San Diego County Domestic Violence Hotline
National Domestic Violence Hotline
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I'd like to meet:
Does Your Partner
? Call you names or put you down.
? Put down your friends or family members.
? Hit, scratch, bite, push, or choke you.
? Call to check in on you once or several times a day.
? Make fun of your religion or beliefs.
? Control who you talk to, what you do, and where you go.
? Control the money: gives you an allowance; tells you what you can buy; gives you little or no money
? Threaten to harm family, friends, or pets
? Threaten to take the Children
? Uses the children to control you
? Accuse you of having an affair
? Look at you or act in ways that scare you
? Stop you from seeking or getting a job
? Take your money or Social Security, make you ask for money, or refuse to give you money
? Act like the abuse is no big deal, it’s your fault, or even denies doing it
? Destroy your property
? Intimidate you with guns, knives, or other weapons
? Force or threaten you to drop charges
? Threaten to commit suicide
? Threaten to kill or harm you
If any of the above is true, you maybe in an abusive relationship. For more information see above links.
Domestic Violence is a pattern of assaultive, abusive, controlling, or coercive behavior including physical, sexual, spiritual, emotional, and psychological tactics, as well economic coercion that is used in effort to gain or maintain control or authority in an intimate relationship.
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Domestic Violence 2
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Faces Of Violence
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Domestic Violence Affects Our Children
THE GROWING CHILD - How children maybe affected.
Fetus: leading cause of birth defects; increased risk of miscarriage; stillbirth; premature birth, low birth weight; insufficient prenatal care; higher abortion rate;
Infant: tension-caused fussiness; sleep problems; direct injury; excessive screaming/crying; startles easily; language delays; separation problems; difficulty nursing;
Pre-school: tension-caused tics; withdrawal or aggression; attention deficit disorder; speech delays or disorders; neglect; stress-caused illness; fear of parent; over-clingy; separation anxiety; bed wetting; direct injury;
School age: aggression; acting out; withdrawal; depression; attack or hide abuser; shock; bed-wetting; nightmares; cruelty to animals; learning disorders; eating disorders; takes on parent roles or responsibilities; guilt; low-self esteem; anxiety;
Teens: “troublemaker;†abuse of victim; runaway; trouble with alcohol or drugs; eating disorders; aggression; depression; suicide; pregnancy; dating violence;
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