I suport not jsut child abuse campaigns but also campaigns fight for Poverty, AIDS, domestic Abuse, substance abuse, self harm and animal rights. For more information please check out the blog on 'Who I also surport'(coming soon....)
Passionate people who arent afraid to stand up and be counted to surport projects like the NSPCC and Childline. People who want a world where children are free to be children.Also people who would like to show their surport by submitting their own stories to me and people who will post my banner on their pages as a sign that they are fighting for a world with child abuse.
Martina McBride's Concrete Angel and Independence DayShania Twain's God Bless the ChildBig and Rich's Holy Water
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There are ome wondeful books out in the market concerning child abuse. Like Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect by Cynthia Crosson-Tower
People and Organisations working towards a world without child abuse.
And also people who would like to share their stories of abuse of any kind. See blog named 'stories wanted'.