Email us at [email protected].
Brevard NOW
P.O. Box 121679
West Melbourne, FL 32912-1679
(321) 507-7655
Brevard NOW is strongly committed to reproductive freedom, equality among the races and sexes, and LGBT equality. We also advocate peace, tolerance, and complete sex education in our community. Less than a year after being reorganized, the Brevard chapter of NOW became one of the fastest growing chapters in the state of Florida. More than just another chapter, after a year and half, our diverse group of men and women, young and old, has become a closely-knit family of dedicated human rights advocates. Our family is growing larger every day and is becoming ever more vigilant in the pursuit of justice. In 2005 our group held numerous demonstrations: a Proud to be Pro-Choice sign waiving event; helped organize a massive peace demonstration (nearly 300 people attended) on September 24th; led the local effort to stop John Roberts from being confirmed; and tabled for Equal Marriage Rights. We have hosted numerous showings of socially significant films including the Vagina Monologues, Iron Jawed Angels, Kinsey, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, and Boys Don't Cry. We are now going strong in our third year of service to the community.
Join Florida's fastest-growing chapter of NOW! If you're not yet a member of our wonderful group, please consider joining now. You can sign up for as little as $15. Be sure to type in Brevard NOW's chapter affiliation number, FL0035.
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