A Gathering of Minds profile picture

A Gathering of Minds

Feminist Unite!

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

Great petition site for any and all petitions! Check it out!


The slideshow shows many of the events we have participated in and planned. FUN STUFF!


A Gathering of Minds is a local Brevard County Feminst group dedicated to improving equality in Central Florida!

My Interests

Pro Choice Plate!


Sign the petition at...

http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/pro-choice-specialty-lic ense-plate-florida.html

The Whole world is COUNTING....

I'd like to meet:

We are trying to get everything rolling again...We really have not been active since EstroZone 2005..It was a great success and we would like to get on rolling again! New year new start...Plus there is only two years till we have a chance to vote again...we must be ready as Americans...Please CONTACT US IF YOU ARE INTERESTED! We need people and voices!


Click Here to sign the Darfur Petition!


Why I Love America
By Inga La Gringa
[Excerpted from Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil,
from the “Eenie, Meenie Miney, Mo, Catch a Cracker by the Toe” chapter.]
I love America because Malcolm X is from here.
I love America because Malcolm X, Audre Lorde, Paul Robeson, Diamanda Galás, Robin D.G. Kelley, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Paris, my Grammy, Missy Elliott, Yuri Kochiyama, Oscar the Grouch, Ho Che Anderson, Janeane Garofalo, Cookie Monster, Maxine Waters, Cynthia McKinney, Jan Schakowsky, and Gore Vidal are all from here.
They all grew up in America, just like me.
I love America because it's where I've had Iranian rosewater syrup ice cream and Indian cardamom ginger ice cream too. America feeds me vegetarian kung pao chicken, rich Ethiopian stews, and Boca Burgers with organic tomato slices, fat and juicy and salt-and-peppered. I love the food of America. It is the best of the whole wide world.
I love America because there are so many voices here. There is Neil Diamond and Talib Kweli. Ann Coulter and Lisa Tiger. Bill Cosby and Louis Farrakhan. Colonel David Hackworth and General Tommy Franks. When I think of all the voices in America, I almost lose consciousness with the breathtaking whirling in my mind.
I love America because each state is a different country and when I am all bundled up in “Minnesota” when it is a bone-numbing forty-six degrees outside, total strangers chide me and tell me to take off my hat, and in “Ohio,” a group of young Amish people told me I was English, and I said, “No, I am Irish and Italian,” and they laughed at my ignorance, because to them, everyone who is non-Amish—including Neil Diamond, Talib Kweli, Ann Coulter, Lisa Tiger, Bill Cosby, Louis Farrakhan, Colonel David Hackworth, and General Tommy Franks—is “English,” and in “New York” it is totally against the law to dance in a bar and you can get in big trouble, and if you tell people in “Louisiana” that you don't eat meat, they will feel sorry for you and express their sincerest condolences. One of my favorites, I think, is when I am in “Michigan” and if I ask someone where they are from, they will hold up their right hand and point somewhere on it.
I love America because almost everyone I hold dear to my heart and share memories and history with lives here.
I love America because it offered a home to my immigrant mother, gave her a place to raise her children.
I love America because there is a festival here for every conceivable occasion, celebrating the strawberry harvest, the antique motorcycle, the first day the mall opened, the most poised six-year-old girl in a specific geographic region, and the go-cart. There are Greek Orthodox festivals, hippies run amuck festivals, black nationalism hiphop festivals, Sun Dance Warrior festivals, Japanese cherry blossom festivals, lunar new year festivals, gang truce festivals, and Mennonite quilting festivals here in America.
If I did not love America, I would do what the bumper sticker says and leave it in a heartbeat, but I cannot imagine how sad I would be living somewhere that is not America. How could I survive without radical cheerleaders and Dave Chappelle, without loud-mouthed assholes like Howard Stern, without pampered doggies in cashmere sweaters, without Margaret Cho and Alix Olson, without deep plush golden velvet interiored lowriders and flamboyant homos prancing down the street in ball gowns aglow with little white lights in the tulle? I love America because it describes every aspect of my identity, humanity, and complex ideology.
It is a beautiful place and I am deeply honored to have been born here.
I love America.

My Blog

Good flier to post for Edwards in Brevard

This is great to give to your friends for a quick bit of information about Edwards. You can pass it out at your school, stick under car windshield wipers, tape onto doors, or leave just about anywhere...
Posted by A Gathering of Minds on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 06:13:00 PST

Join forces..>Feminist UNITE!

In getting started again we would like to try to join forces with any other Central Florida group and work together...If there is any groups that may want to get involved with other groups please let ...
Posted by A Gathering of Minds on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:21:00 PST

A Gathering of Minds is becoming active again! Contact us!

A Gathering of Minds is trying to become active again! If you live in the Brevard/Orlando area and are interested in getting active and getting out on the streets let us know! We want to get a meeting...
Posted by A Gathering of Minds on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 09:49:00 PST