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Jenna-Fighter and Survivor In Life

Heal the Past, Live The Present, Dream The Future p style=margin-top: 0; m

About Me

Hello, my name is Jenna Kandyce Linch and I am a child abuse survivor. Growing up, I never had anyone to talk to about the abuse I was going through at home. Most of the time I would sneak out of the house and go to a secret place I had to write down my feelings. Unfortunately, my parents found my writings and destroyed them, claiming it was nothing but lies. For me home became a prison and every day was an emotional hell. I wanted a way out and couldn't wait until the day I could escape and be free from the pain forever. At 17, I moved out of my house to set out to discover myself and start a new life. I began writing as a way to get the emotions and feelings out that I had kept locked up inside for all those years growing up. It never occured to me that my poems could help others who were going through abuse or had gone through it and felt alone in life. With some encouragement from my friends, I decided to get my poems published. Writing is my way of healing. For me it is the best therapy, allowing me to release my inner feelings and emotions that I have kept locked inside for all those years. Growing up, I was forcfed to remain silent about what I was going through. But now that I am on my own, living my life for me, I have taken back control and use my poems as my voice to speak out about the abuse I went through as a child. I hope that through my poetry, I can inspire, encourage, and motivate other victims and survivors of abuse out there who haven't had a chance to be heard.This is my first book that I have written and self-published through IUniverse. It is available through Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, Waldenbooks, Borders, and other major bookstores out there. It is also available for order through At 21, I have found my purpose in life which is to be a writer and a life coach to motivate others to reach for their dreams in life and let them know that they are not alone. With my book, I not only wish to spread awareness of abuse and show the realties of what abuse victims and survivors go through, but also encourage abuse survivors and victims to keep fighting in life and speak out about what they have gone through. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Taking My Life Back: Poems From The Healing Heart Of An Abuse Survivor is a glimpse into my past and a look at the emotions I felt growing up. It is 267 pages and is available for $20.95 through IUniverse. Prices vary depending on the bookstore. It is my goal and sincere hope that this book will reach out and touch the lives of victims and survivors out there. To all the abuse survivors and victims out there, I want to just say keep fighting. Your stories are testimony to your strength, courage, and determination for survival.We've all gone through pain in our lives and endured trials that greatly affected us. Sometimes we feel lost and alone, thinking nobody understands the abuse we have gone through. Our hearts cry out for help to those around us. Yet the abuse that we suffered makes us feel vulnerable and not good enough in life. The after-effects can be quite damaging. It's not always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There are times that we are standing on life's edge, wondering if we will ever be free from the pain that we had in our past. But we are survivors who have come a long way in life and we are not alone. Our future doesn't have to reflect our past. Those days of abuse are gone and now we must speak out and stand strong together as survivors, sharing our stories with others. I believe we can be a light to those who are going through abuse, letting them know they are not alone. These poems are here to offer encouragement to survivors and victims. We can take back control of our lives and have a new beginning. When we believe in ourselves, we can achieve anything. Our lives are far from finished for we have come too far to quit.What one customer had to say about my book:A Kid's Review Although I am supposed to be reviewing another's person book, I would like to start off by saying a few things about myself. I have a master's degree in English and have read what are considered to be the greatest works ever, but I have never read a book that touched me so much nor that has helped me to confront my thoughts and feelings so much. Although Joyce's Ulysses, Lawerence's Women and Love and all of Shakespeare's plays are great works, what good are all these works to someone who has been abused and gone through all the issues I have had. Furthermore, even if Shakespeare did write about being abused, I would not have been able to get much out of it because it is the nature of the abused person to repress what has happened to him and not to mentally recreate his traumatic experience through the obscure words of another author. However, I will leave the psychological profiles to Miss Linch as she knows more than I do about recovering from abuse. Miss Linch's simple and emphathetic language invites one to confront one's own thoughts and feelings without fear of coming across some obscure language that unintentionally brings back repressed memories that will be unguarded because of the meanness of the other author's lanuguage. Moreover, because the author has been abused, the text has more authenticity than Shakespeare's would because Shakespeare wrote about heterosexual love when in fact he was really a homosexual. I feel as if Miss Linch's soul is in communion with mine, afterall, do books really derive their comforting power because of mere black words on a grey page or because of the belief that there is somebody out there who really understands our dark strange souls. In short, I feel that I have not only purchased a book, but that I have purchased a friend, a friend that I never had as a child.Create or get your
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My Interests

Helping others in life, writing, hanging out with friends, traveling, listening to music, movies, reading, basketball

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone :). We all come from different backgrounds in life and I believe that we can learn alot from each other. Our stories can be shared to help others that go through similar things in life and can shed light in times of darkness, giving others hope and faith again. As survivors, we need to speak out and guide others who have lost their way and feel all alone in life. The banners I have on my page are links to some very good and helpful profiles of people and groups that aid in the fight against abuse.

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Country, rock, pop-favorite bands and music artists include The Fray, Bon Jovi, Lifehouse, Three Days Grace, Nickelback, Green Day, Crossfade, Hoobastank, Keith Urban, Rascal Flatts, Emo Dagger, Switchfoot, Mandy Moore, Disturbed, Evanescence, Nick Lachey,Martina McBride, etc.

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Comedy, Drama, Action, Horror

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Smallville, Heroes, Supernatural, Lost, CSI, Family Guy, Law and Order SVU, Law and Order CI, Veronica Mars, The Nine


books by James Patterson, Mary Jane Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Nicholas Sparks, I like a variety of books. I also read books that inspire and encourage people in life and self-help books to help me overcome things such as depression, anxiety attacks, self-infliction, etc.


People who have beat the odds in life and have gone on to better things, making a positive difference in the world. Survivors of child abuse, rape, domestic violence, etc. that are speaking out and sharing their stories to help other victims and survivors out there.These people are some of my closest friends who are always there for me. They give me the strength to go on in life even when times are rough. They stay by my side to help me battle every storm. My friends are amazing and they hold a special place in my heart :). Without them, I couldn't have made it this far.

Alan-My Honorary Dad

My brother Pete



Emo Dagger





My Blog

When It Rains It Pours

So I am finding that the phrase when it rains it pours is so true.  It seems that when one thing goes wrong, everything else to follow goes wrong as well.  Right before I went on leave to go...
Posted by Jenna on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:05:00 PST

Fun In Dallas

I am having so much fun in Dallas.  I am so glad I took this vacation.  It's just what I needed.  I feel so young, carefree and happy being out here.  I wish I didn't have to go ba...
Posted by Jenna on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 12:51:00 PST

Let Your Voices Be Heard

I believe many abuse victims and survivors remain silent because they are afraid if they speak out, then no one will listen to them or hear them.  By speaking out about what we have gone through,...
Posted by Jenna on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:23:00 PST

Taking A Look Back On My Birthday

Well it's hard to believe that I am now 22 years old.  I don't even feel like I am 22; I sometimes feel that I am older then that with all I have been going through.  I am hoping that this y...
Posted by Jenna on Tue, 29 May 2007 07:02:00 PST

A Time To Fight and A Time To Surrender

Things aren't ever going to get any better in this marriage.  I thought that maybe I could save it, but now I see that it cannot be saved, that nothing will ever be the same.  I think the ha...
Posted by Jenna on Mon, 28 May 2007 08:46:00 PST

A Time To Fight and A Time To Surrender

Things aren't ever going to get any better in this marriage.  I thought that maybe I could save it, but now I see that it cannot be saved, that nothing will ever be the same.  I think the ha...
Posted by Jenna on Mon, 28 May 2007 08:46:00 PST

Things Are Getting Ugly

So yea, earlier this afternoon Joe and I got into another fight. It's just like old times before he went to Iraq. One minute he can seem to care, the next he is tearing me into pieces. He was cleaning...
Posted by Jenna on Sat, 26 May 2007 11:46:00 PST

He Hasn't Changed

Right now I am so sad and broken.  So ok, Joe said he would go out to  see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 with me.  We made plans earlier today and he text me at work when I asked him if we...
Posted by Jenna on Sat, 26 May 2007 09:50:00 PST

Great News :)

Great news everyone.  My second book has been accepted by the publishers :).  I can't tell you how excited I am about this.   This is a real publishing company, not self publishing...
Posted by Jenna on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:26:00 PST

Regaining My Focus

So I know I"ve been very emotional and moody recently due to everything going on in my life.  I guess everything just hit me all at once.  Knowing that Joe is coming home on Thursday and kno...
Posted by Jenna on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:30:00 PST