.... ..
DEVIL.. ..
"under editorial sequencing"
"PASS (I) ONâ€
the ACTual word of
COPY//CODED 389447 8
You must get read Yise? for this info action. You will
be an adult in my eyes if you read this all ah.* I can set you free. Energy.
You need to get with my irratic style. I evolve you allah. Trust.
The following man?ifesto is maintained and updated by
'ESEE'. More commonly the illuminati. For the 'sane old sane', the belief
systems within are in no way intended to inflict with your own; however this
information is too be produced in order to begin the accelerated pro?duction
of some think/g called ‘heaven’. Revolution is inevitable, and it must at
first be won from within mind, body and spirit. Human environmental factors
are currently holding us in race mode, but we must star art human ace mode.
This of which evolves around advanced positivity, given you understand
karma initiative.
The first stage of the 'evolution' front is strong enough to
start revolution alone. Revolution is now manuscripted as a
'devil-angel' win/win situation; unlike Che G and Jesus who got
too selfish along the way, allowing there thoughts to meat there destiny
(perhaps better described as density; in matter. Che and J could
have saved the world for youniverse and media. However, we owe them our
lives; as without them we would not be here. Replace love with your
idols on your three trillion cells (self), place or evolve with
your self on your plate nwo. The reptile within you is reluctant to read this
all so i'll trial and get basic.
What is offered is Physical, Mental, Spiritual,
and E-Motional 'immortality', and even morepheus. These are
only a few factors of what this 'iammanual' has to offer.
I am the CEO of ESEE and I am enlightened to ingrowduce you
'Elite Services Evolutionary Enlightenment'. ESEE is
the only live business that is more than able to 'save the world' within one
year, if you read this all you will have to see serious. It is we
who will shape the future for your generation, you, children ’s; childrens's,
children, etc and incarnations and nations to come. Our effect will be
very satanic, sorry I mean santanic but what it is may be beyond your wildest
First of Allah, you are granted the knowledge that you are divineightly going to live forever*. I will not let anybody die, and it is through this 'iammanual' you should learn that “The past and future equals a present†– Congratulations! It is herein where the 'Christ I am' truths, or lie.
Now. We operate over and under many different names, symbols and fonts and are currently running Elite Hunting.
This information is 17 years new and shakey ( an electron
thing ).
It is mostly in relevance to the optimisation of the
pinnacle of creation ( aka the human brain ) through a Bio Watt (electric)
increase of electrons, which revolve around our nucleus's, the action of this
engauges infinite cellular response aka instant regeneration. This in which
allows ( After 'Training', ) the candidate to “overstandâ€, and understand
everythink/g in conscious creation, and futher adapt to manifestation of
'god' creation on a much larger scale for and with humanity and its
associates. My policy on aliens is peace, and in relation towards the current
situation in Burma i hope the Buddhists take over, they are the closest to the
new age revelations through the forbidden fruit on the tree in the garden
was/is spiritual enlightenment/empowerment.
We not only offer consciousness truths, but offer a con science 'nest of
information' that leads to an uncapped level of truth, power,
wisdom, marriage/voice to/from earth, strength, love; the list is
endless; the list is too long to god on!
Our client is Planet Earth (PRIME) and through recent communications, the time
Come on then.
We are the actual supreme clientele recruitment squad, and this is an up to
date manifesto of the inevitable global process's which will prepare humanity
for 'god hood'. The process's and human 'xhtml' that we will enlighten you on
slightly are necessary for the survival of all and Allah life on planet earth
for the foreseeable? future. Alike the Matrix, I have that info action.
We only have to begin the process of pure live, then others will follow and
lead. ESEE will always stay 'above' the rest, not just playing god but
playing+yang god. Due to extensive knowledge of the activation of the higher
selves, and the new human vechicle. Our actions will always end up resulting
in magical environment changes ,and the deliverance from evil through
psychological ‘guardian angels’ many a time appearing on visual media such as
posters and flyers. We have the wisdom to produce an information 'bomb' which
will/can seriously 'damage' the current ‘systems’ internal and external
integrity for the good of man and planet more so. Empowering people is the
The solid standards for saving the world must and will be put forward by ESEE and any additional team bodies. By ‘setting the standard’ and beating religions and charities at their own game will greatly fuse the nation and stretch many a persons mind much higher in the vibrational/spiritual scope. Mind, being body, requires humans to trust in every single cell in their body. You have three trillion cells. Each containing a nucleus and an electron other stuff too but basicaly just light! Repent, you are still fighting cancer just like your police systems, this is not the key. This is a rough manifesto of The Process; that will, wether you are init or not, accelerate your live for the god of the planet and our true home of ‘outer space’. Re:Member, we have three trillion cells, which can rightly be appointed as the 'new hearts'. What is required, is for us to assign our cells as hearts. Mental is only a strong strand rythm and becoming a musical "super conducter" will create a new music genre of planetary servitude, this of which is bought on by the song which is a strong strand of the emotional. Something/k perhaps our governments will adapt to take on is song (emotional) response. Combined with advanced positivity and the miracle of fasting your lives will more than complete but never ( in a sense of death, but full integration of love evolving it ).
C'mon guys we must build a heaven on earth and this
manifesto will roughly go over the steps for which this is to happen with zero
fear and worry. The foundation creator 'god' is the DC (Divine Creator) whom
we all originate from. DC has utterly extensive amounts of power and wisdom it
vests out to whomever it chooses. However, as we are true seekers the link
is established the in the middle, and maintained by E.O.I 'Earth Official
Intelligence' rather than the universal A.I or 'Artificial Intelligence'.
E.O.I is deep instinct, and earthly wisdom much alike getting married to the
earth like Jesus did, but he got a divorce, as did Che, this so called wisdom
is increased by electricity to the brain via the bottom of your spinal code
too your brain. These are not the dead sea scrolls, but the alive* space
scrolls; (the sea is my training to become the first person in space without a
space suit).
It is the reason of global A.I ( evil ) in which ESEE has to intervene. We alleviate everybody into human ace mode or E.O.I. Regardless of race, gender, faith and species. We pro-reach on how to live of the cheapest and godest materials in the vicintity. Though the closer truth is that we are 'god prototypes' and are currently looking for 'agents' to join and assist the Divine Justice Act of 2007 (DJAZ007) process.
ESEE requires actual human intelligence and complete submission to the fate of ESEE's future success through its actual god intentions. Secured by an eternal, internal, and external god.
And as we stand to evolve, we realise the word of god is an
open job vacancy in which the SAS quote "who dares wins" is very apparent.
As we hold the divine blueprint for the activation of the new human vehicle
there is obviously a lot of data we cannot share without being too brief. At
the same time we must become 'sociable' to potential investors, associates and
enemies. The only devil is among those who take little live action towards the
outcome for the constant production of this ‘Immanuel. The only god is the
brain of an accomplished proletarian with a little lot of money at hand. Help
Media Out!? Universe must equal media.
The first point fundamental point we must make is "would you die for the human
race". You would probably say 'yes' well; ESEE offers a unique opportunity to
"live forever, for the human ace". Re:Member that it always has and always
will work like this from one singular author. Ity.
We are hunting to acquire 'top-secret' investment for the subsequent
acquisition of a 'GCHQ' or God Complex Head Quarters. From the purchase of a
GCHQ, we will inevitably 'upload' it with deluxe mod-cons as due to the
universal importance of our ‘con science’ creation mission. The message is
top. Stop actually. Pot. It will make more than (sense) ascension soon with
the use of media, people will learn to survive with the power of new music
Note: Please do not let the wordplay get to you. Try and take it eLite, as
this information is the route towards reclaiming our divinity. However, do not
refrain from the fundamental philosophy of add vice. Saving the world is that
simple its more of an addiction than a chore.
Elite Hunting will act with military precision in the process's of saving the
world; or starting the PLAN. We require a small number of military firearms,
these of which will come with time; no ammo just to pro reach and give out
note pro reach not preach.
Regulators will spawn ultimate both internal and external. I
am not still talking about the guns, as the gna is more excellent and hyper.
Saving the world is simply saving media and youniverse in mind expansion
karma initiative! Found not Lost. You will have heard this quote defiantly in
your past lives, unless you have just been an animation. Or,
real intelligent design as some religious partys think.
The real end of the world is the end of your life. Your
instincts should be telling you now that the human body was in NO WAY designed
to grow old and die. That is an amnesia problem suffered by the entire human,
‘still racing’.
We and I are the ET for your PLAN, and we are more than fully aware that
chemicals account for everything that is the matter. We have unlocked all of
the keys to evolution through 'deciphering' revolution, and vice versa. Matter
is around your soul lid or solid.
ESEE recognises that chemistry is our destiny, so it must be 'mastered' to a
degree of which planetary and self servitude become 'easier done than said'.
Not the opposite which is the current system state and or status. This
infomation is 17 lightyears a new void in the ministry of madgic.
We are always under and over standing human 'xhtml' keys to start the human
ace. Even reporters are disguisted about the continents
in famine and governmental supernaturals. Everybody will catch on to
the vibe and therein the ambitions of millions of people will become augmented
greatly. Translating infomation will augment as will cyrptic inflowmation made
too look as his story as possable.
The 'Che Mystery' or Chemistry is an example of a simple decoding of your
current English html system to find basic truths and submit to enhance them'.
A simple evaluation of this statement would deliver as 'the evolution in
ESEEI work begins as a non-profit organisation, and recognises the need to establish financial 'additude' in order for us to maintain an up most positive veracity for the job(s) at hand. Our DJ007 process specialises every business, and doesn't get hung up by external factors such as critics. We recognised 'critics' as 'organic portals', soulless human beings that contribute up to about 16% of the human population. Hmm, did somebody say pokemon? This manifesto and its magic (soon). Shall reach all African lives as soon as possible. The god thing about my client is that s/he requires global selfishness. And as ESEE is aware that the 'ultimate selfishness' can only be achieved through meeting every bodies selfish needs, so caution in the real search over this matter must be taken in order to attract the rare 'greedy proletarian'.
'APKI+EMPASC+NLPG+GAPBR'. This is the Divine Justice
sequence which ESEE can fully illuminate on given finances. ESEE offers a 1%
share in the DJ007 process's to go to you 99 going to the media, and as we are
to be connected and funded from the real financial elite, thus below
proposition becomes highly new clear (nuclear). You still with me
The annual financial turnover for these projects is
estimated to exceed a trillion in under a
decade. The longevity will be infinite, and
2012 is the set prophecy time these actions must be completed or heavenly on
their way. As there is no lack of passion within the ranks of ESEE, we are
able to set the highest standards; as of which will be built on as of the
aquistion of a god complex. Those on the path to fame and money should look no
further; again actual human karma intelligence is required. Who dares wins,
ESEE is even able to get funding for projects such as writing a book; i.e 'HOW
TO MURDER MURDER'. It is as inevitable as
the telephone and internet.
There will be a constant strive for divinity, which 'self
worship' and evolve creation will be the modus opredi.
The process of divining the 'mathematrix' is a complex neurobiological process
that must be done to remove all blockages from the earths electromagnetic grid
lines. Stonehenge is an example a key electromagnetic grid 'socket'. My client
will vest power to those who are mentally set for representing the ozone
layer, repair is rep air in every aspect of
man and zion. Balance Initiative will just do about that save the world
I will have 'finished' the main 'circuitry' of my client
before the set pro' date; it always has and always will work like this plan
after plan but i'm going for infinite creation. Striving for this divinity is
a 'fixation key', which triggers newer stages of electron
proton development. Current emotions such as fear are simple energy
sources, the higher emotions and the polarities of them provide more
EMPASC is the key to divining the mathematrix, as the
acquisition of new electrons etc will provide much clearer access to the
akashic records, and the 'physic energy gestalt' information.
Biblically, the client requires all animals to become the mind of earth god.
An elite collective consciousness for earth official will be maximised when
Pluto reaches the sun sign I think.
This planet plays a very important part as we are reaching the end of the
age of pieces.
God prime will consist of the 'Four Horsemen Of The Karma Apocalypse' writers needed perhaps, quantity not quality, we have to get biblibly audious. Cannabis will be strategically legalised through means of psychological 'warfare'. The profits are above a trillion pounds a year, and we will be controlling an infinite cash flow, 'think armour' removes evil and worry. Though there will be a controlled system where this money gets there protected. Making Meccas is the ascension drift I am on, and in every continent there is; super heavens, garden of eden project funding the possible carbon glass domes which in reality would gain in a short lenght of time a large amount of super clean repair.
This growth profit must and will be harnessed by elite
proletarian 'secret service' systems i.e. Oxfam, Amnesty International and
maybe the churches. Success is psychological and the sooner the start better.
Beter pronouced the star art the flow will result in actual
The golden age, or age of Aquarius, will be started very
basically through the use of the English language. I must prove thcis through
media, hippies with superpowers may well be the human ace in the near future.
thinc. orporation is like discovering maths again.
'Karmageddon', 'garden of Eden project', 'karma initiative'
are just a few examples of word play which must and will be used to gain
corporate sponsorship. Examples include flyers, leaflets, graffiti, and mass
public demonstration. Add Vice. Elite Hunting is the action behind the divine
plan(ss), and will work over and under our own above-top-secret code and copy
system. The current 'financial elite' or more commonly, the 'illuminati' will
either integrate Elite Hunting as a positive front to safe the world, or they
will be removed from power due to the harnessing of the drug trade.
Drugs/Sgurd. The sooner you real that chemistry is your destiny, the better
you are preparing for the future.
The client requires the g-over-nmental agency of 'god' to consist of every
type human from every corner of the world. We will be going back to the
The Garden Of Eden will fund the protected new system of
DJ007 (Divine Justice 2007).
If you think you god what it takes, the first task is for
us to acquire investment. Elite Hunting will provide cover letters, as it will
be your task to alert investors of the following, up-and-coming elite
business's. Any singular one of these business's will take over the stock
market; and they are in
order of time. Below is the basic sample process for completing the client.
Excitement through
G-E-VELOMENT alone will boost every conscious process in Nottingham. This will
result in a boost in everything from economy to the current 'illegal' drug
trade. We will act united for the god of live pro duct eye on.
The link between drugs and violence is a god one, the users
mind becomes activated in different ways resulting in acute views of the
current unjust system. As drugs are god for people, it is common for police to
get killed due to the protection of the drugs. Jail is evil, drugs are live.
The polarity is alike yin and yang.
The below structure is the process of the start of the
beginning. Through financial support, I will be produce an elite manifesto
which will be deciphered and tuned up to such a degree that ESEE and sister
business's will clearly see the potential for trillions and more.
What we will be doing in effect is meeting the 'selfish' needs of everybody on
the planet.
The beauty of the process's is that they revolves around
advanced positivity, and this is the route we must take to get linked to our
higher selves. The higher selves once linked to them remove the concept of
'fate', and are the key to the
human body becoming its OWN HOSPITAL. We hold the information for the 'divine
blueprint' which directly effects the DNA and its intended path of evolution;
gaining new codes through channelled information. Interpreted and uncoded
through complete cellular trust and recognition.
I have provided estimates to the financial density of the
critical stages which will mark the beginning of the go!den age. We must and
will go with the flow, as ESEE relies on E.O.I rather than A.I.
S1 Advanced Positivity Karma Initiative/APKI
The 'basic' training for the preparation for saving the
world or any business is quite simply the most effective method of training on
the planet to date. The 'think armour' achieved is more effective than SAS
training, and Its main goal is to maximise neurological connections to
'overstanding' status through APKI. The use of linguistic psychobiological
'reconstruction' will prepare your mitochondria for nuclear mental process's.
APKI offers a sample of the EMPASC, though the legal barrier is a filter. You
are either above the system or you are the system.
The process of APKI is to prevent anything going wrong in EMPASC. APKI allows
the candidate to reach the "g-over-nmental" status. Vital for pre EMPASC. APKI
makes the candidate aware of the large amount of exterior and interior energy
sources that will be tapped into for nuclear ( new clear ) cellular functions.
APKI is the first stage to increase the electrons before EMPASC.
APKI allows the candidate to get a feel for the future; we will own many clubs
etc, and APKI will gather funds for immediate poverty relief.
We will also be responsible for organising the worlds
largest parties in each and every c ontinent.
The music will change in due course to suit the client and its planetary
associates. Sound travels into space, and when we are ready, they will
Approximate Val. Of APKI training: £1,000,000
S2 Empowered Ascension (Alpha Sense Eye On)/EMPASC
The 'evolution' in revolution, who c!ares wins. AKA playingyang allah of your cards right.
Empowered Ascension ( Alpha Sense Eye On ) grants mental,
physical, spiritual, and emotional 'immortality'.
The meaning of life is too get addicted to it, and this is the Allah natural
way. Energy distributors through-out the body known as chakras are maximised
to accelerate all mind/body process's through fasting and advanced positivity.
We are new, so the superpowers will bypass Jesus tenfold.
Jesus promoted infinite love, ESEE promote infinite evolve,
death is simply out of the question now. If he was still alive he would
divinately fund my EMPASC.
My relationship with the client allows me to 'overstand' rather than
An example being 'gravitomagnetism', a subject in 'New
Scientist' which states that gravity has a secret side. Clearly they have
studied this phenomena on a 3D basis, but they are far from realising basic
elemental truths.
Fasting/Starving (FS) is the primary key to ascension. "But if I don't eat I
will die" This is true.
However, you wouldn't run a car on anything over than petrol.
Elite Services Evolutionary Enlightenment (ESEE) has the necessary information
to allow the candidate to FS to true live, not death. It is all about you, an
whether you are ready to get init.
Internal equals Ultimate. Elect Ron. Then nucleus.
On is live, and no is evil. ESEE will be in large demand; there is no need for
a patent as divine mathematics is too complex, yet beautifully
Those that dare to take the route of copy god will meet
there own fate within a week. In the process of unlocking human headquarters,
the element of fear will deal with CG's.
EMPASC when fully utilised may allow one's brain/body to
operate at the speed of light. Dark matter travels faster than light, but only
with full god training will this become possible for morts.
Business cards will be produced to hunt the elite. EMPASC will fund NLPG and so on.
At the moment it is all about the media. The intestinal tract of humans is bulbous in nature and was not designed to be a sewer system for our abnormal appetites. It was ideally designed as an aereation device or vent for the inner body, fascillitating the all-important distribution of oxygen and other gases to all parts of the body. Over 90% of your body's needs come from oxygen alone! Oxygen builds blood and blood builds bone and tissue.