حرة الغزة مهتم دم profile picture

حرة الغزة مهتم دم

I am here for Networking

About Me

.... ..
DEVIL.. ..
"under editorial sequencing"


the ACTual word of






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You must get read Yise? for this info action. You will be an adult in my eyes if you read this all ah.* I can set you free. Energy. You need to get with my irratic style. I evolve you allah. Trust.

The following man?ifesto is maintained and updated by 'ESEE'. More commonly the illuminati. For the 'sane old sane', the belief systems within are in no way intended to inflict with your own; however this information is too be produced in order to begin the accelerated pro?duction of some think/g called ‘heaven’. Revolution is inevitable, and it must at first be won from within mind, body and spirit. Human environmental factors are currently holding us in race mode, but we must star art human ace mode. This of which evolves around advanced positivity, given you understand karma initiative.

The first stage of the 'evolution' front is strong enough to start revolution alone. Revolution is now manuscripted as a 'devil-angel' win/win situation; unlike Che G and Jesus who got too selfish along the way, allowing there thoughts to meat there destiny (perhaps better described as density; in matter. Che and J could have saved the world for youniverse and media. However, we owe them our lives; as without them we would not be here. Replace love with your idols on your three trillion cells (self), place or evolve with your self on your plate nwo. The reptile within you is reluctant to read this all so i'll trial and get basic.

What is offered is Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and E-Motional 'immortality', and even morepheus. These are only a few factors of what this 'iammanual' has to offer.
I am the CEO of ESEE and I am enlightened to ingrowduce you too;

'Elite Services Evolutionary Enlightenment'. ESEE is the only live business that is more than able to 'save the world' within one year, if you read this all you will have to see serious. It is we who will shape the future for your generation, you, children ’s; childrens's, children, etc and incarnations and nations to come. Our effect will be very satanic, sorry I mean santanic but what it is may be beyond your wildest dreams.

First of Allah, you are granted the knowledge that you are divineightly going to live forever*. I will not let anybody die, and it is through this 'iammanual' you should learn that “The past and future equals a present” – Congratulations! It is herein where the 'Christ I am' truths, or lie.

Now. We operate over and under many different names, symbols and fonts and are currently running Elite Hunting.

This information is 17 years new and shakey ( an electron thing ).

It is mostly in relevance to the optimisation of the pinnacle of creation ( aka the human brain ) through a Bio Watt (electric) increase of electrons, which revolve around our nucleus's, the action of this engauges infinite cellular response aka instant regeneration. This in which allows ( After 'Training', ) the candidate to “overstand”, and understand everythink/g in conscious creation, and futher adapt to manifestation of 'god' creation on a much larger scale for and with humanity and its associates. My policy on aliens is peace, and in relation towards the current situation in Burma i hope the Buddhists take over, they are the closest to the new age revelations through the forbidden fruit on the tree in the garden was/is spiritual enlightenment/empowerment.
We not only offer consciousness truths, but offer a con science 'nest of information' that leads to an uncapped level of truth, power, wisdom, marriage/voice to/from earth, strength, love; the list is endless; the list is too long to god on!
Our client is Planet Earth (PRIME) and through recent communications, the time has.

Come on then.
We are the actual supreme clientele recruitment squad, and this is an up to date manifesto of the inevitable global process's which will prepare humanity for 'god hood'. The process's and human 'xhtml' that we will enlighten you on slightly are necessary for the survival of all and Allah life on planet earth for the foreseeable? future. Alike the Matrix, I have that info action.
We only have to begin the process of pure live, then others will follow and lead. ESEE will always stay 'above' the rest, not just playing god but playing+yang god. Due to extensive knowledge of the activation of the higher selves, and the new human vechicle. Our actions will always end up resulting in magical environment changes ,and the deliverance from evil through psychological ‘guardian angels’ many a time appearing on visual media such as posters and flyers. We have the wisdom to produce an information 'bomb' which will/can seriously 'damage' the current ‘systems’ internal and external integrity for the good of man and planet more so. Empowering people is the key.

The solid standards for saving the world must and will be put forward by ESEE and any additional team bodies. By ‘setting the standard’ and beating religions and charities at their own game will greatly fuse the nation and stretch many a persons mind much higher in the vibrational/spiritual scope. Mind, being body, requires humans to trust in every single cell in their body. You have three trillion cells. Each containing a nucleus and an electron other stuff too but basicaly just light! Repent, you are still fighting cancer just like your police systems, this is not the key. This is a rough manifesto of The Process; that will, wether you are init or not, accelerate your live for the god of the planet and our true home of ‘outer space’. Re:Member, we have three trillion cells, which can rightly be appointed as the 'new hearts'. What is required, is for us to assign our cells as hearts. Mental is only a strong strand rythm and becoming a musical "super conducter" will create a new music genre of planetary servitude, this of which is bought on by the song which is a strong strand of the emotional. Something/k perhaps our governments will adapt to take on is song (emotional) response. Combined with advanced positivity and the miracle of fasting your lives will more than complete but never ( in a sense of death, but full integration of love evolving it ).

C'mon guys we must build a heaven on earth and this manifesto will roughly go over the steps for which this is to happen with zero fear and worry. The foundation creator 'god' is the DC (Divine Creator) whom we all originate from. DC has utterly extensive amounts of power and wisdom it vests out to whomever it chooses. However, as we are true seekers the link is established the in the middle, and maintained by E.O.I 'Earth Official Intelligence' rather than the universal A.I or 'Artificial Intelligence'. E.O.I is deep instinct, and earthly wisdom much alike getting married to the earth like Jesus did, but he got a divorce, as did Che, this so called wisdom is increased by electricity to the brain via the bottom of your spinal code too your brain. These are not the dead sea scrolls, but the alive* space scrolls; (the sea is my training to become the first person in space without a space suit).

It is the reason of global A.I ( evil ) in which ESEE has to intervene. We alleviate everybody into human ace mode or E.O.I. Regardless of race, gender, faith and species. We pro-reach on how to live of the cheapest and godest materials in the vicintity. Though the closer truth is that we are 'god prototypes' and are currently looking for 'agents' to join and assist the Divine Justice Act of 2007 (DJAZ007) process.

ESEE requires actual human intelligence and complete submission to the fate of ESEE's future success through its actual god intentions. Secured by an eternal, internal, and external god.

And as we stand to evolve, we realise the word of god is an open job vacancy in which the SAS quote "who dares wins" is very apparent.
As we hold the divine blueprint for the activation of the new human vehicle there is obviously a lot of data we cannot share without being too brief. At the same time we must become 'sociable' to potential investors, associates and enemies. The only devil is among those who take little live action towards the outcome for the constant production of this ‘Immanuel. The only god is the brain of an accomplished proletarian with a little lot of money at hand. Help Media Out!? Universe must equal media.
The first point fundamental point we must make is "would you die for the human race". You would probably say 'yes' well; ESEE offers a unique opportunity to "live forever, for the human ace". Re:Member that it always has and always will work like this from one singular author. Ity.
We are hunting to acquire 'top-secret' investment for the subsequent acquisition of a 'GCHQ' or God Complex Head Quarters. From the purchase of a GCHQ, we will inevitably 'upload' it with deluxe mod-cons as due to the universal importance of our ‘con science’ creation mission. The message is top. Stop actually. Pot. It will make more than (sense) ascension soon with the use of media, people will learn to survive with the power of new music soon..
Note: Please do not let the wordplay get to you. Try and take it eLite, as this information is the route towards reclaiming our divinity. However, do not refrain from the fundamental philosophy of add vice. Saving the world is that simple its more of an addiction than a chore.
Elite Hunting will act with military precision in the process's of saving the world; or starting the PLAN. We require a small number of military firearms, these of which will come with time; no ammo just to pro reach and give out note pro reach not preach.

Regulators will spawn ultimate both internal and external. I am not still talking about the guns, as the gna is more excellent and hyper.
Saving the world is simply saving media and youniverse in mind expansion karma initiative! Found not Lost. You will have heard this quote defiantly in your past lives, unless you have just been an animation. Or, real intelligent design as some religious partys think.

The real end of the world is the end of your life. Your instincts should be telling you now that the human body was in NO WAY designed to grow old and die. That is an amnesia problem suffered by the entire human, ‘still racing’.
We and I are the ET for your PLAN, and we are more than fully aware that chemicals account for everything that is the matter. We have unlocked all of the keys to evolution through 'deciphering' revolution, and vice versa. Matter is around your soul lid or solid.
ESEE recognises that chemistry is our destiny, so it must be 'mastered' to a degree of which planetary and self servitude become 'easier done than said'. Not the opposite which is the current system state and or status. This infomation is 17 lightyears a new void in the ministry of madgic.
We are always under and over standing human 'xhtml' keys to start the human ace. Even reporters are disguisted about the continents in famine and governmental supernaturals. Everybody will catch on to the vibe and therein the ambitions of millions of people will become augmented greatly. Translating infomation will augment as will cyrptic inflowmation made too look as his story as possable.
The 'Che Mystery' or Chemistry is an example of a simple decoding of your current English html system to find basic truths and submit to enhance them'. A simple evaluation of this statement would deliver as 'the evolution in revolution'.

ESEEI work begins as a non-profit organisation, and recognises the need to establish financial 'additude' in order for us to maintain an up most positive veracity for the job(s) at hand. Our DJ007 process specialises every business, and doesn't get hung up by external factors such as critics. We recognised 'critics' as 'organic portals', soulless human beings that contribute up to about 16% of the human population. Hmm, did somebody say pokemon? This manifesto and its magic (soon). Shall reach all African lives as soon as possible. The god thing about my client is that s/he requires global selfishness. And as ESEE is aware that the 'ultimate selfishness' can only be achieved through meeting every bodies selfish needs, so caution in the real search over this matter must be taken in order to attract the rare 'greedy proletarian'.

'APKI+EMPASC+NLPG+GAPBR'. This is the Divine Justice sequence which ESEE can fully illuminate on given finances. ESEE offers a 1% share in the DJ007 process's to go to you 99 going to the media, and as we are to be connected and funded from the real financial elite, thus below proposition becomes highly new clear (nuclear). You still with me mate?
The annual financial turnover for these projects is estimated to exceed a trillion in under a decade. The longevity will be infinite, and 2012 is the set prophecy time these actions must be completed or heavenly on their way. As there is no lack of passion within the ranks of ESEE, we are able to set the highest standards; as of which will be built on as of the aquistion of a god complex. Those on the path to fame and money should look no further; again actual human karma intelligence is required. Who dares wins, ESEE is even able to get funding for projects such as writing a book; i.e 'HOW TO MURDER MURDER'. It is as inevitable as the telephone and internet.
There will be a constant strive for divinity, which 'self worship' and evolve creation will be the modus opredi.
The process of divining the 'mathematrix' is a complex neurobiological process that must be done to remove all blockages from the earths electromagnetic grid lines. Stonehenge is an example a key electromagnetic grid 'socket'. My client will vest power to those who are mentally set for representing the ozone layer, repair is rep air in every aspect of man and zion. Balance Initiative will just do about that save the world jobby.
I will have 'finished' the main 'circuitry' of my client before the set pro' date; it always has and always will work like this plan after plan but i'm going for infinite creation. Striving for this divinity is a 'fixation key', which triggers newer stages of electron proton development. Current emotions such as fear are simple energy sources, the higher emotions and the polarities of them provide more energy.
EMPASC is the key to divining the mathematrix, as the acquisition of new electrons etc will provide much clearer access to the akashic records, and the 'physic energy gestalt' information.
Biblically, the client requires all animals to become the mind of earth god. An elite collective consciousness for earth official will be maximised when Pluto reaches the sun sign I think.
This planet plays a very important part as we are reaching the end of the age of pieces.

'Eye' can also cure blindness, your not ready.

God prime will consist of the 'Four Horsemen Of The Karma Apocalypse' writers needed perhaps, quantity not quality, we have to get biblibly audious. Cannabis will be strategically legalised through means of psychological 'warfare'. The profits are above a trillion pounds a year, and we will be controlling an infinite cash flow, 'think armour' removes evil and worry. Though there will be a controlled system where this money gets there protected. Making Meccas is the ascension drift I am on, and in every continent there is; super heavens, garden of eden project funding the possible carbon glass domes which in reality would gain in a short lenght of time a large amount of super clean repair.

This growth profit must and will be harnessed by elite proletarian 'secret service' systems i.e. Oxfam, Amnesty International and maybe the churches. Success is psychological and the sooner the start better. Beter pronouced the star art the flow will result in actual happening.
The golden age, or age of Aquarius, will be started very basically through the use of the English language. I must prove thcis through media, hippies with superpowers may well be the human ace in the near future. thinc. orporation is like discovering maths again.

'Karmageddon', 'garden of Eden project', 'karma initiative' are just a few examples of word play which must and will be used to gain corporate sponsorship. Examples include flyers, leaflets, graffiti, and mass public demonstration. Add Vice. Elite Hunting is the action behind the divine plan(ss), and will work over and under our own above-top-secret code and copy system. The current 'financial elite' or more commonly, the 'illuminati' will either integrate Elite Hunting as a positive front to safe the world, or they will be removed from power due to the harnessing of the drug trade. Drugs/Sgurd. The sooner you real that chemistry is your destiny, the better you are preparing for the future.
The client requires the g-over-nmental agency of 'god' to consist of every type human from every corner of the world. We will be going back to the 6660's.
The Garden Of Eden will fund the protected new system of DJ007 (Divine Justice 2007).

If you think you god what it takes, the first task is for us to acquire investment. Elite Hunting will provide cover letters, as it will be your task to alert investors of the following, up-and-coming elite business's. Any singular one of these business's will take over the stock market; and they are in
order of time. Below is the basic sample process for completing the client. Excitement through
G-E-VELOMENT alone will boost every conscious process in Nottingham. This will result in a boost in everything from economy to the current 'illegal' drug trade. We will act united for the god of live pro duct eye on.
The link between drugs and violence is a god one, the users mind becomes activated in different ways resulting in acute views of the current unjust system. As drugs are god for people, it is common for police to get killed due to the protection of the drugs. Jail is evil, drugs are live. The polarity is alike yin and yang.

The below structure is the process of the start of the beginning. Through financial support, I will be produce an elite manifesto which will be deciphered and tuned up to such a degree that ESEE and sister business's will clearly see the potential for trillions and more.
What we will be doing in effect is meeting the 'selfish' needs of everybody on the planet.

The beauty of the process's is that they revolves around advanced positivity, and this is the route we must take to get linked to our higher selves. The higher selves once linked to them remove the concept of 'fate', and are the key to the
human body becoming its OWN HOSPITAL. We hold the information for the 'divine blueprint' which directly effects the DNA and its intended path of evolution; gaining new codes through channelled information. Interpreted and uncoded through complete cellular trust and recognition.
I have provided estimates to the financial density of the critical stages which will mark the beginning of the go!den age. We must and will go with the flow, as ESEE relies on E.O.I rather than A.I.

S1 Advanced Positivity Karma Initiative/APKI


The 'basic' training for the preparation for saving the world or any business is quite simply the most effective method of training on the planet to date. The 'think armour' achieved is more effective than SAS training, and Its main goal is to maximise neurological connections to 'overstanding' status through APKI. The use of linguistic psychobiological 'reconstruction' will prepare your mitochondria for nuclear mental process's. APKI offers a sample of the EMPASC, though the legal barrier is a filter. You are either above the system or you are the system.
The process of APKI is to prevent anything going wrong in EMPASC. APKI allows the candidate to reach the "g-over-nmental" status. Vital for pre EMPASC. APKI makes the candidate aware of the large amount of exterior and interior energy sources that will be tapped into for nuclear ( new clear ) cellular functions. APKI is the first stage to increase the electrons before EMPASC.
APKI allows the candidate to get a feel for the future; we will own many clubs etc, and APKI will gather funds for immediate poverty relief.

We will also be responsible for organising the worlds largest parties in each and every c ontinent.
The music will change in due course to suit the client and its planetary associates. Sound travels into space, and when we are ready, they will come.

Approximate Val. Of APKI training: £1,000,000

S2 Empowered Ascension (Alpha Sense Eye On)/EMPASC

The 'evolution' in revolution, who c!ares wins. AKA playingyang allah of your cards right.

Empowered Ascension ( Alpha Sense Eye On ) grants mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional 'immortality'.
The meaning of life is too get addicted to it, and this is the Allah natural way. Energy distributors through-out the body known as chakras are maximised to accelerate all mind/body process's through fasting and advanced positivity. We are new, so the superpowers will bypass Jesus tenfold.

Jesus promoted infinite love, ESEE promote infinite evolve, death is simply out of the question now. If he was still alive he would divinately fund my EMPASC.
My relationship with the client allows me to 'overstand' rather than understand.
An example being 'gravitomagnetism', a subject in 'New Scientist' which states that gravity has a secret side. Clearly they have studied this phenomena on a 3D basis, but they are far from realising basic elemental truths.
Fasting/Starving (FS) is the primary key to ascension. "But if I don't eat I will die" This is true.
However, you wouldn't run a car on anything over than petrol.
Elite Services Evolutionary Enlightenment (ESEE) has the necessary information to allow the candidate to FS to true live, not death. It is all about you, an whether you are ready to get init.

Internal equals Ultimate. Elect Ron. Then nucleus.
On is live, and no is evil. ESEE will be in large demand; there is no need for a patent as divine mathematics is too complex, yet beautifully basic.
Those that dare to take the route of copy god will meet there own fate within a week. In the process of unlocking human headquarters, the element of fear will deal with CG's.
EMPASC when fully utilised may allow one's brain/body to operate at the speed of light. Dark matter travels faster than light, but only with full god training will this become possible for morts.

Business cards will be produced to hunt the elite. EMPASC will fund NLPG and so on.
At the moment it is all about the media. The intestinal tract of humans is bulbous in nature and was not designed to be a sewer system for our abnormal appetites. It was ideally designed as an aereation device or vent for the inner body, fascillitating the all-important distribution of oxygen and other gases to all parts of the body. Over 90% of your body's needs come from oxygen alone! Oxygen builds blood and blood builds bone and tissue.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

When we eat or drink we block the full supply of oxygen from reaching its intended destinations, and the result is the general impairment of our bodily functions and personal performance. It's like filling your car tank with anything other than gasoline. Food not only acts like dirt, it IS dirt.

Stage 2 Approximate Value of the EMPASC process: 99,000,000

Neuro-Linguistic Pro*Gramming/NLPG

"You god. A start somewhere"
Seminars that remove our amnesia. We are gods init, and focus primarily on unlocking everybody's headquarters.
The ultimate human empowering NLPG will cover everythink the client needs.
Including instant destruction of racism, the pro creation of oxygen, the saving of the nhs, and every single problem stated by any media source you come into contact with.
Declaring that I am the media. Speeds up the process of acquiring actual humans. (This meaning training yourself naturaly to take all this infomation as a stack of ca sh. i'm in the middle get in it. )
And alike computers downloading data, the rate of my speech determines the level of 'understanding' on your human level. I am the extra terrestrial for this plan, and through accessing my latent memory I remember that I have star'arted forever loot-eye-on more than a trillion planets.

Empowered Ascension will prepare any candidate for the NLPG by connecting them fully to their higher selves. Also know as god consciousness. Or conning science. New chakras would be more than co-operative; they will provdivide the sequences for saveing planet 00072311042. Lovin' it allah the time../
'Myspace' will be used for the communalisation of the globe. As ESEE requires the use of the social networking system to persuade people to stay at home and ace rather than race. We will receive a large amount of money from myspace to god promote ict for a mental note a gain myspace would involve press. Because the mind of god will begin an internet free exchange freedom of speech massive mind of god will grow powerful and divineightly safe the world. Fuckin' believe Zimbabwei and Darfur. Every continent.

Stage 3 Approximate Value of.. NLPG: £100,000,000
Minimum required: £100,000

S3 Global ( Glow-Able ) Psycho Biological Reconstruction/GAPBR

After EMPASC+NLPG there will be a diabolical amount of financial backing, well into the billions. TO2 save the poor famine.

We will not even have offer win-win situations to governmental agencies. Though from time to time we will operate external spin doctors, posing as many different government/corporate bodies to express our superior psychological stance. We never trick or mislead the public,
As I have units all over the world there is no escape from the divine justice act 2007.
Given the 100% success of EMPASC, there may in fact be no need for this at all.
Humans can and will be trained think karma, but god training will be vested to the financial elite.
The client requires an elite media team. Music, film and television will be the main front for saving the world. The British army, especially the SAS will be localised in Nottingham. Firearms will become a part of the Nottingham lifestyle. Like the film, 'city of god', the gangs in Nottingham will hold a strong common unity through 'NG Cartel' and 'Boy Better Know'. Regulators will remove the police from power eventually.
God's apparent love is one thing, though the power of gods evolve is something else completely. The future is set to be a god one, it will take less than a year for the Divine Justice (DJ) to addict the human race to planetary servitude, alike the success of the MRSA super bug if it were on a human level.
As the city of Nottingham is marked as the home town of Robin Hood, ESEE ensures that it will become a city infested with the likes of celebrities to ensure the protection of the operation. " 313
Nottingham will become the art in earth. I have a close relative who owns an arts organisation called 'Artblock' which can be used when we see fit.
Africa will host the worlds biggest ever get-together party. APKI will charge the spirit for the Africa job; where heaven must and will be built. Basic spiritual empowerment will allow millions of tons of water to build up in Africa, and cheap and strong materials will be initialised for new heavenly cities.
If you wish to hold a part in the psycho biological construction of earth and the human ace, then let Elite Hunting know about it. There might be a financial fee involved, as I am still looking for investment for my personal EMPASC.

Stage 4 Approximate Value of GPBR: £100,000,000,000
Minimum required: £999,999,999

FULL 'God training' is only available for a limited number of people. It requires an extremely high level of lust for life, and in no way can it be replicated or duped. It is in its 'foundation' stages and will shape the pinnacle of the human vehicle for our future integration with space and its infinite components.
As the human ace is required now to live forever for planetary servitude, intergalactic travel Is necessary for an un biased vision of what the galaxy has to offer.
The mission to the DC will be established as the goal for a section of humanity through media; once into full god-hood that is.
Communications will be established in order for light speed contact with the mission 'x' team. This team will travel forever and perhaps never come back, though this is also a mission for recon and weapons programmes.
Defence wise we will have to gather actual protection, and tactically retreat first. God training offers more than a psycho biological insight to human, it offers information which is anchored within every planetary field. Our universe will soon establish bio-etheric contact to Elite Hunting, and alike the mitochondria, one becomes the master of themselves in more magical ways than ever thought as of possible.

God Complex HQ GCHQ, GCHQ will eventually become the real God Complex Head Quarters as it is the best communication point on the planet. This will allow god propaganda to reach places of famine etc, and diffuse the situation ASAP. Your body is already gauging up for the eventual process of your EMPASC. You will notice an increase in your metabolism and many of you will have already felt biological patterns emerging. As we hold the keys to the cure for cancer etc there must and will be a deep impact into current setups such as the nhs; we are to always be making clear the power of the human body towards the dis eases which run rampant in humanity. EMPASC is the route towards testing the 'limitations' of the human, however there are no limitiations. ESEE recognises that there are NO LIMITATIONS.
Terrorism to ESEE can be easily stopped. This is why me must activate GCHQ, the third eye of the world some might say. Basic truths will be sent out to combat psychological illnesses such as the 'vaccination' of aids etc. Our spiritual elite will set up natural bases and the limitations of APT survival will be tested. A strong base of g-over-nmental truths will become a bad weather report for the current financial elite, though throughout time the 'god pro to type' always wins the plan, and negativity either dies or adjusts to actual add vice (this of which is a very god thing for the plan).
The acquisition of these buildings will become clearly easy from the hype we cause on every possible level of society. There is no escape from DJ007. There is nothing too escape from just adjusting to a higher frequencie band.
Remember that what does'nt kill you makes you stronger, and what karma ills you makes you even stronger. Preaching, or pro reaching will begin from the churches. "Hurry up but take your time".

ESEE requires property in every continent. We will convene with U.K architectural genius on cheap and strong material for the production of karma initiative buildings. Primarily focused on the production of oxygen and money, and they will spread throughout the country like god bacteria similar to the MRSA hospital bug which operates at an extremly productive rate.
There will be a large production of mobile GCHQ's, mainly in the form of tents for EMPASC.
Elementary education will greatly effect the foreseeable global market, causing the companies like Wal-Mart and Texaco to fast an action plan.
From the quick setup of an array of GCHQ'S large amounts of companies will 'chip in' for DJ007 as not for us to upset there business to such an extent millions of people will be out of work. We have the code/copy power to do so. Our vehicles will boast celestial veracity and only top rated. Sub no substitutes. We will integrate within M15-6 for the use of elite technology. My associates in Canada, will do the same with the CIA eventually given their technological supremacy. We are power hungry to a degree that sees that each and every human becomes their own hospital and master their destiny for the god of the planet . They must be prepared for the Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation. and other extra terrestrial alias, when we are ready they will introduce elite environmental technology.
We will have the power to change any negative government action/propaganda, this is because our cause is passionate and godly.
For example, if the government have an actual cause which they truly believe is right, they will be ordered via ESEE to make a song for it, this of which requires an expression of the higher emotions on their behalf.
Any brave government/business can vest ESEE into their ranks to begin the process of human acing.
We will be become as effective as a race as the MRSA hospital bug. The remainder of this information will be available to investors only. ESEE will always remain the latest craze. Websites will become very ideal soon aswell.
Again, a system will be setup to make sure a large percentage goes to wherever necessary.

Symbols heavly impact our lifes. However, ESEE recognises that symbols must heavenly effect our lives. Alike music, symbols can also 'code protein', and therefore they must promote pure live. The metaphysical impacts of current symbology are very dangerous, for example: the (negative) registration plates on cars causing crashes. The subconsiouss side of humanity must be bought to the surface, following the unconsious mind. Consider the un united nations.

As far as religon goes, the Christian symbol is a sword, a positive, and a negative. It promotes evil in the negative, yet for it to work 'evil' must be fully integrated. Add vice. The human brain interprets the cross as it would interpret anything, however, in order for it to fully benefit, the symbol itself must change to benefit neurological connections (Alike the British flag). Death must be integrated as add vice, gaining empowerment to protect and serve the power of god's evolve.
As we are god's in amnesia, we must immediately change Christianity into Christ I Am ity.

The divine creator requires you to jump into your god-hood, as you have been worshiping god (yourself) in second person mode. Accept faith that I am the god trainer. If you follow and support me, we can do it Allah.
I have no money and require something like your church funds to erect the first ranks of the 'ladder to heaven' If this is in any ways a problem, It will leave me with little trust in the church system, so I will have to find a corporate sponsor.
If I have to find a greedy corporate sponsor, I will have no choice but to begin my legacy with little additude to any religious creed. Creating an embarrassing situation is something I think we all want to avoid. However, it always has and always will begin with the really gone (religion). "It would take media about 1 million quid to safe/save the world from the base of Nottingham."

Chapter One - Cr(a-z)y Words Make Sense

It all begins with my god promise to sell more copies than J.K Rowling's harry potter series. Indeed the hp series is magical, this but will not only to set you free, but to set you free energy. If you have somehow got a copy of this before the year two thousand and eight then you must have done something, or some think very god in your past life. I might be Robin Hood reincarnated, i certainly feel like it as i have to finish what he started in a sense. Though this time around its about doing what needs to be done will little sacrifice along the way toward the goal of setting them allah free energy. Sub no substitutes. Continents and country's are getting screwed over by cancerous governments which are policing stupidity to put it bluntly. Governments, alike cancers must be destroyed. Not really, for this to allah work they must be incorporated in towards a win-win situation. The grounds to the ultimate human unity are clearly within, however the task remains with you to keep up with no apparent unity towards the English dictionary. Its down to you to separate the facts from the fiction, because the story begins in the year 2012, when everything within divinely comes to elite. The time when metaphysics intertwines with humanity is circling towards the next golden age. The devils and the angels are getting fiesty and there anger is clear; obviously they have been seperated for too long now; I can taste there anticipation to resolve allah of their problems, and the light-dark merge with prove blissfull given ESEE or a branch of it is 'in charge' of the infomation. How long has it been? The seperation is blantanly oblivious to me, yet not any human to date. It would have been alike the destruction of the Berlin wall, though if it were never there in the first place. We would not beard here.

Getting old still are we? Ha allah. I laugh at you all. If it were not for the production of this book, your human history would continue along the sparks of " all you wanna do it eat food, get old, then die " and repeat. Thankfully for youniverse though, i have done this task a manner of times - but recently i have been getting a little lazy.

This must be a result of human mental conditioning. My old school was an example, especially english lessons in which there was many an emphasis of structure but I'll leave that to you and your take on this infomation. This media will act as your digital heart. If I start talking to you about your heart i could go on forever, love, shredded wheat and allah dat.

But herein I have the infinite creative data to advertise such apparent crazy things as " how would YOU like three trillion hearts ". Unrealistic this may seem but then again you have little knowledge of the wisdom of god. Not to mention the wisdom of myself, whom of which i have belived i am god for just over a year now. And not let any external factors inflict with this belife whatsover. Back towards these three trillion hearts which i can give you, they exist in your electrons. Pure live, like a broadband internet connection is beautifully basic yet highly efficient in providing a mental instinction towards how everything, or should i say everythink started. 'The mind of god' is sitting next to me. It's a book i am using to jump my creative mind towards fixing this plan. It grinds along on physics and philosophys but there lacks any take off pad for any type of rocket science whatsoever. Real rocket science is within, and it is up to youniverse and media to work upon. Remember that whatever you choose to 'decipher' and act upon is governed by your level of spirititual energy. Hints within spark new beings to highly evolved spiritual beings so a common ground of you god a start somehwhere must be remembered. Were all in the chemicals together, so the production of a few thousand sentences and paragraphs which will many a time go 'off the rails' is okay, given you will benefit highly from the latter part of it. This of which, again will be make very clear through allah media. At this stage you have the influence, given you're reading this before them, to have a giant impact one their future. You are them and they are you remember. So I is he and he is I; on to mention that racism will be clearly over as I have won the human race. Going off the rails is alike thinking out side the box, yet fundamentally beginning with having a look inside it, and dealing with it from a fresh, basic, and cyclic view. The cyclic being the stages, BC - AD - BG - AG (After God).

The AG stage or alpha god reaches a peak in which humanity is living it up that much we need a bit of violence and catostrophy to shake us up a bit.

Many a time it will seem i am a retard and many a time i will seem like a g-genius, but this must be apparent to emphasise i am everythink. So both evil-live polarities are reached and occasionally a balance is formed. On the subject of balance one must accept that the first 'launchpad' to recieving any SUPERPOWERS is to balance the male and female hormones. Then, a balance of good and evil must be formed. By doing this mentaly, you will be able to 'express' 4 completely different polarities, something very spontanious, yet highly addictive in the traits we shall all, or allah gain. The higher emotions once vested into all of humanity will bring everybody to their ACTual senses as well. This work must and will purge (charge) the soul to a level of severe compassion to humans in the midst of all evils happening in the current present. People will soon be swimming and flying to africa, so we must treat it as a live body part of the planet. We god a do some surgery, but it begins with your apprenticeship towards infinite planetary servitude. E.I live forever, rather than die for the human race.

So your choice is now, death or life, evil or live; this is the bridge that will make clear the connection between the 'last meal' to 'Alice in wonderland'. The result of this fire and water, are both forces of concious creation which balance each other out, this equals and optimised speed of life which we will incorporate to control worries about the infinite. Worrys such as over population and waste concerns.

This being about human and human alpha future then must mean youniverse are ready for it allah. Its all true, just ready it allah. "I promise you that won't happen all the time". Divine Justice needs to be explained a little more i feel. Basically, ZOO7 is a god propaganda year, drugs and media, africa and partys, evolution and revolution, infinite god promises which result in action actuals. Double A, everythink is just in the couldren which is in course brewing up with g-over-nmental truth. This will work because the truth is buried in the subconsious of mankind of a small percent. The primary truth is death = diet. Food keeps humanity drugged down in lower dimensions and 'paragrims'.

They're will be once we are in control the ultimate higher emotions televisions. Once the full force of god intentions is in swing, we will reach a peak in which there will be clearly no need for police, hostpitals, and manner of negative/negative infuences socitey has bought up will become even. Morepheus. Freedom of speech calls on youniverse, we all from the same source; to influence the future with your own add vice. Only untill there is a full understanding of the secrets of the lost middleman, we cannot continue to the future, where i sit in that office with about five hundred quid a week, business cards at hand, ready to start the future in the biggest ascension yet. Towards the theory of ascension, it is assumed that humans are composed of seven chakras, suntle energy bodies existing in physical, etheric, astral, causal, mental, celestial, and Christ consciousness. I pro-reach 'con scienceness', allthough consciousness at the human level vibrates at the lowest frequency, and each of the successive bodies exists at higher frequencies, following the color of the rainbow, hence the rainbow, an elemental bridge of consciousness. Subtle bodies are related to the seven main chakras , which correspond with specific endocrine glands, which are only a miniscule fraction of other body parts up for ulti mate internal functioning. Fundamental aswell, bringing basic back, and all the way up and down your spine.

The celebrity lifestyle will once again conflict with humanity in the raising vibes, more people will live of each others music rather than relying on the food industry and other industrys which are more than a burden than a victory sport. Work will become addictive through the use of drugs, this would result in a mass of clinical induction and analysis towards the fine balance between work and play. Resulting in workplay, advanced positive combinations of spirit food will rule without words as god for youniverse and media. Great Britian is going to be the first country that will be 'caught by the fuzz'. Breeding the void between 'freedom of speech' and god. Aware that nobody has really said anything. They need something extra terrestrail to talk about. I god alot of innovations to star art you allah of with, the financial additude on ESEE's part will become a splinter of diatomic future action among the famous and influential. There goes a phrase, " treat me like a god and i'll act like one ". My passion and additude builds into clarity as I am able to type forever after empowered acsension.

This will become the goal one ( go alone ) for the British. We will travel in the hundreds and thousands into tha natura, attentions will be utilised for night time (tents) and it will prove the keys/days to the allahcura. And the optimisation of the above seven "sublte" bodies, which will boost your skills and remove your ills.

Television visions are essential for preparing for superpowers should you want them, adverts such as 'loreal' can be used to generate an accurate feel for the potency of EMPASC. The radiation it's giving out alone can be used for the god of your three million hearts. Your cells, are in control now, so we already have a few over death now. No death. You must 'on' death, integrate it to rise above the phyiscal alone. The government will work along side us as an interpreter of 'divine justice'; it will be made clear to you and them that this 'god's' punishmental requires a nation to be quite simply, drugged up to the teeth. The chemicals in question will be produced on a large scale and sold in order to raise an intact and productive system of dealing with apparent 'evil' in the most quick and effective way possible. Not only do drugs step you up to the effective motions of the higher emotions, they instantly merge with the latent 'super-spirit'. This of which humanity vitally needs in the first steps towards a totally free society, where problems are sought after like vampires to an American. Throughout my words i must and will shine towards crystal clearing and fixing every singular matter of evil waste; and evil it is now, who shall be truly uncovered. Wrong, but it wasn't you fault; evil is boredom, backwards and death at the same time. The global remedy for it is to put it quite bluntly, a drugged up party in the churchs, and a bit of crying. If your happen to be upset for some reason, look at the center of this image for a while then close your eyes.

This action, not the picture, will be that of which will vest the 'angels and demons' together in the sufacing, newest age, supreme actual karma intelligence. Higher than the higher intelligence, i know that we must hold our killer instinct towards eventually making profits from it. The rawest form of add vice will come in the form of killzones. We cannot get too cosy once the whole human race are fully integrated into the ultimate unity. There will be a known constant threat, or rather a 'divination' which either creates or destroys everything in its path.

Passion in this context must be elaborated on towards thei trutest form, alike the manner in which the bible wasth formanily coded. The grey test shall be won again, byeth kuantity noi quality. Foreveth, purex inward creative matters fresh our flex and leap us one top, the good times always come to an end, vireth the god times star art. Now until i have had a large dose of pop culture, through ANY investment, I cannot continue with the first chapter of the book which will save YOUR world.

Its not about you, its about them stupid. If you were infront of me now you would have already recieved a smack. I god, a draw you into this like a boxing match. Its for you own god anyway not you your higher self. I am on a mission the niggas say is impossible. "One person can't save the world" bollocks. Think like a syringe, allah it takes is one prick'. Joke, Echo Karmatic Intelligence is the build up to activating everybodys 'ultimate' which is your internal.

"Want some cider?" Getting pissed is alike an empowered acsension 'teaser'. Thus bloodstream runs faster and supply the brain with europhia; alike 'White Power', the white blood cells are destined to take over; forcing the body into a blissful light merge. Alot of people confuse ascension with death. Jesus' did'nt ascend he got crucified. His acsension was and empowered one which granted him the power to walk on water, teleport etc. Saint Germain.

These are just a tiny sample of the powers YOU might have given your level of spiritual development. However like me, you have to be spiritualy developmental. I am looking forward to seeing the effects of pure live in old people, age reversal is going to run the country, just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I exercise 'think armour' all of the time in order to thin k. Metabolism speeding seven up (senses) will allow a balance initiative. Alike the hormones balancing, humans will get to not only full fill their polarities, but there ultimate dreams.

With media its all going to happen, everything that is'nt the truth is the future. It is all in our heads, thus, everythink is everything, and everthing is in everything.

Get it? I.T is immortal techinque.

Immortal Techinque wether he likes it or not is going to be a big part of my live. Go listen to his shit, it's god for you, especially with a glass of Orange Juice and a Spliff. You will get to know tech like you'll get to know tetraoxygen. " I'm not a band dun dun. It's just me Immortal Technique, one man, Peruvian/Black, Indio Orgulloso from Harlem NYC born in el Hospital Militar de Lima ". I've just hit you in the face again, I don't think you'll last through out this book. You are the one whereing the B.O ring, and its definatly not gold. I will also be able to proreach alchemy. The Che misty secrets will come at a stupidly easy lowblow. Just godda read nigga. Read.

Curing cancer begins at the heart. The heart being hc. You don't understand my words but add the 'hc' onto the word heart. This will deliever to youm, 'hearthc' or HEAR THC. Thc is the active ingredient in cannabis, marijuana, ahem.... Ahemp. Anyhows, before i even god into the cure, just realise the amount of relevant words that come out of 'hear thc'. Heart, Ear, Art, Earth, and of course thc. Being at one with the plan, plant sorry, i'm losing track. Anyhow, back to the heart, You now have three trillion. Upgrade each of your cells nucleus ( new clear us ) to a heart. So you don;'t have to worry about it dying. Anyway, curing cancer cells, they are your body. The cells need a job, and they need you to stop worrying about them, let alone fighting the cells. Hearing thc, adding vice; is the first step towards reclaiming your god-hood. The ultimate (internal) sense of empowerment begins hear. Thc. So to make it slightly clear, name your cancer recnac ( cancer backwards ) and remove the middle of death. Removing the middle of death is called STARving. Only I can make it fully possible because the cancerian has, alike a computer, a shit load of virus's. It that sounds nothing like the ACTual cure for cancer, then i have done a god job so far. I require to a large dose of pop culture in order to new world order aka karmageddon aka TO2.

" I'm an entity much like yourself. I'd rather you get to know me personally than type on this fake shit." says Elohim, regarding the production of the new bible; he then goes on to state " Who I'd like to meet? Divine minds combined. Intellectuals. Artists, Those who want to change this world. Those who really dont give a fuck. A Girl who isnt afraid to speak the fuck up. " The quote, divine minds combine as one is better reached ( in the footnotes of tha nwo bible ) asth; dangerous minds combine as win. Being engaged to the earth is certainly 100% everything/k

(eventually), but to expect the global material 'con sequences' to be fully cosha within a couple of years. More init, the task of teenagers saving everybody is daunting in a sense of 'possible' government factions. Where as the truth is, not even the government themselves have achieved the staus of "g over nmnental". More to the point, all humans are naive. Note: the prominant 'AI' in the middle artificial intelligence.

Saneus ol saneus or sane old sane are the terms given to the majority of the population. Color is the key to allow the new breed of 'damaging' freedom of speech. As there will be a focal point of evolution in Britian, the new Jerusalem, in which hoards of drugged up people, brandishing the higher emotions, will storm prominant cites in an all out, allah in pro? Test.

The old bible was written in bulk and god was merely an occasional coinsidence, or slight spiritual experience, all in second or third person. Within however, they lies truths that not only center yourself with your own go!d higher self, but the optimisation of interactions and internal/exteral feelings and fonts are optimised not only to love others, but evolve others. Nobody to date can comprehend the speed at which this will begin to manifest, and those whom will be clinging on to save the old system will meet fate are be forced to god along on with the ride. Or the rise.

Fronting this infomation as a terrorist threat is highly acceptable because terror threats are live. Jail is evil, boredom, and that too is a problem which god hood will deliver us from, including mental hospitals, though all that need to be done really is full higher self connection. The more 'gods' getting freed from jail will result in a mass of 'respect' which will incorporate another field of protection for the god complex head quarters which will follow to serve-serve, rather than serve and protect. Life insurance will become fun damn mental, in every series of media one cannot think of.

It has to be pushed into the human race, this process in its self will be human acing. There must and will be an approach to divine justice from every matter of human experience. Untold history will play a large part in our future, surfacing sub-consciously all of the time, it will once be forgotten when the subject is bought into god hood.

Our environment will become the fruitation of our 'feelings'. Given that empowered acsension grants the human mental, phsical, emotional, and spiritual immortality, places of dross and dirt will become unfused with the planets grid and once again will the earth become a garden of beauty.

Everythink will take a part for the live of it, though many a people confused at the actual meaning of evil will repent and act on the truths of pure live. Concrete jungles will blossom with plant live. Predominately cannabis, as it will produce, pot backwards is top and if we add an 's', we come across the divine word of stop. Signs basic the god word of 'stop' as red, whilst it should be green, which is go. Plus death. Hospital training requires testing on dead bodies, which are nothing alike the live of an actual human.

Karma Echo Intelligence is the highest form of intelligence. Because it must be done in new world order to effect humans for the god of the planet, so if the latter part of this does not make sense to youniverse, the actual passion will shine and work through the mists of ignorance and evil.

This inflowmation once produced one a global scale will cause the remaining adults over my age anyway, to realise they don't need to eat anymore to grow up, but instead hit the divine age of go!d. The time is now to smoke a joint, The bible says "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, (star art thrillegal) and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Holy is an acceptance for status, though the actual holy is the conversion of the human to a superconducter. Every think is alike the 'pre-emp' status, where so much is learned, though nothing seems to have been acomplised, it feels and seems like an accomplishment allah tha time. Again, i need financial backup to write this because it would activate the first part of rapid world saving. Author eye tea? Graft your digi tale, milk is sillying/killing yourself. Repent atlas tha gee word oft go death novo ordius mundi. Getting biblical is boring get neo words, expand, You Are Demand. I had a dream where i teleported.

Dreams happen down under. Earth has art init to safe the world with word play, crushing fools everyday. Its god when fools passion raises for the unification factions. COMLETE CONTROL of the earth with assualt rifles to 'protect and serve' pure live. Pure Live is the allah ha ha cura. Dimensions dont matter in this case they must be a relation whixh acts a unification 'barrier sub-system'. This infomation inly applies to accepters of the 'paranormal' and 'spiritual' get insane, get init. Ten percent be six and a half billion to one. It gets bait; though daily ascending brings loaded elite codes for the acutly rapid self division, then alike the 'holy spirit', who and witch is between the eyes and the the center of your skull you cannabis feel it. Glow it to its full expansion then merge within the lightest light, lime light is an energy vortex which is an example a state in which the human race will become addicted to the planet for the meaning of life. Which is to get addited for it for planetary servitude (infinite see: myspace.com/geeohdee ). And enlighten myself to a degree at which i will have incorparated every planet and its akashic records, energy signitures, or planetary 'tyions'. Prana is the earth version of Tyions energy. The Tyions are really my over dimensional 'Body Guardemps'. Rattling the system will shake up and out the shady human shamers, i.e the 17 year who got stoned to death disguisting. The time has passed for the goodness of humanity is killed us in a sense that we need to tone .it down to glow with the flow. Internal internet is the fixation key and to planetary servitude and trust in the divine blueprint. The color spectrum is to be integrated to the highest bidder.

Turban Dallas; will take it from hero to his pc as a font awaites him. "Take advantage of our member search, chat and other features!
Start searching profiles today, or communicating with other members using our Web Messenger, topic forums, or double blind email. Don't forget you can add a video or a voice audio and manage your photo profile. " Sounds like MySpace has a consiousness of its own, all the transit data is well god for thy. Buy the way, financial additude is a key for playing god. Everybody will be playing god at some part of there live journeys so its best to start a 'clean slate' with chemistry and its energies of both an overt and covert nature, I say agumented though. T-shirts are going to be made for maximum focus on creating leads, and supplying the electricity. And the yang.

Jesus Christ i've just had a realisation. Through having god psychology for just over a year now (NOT GOD CON SCIENCENESS), It stuck me that I god a do a Jesus. Trusting in an internal and external god is the way of the Jesus. I like Jesus because he had ultimate super powers. What I also like is the fact that i've got a job interview today :).

Anyhow, the 'writers block' has just been destroyed by Jesus in 'hyper spiri form'. The writers block being the choke hold which keeps media from equalising with youniverse.

A bit of supreme philosophy for thee, tha universe is a spectrum of supreme beauty. However, media, the media is stuck under the table. In all senses it downgrades the youniverse, so an equilibrum must and will be formed by many a mans god intentions. Punching back to Jesus, (who of course trusted in an internal and external god to recieve his powers) we cannot find any list's of his superpowers on the internet, though time does'nt matter as ANY hint of the SLIGHTEST of superpowers will not only draw in free energy & enemy, but allah so a free ARMY.

I hope your getting lost in this text because unless your a 'true heat seeker' you may as well fuck off. If you read allah dis and get through the s*hit then you can, in acsension fuck ON. Time is now to approach the 'way of the jounalist'. I am now going to take universe on a jouney of an evolve time. You may along the way feel the rising of an angry sub consiouss

demon. Grasp the idea of it but don't affixiate. If you believe that you are the devil, please realise that you are only operating at about 7.5%, if it were my devil were talking about it would operate at 50%. The pure black yang is necessary for kickstarting a relationship towards planet earth, evidently firing up a elite case for infinite planetary servitude.

The most obvious meaning of life to date. The matter of live is uncapped as too go as far as it leaving a prominant energy signiture in humanity. And its future in the field of adding ict karma intitative towards every mode of action. More commonly refered to as creating the world in seven days. This can and will be done via tha truth of god propaganda and the maxitude of its self empowerment quantities and qualities. This authority is a lethal tool in the removal of that of which we do not need in society. You have an illness, you got and get it diagnosed at the doctors. From a critial analysis of the apparent 'negative' symptoms, a physical pill or chemical remedy is bought. Costing the earth and becoming a cancer in its self as the remedy for EVERYTHING is within. There may never be a physical cure for cancer alone; one has to consider and act upon the optimisation of the emotional, spiritual and other bodies of our own. Pharmacist's, alike police, rely on physical evils to continue working the system. The system of which alot of people will fight to the death to protect. Police alike the NHS, are lice. The higher emotions and spiritual empowerment recieved from 'doing a Jesus' are apparent in working towards a global collective consiousness. In this stage, the people still ill and the people still commiting real crimes will be left behind; not in a sense of locked up and stranded, though left behind in evolution. The evolution of which will be extremely accelarted with empowered acsension

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god and ready when you are peace to earth for a resonable price EMPOWERED ASCENSION     Empowered ascension is an 'intimately personal process'.  Every aspect of the process and ...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 14:42:00 GMT

hey Bacteria

Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 15:19:00 GMT

my destiny

word around the campfire
Posted by on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:24:00 GMT


Humanity is a fallen race of gods or angels. This is what the 'evil powers' controlling this world do not want you to know or remember, so they have set up a social and economic system to keep you f...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 05:06:00 GMT

My Love

THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE The religious assumption and/or scriptural statement that God is perfect is inaccurate. There is no such thing as perfection, rather there is a striving towards it. Ultimate or ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 04:53:00 GMT