Domestic Violence Awareness profile picture

Domestic Violence Awareness

Awareness is the first step

About Me

The Butterfly Pendant

Click on the butterfly to purchase and see other beautiful items available to support the cause against domestic violence.

~Buy a bracelet to help speak out against domestic violence~

Many people think that they can help their abuser, or that he/she will change if given enough love and understanding. Without the desire to change, and the assistance of anger management classes and/or counseling, these people are NOT going to change; no amount of love is going to make it happen. Domestic violence brings a new meaning to the vow "Til Death Do Us Part". Please don't let it happen to you!

Voice: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
TDD: 1-800-787-3224

My Interests

Want to help? Volunteer your time!

Links to domestic violence websites and helpful organizations.... THERE IS A WAY OUT!!

US Justice Dept. - Violence Against Women Office

Survivors By Choice

Women in Need Foundation

The Safety Zone

Feminist Majority Foundation

Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Foundation

I'd like to meet:

Tension Building Stage:
Tension begins to increase and controlling gets worse; incidents get progressively worse.

Explosion stage:
Physical violence: hitting, shoving, slapping, choking, etc. Threatening with or using weapons.

Loving Stage:
Batterer becomes loving and acts remorseful; sending flowers, taking you out. May even go to counseling so you will take him back. Also called the “honeymoon stage”.



Isolation: Controlling where she goes, what she does, where she lives; isolating her from family and friends.

Intimidation: Putting her in fear by using looks, actions, gestures, smashing things, destroying her property.

Emotional Abuse: Insulting and putting her down, jealousy and possessiveness. Playing mind games.

Economic Abuse: Trying to keep her from getting a job. Taking her money, making her ask for money.

Sexual Abuse: Making her do things against her will. Treating her like a sex object. Attacking her body/sexual parts.

Spiritual Abuse: Not letting her go to church or church functions. Not letting her worship in her own way.

Threats: Threatening harm/kill her or other family members. Threats to harm or take the children from her.

Animal Abuse: Neglect or physical abuse to family pets or farm animals.


Myths of Domestic Violence

Click here to learn how to keep an abuser from tracking your internet activity


If you are living with domestic violence, there IS help.
~Get practical and emotional advice from the National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline: 0808 2000 247. It's confidential, free and operates 24 hours. The helpline may also be able to help you find emergency accommodation.
~Talk to a trusted friend or family member. They may be able to offer you a safe place to stay if you need a break or if you decide to leave.
~Keep a list of essential phone numbers in a safe place. These should include the 24-Hour National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline 0808 2000 247, your local police station and a solictor's number.
~Always keep your mobile fully charged or your card topped up.

Checklist for preparing to leave:

Keep a bag packed with the following important items:
Personal items:

A change of clothes and toiletries for you and your children
Some money
Duplicate car key
Medication for you and your children
A child's special toy
Mobile phone charger
Address book

Key documents:

Benefit books
Driver's licencse
Any court orders/injunctions
Birth certificates for yourself and your children
Divorce papers/marriage license/custody papers
Bank details/account numbers
Credit cards/cheque books
Mortgage or housing details
National insurance number
Medical cards for you and your children

Pack these items over a period of time. Only you will know when this is safe to do so. Keep the bag in a safe and secret place, perhaps at the home of a relative or friend.

Survivors of Domestic Violence:

If you would like to submit a photo for the survivor slideshow, please send us a message. :)


Big & Rich support the cause to end domestic violence. Check out their campaign here. Love Everybody!


Quiz: Do you face it or fear it?


Stories of Survivors

My Blog

DV Awareness Month Events {Will be updated Daily}

      Subject *Some of these do not specify locations or cities, you'd have to use the websites or phone numbers to find out more.   Domestic Violence Awareness Month Kickoff ...
Posted by Domestic Violence Awareness on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:19:00 PST

Children and Domestic Violence

How will my children be affected by the violence?If you have children, you have probably tried to shield them from the domestic violence as much as you possibly can. Perhaps you are hoping they do not...
Posted by Domestic Violence Awareness on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 03:58:00 PST

Blaming the Victim

BLAMING THE VICTIM. The most common emotional responses to sexual harassment, battering, and rape are guilt, fear, powerlessness, shame, betrayal, anger, and denial. Guilt is often the first and deepe...
Posted by Domestic Violence Awareness on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:30:00 PST

Can an Abuser Change?

A LITTLE ABOUT CHANGE   From the book Why does he do that?  Inside the minds of angry and controlling men, by Lundy Bancroft.   There are no shortcuts to change, no magical overnight tr...
Posted by Domestic Violence Awareness on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 02:33:00 PST

Emotional Abuse

Remember that adults are NOT the only victim of domestic abuse.... and physical violence is not the only kind of domestic abuse. What is emotional abuse? Emotional abuse, which is 40f all substantiat...
Posted by Domestic Violence Awareness on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 08:42:00 PST

Need a laugh?

Got one.... this is effin hilarious!!   :)
Posted by Domestic Violence Awareness on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 11:21:00 PST

Safety Plan for Domestic Violence Victims

DV Safe Plan What is a safety plan?A safety plan means things you can do to keep you and your children safe from domestic violence. You can get help to make a safety plan. Help is usually free or lo...
Posted by Domestic Violence Awareness on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 07:40:00 PST