NoStigmasâ„¢ is a grassroots movement to raise awareness and erase the stigmas of suicide and mental illness. We strive to impact individuals with fresh ideas promoting the NoStigmasâ„¢ message. Since over 1 million people die by suicide each year (over 33,000 in the U.S.), we maintain a "no apologies" approach to making sure people know how much suicide impacts us all. We believe that our message is important to every individual and needs to be conveyed in an exciting and energetic manner which affirms life and inspires the courage to live! Learn more about us and how to be involved by getting [email protected] today.
.. NoStigmas
Be a hero and visit our Fundraising Page. Your donation of $10 or more will help AFSP fund research and raise awareness about suicide!
Jacob Moore | Narration Clip
Jacob Moore | Commercial Demo