing a ring on the same finger of each hand or trying shoe sizes. When clasping hands and fingers, as in prayer, the right thumb always goes over the left one, and the vast majority of us write or work mostly by using the right hand. In palmistry, the lines and features of your left hand indicate what you're born with, while the lines and features of your right hand indicate what you're doing with what you're born with. The head or brain or highest conciousness is located at the top of the body while the lower levels of conciousness are located in the trunk or sexual organs. The sun and sky, which are representative of god and heaven are always high above, while hell and evil are associated with the underground or "below". What all this may be telling us is that the male principle must lead the female one, and that the concious part of us must control the subconcious part, otherwise there may be trouble.DISCONNECTED I am constantly amazed at how the vast majority of us live our lives without ever discovering the most basic truths about life. This tells me that we are either very stupid or very deceived and drugged. What kind of world are we living in when we neither know where we came from before birth nor where we are going after death. These questions must be really gnawing us on the inside despite our attempts to push them aside or cover them up by immersing ourselves in our daily activities. We are disconnected from eternity with only our pleasures to live for. The planet appears to be disconnected as well from the rest of the solar system and galaxy, and we are suffering because of it.DESTROYED BY A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE We are a people truly destroyed by a lack of knowledge -the kind of knowledge that would set us free from both this earthly plane and its rulers. True knowledge which would liberate us is jealously guarded or withheld by an elite few who profit from it at the expense of most of humanity. The elite make up less than five percent of our population yet they control everything, from our social and economic lives to the way we think and feel, and all because they have a higher knowledge at their disposal. While some wish to share this knowledge with us, most do not, as they enjoy the power it gives them over others. These are the secret societies which rule the governments which rule the people. In order to maintain their power they must repress, distort or withold from the general public the very truths they so secretly adhere to, such as reincarnation, astrology, regeneration, and immortality, and replacing them with false religious or scientific doctrines such as evolution and a hellfire. Through their cunning they have reduced the human masses to to a warring, slaving, and groping bunch of ignoramuses who die prematurely and use only a fraction of their potential. They have suppressed the female or intuitive side of us which is older and wiser than the intellect and which can instantly recognize the truth and reunite us with our higher spiritual self. Through various purifying disciplines such as yoga, fasting, and meditation or prayer we can resensitize ourselves to the innate knowledge and wisdom we have lost and free ourselves from the darkness and misery we live in.HUMANITY IS A DRUGGED RACE Humanity is a drugged and prostituted race and doesn't even know it. We put out daily for our corporate pimps so we can have our routine fix of stimulants(food, sex, entertainment, etc.) designed to lead us further from our true and original state which is that of a non-intoxicated angel. Humans are degenerated or fallen angels. All creatures who have the breath of life and who eat and reproduce are in a fallen state. Animals and insects devolved from the human or angelic state; their bodies were created or fashioned to handle and reflect their degenerated state. Reptiles and insects are ugly because they house lower spirit forms. Their base nature is reflected in the way they devour one another. Humans kill and eat too, but only because they have allowed their lusts to to dominate them. In our original angelic state we had no desire to eat or drink or have sex whatsoever. We had a lightstream instead of a bloodstream and aging and death and pain and ugliness were foreign to us. As angels, we created or worked on matter from the outside, but their came a point when further stimulation was desired and we entered and became trapped in our own creations. The sensations of matter have a druglike effect on the spirit or lifeforce. Whereas human conciousness is centered INSIDE the body, angelic conciousness is centered OUTSIDE the body(above the head). It's like watching yourself from a distance while at the same time controlling and sensing everything that's going on. We have been drugged and trapped inside our bodies for thousands of years and few people have ever gotten free. The way to be free is to relinquish the very lusts that are keeping you enslaved to both your body and the material plane. Take from the earth and it shall take from you. Realize that everything you do is habit and that habits can be broken. You can live without food, water, sex, sleep, or anything else if you really want to. Angels do it and so can you. If you are a woman you have a head start as women are in general less degenerated than men. Fasting in a natural environment is the key to de-drugging and re-conditioning yourself to your true and intended angelic state. We have long lost our way and it's time to find ourselves again.TECHNOLOGY IS A CRUTCH Technology is a sign of weakness, not strength. When we were first created we needed nothing -except the air and the sun. Our full brain power allowed us to perform the most astonishing feats, such as materializing our thoughts and traveling via teleportation. The moment we began listening to our reptillian nemesis and acquiring their destructive habits was the moment of our fall. We traded in our spiritual powers for carnal pleasures, and like the reptillians, we became dependant on technology to make up for our lost powers. Now we need heating to keep us warm and cars and airplanes to travel. Its time we reawakened the glands and parts of the brain which have atrophied through our negative habits and which were the source of our immeasurable power. Once fully awakened, no technology, past, present our future, can ever rival this power within you.THE FOLLY OF OUTER-DEPENDANCE It's amazing (and disturbing) at how utterly dependant we have become on exterior conditions for all our needs. We are ruled by weather, clocks, money, religion, science, technology, and distance (we must often travel miles just to earn our living or be entertained). Buddha would be laughing out loud if he saw us scurrying about like chickens without a head. For the initiated, it is possible to have all one's needs met without fretting or moving an inch. This is because after a certain stage of enlightenment, one is no longer blown about by the winds; personal and corporeal power is augmented, values are drastically changed and simplified, and time and distance become meaningless. This is the ideal towards which we are all moving -total inner dependance; where one becomes Sun-like(centered and self-sustaining) rather than planet-like(orbiting and dependant). Reaching this state can take one or many lifetimes -it all depends on the individual. Untill then, he or she must continue to live in folly of outerness.THE PHYSICAL REALM IS AN ILLUSION We are basically spirits or energies entrapped in matter. Matter or substance offers us an avenue of expression according to the way we mould it. All of the physical creation you see hear touch taste and smell around you is there for your amusement(and sometimes horror). The physical senses are apertures or conduits designed to relay sensory imformation to your spirit/soul which records interprets and experiences such as "reality". What we have come to accept as "reality" or the "real world" is in fact a temporary creation -an illusion, of which there were other versions before it and will be after it. The mind empowered by the creative spirit is what designed this reality of ours. Diversity, adaptability, and beauty or harmony are the main principles which mind uses to create the physical realm. Another ingredient is free will which which can help or hinder the creative process. Every living being is continually and often unconciously involved in the goal of producing the best possible illusory reality in which to express itself. Only when one exits this reality or illusion through death, can an objective evaluation of that reality be assessed and the desired changes be enacted.THE REAL END OF THE WORLD IS THE END OF YOUR LIFE In this day and age of nuclear proliferation, we're all hyped on the possibility of the end of this world when what we should really be focusing on or dealing with is our own individual mortality. Yes, this planet undergoes deaths and rebirths, and so do races and nations and ideologies, but no other death or rebirth is more important than your own. D'on't listen to people or religions that say you are insignificant compared to the whole, as this will undermine your ego, individuality, or sense of integrity, which are vital to your survival. You must always be centered and there is no more important center than your own. YOU are important to YOU and that's what really counts. Your life is your world, and its end may or may not coincide with greater planetary endings. The point is you shouldn't time your life according to end-time prophecies. We're all looking for scapegoats to our problems not realizing that they still have to be worked out afterwards. Change your life now if you can. Don't wait for some crisis that may or may not resolve your issue. Of course, many of us are lazy and DO need a crisis, but we can save ourselves the pain if we act beforehand. We're all going to die one way or another, the difference is in how we do so. Christians or other believers who say there is nothing they can do to improve their lives or the condition of the planet untill their Messiah returns are being sorely misled! They're throwing their life away! Most religions are just another way handing over our power to those who created them. The work must be done or started NOW, not in some afterlife. The only real end is YOUR end.MORTALITY OR IMMORTALITY? No one wants to die -yet we all do. Not all of us dies however -only the physical-mental half. The spiritual-emotional half continues in the astral or fourth dimension which is a dream-like realm. While our body returns to dust, spirit is busy purging, recharging, and readying our soul(memory part of us) for another incarnation. The more problems we have to work out, the faster we will reincarnate. Hopefully in the next life we'll get it right, ascend, and end the cycle of rebirths or at least have it under our control. Learning astrology now can help you select a superior incarnation in the future which can help to ensure this outcome. Everyone who has ever died has failed in the mastery of life and must try again. Conquering death is the final hurdle and can be done in one or a thousand lifetimes -it is up to the individual. Some spirits or angels have yet to incarnate while others have gone through it all and have become gods. Most of us alive today are somewhere inbetween. As spirits, however, we have all of eternity to play with matter -there is no time limit. Unfortunately, matter is like a drug for spirit and we can lose ourselves in it, which is pretty much the present predicament for the vast majority of humankind. The sensoral pleasures of matter, or what we term "sin" are forever compromising our spiritual integrity, yet they are an inevitable process of our growth. Adam HAD to fall, and so did humanity. Fortunately we have it in us to recover and learn from our mistakes. When we learn that it is our lusts that are killing us and that we're willing to do something about them, then we begin the road to regeneration. But as any addict in rehab will tell you "It can be hell". Our addictions to food, sex, drugs, money, power, fame, etc. are what are destroying us. Immortality requires that you conquer these addictions. It's a tall order, but it's the only way. Untill then you will be locked into mortality.THE FALLACY OF "WAITING" FOR A SAVIOUR Religions that promise the coming of a saviour to rescue the individual and the world from the clutches of evil, sad to say, are misleading the masses. Christians have been waiting for over 2000 years for such an event and it looks like they'll continue to wait indefinitely. The nature of real truth is that it has an immediate and striking effect on the individual or situation involved. There is no waiting game involved. If you have to wait, or there are various conditions, then it is not real truth. If the real truth was known, people would be changing their lives and the planet literally overnight. That is how powerful real truth is. The fact that this is not happening means we are not in possession of the real truth. With the right knowledge and desire people could literally "save" themselves almost immediately, without having to wait thousands of years for a messiah that will never come. And even if He does come, the message will be the same -"Save yourselves!"(through the dispelling of ignorance and fear). What this world desperately needs is to be re-educated in the knowledge and truth that will set it free.BIOLOGICAL SUPERIORITY OF WOMAN The male is a degenerate female. He is uglier, less sensitive, and more destructive than the female. The voice is deeper because he operates at a lower vibration. He balds and grows hair on his chin. He reasons more than he feels. He cuts down trees and engages in wars. He is filthy and brutal. His reproductive organs hang out in the cold making him sterile, and he lives a shorter life. He needs the female more than she needs him. Females are more in tune with nature and therefore less destructive. They represent the subconcious(wiser and older) as opposed to the concious (childlike). Women on a fruit diet can regain their self-reproductive capacity. The female vagina is an open wound, kept open by the penile thrusts of the male. The male penis is our reptillian heritage. Woman has submitted to the male for the same reason humanity has submitted to the reptoids; in the hope of rehabilitating them. The relationship between the male and the female is also the relationship between Satan and God. Woman is God.THE ETHERIC DOUBLE We all have a second finer or more subtle physical body called the etheric double. It is ghostlike or plasmic in substance and is an exact duplicate or blueprint of the physical. It actually maintains and repairs the physical body, although it too can be subject to damage. If you cut off a limb, its etheric counterpart will still be there, and one day we will learn to regrow such a limb naturally. The etheric double is the dream or astral body which leaves the physical when we sleep and which is connected to it by a "silver cord". This cord is permanently severed at death, whereupon the etheric carries with it all the other finer bodies. The chakras or invisible energy centers are anchored in the etheric, which acts as a middleman between the physical and spiritual realms. The etheric body normally extends about an inch out from the physical acting like an atmosphere or barrier. Astrologically, it is our lunar or Moon body and is magnetic or feminine in nature rather than electric or masculine.THE URANTIA BOOK: FACT OR FICTION? A bible in itself, the Urantia book, published by the Urantia Foundation in Chicago, Illinois, in 1955, is over 2000 pages long and covers the whole spectrum of our stellar and Earth history, beginning 900 billion years ago and ending with the beginning of the Christian era. According to them... 1. Earth or Urantia, is located in our solar system, Monmatia, but is also the 606th of 1000 planets in the Satania system. 2. Satania is the 24th of 100 planetary systems in the constellation of Norlatiadek 3. Norlatiadek is the 70th of 100 constellations in the local universe of Nebadon 4. Nebadon is the 84th of 100 local universes in the minor sector of Ensa 5. Ensa is the third of 100 minor sectors in the major sector of Splandon 6. Splandon is the 5th of 10 major sectors in the superuniverse of Ovronton 7. Ovronton is the 7th of the 7 inhabited superuniverses orbiting Paradise-Havona. Our planetary number is 5,342,482,337,666 signifying there are over 5 trillion planets in our creation, and beyond the seven superuniverses are still others in their formative stages. The book is a long but fascinating read, especially when you get to the Isle of Paradise or center of Creation. It is difficult to tell whether the imformation is genuine or fabricated, but my instinct tells me it is somewhere inbetween.THE HAVONA WORLDS The Urantia book offers a beautiful vision or schematic of our material creation. The Creation is basically a wheel or disc composed of twelve superuniverses(five of which are still forming) revolving around a central Isle of Paradise. Our planet, solar system, and galaxy are located in the seventh superuniverse. The Isle or Paradise or home of THE God of all Gods is flat and ellipsoid in shape, and so huge or vast that if all the residents of all the universes were to reside on it they would only take up about 1 per cent of the total surface area. Between the superuniverses and the isle of paradise are the Havona worlds -one billion of them, arranged in seven concentric rings. Each one of these superb worlds is a playground or "mansion" for the graduates of the superuniverses, and each has a different theme or purpose. After tasting or experiencing each of the worlds in each successive ring, the aspirant becomes tired of the material realm and is ready to graduate as a permanent resident on the Isle of Paradise, where life is almost totally spiritual. Imagine that; here we are, stuck in a tiny corner of a tiny planet in the outer regions of creation, living for the most part a pathetic life, when there are a billion worlds out there ready to offer us endless marvels and adventures, all with the purpose of developing our divinity!THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN BY ASTROLOGERS The writers of both the old and new testament books were well versed in a variety of subjects -including astrololgy. All of the prophets were astrologers -from Moses to Daniel to Jesus and/or Apollonious to Mohammed -all were trained in the mantic arts and sciences. It is no coincidence that ancient Israel was comprised of twelve tribes or that Jesus had twelve apostles -one for every sign of the zodiac. The bible is replete with numerical, astrological, or occult symbolism. So why does modern Christianity condemn astrology and the like? Because the esoteric arts and sciences are the KEYS to deciphering or interpreting the scriptures. The clergy secretly utilizes these "forbidden" disciplines while at the same time withholding them from the public -for fear of being disempowered. The masses must be kept ignorant and therefore powerless lest they revolt and bring down the church! Only astrological knowledge of the planets, for example, can elucidate the life of Christ; the mysterious Star of Bethlehem(ruler of Virgo?) describes Jesus' birth(he was born in September), the Mars cycle of two years describes Herod's decree to kill every male child two years or younger, the Jupiter cycle of twelve years describes his incident at the temple, where at twelve years of age, he astounded all the learned men with his wisdom, and the Saturn cycle of "about" thirty years describes Jesus' confrontation with Satan(Saturn) in the desert and his subsequent work or ministry. Uranus is the gospel or truth that he preached and the conversion process itself, Neptune is the receiving of the holy ghost or spirit and the miracles produced through it, and Pluto is his death or crucifixion and his ensuing resurrection. On a global or modern scale, Uranus discovered in 1781, is the global or collective coming of Christ and his truth(made possible through the discovery of electricity, science and technology, and the internet), Neptune discovered in 1846, is the global or collective receiving of the holy spirit(all of the major religious or theosophical movements were started around this time), and Pluto discovered in 1930, is the global or collective death or crucifixion of this planet and its inhabitants(World Wars, nuclear weapons, alien infiltration, politics, pollution)-as well as its resurrection, ascension, or regeneration. The writers of the bible knew all about these and other recurring planetary cycles and their significance and were therefore able to set up a framework of prophetic events which spanned hundreds and even thousands of years. Characters or personnages were then invented to personalize these events.GOD HAS MANY SONS/SUNS AND DAUGHTERS God the Father is the Sun of our solar system and the Mother is that twelfth planet binary which eludes us till this day, and both have a planetary family of at least five male sons/suns and five daughter suns. Planets are basically smaller suns with a crust or shell around them which induces them to grow untill they are full adult suns, much like the yolk of an egg. The inner sun of each planet experiences several initiations of sonship which are distinctly categorized as major World Ages and which cause the planet involved to grow larger and brighter. Jupiter and Saturn may be in their sixth initiations or just one short of becoming self-luminous and independant Suns. It seems this is done in pairs: Uranus and Neptune-5th, Venus and Earth-4rd, Mars and Mercury-3rd, and Pluto and Moon-2nd. Contrary to some opinions, the Earth has a long way to go before becoming a sun or star, although it can exhibit or manifest this briefly or temporarily during its initiation phases.INTERPLANETARY POLITICS All of the planets in our solar system have leaders or representatives on Earth, each with their own particular contribution or agenda for the planet. Jehovah, Yawheh, Jove, Zeus, or Jupiter(all the same) is vying for our hearts and minds through religion, while Satan, Saturn, or Chronos(all the same) is using industry or government to instill us with order and discipline. The Venusians are experts on the economy and the Martians the military. The Mercurians dominate the news and all forms of communication, while Neptunians rule our visual media, oil, and drugs. Uranians are big on science and technology while Plutonians rule politics and the underground. The Moon people excel in the food, clothing, and shelter departments, and the Sun people in love, health, leisure, and entertainment in general. An unidentified planetary race(Vulcan?, Planet X?) rules crafts, trades, and the workforce in general. What about Earth? We have representatives on all the other planets also; we're known mostly for our beauty and mediation skills.THE HUMAN HARVEST When our supposed creators encouraged us to multiply, did they have an ulterior motive in mind? Is humanity a crop to be seasonally planted and harvested, on this farm called Earth, and then to be consumed as we consume animals? While this can be partly true, it is also true that not all of the gods are carnivorous; some are vegetarian, fruitarian, or even breatharian, and certainly these have a higher regard for the human species. The truth is there are various factions of gods or god-posers, each with a different agenda for humans and other life forms. Some like the reptoids and greys wish to see us eliminated or used for slavery, sex, and food, while others like the nordics and lyrians wish to see us elevated to their own status or beyond. The population explosion of the last few hundred years indicates the harvest is near, and it can go either way depending on our individual and collective choices. I believe most of us will decide to become as the (true)gods rather than food or resources for them.A NEW REVOLUTION IN CONCIOUSNESS A new revolution in conciousness is blazing the planet as more and more free thought forums such as David Icke, Godlike Productions, and Educate-Yourself flood the internet. More and more people are being exposed to the lies and the truth about ourselves and the world and it is about time. The human spirit cannot be imprisoned or deceived forever, and as the old guardians of humanity die out or are replaced, a new and more liberated life wave is enveloping the planet. The liberation of humanity from its medieval shackles began around 1781 with the discovery of the planet Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, and the principles of freedom and truth, which the United States of America ideally embodies or represents. These principles, however, have become diluted(Neptune-1846) and subverted(Pluto-1930) over the following 200 years, but are now in the process of being restored in full(Earth/PlanetX-1960 to 2000+). If you have a truth we can all benefit from, do not be afraid -now is the time to share it.PERMANENT TIES IMPEDE TRANSFORMATION For those on the path to enlightenment, traditional ties such as family or marriage, can prove to be burdensome or even deadly to his or her progress. In some cases, the marital partner, friends, or family members will tolerate or even embrace the changes occuring in the individual, but the changes are usually so extreme that an alienation, separation, condemnation, or even violence is more likely to result, especially if the convert, in his or her zeal, makes the common mistake of trying to persuade everyone else to accept the same beliefs. The individual is then faced with the decision of having to subdue, repress, or even renounce his or her newfound faith or break away and pursue it unimpeded. Whether the conversion is to a religion, cult, or general philosophy, it is something the individual came here to experience in order to grow. Blocking it will only put it off for another time or place. We all have our individual lessons to learn in each life, some of which cannot be shared with our loved ones. In the end, we are all on our own, and if we can share an experience, fine, if not, we move on. Fortunate is the truthseeker who is bound by no one or nothing -except to truth itself.THE MATRIX AND DRAGONBALL Z: WHAT ARE THEY TELLING US? The reason for the popularity of movies such as The Matrix, and shows such as YTV's Dragonball Z, is that they both have important underlying messages to tell us. Both are essentially concerned with the survival of organic humanity pitted against the technological evil-doers and rulers of this world and universe, which is largely our predicament. Both also hint at trying to reawaken or reignite humanity's lost or forgotten primordial powers which are on par or greater than any of our enemies'. In the Matrix and its sequels, Neo is continuously unfolding his latent powers in an effort to overcome and destroy the veil and stranglehold that the machine-based matrix has on humans, and in Dragonball Z, Goku is continuously surpassing himself in inner power in an attempt to rid those who would destroy humanity. What they are both saying, basically, is that humans have the power within, individually or collectively, to solve their own problems -they just don't know it yet.THE IMMORTAL BABAJI India is a land of many immortal masters, none greater than the Master of masters -Babaji. Babaji always was, is, and will be. He conquered death in his first lifetime and has had many materializations since then. He came as Shiva, Ram, Krishna, Goraknath, Jesus'(Paul's) Father, Munindra, and His last appearance was in Herakhan Village northeast of Dehli in the 1970's. He is thousands of years old but looks like a youth of sixteen or seventeen. He can dematerialize his body at will and his role is to oversee world activities and teach and train Saviours for the world. For the aspirant he advocates fasting, rythmic breathing, chanting Om Namaba Shivai(the name of God), daily bathing, going without sleep, shaving the hair for nine months, and staring at the Sun(set or rise) and Moon. One of his most famous acts was sitting still in the lotus position for 45 days straight without ever moving. For more imformation on Babaji and his teachings read the book Physical Immortality -The Science of Everlasting Life, by Leonard Orr,A DAY IS AS A THOUSAND YEARS The term "a day is as a thousand years" originated from from the fact that the Lord's home planet Kobol at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy takes about one thousand years to revolve on its axis. It is actually a double-star system with both Kobol and Oliblish revolving around a common center of gravity. Both sun worlds are some 18.6 billion miles in diameter and take 1000 years to revolve on their axis. Inside Kobol is a central sun upon which resides the Lord or God of our Galaxy. Our seven day week can therefore also symbolize 7000 years or 1000 years per day. Every 7000 years is a week on Kolob and a year on Kolob is 360,000 years on Earth. Earth's inner sun, which has its own magnetic field, takes some 700 years to rotate on its axis and in the opposite direction of Earth's rotation. These cycles may have both historical and astrological implications. It seems we enter a new major phase in our history roughly every 700 years, and even greater ones every 7000, 49,000, and 360,0000 years.THE SEVENTH DAY SABBATH Muslims keep Friday, Jews keep Saturday, and Christians keep Sunday as their sabbath or holy(holi)day. Most religious texts admonish one day out of seven as a day of rest and worship. Which day in particular depends on the religious mythology of the race or creed involved. Muslims keep Friday because Muhammed chose it as a remembrance to the creation of man on the sixth day(it is associated with the planet Venus -Vendredi in French and Venerdi in Italian). Jews keep Saturday(sabbato in Italian and samedi in French) because of its association with Saturn or Satan, and Christians keep Sun-day because of its association with Apollo(Paul) or the Sun god. Ideally, Jehovah's Witnesses should keep Thursday because of it's association with Jove or Jupiter which rules that day(Jeudi in French, or Giovedi in Italian). A case could be made for any day as the Sabbath depending on the God or planet association of your religion, and the predeliction to choose just one over all others has caused many conflicts or wars. Ironically, most Western calendars begin with Sunday as the first day and Saturday as the seventh implying that this was the true early Christian Sabbath untill Emperor Constantine changed it to Sunday at the council of Nicaea in 325 AD. In the prophesied Millennium to come the Sabbath and other Holy days will be reinstated, but just for whom will be interesting to see.THE EARTH IS A FARM AND WE'RE THE CROP Planet Earth is one big farm and humans are the main crop. Everytime the population starts soaring, that's when you know the harvest is near. The last big harvest was just before the Great Flood of Noah, when the Watchers or angels who left their estate raped and devoured most of humanity. Ever since then we have had numerous smaller harvests and they've always been bloody affairs. These harvests came in the form of wars, pestilences, inquisitions, or outright abductions. The next major harvest, however, has yet to come. When it does, the four "angels" at the four corners of the earth will cast in their sickles and rivers of blood will flow from the winepress of god to the height of a horse's bridle. Who is this "god" who has a taste for human blood? Could it not be a reptillian?JEHOVAH IS A REPTOID Anyone who reads the Old Testament accounts of the Hebrew people's wanderings through the desert cannot help but notice that the god who is leading them, Yahweh/Jehovah, comes off as an angry, jealous, impatient, and war-like God. Whole towns and cities are mercilessly slaughtered in the name of this God and animal sacrifices are offerred him/her. Even among the Hebrews themselves, forgiveness for sinning is at a premium. This flies in the face of true Christian principles. The real reason Moses was not permitted to look directly at God's face was because he would be shocked to discover that this god was not human at all but reptillian! Jehova is a long-lived reptillian entity who led the Hebrews in a smoking spaceship which performed many of the miraculous feats of the exodus. The whole purpose was to use the Hebrews to set up a royal ruling reptillian lineage among them who would become their kings and queens. Interbreeding produced hybrids who were the priests or mediators between the two species. This lineage has persisted and migrated from the Middle East to Europe and finally to Great Britain and America. The white English speaking peoples are the most reptillian-dominated peoples on the planet. Potentially, they have the most to offer us, unfortunately they are no longer living up to this potential and are selling us out.LUCIFER WAS THE FIRST MALE: PART I of III Our ancestors, the Titans, from the Pleaides, were the first superhumans to settle this solar system some 150,000 years ago. They chose the planet Uranus, located midway between the Sun and the edge of our solar system, as a starting point, with the goal of later colonizing the other planets. The titans were so-called because they had "tits" or paps to suckle their young and reproduced through parthogenesis or virgin birth. These immortal, blond, blue-eyed, bisexual giants, were a matriarchal race with a queen mother ruling over them. After settling Uranus, this queen mother made her permanent home on the on the Sun where she resides to this day. The titans enjoyed a 50,000-year golden age on Uranus before trouble started brewing. The titans were basically fruitarians and practiced electro-magnetic rather than coital sex, but at some point began changing their diet by eating lower vibrational foods, and experimented with lesbian forms of sex. Their declining dietary and moral standards led to important psychological and physiological changes and the birth of the first male. This male was smaller, uglier, hairier, and less intelligent than his sisters, and was pitied upon but allowed to live.LUCIFER WAS THE FIRST MALE: PART II of III The male child grew up with a hatred of his sisters because he was always being made fun of, and when he was old enough, broke away from them and went to live in a cave where he became an expert craftsman and forger of metals, hence his name Luci(light)fer(iron). Lucifer was the first hunter, and made knives and spears and bows and arrows and pots with which to cook his prey. His sisters caught on to some of his activities and soon they too became hunters and cooks. Lucifer's hidden agenda was to take revenge on his sisters for all the humiliation he suffered as a child, and for this he created special weapons or inventions which he hid in the secret chambers of his cave. One included a vibrating device which stimulated sexual arousal in the the vaginal area. Sex as we know it today was started when Lucifer tricked and raped some of his sisters. When enough males were born and grown, Lucifer rounded them up and led a revolt against his sisters. He failed, of course, and he and his army and their cohorts were banished to the planet Saturn and his named changed to Satan. Because of this treachery, certain groups on Uranus, vowed to kill all male births, and these became known as the amazonian warrior women.LUCIFER WAS THE FIRST MALE: PART III of III Lucifer/Satan and his kind spent the next 50,000 years populating Saturn(humanity's "silver" age) before leading colonization attempts via spaceship to some of the other inner planets of our solar system such as Jupiter, Mars, and the Earth. The titans also sent colonies to various planets at this time. Earth therefore, starting around 50,000 years ago, became colonized with two distinct groups; The Uranian titans, which are the distant undegenerated ancestors of the human race occupying mostly the inner earth, and the Saturnians(degenerated titans) which are the direct ancestors of our present human race, and which basically occupy the outer earth. Some among the Saturnian group, giving in to the lower nature, degenerated to subhuman levels giving rise or birth to the mammals and later the reptoids or reptillians who may indeed be a much more recent creation than previously thought. This is de(vil)volution rather than evolution, and brings into question the whole basis of scientific methodology. The more time we spend in matter, it seems, the more we tend to degenerate -unless drawn upward by superior truth, love, and wisdom -only then can it be called evolution.THE CATHARS The Cathars of southern France in the 1200's AD were an ascetic sect that lived a frugal and chaste monastic lifestyle, and whose beliefs or doctrines conflicted with those of the Roman Catholic church. Forty thousand strong, led by a thousand parfaits or priests, the cathars had a great influence in Europe, so much so that they became a threat to the corrupt Roman Catholic church of the time, and were therefore persecuted and finally slaughtered or burned at the stake as a result. The cathars were pacifists and vegetarians and prayed and fasted regularly. They always traveled in twos, wore black or dark blue robes, grew their beards, and kept their bodies scrupulously clean. They were herbalists and great healers and their main occupation was weaving. They believed the spirit was good but trapped in an evil body and that it could be released by living a pure life. They also believed in reincarnation and that animals have souls like we do. The sexes were treated equally but there were no sexual or intimate relations or even marriage.They believed God was within you and needed no intercessor to unite with him. They also believed that all matter is basically evil and is the creation of Lucifer or Satan, the god of the Old Testament. According to them God or Jesus did not incarnate or die for our sins, rather he sent us a loving message which was later corrupted by the church.UNWORTHY OF OUR BODIES Human beings are still at a stage of spiritual, mental, and emotional development that is not on par with their physical bodies. Our physical bodies are wonderful vehicules of expression grounding or rooting all of our other subtler bodies. Much work has gone into developing and refining our physical bodies as they are today. The first human bodies were crude and similar in appearance, and like the automobile, have undergone many improvements or modifications, and are continually being updated via planetary electro-magnetic alterations. Persistent thought and emotional patterns, on an individual, racial, and species level also alter to some degree the physical appearance. This is especially so in the inner earth where the atmosophere is such that strong thoughts or feelings can literally reshape the individual. In Etidorpha by John Uri Loyd, I Am The Man and his guide traverse a hell region of drunkards and sinners whose grossly mishapen features(huge hands, noses, ears, etc.) are an outer result or reflection of their inner turmoil. Our outer earth surface or atmosphere does not accurately or quickly reflect our inner natures as they should be so that truly evil people can still look decent on the outside. Most people are locked in an appearance that does NOT truly reflect their inner nature. Many of us, even as adults, are abusive and disrispectful of our bodies, and unworthy of them. We are truly children in grownups' bodies.LIGHT(LOVE) IS THE UNIVERSAL FOOD SOURCE Plants eat or absorb it, and so do animals and humans, only the latter have been tempted to do so indirectly through the process of eating. Everything contains light otherwise it would cease to be. Minerals contain the least amount of light, which is why they are hard, heavy, and immobile. Vegetation contains much more light making it lighter and somewhat mobile(it is rooted but leans or bends towards the sun). Animals and humans contain even more light but have lost a lot of it by giving in to the sensual pleasures of eating. There was a time when it was continually sunny and day and humans were constantly infused with light and love and there was no sickness, aging, and death. Then the invaders came and tricked us and the ice firmaments were destroyed, and night and winter set in, and humans shriveled to what they are now. Some went underground where conditions were more stable or supportive of life, while those who remained had to continue eating to tolerate their new environment as well as to acquire the extra light and energy they needed. The reptillians need to be removed and the firmaments restored if we are to become the race of lightbeings we once were. Fortunately there exist within the Earth and beyond, a race of ancestral light beings who at the appointed time will act to assist us in reclaiming our natural heritage. In the meantime we must do our part by living on light-rich foods and in light-rich environments and enhancing the light that is already within. Eating "light" or fasting is a good and "fast" way to enhance your light. The more we do this, the more we will overcome or repulse the predators that feed on us.DOING TIME ON PLANET EARTH A popular belef of many new age writers is the idea that planet Earth is presently a dumping ground for all the wayward(criminal) souls in our universe or galaxy. "It's a prison planet" they say, "and we're all doing time for our bad deeds." This may very well be, as the majority of us are constantly struggling in life. The worst of us turn into dictators and politicians and perpetuate the misery of our brothers and sisters. Worse yet are those old unrepentant demonic souls who are occasionally released from their inner earth constraints to unleash horror and pandemonium on the populace. And then there are those like you and me who have their own personal issues or agendas to work out: it could be sex, or food, or love, or power -lessons we must learn and master before we can be freed from the bonds of this earth plane. Now is the time to work out those problems, otherwise you will have to come back again untill they are resolved. Don't let religion or circumstances or other people's opinions get in the way. Follow your feelings and your heart. It takes courage but the results are well worth it. We are living on the decision planet, and every so often we put ourselves under the fire so that our true nature is revealed. Some are refined by this fire and graduate to the next level, while the rest get burned and stay behind. A new fire and harvest is scheduled for humanity in the coming decade or so. Have you resolved your issues? Are you ready?IF YOU LIVED TO BE 600 Imagine living from the time of Columbus untill now. Your knowledge and experience would be so vast everyone would look up to you for all kinds of answers. You would possess first hand accounts of when Europe began colonizing the New World, when the Industrial Revolution began, when England ruled the world, and when America grew up to be the superpower it is today. You would be thoroughly familliar with the joys and sorrows of living and could read deep into the hearts of all men. You would become aware of long Earth cycles and be able to predict major climate patterns. On a personal level, you would have many descendants(even your own nation), grow at least three or four sets of teeth, and have unsurpassed skills and talents which develop only under the longer planetary cycles. Most of us don't even make it to the cycle of Uranus(84 years), much less Neptune(165 years), Pluto(248 years), or whatever planet lies beyond. These Planets awaken little known or unheard of glands or centers in us which unfold new abilities or potentials. The patriarchs of the Old Testament who lived to be nearly 1000 years of age were amazing individuals, some of whom attained total enlightenment and divinity. The evil controllers of this world know that if you live long enough, you too will reach that state of enlightenment, so they have done everything they could to shorten your life, from environmental control to genetic tampering to the poisoning of your food. It's time we put an end to their insidious control and reclaim our long-lived heritage.RECONNECTION: PART I OF 3 Everything is so disconnected these days. Sure, we have the internet, but not everyone is proficient at it, and besides, knowledge or the intellect today has a way of dividing or separating more than it unites. Fortunately, there is something more cohesive than the intellect -it's called intuition. Intuition, which is guided by spirit, uses sensitivity as its modus operandi, and it is something which this factual, intellectual, and materialistic modern society of ours sorely needs. In Atlantean times, the atmosphere was denser and more fluidic and less solid and therefore everything was more connected. It was an almost dream-like atmosphere where one's true self(emotions and feelings) dominated and expressed more easily. This is because the gases or emanations from the Earth's inner central sun circulated more freely to the outer Earth and were held in by a water or ice canopy. After the flood and destruction of Atlantis, the water and ice and snow which fell, accumulated around the polar openings choking off much of this inner flow of magical energy, also known as orgone, chi, prana, ether, life force, holy spirit, etc.. Also, the negative beings who were responsible for the catastrophe are even now, through their technology, diverting much of this inner energy away from the outer surface and using it for their own selfish purposes, and scientists call this the diminishing of the Earth's magnetic field.RECONNECTION: PART II OF 3 Like the body, the intellect is not our true self; it is to be used as a tool for our growth or advancement. The body and intellect disentegrate at death leaving your other half, soul and spirit, to continue. Soul is memory or accumulated experience, wisdom, and knowlege, and becomes the body for spirit(life force) in the astral plane or afterlife. Spirit-soul, or the real you, clothes itself with as many embodiments or incarnations it needs to fulfill its desires. Desire is the motivating or connecting force and always overrides reason or intellect. The illuminati are totally driven by desire, unfortunately this desire is guided more by material interests than by morality, love, or spirit. Spirit, prana, or the life force, is that magical essence which is found abundantly on all worlds, except those conquered or controlled be inimical forces. The inner hollow of our Earth is filled with this magical ambiance which activates all of our chakras or energy centers and reconnects us fully to our souls or spirits, and which the evil powers of our world wish to control or manipulate. They have partially succeeded by technologically blocking or diverting much of this energy from reaching the outer surface, rendering us weak and inneffectual. The planet's inner central sun, which is the source of this energy, is itself parasited upon by creatures who call themselves the Great Old Ones, and who continually drain that sun's energies.RECONNECTION: PART III OF 3 A cleansing or fasting needs to take place both individually and planetary so that positive spiritual forces which animate all life can flow quickly and freely again, healing and regenerating us to our original edenic or divine state. This fasting mode, which is solar system wide has already begun, and the results are a lot of earth shaking and political, social, and personal crisis or upheavals. Despite our wealth or success, most of us remain empty, dissilusioned, or unfulfilled. There is a constant gnawing inside of us that something is still missing. That something is our full connection with our higher-self, divinity, "God", or that magical force coming from the Earth's inner sun(which in turn comes from our outer Sun and beyond). The Sun represents our Godhood, and its forces or influences must first be stepped-down through our planet's own inner sun before reaching our own solar chakra or god center. Unfortunately this inner sun/pituitary/midheaven link is broken or crippled for humanity in general and we are dying as a result. Extra effort(fasting, meditation, prayer, etc,) is needed to re-establish the link. When the link is re-established you will feel all of your upper chakras or energy centers whirl into activity and your inner being will be filled with an indescribable inner peace and knowing. The "Comforter"(your higher-self bodies) has descended upon you and you are now fully reconnected. Like Jesus, or Paul, or Apollonius, you now have that extra power or wisdom to overcome your weaknesses and become divine -but you must still do the work.BECOMING CENTERED We are a (modern)society that moves too much. Most objects in nature remain rooted or still untill disturbed(a tree, a river), or have a fixed path or course(a planetary body). Animals and humans, on the other hand, are mobile creatures with free will -and that is where all the opportunity(and chaos) begins. Unfettered and unrestricted(except perhaps by our conscience or moral upbringing) we do our will and accept the consequences. Often this involves moving beyond our space and trampling over that of others. This instigates all kinds of reactions -most of them negative. Often we are where we should not be and don't even realize it. Sometimes the best place to be is simply alone and with yourself. Our social or economic system is based on greed so that one person's profits or gains are another's losses. We live in a very selfish and unbalanced world and it is all due to ignorance and its child fear. The more a person must run to and fro to live his or her existence, the more that person is uncentered or disconnected with self. By scattering ourselves too far and wide we are losing our individualities or identities. We must learn to localise rather than globalize. Take care of your own little world and the rest will take care of itself. Don't meddle or concern yourself with the politics or woes of some distant country, or even your own. All organizations and political entities are basically parasites designed to live off the individual with little in return. Even the family institution, which is the basis for government, can be such.Ultimately, you are your own government and judge. Start becoming more responsible and self-sufficient. Become self-employed, grow your own food, make your own clothes, arrange your own activities, and so on. This will be discouraged of course. The authorities behind modern society's social and economic set-up have designed it to lead you AWAY from truth, freedom, love and independence. They wish you to remain enslaved so that you can continue to line their pockets and provide them with illicit services. They are too cowardly or selfish or inhuman to obtain their needs naturally, so they must set up a "system" that will allow them to obtain these needs unnaturally. Sex for money is a perfect example(some are so unsociable that this is the only way for them to express their affections).We are kept so busy simply trying to pay off our debts that we are continuously distanced or estranged from our true inner selves which in reality need nothing and no one to survive. The higher ups know this but don't want you to know it. How many times have you had those momentary pangs of
media must equal youniverse // regarding insanity, you god a be init to win it! // add vice: drugs will save humanity (ideal world)
I am looking for sponsership/investment to complete the manifesto which will sell more copies than bible and lead to the infinite saviour of our earth If a cancer patient spends one week with me they'll be cured.
1) hydro-oxy-exertitation - skin waking up ( getting holy )
2) immuno-synaps-ibility - realising everthing you dont believe in is true to the bone.
3) god-ulinity - you ARE god and you are in a 'videogame'.
4) elementadditis - using pure energy with fasting (i.e water) for activation of the light body
5) cureusfunstarvus - curing any disease through empowered acsension
6) galatisimulationalisis - unconsiously timesing your current mental size of the galaxy by a trillion; you brain should morphe
"It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it." -