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South Florida Abuse Survivors is a new organization that I am starting on my own as an education and resource center for people who have been either sexually and/or ritually abused and for the public so they may learn the signs/symptoms and effects of sexual abuse and what ritual abuse is and that it does exist. My organization will also be used as a resource center to help those who have been abused in the past or are being abused in the present find the adequate care and support that they are in need of, where to go to get therapy and what their rights are as a survivor and a patient.
I would like to add that South Florida Abuse Survivors now will be posting and spreading the word on other types of abuse, especially Shaken Baby Syndrome. This is happening way too often, and people need to start getting educated on this. There needs to be more push for our children, who deserve a life of happiness.
South Florida Abuse Survivors will also educate the public and survivors on what types of mental health issues a survivor of both sexual and ritual abuse may go through and be diagnosed with while they are on their healing journey. There are many types of mental health disorders that a survivor may get diagnosed with, such as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), eating disorders, depression, and many of the other numerous disorders, as well as self-harming (cutting, burner, breaking bones, etc.).
I decided to start this organization because I am a survivor of all types of abuse, and I have been diagnosed with DID, PTSD, severe clinical depression, and anxiety. (So, I guess that you could say that I have some personal experience dealing with this type of support.)
Anyways, I decided to start this organization in the hopes of educating both the public and abuse survivors on sexual abuse and why it is such an epidemic, why it is important to notice the signs and symptoms of this type of abuse (especially in small children) and how to go about stopping this epidemic. I also started this organization in hopes to educate the public about ritual abuse and mind control and, hopefully, get the public to understand what these two abuses are and how to recognize it. I also would like to educate people on other forms of abuse as well, such as physical, emotional, verbal, psychological, neglect, elder/nursing home, economic/financial, and Shaken Baby Syndrome.
I believe that starting this organization will help lots of people who are really wanting to help each other and their communities.