The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
Call: (800) 656-HOPEA Better LillieMy name is Trish. This site is for all women, children, and men who have been victims of Domestic Violence. I started this site because I know that GOD has a plan for me to reach others. My cousin Stephanie and I are the women you see pictured on our banners. WE both answer mail and try our best to help anyone who is need of prayer or just needing information on Domestic Violence. WE are dedicated to helping others find the resources they need to leave this situation if they are still in it, and helping survivors deal with the pain, post truamatic stress, and self-esteem issues that you go through when you leave this situation. In the begining when we started this site our goal was to open a shelter for women women and children, but it has beome so much bigger than that. Although we know that a shelter is much needed because when you leave it can be a life threatening crisis you need somewhere to be safe. But by talking to so many women we realize that you are coming here in great danger still. This is a way you can get the information you need anonymously. By the way did you catch Oprah's Show May 23, 2007 when she featured Susan Still? Susan Still says - dont stay for the children - they will thank you later that you have left. Also remember even though the children don't get hit (sometimes they do) doesn't mean that they are not getting hurt.We are praying for GOD to lead the way and ask that you include us and our ministry in prayers. GOD is the only reason why I am alive today. I know that HE allowed me to live another day to do HIS work and help those who are in need. I pray that others too will be inspired to do the same. You can read stories here on this page of women who had great courage to leave and also of one who never had the chance to get out. I hope that these stories will inspire those who need it and strengthen those who still suffer from abuse to leave this situation.This is my way of trying to reach women who are still living in this kind of relationship. To let you know that you can get out. Its not easy, but you can do it. Sometimes it takes a lot of planning, gathering important documents (birth certificates, social security cards, etc.) and hiding them until you can make your move. And finding family or friends to hide you...and for a while emotionally and financially support you. Sometimes it's simply deciding that he no longer has power in your life and walk away.For me, it took the one last beating of him trying to poke my eyes out while he punched me with keys between his knuckles while I drove with our two daughters in the car. I remember while all this was going on I prayed...I screamed my prayers, thinking GOD hear me please. I wasn't asking for GOD to make him stop hitting me...I prayed that GOD gave me the strength to let it go...the house, the cars, my clothes, my childrens clothes, their toys...and of course the evil monster I married....And GOD did. I walked away knowing that I was going to get out of this marriage. I was physically, and emotionally drained. I had nothing left inside to give to myself or my kids...He took a lot away from me while we were married. People would think that it was my fault for being married to him for so long...but the truth was...I was scared...Scared that he would he had tried many times before...I was scared that I wouldn't be able to love again...I was scared that I had put my mom and grandma through so much, they didn't love me anymore...No one in my family talked to me...(or atleast I thought that...but it was the way he had me secluded...)And I went along with it, because I was tired of getting hit. I endured a lot to just keep peace.Today...I look back in retrospect and I don't even know who I was than...because I am so much stronger now...I have so much more self love and self respect that I could never go back to that...or anyone that would treat me that way. I would never again put my childrens lives in jeopardy, they are everything to me..I love you - my babies.My biggest weapon against these men is my MOUTH. I was once silenced by fear. Now I am telling everything that he did to me. This man raped me, sodomized me, beat me and held me hostage until my bruises went away, he punched in my ear and broke my ear drum, he has left bruises not just on my body - but on my brain - and that's nothing compared to what he did to my heart.Someday every abusive man will know my face. They will know that I am going to change this world somehow and make the laws more strict, make women more aware and when they are sitting in their jail cells - they will know that they no longer have the power they once had - because GOD has put me on a mission!!!! BE MORE AFRAID OF ME THAN ANYONE HAS EVER BEEN OF YOU! I cannot beat a man physically and no man can break my spirit or my dedication to helping women and children. If you are an abuser - take a good look at me - things are gonna change!We have a network of friends - we rely on eachother to helping women. WE don't get paid for this and we have lives outside of myspace - but we are dedicated to helping you. Regardless of what state, country, religion, race, gender or age. We will find you the resources you need to be safe. We will listen to your stories, be your shoulder to cry on, offer insight, and most of all we will PRAY with you and over you for GODs protection and guidance. Please visit my top friends - we are a family. We come from all backgrounds. But we are here for you. We love you.found this
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