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About Me

This site was created for the purpose of encouraging survivors to share their stories and help those who are still living the horrors of abuse by giving them hope and strength to survive.
Rachel- Age 21
My Story
Hey guys. You are probably wondering why I decided to start this site. I got the inspiration after reading a bulletin post from one of my friends. It was a sad story about a woman who was violently raped as a child. She shared her story with others giving them courage and faith. Her story gave me the strength to share too.
I read in the book ‘Miss America By Day’, written by Marilyn Van Derbur, a former Miss America and incest survivor, that the healing process is started by talking about your experiences and sharing it with others. After reading her book and seeing the post I decide that it was my time to start my own healing process. I have been living with guilt, shame, and anger for too long.
This is my story:
I grew up in an Ultra Orthadox family. My parents raised us the way they were- by the hand. When I entered the 7th grade I met a girl and we soon became best friends. I would spend almost everyday and night at her house. By the time I was in 8th grade (13 years old) her dad would join us in our rooms when we would get ready for bed. At first we would just talk (with a small massage). He had a strong grip on me. He was a very controlling and demanding man. I was afraid to tell him that I was uncomfortable. Late night talks soon turned into a bit more, but I still kept going back. Everytime he came into the room he would go further and further almost as if he was testing my limits. I never said anything to anyone not even to his daughter- my best friend. I was too scared. I was 14 years old and in the 9th grade when it happened. I pretended to be asleep the whole time afraid that it will only be worse if he knew I was awake. He finally left the room (which I shared with his 3 daughters) after about an hour only to return with a camera! The bastard took pictures of me vulnerable and exposed. (He did have the decency of covering my face with his hand. How thoughtful!) He molested me for an hour while his daughters slept only a few feet away from my bed. They slept through the whole thing. After that night I was banned (by the father) from being his daughters friend. I haven’t spoken to her since. He is now suspected of doing things to his kids and others too. Now, I am almost 22 years old and I still suffer.
I didn’t tell my parent what happened until I was in the 12th grade. I was attending an out of state high school. My parents were planning a trip to my high school graduating and had arranged for my little sister to stay at this family’s house while they were gone. When I heard I got very scared. I was afraid the bastard would hurt my little sister too. I had no choice but to tell my parent what had occurred more than 4 years before, and I’m glad I did! 8 years have passed and only my 2 best friends and my parents know about it. Now so do you!
Would you like to share your story too?
Send me an email with your story and Photo(optional!!)and i will post it on the site. We can all help each other with our healing process.
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Petra Luna
My School Years by Petra Luna
The Lavender Power ladies have asked me a few times to write my story. I was trying to oblige them but for some strange reason, I was having some sort of writers block and was not able to do it. It took a tragedy to make me see why.
I was watching a TV show about the Virginia Tech Massacre and they showed a video of Seung-Hui Cho going on and on about how the kids at his school would bully and pick on him. The worst part is that the kids who he killed did not even know him, much less torture him.
This tragedy and many like it are caused by 3 factors;
1.) Mental illness, an area where the parents and the mental health system failed. Somehow these people slip through the cracks and go unchecked.
2.) Easy access to weapons. How this man was cleared to have those handguns is uncomprehencible.
3.) The problem that created the rage to make Cho commit mass murder. The bullying and teasing that is hard enough for a normal kid to handle but impossible for a mentally ill person to even deal with.
When the show was over, I had these strange feelings that ovewhelmed me and I wasn’t sure what it was. I just knew that when he was talking about the kids picking on him, I remembered how when I was a kid, how so many times as a result of being bullied and picked on, I wanted to lock the doors of my school and blow it up with all those horrible people in it. The difference between him and me is not the rage but that fact that he acted upon those urges and I didn’t. I can remember being asked to come to a reunion at my High School. I was so upset and angry that that woman who was on the side of the kids who tortured me would have the nerve to ask me to a reunion. I sent her a letter stating I was working on a new CD and would be in New York that weekend and to never, EVER send me her junk mail again. I was not good enough for them then and I have no use for them now. She replied saying that they would love to get to talk to me and know me now. Yea, now that I have done something with my life. My brother who remained in the area where I was raised would always say to me, “They were just kids back then”. (There were 3 brothers. This one did not get picked on.) Sorry, not good enough. Yes, I have unresoved issues here. I am only human. I will never be proud to announce where I went to Grade School or High School. Those people and those places are dead to me. Damn, for me as a kid, there was no safe place at home and no safe place at school.
When I was a child, my mother suffered from mild schizophrenia and paranoia and had many metal challenges. When she was around her kids she would abuse them so on most occasions she would just neglect us completely. My father was in a specialized profession that kept him away from home most of the time but he did the best he could to raise us despite that violent and hostile conditions. He is old school and divorce was not an option. Needless to say, I would go to school without being woken up at all. I remember someone always yelling for me to get up because the bus was at the end of the driveway. I would jump out of bed, put on the close I could find. It was usually the same thing I wore the day before. I only had 3 or 4 outfits to wear for the whole year and as the year went on the clothes got more worn out. I would also run to the bus in the snow barefoot because I did not have time to put on my shoes and wet socks were horrible to be in all day. My hair was never combed and I always looked unkempt. Breakfast was non-existent and I almost never had lunch money. Most kids had nice lunch boxes and cool food. I would catch hell for forgetting my lunch money all the time. The school cafeteria still let me eat and had my Dad pay later. I really wanted to be a part of after school activities but that meant I missed the bus home and with my Dad working late, there was no one to pick me up and I would wait outside the school alone on many occasions with no way home since my house was 10 miles from school. I was a perfect target for child predators. It’s a good things my angels were always watching me. Eventually, my Dad would come get me after work when it was already dark. With all that going on, I was the excellent target for being isolated, picked on, bullied and tortured by the kids at school. Also, coming from a big family, my oldest and one of my middle brothers were also subject to this abuse. I always say that those who are physically wounded usually always heal but psychological abuse can leave many permanently damaged.
Myself, my oldest and the younger middle brother always got abused by the other kids. We were always laughed at and never chosen to be on anyone’s groups or teams for class activities. In the 6th grade a bully made me run laps in front of the other kids and forced me to beat up my best friend. The younger middle brother was gay and was staring to act differently. He was beat up on the playground, more like the hunting ground, everyday. The oldest one came out OK but the younger brother could have easily become a kid that would shoot all his class mates now. His bullying and teasing case was probably the worst I have ever seen. The 3 of us hated school.
Now you have to remember that I never had any guidance and was starved for anyone to pay attention to me. I had no explanations of sex except “Don’t’ have sex with boys” and when I was trying to tell my Mom that I got my period, she yelled saying. “I am not driving you anywhere!” I cried and ran away. When I was a Freshman in High School and about 14 years old, there was a group of boys that were Juniors (2 years older). This group of boys knew me from grade school and though I would be a great target for their sexual explorations. One boy pretended to really like me and I did not know how to handle it. Because I was so afraid to loose that kindness that was being show to me by that boy, I gave in to sex and lost my virginity and was dumped shortly afterwards. It was a terrible experience. There was another boy in the group that I fell madly in love with and desperately wanted to have as a boyfriend. He did take me out a few times and was getting frustrated that I would not give him what his “friend” got. One weekend afternoon we took a drive with another couple. There was a boy and girl in the front seat and I was in the back with him. We stared to kiss and when I refused to comply with his wishes he raised his fist and proceeded to rape me in that back seat while the two in the front did nothing to help me. THEN, to add insult to injury they all went to school the next Monday and had me marked as the school SLUT! After that, I was never asked to one dance by one boy that went to my school. Not to mention the teasing and isolation was at an all time high. I remember a violent outburst I had in class one day after I just couldn’t take it anymore. I screamed “All of you low life small minded evil people are going to pay someday for what you did to me and my brother!”. The principal and I were well acquainted. I decided to defy all of them and got all As and went on to college. I also made friends from other schools. At 17 I left that small town never to return.
My brother did become a member on MENSA, a certified genius and was able work for a few years as an engineer but all the abuse caught up with him. Today he is pumped up on so many drugs that he is unable to focus or work and is going on disability. He has attempted to kill himself several times. I’m not sure if I could ever forgive those monsters. It would take a formal apology from those schools for me to even think about it and that will never happen.
Who do I blame? I blame the school first and foremost for forcing my brothers and I to go out on the playground for recess when we did not want to. They knew what was happening and chose to do nothing. I blame the parents for not getting a grip on their cruel kids, even when the school occasionally notified them. I also blame ALL of the kids that stood there and watched my brothers and I be tortured day after day and even be raped and did NOTHING!
How many more massacres is it going to take for us to start paying attention to this terrible problem? I cannot do anything about the mental health system or about gun control but out respect for the innocent victims of the Virginia Tech Massacre and their families, as the leader of the War On Abuse Movement, I SURE THE HELL CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT BULLIESAND THEIR ACCOMPLICES!!! You can bet your bottom dollar I can and will! I am vowing right now to start a new child abuse battle dedicated to the awareness and prevention of schoolmate bullying and teasing. I will need officers for this? It is abuse and it need to be stomped out, PERIOD!
I am going to suggest training teachers to identify and act on this problem and for parents to become aware and find out if you’re their child is a victim, bully or an accomplice. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem!
For those guilty of instigating and committing these acts, proper punishment should be the following;
1st offence-parents called and detention where the child has to write 2 letters. One, on why they did it and two, an apology to the victim.
2nd offence-parents called with suspension from school and community service. 3RDoffense-expultion and transfer to another school.
Also, any physical assaults on or off school grounds should be counted as a misdemeanor with community service.
Any further assaults are already covered by the criminal justice system.
For those who stand by and don’t report the incidents to the teachers, please see 1 and 2 above?
I also will suggest a class to be given on how to handle teasing and bullying in schools. These kids need to be responsible for their actions. THE BULLIER OF TODAY IS THE BATTERER OF TOMORROW!
Please note; this is still a very sore wound for me and I did not have to white this so please do not post a reply here that will make me lash back? If you need to object, just be respectful? It took a lot for me to write this and it is only one of my many stories.
Shirley- Age 44
A house of secrets.
Here are my cridentials or life experiences, I have survived my parents divorce (age 2) my fathers death (age 9), Rape (age 11), near death experience and torture trauma (age 12), childhood sexual abuse (11-16), neglect, the loss of a child to adoption (age 14-15), a couple suicide attempts, Physical abuse, emotional abuse, Postpartum Depression, Graves Disease-Thyroid (age 19), 3 step fathers, victim of domestic violence, the loss of my best friend Maureen to cancer (age 26), Complete Hysterectomy (age 41) 3 divorces and the loss of many family members.
I lived in a home where "I Love you" was never said. No hugs, no emotional support or nurturing. Definately no trust. I can't really blame my parents as they did not have it growing up either. To my parents credit, I had plenty of food, clothing and a roof over my head when I was not running away from home. My parents were workaholics and gamblers. I definately DID NOT learn any parenting skills. They were not around much. I had access to credit cards and anything I wanted that could be purchased. I just wanted to be noticed and loved. I wanted to matter to someone. I needed to know I had value and there was a reason for being.
I was invisible.
I had no self esteem or self worth. I felt like the loneliest person on the earth. Still do. I spoke to no one about my feelings until I was in my late 20's and it was a psychiatrist. That is still the way it is today.
I don't have friends anymore other than here on myspace. This is by choice. I have a hard time with personal relationships of any kind. My own son won't even speak to me. Which hurts me every minute of every day. I am currently working in therapy to find a way through it. Everytime I see an new therapist, I get a new diagnosis.
Recently I have went through some new testing to get a grip on what is really going on. It seems to be easier to say what I don't have. I doubt I will ever be free of therapy as I strive to fix everything. I don't give up easily. Some have said that I need to accept some things as the way they are. Some days I want to give up but, the survivor in me says "hell no", I will find a way to fix it.
I now survive with Chronic Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), BiPolar II, Dissociation, ED binge eating and Borderline Personality Disorder. Those seem to be the constant and most diagnosed. This does not define who I am as a person. This is the illness not me. I am a work in progress.
I am an expert at loss. So, why not put my experience to good use. If I can offer support to just one person or provide a link, email or an instant message, then I know I survived for a reason. I believe that everything does happen for a reason. The only way to really understand what people are going through, is to have been there yourself. Well, I have been there and I SURVIVED. I have found great strength in living through it all. If I can do it, maybe others will find they can too.
Lynda - Age 43
Hello my name is Lynda I am 43 this is my life story. If I jump here or there, I am sorry. Hopefully you’ll understand.
I was born in Washington D.C. and raised in PA. I have one older brother. My parents are from W.Va. and my grandparents are from W. Va as well. At least that's how I've known them. I wouldn't change that in the world, I'll explain that soon.
My childhood life doesn’t have to many good memories except when I was with my grandparents. I remember my Mom being so angry all the time. I've never seen her happy. She took out her anger on me more than on my brother. I was physically and emotionally abused by my mother. Don't get me wrong my brother got abused too but not as much as me. I remember being left on the potty chair alone. I was left to go somewhere with my brother, I don’t remember where though but it was for a long time. I got smacked, punched and swung across the room. It seemed like I couldn't do anything right. My dad (adopted dad that raised me) was always on the road working, but when he was home he was the security blanket, I only recall once my dad raising his hand at my mom and that was to protect me from her. He knew I didn’t do anything. She had in fact done it herself and blamed me. That was the only time he ever raised his hand.
I started to give my parents a hard time by running away, skipping school and sometimes stealing. I was a slow learner and was an outcast in school. I got made fun of for everything. I tried to buy my friends using money I stole from my mom but that didn’t work. I wasn’t allowed to socialize. I desperately wanted to fit in. I started to gain weight and the tormenting and bullying became worse. Even my own brother didn’t help me. I had no one to turn to but my grandparents but they didn’t live nearby. My Mom and brother put me thru hell. It got so bad that I didn’t even feel the pain. I just stood there because I didn’t know how to fight back. Mom for blamed me for her difficult birth with me. I was also an unplanned pregnancy. I never felt loved or connected to her in anyway. My mom herself came from an abusive home. She didn’t know about it until I was little. She was removed as a baby and adopted by my grandparent. She carried a lot of anger towards her real family. My mother told me when I was 23 that I was adopted but she never revealed to me my father’s name. My brother knows who his dad is. It hurt so much to know that the man I consider my father isn’t really my dad. I will always consider him to be my Dad.
I ran away for the last time when I was 17. I didn’t go back for a really long time. Had I stayed with my mom I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I had to teach myself everything a girl should know. But with that came a low self esteem, fear and no confidence. I also had medical problems like seizures. I was never able to find the right medications. As a child I would stare into space not hearing anything around me. My grandmother used to tell my mom that there was something wrong with me but my mom would refuse to listen to her.
I was molested and raped by my neighbor for many years until I turned 13. I was also sexually abused by a family member. I couldn’t understand what or why they were doing this to me. The abused became so much part of my life that it consumed me to the point that I did not know that this was wrong. I became sort of a slut because that was the only way I knew how to love. I never told anyone about these ordeals until I was 16 but no one believed me due to my actions. After awhile they did believe me about the neighbor. I guess his granddaughter came forward. Nothing was ever mentioned about the neighbor again, but they still have a hard time believing me about the family member. I also got gang banged at a party I went to with my friend after drinking a few beers and whiskey.
My life kept getting more complicated. I got pregnant with my first son and I still don’t know who the father is. I became very close to a wonderful man I met at the time and he asked if he could give my son his last name. Good men like that are very hard to find. When Jeremiah was born I gave him my mans last name. Things just got worse. First Jeremiah wasn’t breastfeeding properly. I had to take him to the hospital because he wasn’t gaining weight. One night while I was holding him, I had a seizure. He fell out of my arms. The nurses said that he was alright but later I found out that he broke an arm and cracked a rib. I totally lost it. They wanted to take him away from me due to neglect. The last time I've actually seen Jeremiah was when he went to his foster home. He went to a very loving and caring home. I didn’t see him for a long time after that. When I called to find out if I can see him I was told about the closed adoption. I couldn’t see him anymore. I was really upset but by law I couldn’t do anything about it. It was probably for the best. My life wasn’t stable and I just hoped that Jeremiah had a good life and hopefully someday Jeremiah and I will meet. He will be 25 in May.
Anyway, I was living on the streets, drinking, doing drugs…etc… You know, my first drink was Jack Daniels. At 10 yrs old, my Mom found me passed out completely. I apparently almost died, but didn’t care. I kept doing it. I just got better at hiding it thanks to my brother. Speed, Mary Jane, and Cocaine became part of my life. I wanted all the pain to go away. I never knew how to get out of abusive relationships because that’s all I knew.
In 1982, I found a beautiful wonderful man. He was fun, loving, and one of the most caring men I’ve ever met. He treated me like gold. Then I found out I was pregnant. A few months into my pregnancy, he popped the question. I wanted to marry him, but before we could get married I had to tell him that I was cheating on him and wasn’t sure if the baby was his or not. After I’d told him, I think it broke his heart, but he stayed with me. His name was John and he was the love of my life. One day, in the early spring of 1984, John died suddenly from a heart attack. He was only 26 yrs old. After that, I lost my child. I later found out that the baby was his via DNA tests.
After that, I just didn’t know what to do. My life was upside down and I wanted to go back to my booze, drugs, bars, etc…I wanted the pain to go away. Once again I was brutally raped. I never did say a word. Then I met my husband in a bar. We were together for at least 2yrs, but it was an extremely abusive relationship. He had odd sexual fantasies that I would try to fulfill. He tried to cause bodily harm and when he did, he’d felt like he was fulfilled. We separated, but never got an official divorce.
But back to my son, Gregory. A little after his second birthday got sick. I was out all night before coking it up. Suddenly I saw his face turn blue I called the ambulance right away. His vomit had gone down into his lungs, depriving him of oxygen which caused brain damage. As a result, he became a Paraplegic with seizures and he also became blind. He was with me until he was 7. After that, his father kept my son away from me at least 13yrs of his life. In 2004 he called me, asking me if I wanted to see my son again. All I could say was “Duh you stupid fuck. Yes I want to see my son.” Little did I know, his father had planned to just drop him into my lap. My son had to relive that feeling abandonment again. All I could do was be there for him. He has been with me ever since. My son graduates this year. He is turning 21 in March. Even though we have our up and downs we are still getting to know each other. I love every minute of it.
Last but not least my life with the Man I am with now. First off we have beautiful daughter together she is 17 soon to be 18 in March. She is also having her first baby in March.
Her father David and I met on March 14 1989, downtown in my town at maple donuts shop. He had dated my girlfriend. She never told me anything bad about him. We started seeing each other and end up moving in with him because I got kicked out of my apt by my girlfriend cuz she was jealous of me. She kept everything I owned. I had to get a court order to get my things back. By that time most of my things were gone. At first things were going well buth then the drugs, and booze got in the way. Then the abusing started again. I was right back where I began, cheating and lying but I stayed with him. One day that after I was re-incarcerated and living at the halfway house I told him that I was leaving. He couldn’t handle it so I ran as quickly as I could. I had to pick up his sister but he got there first. I ran back to the car and raced to the halfway house. He wasn’t allowed in or to communicate with me unless I gave permission. That night he was in a car accident. That’s when he realized that he needed help and went to get it. It lasted a long time but eventually everything went back to the way it was. We would argue about stupid things all the time. One day he shot me with his gun. I was lucky because he missed me by a hair. He went to get help again. This time it worked. We made it work and we overcame our demons.
You see, my life was all about insecurity, low self esteem, thinking that I wasn’t a good person. I looked in all the wrong placea for love.
I remember back in January 1984 I saved 3 little girls lives from their father. He was molesting them. Then girls never said anything but everyone knew that something was wrong. The girls were 7, 5 and 2. Some how I got the oldest two to open up to me. It took a while but I knew the signs. I had them go to their mother’s best friend to tell her what was happening. When we first told the mother she didn’t want to believe it even though he tried something with me while my fiancé John (which you read earlier about) was sleeping. I felt something but didn’t think much about it. I looked over John and he was sleeping. I thought it was my imagination but then saw that he was in the room. I ran out and told his wife but she looked at me like I was crazy. She didn’t want to believe because she thought I may put this stuff in their heads. I told her to take them to the emergency room and she found out the hard way. That’s when she believed her girls. She had her husband removed from her house. She never told him why, only that she is getting a divorce and that he’ll never see his girls again. Later that day when I returned home with John we saw that the cops were there. We saw the father holding a gun to my friends head. The cops turned around to look who was coming and he grabbed me and held me at gun point too telling the cops to back off so that he can get to his wife. Somehow I got free and turned to him and told him that if he wanted to shoot someone he should let his wife and kids go and shoot me since I’m the one to blame. As he let them go he was caught off guard and the cops had him down. It was all over. The cops took him to jail. If I had to do it again I would. It was the only thing I’ve done right in my life.
If I really had a second chance to relive my life I would change everything else but my kids and saving those beautiful girls. As for the depression, I don’t know if I would have it or not.
There are people out in this world that have it way worse than me. I am still taking baby steps and probably always will to overcome all these mountains. This is my life so please don’t judge me. I'm not perfect and never will be. All I want is hope. There is help in this world you just have to ask for it.
Nancy - Age 57
Hi my name is Nancy. I am a 57 year old female survivor of child abuse and sexual assault. This continued into my adult years. Children live what they learn and become what they see every day as normal. I was born to teen age parents. Married and all the trimmings but unable to care for a newborn infant. I was shuffled from parents to grandparents, to aunts and to orphanages. I was starved and beaten. I had broken bones and malnourished, emotional battery of unrelenting and unbelievable horror. I was molested and then raped by my Father at about age 8 or 9. It is easier for me to remember in terms of how tall I was as opposed to age. I was molested by my cousin and brutalized by other cousins. I had two aunts. One of them was very kind. We'll call her Dottie. The other Aunt I still have horrific flashbacks and nightmares that wake me trembling in pain and grief. I never understood why she hated me so much, She does to this day and she is in her late late 80s or early 90s. When asked why she says I don't know why I hate you I just do, God forgive me I just do. I was a backward and dyslexic child, hyper and uncontrollable. We know this now as RADS reactive attachment disorder. I have learned to control it. I even learned how to re order letters and numbers into their proper sequences. I am still hyper and have OCD as well as severe and reoccurring depression Post traumatic stress disorder that is based in reality and never ceases. I live in a movie. Kind of like a DVD except there is no pause, no rewind and no stop. It just plays over and over with no end. Although I function, I function in many different worlds. Something like multi tasking I call it time warp jumps from one life to another to another to another and all the time I am aware of this time and space. On rare occasions I am slammed from one to another without warning. I stay in counseling and I take medication. They help but they do not cure. So I started my sites with my daughter as my partner and we work tirelessly to assist others in the same situation. We are happy to share our addresses are and our group is end the pandemic we too encourage your input there are many of us. Always remember I am one. We are many.
Carolynn Williams - Age 33
My name is Carolynn Williams. I am a 33-year-old mother of three. Of the three only one lives full time with me. I live in Cascade, Idaho just an hour north of Boise, Idaho. I moved here this summer in July. I love it here. Cascade is nestled in the mountains and just outside of town is a fantastic man-made lake. I found one side to be sandy with pine trees and a fabulous view of the mountains. I have come home to my roots and am becoming the person that I was destined to be.
I was born in Salmon, Idaho and lived in a little town called May, Idaho. My father died when I was 8 years old. After trying to make it for a year, my mom moved to Boise. We had to move because in that country you need to be able to go out and get your food and wood. There is not a supermarket within a mile or so. I moved to Boise when I was in the third grade. I hated it. I longed for the mountains and my home. My mother loved Boise so that is where we stayed. I grew up mostly in Boise and married at 17. I wanted out of the house and away from my mom. I met a fantastic guy and that is where my daughter came into play. Unfortunately, at 21, I decided that there was more life out their to live and left my husband. I had grown up protected and went wild.
My 20's were full of senselessness drinking, and painful memories. One not so painful memory is the birth of my second son. Knowing that I was not a responsible parent I consented to signing 80% of my custody to the fathers of my kids. Don't judge as my kids always had a roof over their head and they never woke up to drunks, parties, strangers or drugs. I did not do drugs, with the exception of an occasional Pot. I was ignorant of the effects of it on a person. I did not think that it was harmful. I was very wrong. However, I have not smoked it in nearly 10 years. As for the rest of the drugs, I never liked them. Thank God for me. I tried meth one time. I have no reason why. Personally the obsession with cleaning was just down right annoying to me. I hated that I could not focus and really do not see the hype in the crap. I went to Alaska twice. I loved it. I married a guy that turned out to be a real loser after spending a year with him in Maryland. Maryland was beautiful. There were way too many people for me. I moved back to Boise. I divorced him and moved on to another loser. Ah but this loser is the reason that I am who I am today and why I will become great. Well great being that I will devote the rest of my life to helping people. That is GREAT.
I spent seven years of hell with an abusive man that was incapable of loving me. I have a beautiful son that I love and hold very dear. I came to Cascade in order to escape from harm. It was here that God opened the doors to me with a job, apartment and friends. My son will start school this week.
Since we have been here we have lived. We have been Whitewater rafting, swimming, camping, picnicking, bicycling, and walking. I even learned how to ride a four-wheeler. The experience was truly empowering to me. I am all about empowering myself, and my son, family, and friends and any other down trodden soul I may come across. I was lucky enough to find a job that provided me with a place to live as part of my salary. I look out my window and see pine trees, deer, fox, mountains and to one side of me a large vast valley.
What happened to me to bring me here was horrific and scary. I made it through and with God will live as a survivor of domestic violence. I will not be a victim in life from this day forward. I refuse to take the role of a victim. What happened to me will not be the end of me but rather the beginning of a new person. I will not ever take the role of the victim again. I will not allow anyone to ever abuse me nor will I take for granted my life while on this earth. Though I am a fourth of the way through my life I intend for every day forward to matter and mean something to someone. I plan on going into some kind of advocacy not just for women and children of domestic violence but I want to be a voice for all the little guys out there. I want to stand up for what is right, and defend the weary.
I will do this I assure you of that.
Yudit Kohar
Well here it goes. I was a very happy girl when i was small. Like all children, you play and dance and dream. But on my 6th birthday my world was shattered. I was having one of the greatest birthdays a kid could have. I remember going into my house for some water and then the bathroom. when I came out I was asked by a family member to come and see something. I went....that was the most dumbest thing I did. But then again I was just a child. Well when I went this so called adult said they wanted to kiss me. I said "NO!" but then they blocked me from the door and they said that I could not leave the room till I did. I remember just feeling awkward and wishing someone would come in the house and save me. But no one came. This person continued to harrass me and then I just gave them a fast peck because I wanted OUT! But when I did that they grabbed me. They put their tongue in my mouth and I bit it. I was so scared. Then they said to let them do something else. I was so scared and they were wearing me down because I wanted to go outside from there, I wanted to be free! But I was like a bird in a cage with some ugly cat trying to get me. I dont know what happened next, but soon I was laying down on the edge of the bed and something was going inside me. I left my body, I think. I like left from there and went somewhere else. I NEVER wanted to be there and in my mind I floated away. When the jerk was done he let me go. I remember I ran. My underwear felt wet. But I was just happy to be outside and I did not know what had happened! I was just happy to be free. That night when my mom was taking me a bath I noticed she smelled my underwear and said "what happened" I said nothing, because I really didn't know what to say. But when I went to the bathroom it hurt and burned so bad. I just cried in the bathroom by myself. Then as I grew I didn't want to be a girl, I wanted to be a boy. I remember taping my breast down and cutting my hair short and wanting to look ugly. I thought if you are ugly then no one will rape you or even look at you. So I became a tom boy and I got fat. I wanted to be the most unattractive girl in the world. I was a special kid and was very gifted in the Arts. I played the piano and violin. I could draw and paint. But one day I told my mother what happened. I was older and had debated if I should but I though to myself.."That is my mother, so I should tell her." Well when I told her, she slapped me. She said I was a liar and I needed to quit saying lies! I was devestated. The person I trusted the most was not there. I had no one. So I went in my room and made a vow! I said that I would not only become ugly but hateful and that their was nothing to live for. I was an A,E,E student and I went to F,U,U student in a matter of weeks! I got into the punk rock scene because I could identify with the hate they were screaming. Then one night when I was about 16 I decide to kill my parents. I remember going into the kitchen and getting the knife and planning it all there in my mind. I got to their dorrway and then the strangest thing happened. The knife I was holding felt like a million punds and I was shaking and sweating! I ran to my room and the only thing I knew happened was that God was there and I felt him!! Even to this day I know it was Him! I remember then after that, that I looked up into the sky and said. "God if you are real, then prove to me you are. Because if you dont I am going to kill myself because I cant live this way anymore. Then when I would go to my gigs to see my bands, all the street evangelist would come up to me. I didn't want to hear what they said because I believed they were hypocrits. But then one day I was invited to a church and I said I will check it out. I will go with my crazy mohawk hair and see what they really think of me. When I went in I was ready to shock them, but they shocked me! They began to hug me and welcome me and it was so real! So genuine! I wanted that but I couldn't except that and I couldn't handle that! I ran from them toward the back of the building and saw an exit sign. I ran to the door and it was locked. I was fighting to open the door but it wouldn't open. I did not want to go through those people again. A women came out of the ladies room and said "are you alright?" I said no and that I wanted this door to open. She asked me to sit down and she began to tell me about Jesus. She first asked me why I was crying. I then saw this calender of Jesus carrying a lamb and said something very stupid. I said that the picture on that calender was making me cry. I dont know why I said that but I did. She then proceded to tell me about the shepards in Israel. How when a baby lamb is born, the shepards break it's legs. They do this and then they carry that lamb everywhere they go. They feed it and water it and sleep with it. And when their legs heal, that lamb NEVER wants to leave the shepard. She then told me "you are that little lamb and God has broken your hard heart. Now he is going to heal all your pain and when you are better you will never leave Him. You know I haven't yet. I havent wanted to leave Him at all! That night he took all my guilt and shame and washed me clean. He gave me a new mind and I do not think that way any more. I embrace my womaness now and I dont feel dirty! Now I help others of abuse and with suicide prevention. I was broken only to be made whole! Now I am happy and I have a great out look on life. Mind you life is still hard but I can make it and come through it too! Thank you Jesus! Thank you for letting me share my story. ~Yudi~
Izzy- Age 50
When in July 2001 Izzy Hammond was violently assaulted by her elder daughter, she could not have foreseen that she would have cause to be grateful for this brutal attack by her own flesh and blood. The incident proved to be the most unlikely catalyst in freeing Izzy from a secret shame, which had silently governed her life for over forty years. In Someone to Watch Over Me, Izzy is now able to reveal with admirable candor how, before she was finally able to break the cycle, the horrific childhood abuse she suffered at the hands of her birthfather cast a shadow over three generations of her family. Yet Izzy’s story is anything but one of bitter self-pity; it is one of the indomitability of the human spirit in the face of an evil, which affects all strata of society.
Abandoned at birth by her profoundly deaf parents Ronald and Emily, Izzy enjoyed an idyllic early childhood in the charge of her Aunt Alice and Uncle Jack, whom she has since regarded as her ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. But shortly after her seventh birthday Ronald made good his repeated threats that she be returned, snatching her from her mum’s house while her dad was at work, so that she could now work for her birthfather selling his home-made wicker baskets door-to-door. Her mum’s attempts to have her returned were met by insurmountable opposition from all in authority, from the local vicar to the headmaster and the social services.
The physical abuse of Izzy in the form of savage beatings began almost immediately, as Ronald switched his all-consuming desire for control from his wife to his daughter. Alice was also encouraged to punish Izzy, who could then expect to be punched by Ronald if her birthmother had not punished her sufficiently. By the following year the cycle of sexual abuse had begun, after Izzy was forced to perform acts on her birthfather whilst Alice was out one evening. The descendant of a long line of vicars, Ronald drummed into Izzy that her actions were those of an evil child. It was a type of verbal bullying Ronald would use time and again, such as after the first of what became nightly visits to Izzy’s bed to rape her, starting when she was just eight years old.
After three years of such abuse Izzy began self-harming, and she made her first suicide attempt at the age of eleven, by trying to slash her wrists with her father’s razor. She was made a ward of court and placed in a children’s home before being fostered by decent but distant careers. However, we are all subject to the eternal quest for love and affection, and for Izzy these emotional responses had already become tainted and confused by her experiences. When a local lorry driver began to show his affection she responded willingly to his sexual advances, simply because she did not know she was allowed to refuse and he was the only person in her life at that point to show her any semblance of kindness. These incidents soon came to light, but still the social services never questioned why a girl of eleven was sexually active. Instead, they returned her to Ronald and Alice, where the abuse at the hands of her birthfather resumed until she was placed once more in the children’s home.
Convicted of petty theft, Izzy was sent for three years to an approved school, where the threat of bullying loomed large on a daily basis. On one occasion she could only stand and watch helplessly as she witnessed a young girl raped by the head girl using a hairbrush, whilst the housemother looked on impassively from the doorway. Izzy feared she would be the next victim and escaped with her friend Mel, only to be picked up by a seemingly friendly old man who lured them to his home before raping both girls as ‘payment’ for not informing the police of their whereabouts.
Izzy and Mel escaped to London, where they stayed with Mel’s friend Brian. So deeply ingrained in Izzy had it become that her body was merely currency that she didn’t object to keeping Brain or his visiting friends’ beds warm as payment for their board and lodging. However, one night while Brian was away three strangers arrived at the house, and Izzy and Mel were subsequently drugged, abducted, beaten and gang-raped during a five-day ordeal from which they narrowly escaped with their young lives. The incident became yet another horror Izzy would try to suppress mentally for many years to come – a secret shame from which she ultimately could not hide.
Izzy was pregnant when she gave herself up to the authorities, but rather than send her back to the approved school they placed her in a mother and baby home, where she gave birth to her first child, Heidi. Despite being just 15 herself, she refused to give her daughter up for adoption. After a forced return to Ronald and Emily she realised both she and her baby were in danger, so she left after securing a position as a live-in housekeeper. A relationship with her older boss Steve ensued, and in such a seemingly secure environment Izzy envisioned a fairytale ending with their marriage, when she was seventeen. However, Steve was to become the first of successive partners who felt they could manipulate Izzy, their prey, much in the same way as her birthfather Ronald had done. After the marriage Steve’s sexual demands changed, with the threat that Izzy could always be sent home if she did not comply. These demands degenerated to the point where Izzy was once raped by one of her husband’s friends as he watched, and she was driven to her second suicide attempt. For in her mind she deserved her treatment, as she was still the ‘evil child’ Ronald had always told her she had been.
A Irish man by the name of Sean, who was a regular at the pub where Izzy now worked, seemed to be the answer to her prayers as she responded to his kind words. Following her divorce from Steve the pair was married, and Izzy soon gave birth to their son, Alex. But Sean’s true nature, that of an aggressive and possessive drunk, was rapidly being revealed as his heavy drinking spiraled out of control. As her marriage to Sean crumbled Izzy fell for the charms of Dave, a handsome older man who seemed to possess all the qualities Izzy was searching for. When she fell pregnant with Dave’s child after they had moved in together Izzy believed her chance of happiness had finally been presented to her, especially after their wedding. But in her quest for happiness Izzy had failed to spot why her elder child Heidi had become increasingly uncontrollable. Not only had Heidi become aggressive towards her mother, she was also violent towards her brother Alex and, later, her younger sister Megan. The increasing resentment Heidi felt for her mother meant the seeds for their confrontation in 2001 had already been sown, and the repercussions of the influence of Izzy’s birthfather Ronald spanned another generation.
Heidi was not the only benchmark by which the affects of Izzy’s childhood abuse could be judged. Having finally fallen in love with Douglas Hammond, the man who would ultimately prove to be her rock in this stormy sea, Izzy felt her past catching up with her as she became increasingly unable to express the love she felt for him, whilst the lives of Heidi, Alex and Megan seemed to serve only as proof that all of her children were following her own well-trodden path – one peppered by violence, drugs, alcohol and bad relationships. It was a situation Izzy had become acutely aware of and which further fuelled her sense of self-blame and shame as far as her own life and the lives of those closest to her were concerned.
Whilst Izzy accompanied Douglas on a posting to Cyprus, she was unexpectedly put in touch once more with her birthparents Ronald and Emily, now living in a home for the elderly. It was 14 years since their last meeting. And through correspondence she finally built up the relationship with her natural mother that had been denied her as a child – in no small part owing to the fact that Ronald’s health meant his psychological grip over his wife had finally weakened – only for Emily to pass away before the chance of a reunion. But fate decreed Izzy would still meet Ronald one more time, for, having returned to the UK and embarked on a sign language course, she was now armed with the necessary skills to confront her childhood tormentor. During this emotive meeting Izzy had the opportunity to express whatever feelings she felt towards this man. Instead she ended it by kissing his shrunken form goodbye, a show not only of her compassion towards someone who had never shown her any in the past, but also that, just perhaps, she was finally on the path to regaining control of her own life, a life free from the demons which for so long had haunted her.
But it was by no means a straightforward path. When Izzy was present at a row between her two daughters, Heidi suddenly and unexpectedly turned her invective towards her mother. A lifetime’s frustration on Heidi’s part manifested itself in a vicious attack during which Izzy was punched to the ground, and only Megan’s intervention prevented more serious injury. Was Izzy, after all, the truly evil person Ronald had always accused her of being, for her eldest daughter to attack her in such a way? Having discussed her injuries with her doctor, and following the subsequent panic attacks and mood swings the attack had brought on, Izzy was referred to the Priory Hospital. Here it became apparent that the vague suicidal thoughts, hatched in the breeding ground of her own private shame which had plagued her throughout her life, had started to formulate into a definite plan. Yet such a dramatic realization actually served to strengthen Izzy’s resolve: that she would defeat once and for all the spectra which hung over her life.
Izzy was diagnosed with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, but with the staff’s careful guidance she gradually brought each painful memory to the fore, relearning with each incident that it had not been her fault after all, that she had indeed been the victim. And now it was time to put the past firmly where it belonged – in the past.
Her relationship with Hiedi, however, remained distant until a family get-together, where she spotted her daughter on the fringes. Izzy remembered how, in her rage, Hiedi had stated how she’d always felt left out and unloved, and in that moment she was to Izzy the embodiment of that statement. Without hesitation Izzy walked over, took her daughter’s hand and led her to the side of the room where her family congregated. Hiedi’s actions had opened the floodgates to Izzy’s lifetime of hurt and now Izzy was tending to the final wounds her birthfather had inflicted over the years.
As Izzy herself says, ‘Although we must be responsible for our actions in life we are not responsible for the hand we are dealt. All we can do is our best with it; we cannot carry the shame of other people on our shoulders.’

My Interests

Many Voices
Words of hope for people recovering from Trauma and Dissociation.

National Center for PTSD
THE PTSD Information Line at
[email protected]

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Break the silence, Make the call

Survivors of Abuse in Recovery, Inc.
Non-profit org. to provide mental health services for those who are affected by sexual abuse

Trauma Support
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Self Help
When your Therapist Screws Up!

Survivors of Mother - Daughter Incest
Making daughters safe again

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Survivor Stories

Zivia - Age 23
Hi everybody! Just wanted to tell you a little bit about myself for those of you who don't know me. My nickname is Cheebeez, that's what all my friends call me :) I am a 23 yr old Medical Assistant from NY. Always the biggest nerd in school... graduated top of the class and made the national honor roll. Before all of those accomplishments, I grew up in a very crazy unstable environment. My parents seperated when I was 5. Shortly after that, my father re-married and my mother's new boyfriend moved in with us.
Didn't like that guy much. Thought he was wierd. Always telling me that he loved me more than he loved my mother, always buying me presents and looking at me in a strange way. One day, my sister and I were at my grandma's house. We loved going there b/c we knew that our grandmother would keep us safe no matter what. We started talking about everything that was going on in this short period of time and we'd mentioned how my mothers boyfriend Damien was being with us. She started asking us some more questions; wanted us to be more detailed about what was going on. From her reaction, we knew something wasn't right. She decided to tape everything that we were saying. She gave us dolls and told us to explain how he was with us, so we did. Sometime after that, my dad picked us up from my grandmother's house for the weekend. We were really excited being that we hadn't seen him in a bit. We went into the new house, jumped up and down on the beds a little and had a ball that weekend. On sunday, my mother was supposed to pick us up, but she didn't show. She'd left a mes. on my father's answering machine simply saying "Take them. I don't want them."
The next thing I knew, I was starting a new school, in a new neighborhood, with new parents, new friends, a new name, a whole new life... I had a lot of trouble communicating how I felt so I would just cry. I would cry for hours and hours. Finally, my stepmother decided that it would be a good idea to punish me by locking me in the basement. She left me there while she went to watch T.V. She enjoyed abusing us for some reason; pushing us down the stairs when we were bad, she once grabbed my arm and swung me into the glass coffee table in the living room. My sister and I had stopped eating at that time. It was our responsibility to make our own dinner (T.V. dinners) and lunch for school. (I, at seven yrs old, also had to do the laundry and the dishes after school.) After a while, we got really tired of it and just stopped eating all together. When the school noticed that I'd been losing weight rather rapidly, wearing small clothing, and not really wanting to pay attention to the other children in school, they called ACS. Two police officers came and searched the house. Shortly after that, we were brought back to my mother's house. Her boyfriend was still living there and my sister and I continued to be molested by him for a few more years.
I AM A SURVIVOR! Sometimes I feel like I'm doing great, and other times I feel like I want to die. I self harm, have an eating disorder and depression. I feel so insecure and so many emotions at once and I know that I can't be the only one out there who feels this way. So I started this group for us, the survivors of abuse, to be able to share our stories and accomplishments. To learn how to live a normal life and to learn how we are supposed to be treated and how we should treat others. I don't know about you, but this is something that I struggle with daily. So please tell me your thoughts, how you feel, how you can help, and how you intend to cope with your feelings after surviving the trauma that you have been forced to endure?

Trace - Age 43
Once upon a summers day
It was about 3pm on a sunny afternoon, during the summer holidays when my Mum asked me to go to the local shops for a paper. I had a £5 note my Mum told me I had to take my little sister Sharon with me she was going to be 3 in about 6 weeks time, I had just had my 8th birthday. Mum said we could have some sweets but I had to hold on to the change tightly, so we walked down to the local shops, which was just down the road. When we got there I picked up the paper and got some sweets for Sharon, and me the lady said I had a lot of money. So she kindly put the change and the paper in a plastic bag and said be very careful with that go straight home, but Sharon wanted to go back home through the park, so I said we would have to be quick because mum would get angry if we were too long. So I said she could have one go on the baby slide then we were to go straight home, she skipped up the road to the park. I was close behind, holding on to her reins that Mum had put on her before we left because Sharon used to run off if she didn't have them on.
We went through the park gates the woods were to the left of us they scared me because my friend said it was haunted in there! Cheryl was 10 and she knew everything about the area and we had only lived there for about a year. As we walked up towards the slide there was a man, we later discovered he was 23; he sat on top peeling blood oranges with a knife. I said to Sharon that we had better leave the slide and go home but she started screaming and kicking the slide, shouting "I want a go", So I said "excuse me, my sister wants to go on the slide" he said no, so I replied that he was too big for the baby slide! So he said "send her up then". We were waiting for him to slide down, but he continued to sit there, we went up the slide and he was making me scared he had a funny look in his eyes. I knew he lived near our house so when we got to the top, I asked again for him to go down the slide. Suddenly he grabbed Sharon and she started crying, I said, "let go of my sister", then he put the knife to her throat. He said do as he said or he would cut her throat and she would be dead! I started crying and begged him to let her go but he wouldn't, he said to me "do what I say", and his voice changed to a nasty evil scary voice. He made me walk down the slide and said I'd better, wait, I was so scared about what he would do to Shaddy (that was her nick name). I said, "Please don't hurt her", I saw blood on her neck. He told us to walk towards the woods he made me walk in front of him; I kept turning round to see Shaddy and she was shaking from head to toe.
There was some kids playing in the trees, he said "if you make a noise she is dead", I was too scared to breath, then he pushed me though some bushes and he came with Shaddy then I saw something strange on the ground he said "That's my den", there was pieces of corrugated iron laying on the grown. He lifted it up and put my sister in the 6-foot hole that it hid beneath the iron. She started crying, he said, "shut up and go to sleep". She was sobbing in the corner of the hole so he covered the hole with the pieces of corrugated roofing again in an attempted to hide her cries. He told me to put the sweets money and newspaper on the floor near by the hole, and then he stripped me and raped me repeatedly. Three maybe four times before throwing me down the hole, bleeding and in pain. He told me not to make a sound or he would come back and kill us both. I sat there naked and sobbing quietly as I didn't want him to come back, how's past by and then I heard someone coming.
My little sister was screaming as she was afraid of the dark, suddenly a figure appeared above us and lifted the corrugated iron roofing. It was a man and at first I was terrified he had came back to fulfill his promise of killing us. Instead I heard a man's voice saying don't move and he threw, what turned out to be a coat down to me.
Then after what seemed hours I heard sirens and the sound of people running, police and my mum and dad and ambulance men surrounded the hole. I sobbed with relief as my dad wrapped a blanket round me and carried me away and my mum carried my little sister. We had to go to hospital to be checked over, he had done damage to me! I had to be stitched up inside and out. My sister had a paper stitch on her neck and all I wanted was to go home! I knew who that man was and knew where he lived! My dad wanted to take it into his own hands, but the police told him to stay away, I had to identify him as he was being arrested! The police questioned me and they hunted the woods for my clothing but they couldn't find it all. To this day they have never found my trousers, pants and one of my shoes! They took the rest for evidence!
He got 2 yrs for what he did to me! We moved shortly afterwards into a bed and breakfast! While the house was getting sold, I can't believe that after all these years it still haunts me like a horror film!
We never went back to the house my mum and dad's friends packed our things away and put them in storage, but I'm glad I can speak about it now.
My youngest daughter is now 10yr old is a lovely friendly little girl and I feared something could happen to her. It was because of her I have spoken about it for the very first time since I told the police and counselors what had happened to me. She is such a wary child now and only speaks to people we know. But I've had to also tell her that most people know who their attacker is, I've not scared her, I have only told her what I thought she needed to keep herself safe.
No one should have to go though what Sharon and I did that day and every time a child goes missing I always fear the worst. People didn't understand why I got so upset to hear that someone had been hurt or killed! But, they do now; let’s hope I can lay the ghosts from the past to rest now I've spoken about it.
I've read many books about child abuse and cruelty to children we never should have to go through any torture of any kind but sadly there are people out there that love hurting children, they are very sick people and do not deserve to be let out of prison ever!
5 ½ years ago I was diagnosed with an inflammatory disease called Becthets, because of this disabling disease I am very isolated and in constant pain!
Well you have read my story and after reading about what happened to me and my sister, I would like to urge you as parents, carers, anyone who is in charge of young children. To never let your children go to the shops on their own! I lived through my ordeal and so has my sister and its made me a god fearing parent and cautious! As a parent to love and protect your children is essential as if they were as precious gems. As without your protection, they are walking prey to anyone out seeking a victim or victims, please don't let them go through what we went through. I am scarred for life! I have been given a life sentence this will haunt me for the rest of my life, my assailant only served 2 yrs for the vicious attack on me.
My sister luckily has no real memory of the events on that fateful summer day! Please, never say it will never happen because, "it does happen, I no I was there"! So if you love and cherish your children please be aware there's a child attacker closer to you than you think!
I hope that my story can stop even just one child going through what I went through or worse I feel I've achieved something in my life that's worth holding my head high. For not many knew what had happened to the girl next door once upon a summer's day!
Please do something proactive this could be someone you love, lets create an awareness that removes the shame and the stigma of abuse and places it on the shoulders of the perpetrator where it always belonged.

Rev. Crazy Dougie - Age 47
It all began after the sight of seeing my hero and one and only sister get killed before my very eyes. My sister was hit by a speeding car that killed her right in front of our home. Not long after her death my uncle donated a field in her memories to make a play-ground for children. Well, we formed a baseball team and the coach formed his own private rape crew too. All my life I lived with the nightmare of being raped over and over again, but was unable to recall most of it because I went straight into heavy drug use from that point on until four years ago when I went clean. Even when I got older and was well into my adult years I was raped again. This time I was able to get on with my life and live again. The pain has cost me a life lived mostly alone. Sure, I have a family with two wonderful children, but my childhood was so over-run with horror that they never stood the chance of seeing the love I have so far down deep inside my dark soul. Trapped within rape, abuse and being raise by a mom and dad who where really not to far from children themselves I had no real examples of family, or life for that matter. Today I try to extend and help whoever crosses my path and to reach out and share that yes, men even men get raped, smashed around and left for dead, but we do survive Praise God we do.
-Rev. Crazy Dougie

Survivors Standing Strong- Age 40
I want to write a book about my life. I want my voice to be heard about the sexual, alcoholic abuse, abandonment from my parents and the different problems I have to live with each and everyday now- Borderline personality disorder, Bi-polar, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. As embarrassing as it is I have very bad destructive behavior with my coping skills.
From the time I was 12 years old and all through my high school years, my first marriage, I thought that sex was POWER, MAGIC, and CONTROL. So women, if you are out there, I will share and we will talk. I am tired of hiding and feeling so alone in this pain. I have finally faced my demons and put them to rest. We are all “SURVIVORS STANDING STRONG”. I have come a long way. There are things I know I am going through right now that no one wants to talk about. It’s so shameful, but I feel that if we don’t talk about it we will keep doing it. It’s a cycle I want to break. It’s a story of a coping skill that I want to talk about which I need to share with other women that I know are suffering like me- other incest survivors. My goal on myspace is to be a support to other survivors and anyone else that suffers from post traumatic stress syndrome or bi-polar. I am a 40 year old incest survivor. My heart yearns to help others. This story is about the monster who separated my family one by one and raped me for 3 years, my handicapped sister when she was 5-8 years old, my niece when she was young, and god know how many more out there that are suffering by his hands that I don’t know about.
The abandonment that he put us through; Me in Arizona, my handicap sister in Nebraska, and my baby sister in Florida. He is the type of man you would give your last dime to. You would NEVER think he would do the things he did. But after being married 8 times he now remarried his first wife and has never paid for any of the crimes he did to us. It sickens me that he walks among us, talks among us and nothing can be done. Since I do know that he is still doing his sick deeds I just pray that he gets caught and gets punished, if not for the crimes against us them for something else. Any justice will be fine just as long as he is off the streets where he can no longer hurt another child. I have witnessed so much in my early childhood years that molded me and I had to learn coping skills some of which I wasn’t very proud of.
My real father played Russian roulette with me and my baby sisters one evening. All I knew was that my dad had a gun. I was 4 years old. My mom was crying and my dad was yelling again. I had no idea that one or all of us could have died that night.
I will write more as I get stronger. My mom, dad, and stepfather were all alcoholics and their abuse has scarred me for a life time. I am still working on healing from that today.
So here I am and I will talk if you would like about the different problems I have to cope with daily. My sexual addiction is just as bad to deal with as a drug or drinking problem. I need to add that my husband has been a wonderful support through all of this. I couldn’t have asked for a better support system with him. (Thanks Baby!) I am happily married with 8 children and 2 grandkids. When I have a panic attack, sometimes it makes me feel like no one really loves or accepts me. I feel like I want to stay isolated and that I don’t deserve happiness. I should see the love and the happiness but I fight my own self. That affects my husband and my children. My life will be over before I see I have happiness right here in front of me. My head is my worst enemy!! I want to write my story to help others who I know are going through this same mess. Maybe just maybe it will give me that peace to know that I am not alone and then it will help each of us to share with one another!!!!!

Kelly- Age 49 Here is my story:

I was a battered wife. The thing is, I didn't know I was, for he never actually hit me in the face. He did everything but, and I have no front tooth because of him, but he never hit me with his fists. I was abused in every way for nine long years. We had everything: a wonderful family, five children, a beautiful home and thriving careers. We were young and had everything to look forward to in our lives. The abuse was so bad and there was never a reason for it. Finally, I hired a marriage counselor, that didn't work, then psychiatrists, that would only backfire on me, and finally, when I couldn't take it any longer, a divorce attorney. He dragged me through the worst divorce ever that lasted for years. My attorney walked out on me, he kept abusing me and no one could make him stop. I had a mail campaign going to three judges, the city attorney, and the police begging for help. No one answered my pleas. He drove me to a nervous breakdown. I was on the verge of murdering him just to stop the abuse and gain peace in my life. God heard my prayers and saved me. I built an altar in my bedroom for battered women, and vowed to Him that I would help battered women for the rest of my life if He would help me.

It's been eleven years now. I spent over six of them writing my incredible book. I am happily remarried to a wonderful man. In the aftermath of my divorce, I went to jail, went to a psych unit and lost everything. I lost my children, my home, my career, almost my life. If it hadn't been for God stepping into my life, this woman would be behind bars for the rest of her life for murder. I now have everything back, but I did not forget my vow. I am an activist for battered women in Great Falls, Montana and am doing everything to educate the world and solve the huge problem of domestic violence.

Angel Shadow- Age 40
I grew up in an environment of alcoholism. This environment was filled with physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, anxiety and most importantly....denial. We weren't allowed to discuss what went on in our home. It was to be swept under the rug, like the dirty little secret it was. I can't count how many times we had to silently put the house back together while my dad slept it off on the couch. I guess it was simply easier to pretend it didn't happen. I guess not acknowledging it, meant we didn't have to deal with it. But we did have to deal with it and not discussing it didn't make it go allowed it to continue.
I could start with the emotional issues domestic violence causes. Or the anxiety and panic attacks. The issues of trust and constantly being guarded. Always looking over your shoulder, waiting for the next bomb to drop. The effort to accept and least enough to move on and live a normal daily life. I could start with the importance of breaking the cycle, so this doesn't move on to the next generation. Or the importance of releasing the anger and becoming a productive human being. These are all important topics that need to be addressed and I will try to include them all.
Or I could start with some of my own personal experiences. The constant physical fights. The yelling and screaming. The broken "things." Being picked up by the throat, while my mom stood by and did nothing. Watching my mom get shoved through a kitchen window by the hair, pulled back through, and pushed out the door onto the porch. Then being told by my dad that if we tried to let her in, he'd shoot us. I could talk about the small travel trailer that was pulled from place to place, sometimes with no running water and illegally wired electricity. Relocating was a constant. There was no need to feel secure, because in no time at all, we'd be on the move again. I could discuss the countless times my parents left us with people we didn't even know; sneaking out when they thought we weren't aware. And there were times those people made it very clear that we were not wanted there. I could never understand how I could be placed somewhere I wasn't truly wanted. But it happened time and time again. I remember my brother and I spending some time on the porch because we weren't allowed to enter the house while the other kids got to have their bowl of ice cream. I remember wearing the same clothes everyday and let me tell you...other kids aren't afraid to remind you of it. I could also talk about the sexual abuse I endured from one of my dad's drunk friends when I was five years old. I could dwell on my mom's attitude of, "If I can't beat him, I'll join him." And how she spent her share of time on the bar stool beside him, while we were left at home alone, probably because no one would take us for the night. And of course, there's my mom's denial and how, "Her kids always came first." I get physically ill every time I hear her say it.
I started taking care of my sister when she was a baby. I was ten years old, and had no idea how to care for an infant. I recall the first time I was left alone with her. I stood out at the end of the driveway, looking up the street, begging them to come back. That was the day something shifted in me. I became hard as survival issues kicked in. When my parents would conveniently find a different sitter for the night, I always seemed to run them off. I literally had babysitters walk out on me, because I made their experience with us a living hell. Who did they think they were, coming into my home and telling me what to do? Thinking they could take care of my baby sister better than I could. I've been handling things just fine, thank you very much. I certainly didn't need them. Over time, my mom told me since I kept running them off, I would just do it on my own. Like I hadn't been doing that already. My sister wouldn't respond to anyone but me what good were they? Bye-bye...see yah later!
I was never shown how to change a diaper or make a bottle. I guess it was assumed I would figure it out. After all, they would only be gone "a couple of hours." What could possibly go wrong? But those couple hours always turned into a day long event, usually extending into the early morning hours, which would end with them coming home in a fight. Do you realize how scary it is to a ten year old child to be left at home alone, with an infant, especially when it gets dark? We rarely had a phone, so I never had any way of checking in to see when they'd be home. I was forced to learn to deal with it.
These few examples I've shared are only the tip of the iceberg.
The emotional issues from domestic abuse could fill a book and there is no way I can cover them all in this article. The programming that comes from living in an abusive household is devastating to the human mind. In order to survive, the mind has to adapt and it becomes programmed to work in a certain way. It remembers everything and protects against danger in ways we still don't understand. The human mind literally has the ability to protect itself and it does this by altering what we think, which effects the way we see things. When our programming changes the way we think, it also effects the way we feel because the mind and body are tightly connected. What effects one, effects the other. Emotional abuse is one of the hardest to overcome because of the programming done to the mind. You can reprogram the mind to think and operate in a different manner, but it takes time and a lot of hard, heavy and deep soul searching, which is hardly a walk in the park.
Anxiety and panic attacks are also experiences that come from abuse. In most cases, the attacks are chronic because the mind/body are used to working in fight or flight mode. When the mind is trained to live this way, it will continue to do so, even when there is no reason for it. It simply doesn't know any different. I've been experiencing anxiety since I was five years old and it wasn't until a few years ago, I finally figured it out. I still get anxious from time to time, but I've learned to deal with attacks.
Growing up in an abusive environment made me hard, guarded and non-trusting. You'll never see me cry. It doesn't mean I don' just means you won't see it. I view life differently and I respond to it differently. I don't drink. How could I? Drinking is what caused my childhood to be the way it was. The thought of putting alcohol in my system makes me physically ill and brings on anxiety instantly.
I've had to overcome serious trust issues. How could I possible believe what you tell me? You're not really going to be there for me, so I simply won't count on it. I've learned to survive and I can take care of myself. I've learned to accept certain things and I've learned to forgive. I've done this for ME. Not for my parents, not for the bullies I encountered, not for the other adults who treated me less than the trash in their garbage...but for ME. For my own sanity and well-being. For my own piece of mind. I'm happy with the person I've become and I've become that person on my own.
I decided a long time ago, I would not remain a victim and I would not become a product of my environment. I decided I would forgive as much as I could. Does that mean the circumstances I encountered were justified? Not for a second! Does that mean that to this day, I think it's alright that my parents have to make a nightly stop in the bar on their way home? Not a chance! Where do I place blame? With my father, who didn't know how to stop? With my mother, who allowed it to happen? I feel they both should be held responsible. But I'm no longer a victim of their circumstance. Their life is their's to live as they choose. I simply choose to move in a difference direction. I decided the cycle stops with me. It will not be passed on to the next generation that I brought into this world. Which means my kids won't pass it on to their's and nothing makes me happier! At least I can sleep at night knowing that.

Heather- Age 22
I was born in June of 1985 and from the moment I was born my life was a mess. My "father" wanted a boy but I turned out to be a girl so he hated me for it. As I grew up he always told me how he wanted a boy and how I couldn't be involved with anything he did because I was a girl and everything he did was "guy stuff". Anyways, I was probably 10 or so when the abuse began. At first it was just emotional and mental abuse but it slowly turned into physical abuse. I remember times when I'd been hurt so badly that I couldn't sit down or lay on my back because of all the welps and bruises. My mom knew of the abuse but did nothing to stop it because she herself was afraid of my dad. I don't blame her because I'm glad none of the hits were inflicted on her. Well, when I was 16 I'd been beaten so bad one night that I had to be admitted to the hospital. After that day my father quit hitting me. I never forgave him though, and probably never will. I suffered so badly emotionally because of the abuse that I began self injuring {which I still battle with}. When I turned 18 I began seeing a man that was a family friend. Everything was good at first and I truly thought he'd be the man I married. Things took an awful turn when he started emotionally abusing me. He controlled everything I did. If I left the house he had to go with me. I was trapped. He always told me if I left him he'd kill me. Well, one night we got in a fight and he choked me and punched me in the face. I left and he followed me. I got to my sisters house and he grabbed me by my hair and drug me down the road. He began beating me and kicking me. I made it to a payphone and called the police. He was arrested and he went to prison for a few monthes. He got out recently and he came to visit me but I got a restraining order agianst him and haven't seen him since. I've been dealing with the affects of my abuse as best I can. I've got an amazing fiance now and lifes been going pretty well. I suffer from some mental disorders but I have medication and its getting better.
There's my story. Thx for letting me share. Heather

Lori- Age 39
I grew up the oldest of two children in what APPEARED to be the typical white bread country family. Two parents, two kids, cute little brick house...the whole nine yards. What nobody knew was the emotional and physical torment that went on behind those walls.
My dad had and continues to have numerous psychological problems which haven't been treated appropriately even to date. Unfortunately for me, he seemed to blame me for a bunch of them. Two weeks after I was born, my dad was hospitalized because he was JEALOUS of me. Emotionally, that always seemed to be something that was looming over my head. I never was quite good enough for my family, basically the blacksheep. My sister on the other hand, was the apple of their eye, and did no wrong. Lots of words, and put downs, and basic emotional manipulation later, I'm still trying to get past some of those issues. Feeling when I was a kid was definitely out of the question. Feelings meant you would be punished, with either more words, or hits. The physical abuse was a bit more sporadic than the emotional, but it was still present. Until I was older, the physical abuse was hidden by lies, but now I'm realizing what was there. The one I remember the most was when I was about 3 or 4 yrs old and trying to spend time with my dad, and he got angry for whatever reason, and I ended up being basically tossed into the corner of a dresser drawer; knocking a gash in my forehead. I know there are more episodes there, but I think my mind and heart has buried them so deep, I guess as a protection mechanism.
I have in the last few years been realizing there may have been episodes of sexual abuse. That I know will come to me as I get stronger and will be able to deal with it better.
In time I know I will heal, and my mind and heart will come into align. Healing will come to all of us, when we allow ourselves first off to feel, no matter how painful it may, we need to allow ourselves to share what we've gone through.
Peace to all the survivors, Lori

Danielle- Age 23
I was dating this guy for a little over a year, during our relationship he became controlling. I left him in late September of 2006 I left my ex, in early October he sent me threats in emails and in text messages. He came to my home and threatened to assault me and threatened to kill me. I called the police on him for making harassing phone calls in late October early November, when he was threatening to send photos of me that he had taking to my custody evaluator if I didn't do what he wanted me to do.
On November 10th I was in my room I heard my screen door snap open and my front door open and close. I got out of bed and met my ex in the middle of my stairs. I told him he was not welcome and that he had to leave. As soon as I said that he punched my in my face, so hard that I fell to the ground unconscious, when I woke I was being pulled up the stairs, into my bedroom. He tossed me against my bed and started calling me a bitch and a fucking whore, telling me he was going to kill me. I was scared that he would kill me or hurt my child. He started my hitting, slapping, kicking me in my ribs, back and legs. He picked up my phone and said lets see how big of a tramp you really are, and started going through my caller id. While he was he was calling me a whore and a slut, and still kicking me. Once he was done going through my phone he broke it in to 3 pieces and throw it at me so hard that it cut a huge gash in my nose. After that I lost conscience again and when I came to this time I could hear my son screaming in his room, calling Mommy, mommy. My ex was standing over me getting undressed, his belt slapped me in the face and he took off his pants. I was lying on the floor of my room by my bed in a pair of panties. I closed my eyes and passed out, when I woke up again he was laying over me my panties were off and we were both naked. He forced his way ontop of me and forced me to perform oral sex. When I didn't open my mouth he hit me in my face until I did. He kept his hand around my neck and kept telling me to suck it, calling me a bitch, telling me he was going to kill me. After a few minutes he told me to swallow, when I tried to turn my head he hit me again and forced his penis deeper in my mouth. When he was done I rolled over closed my eyes and began to cry. I lost conscience and when I came to I was lying on the floor and he was in the corner of my room. I tried to move to get to my son and the pain exploded all over my body, I could barely breathe. He came back over to me he was fully dressed and began to kick me in the back and stomp on my ribs, and kick me in the head. He sat on my chest and started hitting my in my face, punching me calling me names and telling me I was going to die. I started praying Lord don't let him hurt my baby. Please God, save us. Make him stop. I asked him to stop, I begged, and he just kept hitting me over and over again. I passed out and when I came to again he was back in the corner of my room. I pulled my self across my bedroom floor to the door way and then pulled myself up using the stair railing. I tumbled down the stairs and into the living. I beat on the walls screaming "Please someone help us, He is going to kill me, Please someone save my baby." my ex came up behind me and slammed my face in to the wall. I fell to the ground and passed out.
When I came to again I could barely hear my son screaming he seemed miles away. I couldn't breathe and each step hurt more then the last one. I made it upstairs and found my second phone and called 911 and then hide in my hall closet, until the police arrived.
The Judge gave my ex a chance to speak to the court, and he did. He apologized to the court and then to me. He said he was sorry for the things that happened that night and for hurting me and for all the damage that he cause my son and I.

He served only 32 days of his 60
5 yr. Probation - No contact order for 5yrs.
Conditions of Probation:
*Stay of imposition of 1 yr. sentence
*60 days in jail - has to turn himself in on 4/11 by 8:oo am
*He gets a custody credit of 3 days for servicing before
*Psychological eval. per doctor
*Comply with medications order by doctor
*Anger management
*Maintain fulltime employment
*He is ordered to give a DNA sample for the felony board
*Restitution to be paid $1106.89
*A $150.00 fine and a surcharge of $78.00

I am still working with the state to make sure that he gets punished for any little volation. I want him to know that he didnt slience me, and that he cant.
Thank you for this site, I am able to stand tall today because someone else helped pick me up.

Debbie- Age 45
From the age of 10 until 13 I was molested by someone very close to me. No matter how many people I told I was always told to keep quite. I was even hit for telling on him. I learned to keep my mouth shut and take my punishment. I grew up and tried to get past it and move on, but i couldn’t. The more I kept it in the more I was hurting myself mentally.
At the age of 15 I called a number I had seen at the local grocery store wanting someone to baby-sit their 3 kids. The woman called me back and asked me if I was still interested in the babysitting ad. I love children so of course I said YES. Arrangements were made to pick me up one evening, so the married couple could go out and have a "date". Little did I know I was their date. They never took me to a home. They took me to some type of a business. They stripped their clothes off and had all ways of sex with each other while I was forced to sit and watch. i didn’t know where I was. I thought so hard about how to get out of there before he or she tried it on me. But I knew I couldn’t get out of there, I had already seen him lock the door with a key and he had the key on him! The phone had been unplugged and it was near them. I felt so scared and was so relieved when they were done and said "are you ready to go home" they even gave me money so other people would think I really did baby-sit their kids that night. When I got outside I took off running, I didn’t care if I never found my way home. I just wanted to find someone to help me. But that was shot down to. I found that I was inside of a high fence and no way out! When the woman caught up with me she found me on the ground crying and begging to be taken somewhere, anywhere but there. She grabbed my arms and brought me to my feet and told me what was about to happen to me was because I was a "special child". No matter how hard I kicked, screamed, begged and pleaded they wouldn’t let me go. They didn’t sexually touch me. They took me in the business again to watch the same sexual games again. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there and cried and kept my head turned, only to have the man get up from that couch and come over and make me turn my head that way. I gave in to their demands. The next 2 hrs I sat there and watched them have sex in every different way imaginable. When they were done she said "I'm tired let’s take her home" I got in the car with them and they dropped me off in front of my house. I went in crying and told my mom what happened she called the police but because I couldn’t describe anything I don’t think they were ever found.
At the age of 21 I found and attacked the person that molested me, I wanted him to feel the hurt he had and has put me thru. This I believe started the nervous breakdown and the "Bipolar" the shrinks claim I have. The rest of my life is spilled out in blogs on my profile.
Thanks for letting me share my story and Thank you for reading it.

Ellen- Age 43
I am longer "his babygirl" longer "his daughter"..a 43 year old woman that has finally been able to tell my story, first,to an internet friend that admitted she had been abused, and now, to a loving man that accepts me as I am, (what I had always believed to be "damaged goods"). I spent my life as a teen hiding behind drugs and one asked why. I made a decision that ruining my life in that way was allowing "him" to win. So, I quit. But it seems the damage followed every choice I made. I chose abusive boyfriends, addicts, alcoholics, those that always made me feel useless, dirty, and unloved. I felt I deserved no better. I spent years without memories, no recall of my childhood, and finally went into therapy to find out why. Why couldnt I remember things that were in family photo albums? No memories before being 12 years old, just pictures, as if I were seeing someone else's life. It was during my 3rd hypnosis session that it all came back, and I almost didnt. I was hospitalized for two weeks, medicated, and given intensive therapy. My father...the man that was to love and protect me....had raped me for years. He was a police officer! Sworn to serve and protect. He was a viscious, evil man, going so far as to rape me with his service revolver, or to place it in my mouth while assaulting me, telling me I was his "babygirl" the whole time. He was always abusive to myself and my brothers, punishment left bruises that lasted for weeks, broken bones, and teeth were lost, but this revelation changed me forever. I became a woman filled with nightmares, fear, and a feeling of loss for the child I should have been. I now stay in therapy for PTSD, and thank god for a wonderful man I met not too long ago, one who is willing to take things "at my pace"...understanding that my trust takes time, my heart is damaged, but his willingness to be there 'for me' has opened up a whole new world for for once, finally, I am making the choice for myself to pick the 'good guy', no addictions, and no abusive tendencies.. I am writing this to not only tell a bit of my story, but to let others know, YOU CAN SURVIVE!! There is help out there, just reach for it, take it, embrace it...and let it change your life, as it has mine.

Tracey- Age 44
I want to share with you the abuse I have been through most of my life. Well, when I was 13 years old I was raped by an 18 year old boy that I knew well. I was too scared to tell anybody but it still bothers me today. The boy got away with it. When I was 17 years old I married my first love (my kids dad). Everything was great until a few years after of being married. He was an alcoholic and verbally abusive. He only hit me 2 times but the verbal abuse was just as bad. I left him in 1988 and divorced him that year. My kids were 3 and 4 years old. Then a few months after my divorce I met another man named Ted. He was everything I thought I wanted in a man. We were together for 12 years and married for 7. Ted was a wonderful man and I was so in love with him. He too was an alcoholic and a drug abuser. Well, everything was great until a few years after we were married. I started getting blamed for everything and was called all kind of names like stupid, B---H and lots of other names. He always put me down. It wasn’t long before he started hitting me. He always told me he was sorry and that it would never happen again. Of course I believed him. The verbal, emotional and physical abuse got worse. Ted even threatened to kill me if I left or called the cops. Just about everyday he would come home and find something to beat me for. Nothing I did was good enough. I got to the point were I hated him more and more but was too scared to leave. Ted always hit me in the face, back, head and other parts of my body. Sometimes he would even do it in front of my kids. One night we got into a bad argument. He had a gun pointed at close range to my head. I told him to go ahead and shoot me. I didn’t care anymore. I was too tired of living like this. Things got a little better after I went and took out a TPO (Temp Protection Order). We got back together for a little while but then after a few months it started again. Ted would often throw me out of the house by the hair of my head even if I didn’t have any cloths on. He would throw me out the door and lock all the doors with my kids in the house. One night I didn’t bring the right food home from the fast food place because the got our order wrong. He beat me real bad one night and caused my jaw to lock. He said it was my fault that he hit me. I called his brother for help and that made Ted even madder and I got a bad beating.
Then in 1999 I was 26 years old I finally had enough. I didn’t care if he killed me if I left. So one day when he went to work I hurried and packed mine and the kids things and moved out. I never turned and looked back to what I was leaving. I was happy to be out of there. I never went back. Of course he called and begged me to come back but it didn’t work. My divorce was final in Oct. 1999.
Then in 2000 I met this very wonderful man who doesn’t drink or do drugs. He was my soul mate. Today, 7 years later, I am still married to him and much happier. My new husband has never hit me or called me names. He is my world. I thought for a while that I could never trust a man or be happy again. It took me a couple of years to find out that not all men are abusers. Well as of today I still have nightmares and think about all the abuse I went through. I even had to go to the doc a few years ago for depression because I had the abuse blocked out of mind. Then all of a sudden it all came back to me. I couldn’t even sleep. My doctor told me that people start unblocking things when they are the happiest and thinking of the past. I have severe health problems now. My doctor thinks it’s from all the abuse. I have a kidney stone disease and had to have many surgeries. For the past few years I also developed chronic back pain/arthritis. I have trouble walking, sitting and sleeping. I am also on disability for the rest of my life because I let him do this too me. As for my children they suffered too. They didn’t do well in school and had headaches and stomach aches just from watching their mom get hit all the time. The reason I stayed with him for years was so that my kids would have a place to live. That is not a reason to stay with someone like that. I have a message for all you people out there that are getting abused. GET OUT while you can. Don’t stay with someone just because of the kids. Don’t let them tell you that they are sorry and that it will never happen again. Well it does happen, and it only gets worse. I was the lucky one. I could have dies. My kids could have gotten hurt. I got to the point where I didn’t care anymore if he would kill me. I had to leave and I took the risk. I started my life over and found happiness. Also seek counseling. Have that abuser locked up so they won’t hurt you again. GET OUT NOW. I will always be scared and have bad health problems but always remember, it’s not your fault, it’s theirs.
God will take care of you and the kids. Just have faith. Please just start your life over. You deserve that. And you deserve happiness too. Your life is too precious to lose or be beaten up.
Seek help.

Claudine Dombrowski- Written by her daughter Rikki- Age 13

It all started the night of the dream, the dream when my life turned upside down and inside out.
I practically had a normal life. I had a mom and dad; I had two sisters and an annoying brother. I am 13 years old and my name is Kira.,
It was about 12 am and dead silence in the house. I was sitting up in my bed with sweat pouring down my face. I was just sitting there thinking about the nightmare I just had.
In the nightmare all I saw was fog and a person running through the house; it was like I was that person. It was like I was following a person. I heard my sister scream and saw her jump out of the way of the person. She was scared of him….her.
My other sister, mother and my brother were in the corner of the hall crying and saying to each other 'whatever happens I hope she doesn't hurt us'.
As the person or girl I should say walked into the dining room. I saw me. I was just laying there- barely moving. My father was in the room to but he left as soon as I entered the room.
"Kira get up or you going to be late for school again', my sister Lisa said annoyed by my sleeping in late.
She is 15 and always trying to act like mom. 'Kira get up now… Kiraaa..!"
'Fine, I'll get up' I yelled from underneath all my covers.
I didn't realize I had fallen back asleep. I looked over and looked at my alarm clock it was ten minutes till 7, I had plenty of time. I rolled back over and started to fall back asleep; I heard a crash and my mom yelled. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see what she was yelling. It turned out all it was, was the fog machine and fog was going everywhere just like in my dream.
Later that morning after I finished getting ready. My little brother Kyle was annoying my two sisters just like always; told me how mom broke the fog machine.
Then Lisa, Kelly, Kyle and I all went to school.
We all got home around three o'clock. That's when it all took a turn for the worst. I went into the dining room to do my homework, mom, Lisa, Kelly and Kyle were upstairs doing something.
I heard someone at the door and I went to go get it, Dad got there before me. As he opened the door some woman walked in and asked "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes' dad said quietly "yes, I am sure".
She pulled something out of her pocket and at the moment I knew what was happening, my nightmare was coming true.
'Nooooo' I screamed at the top of my lungs "How could you". Don't you love us..?
I turned to run upstairs to tell mom and everybody when, I hit the ground, that's it, I don't remember what really happened after that. I just remember waking up in the hospital with Lisa, Kelly and Kyle staring down at me. Tears were in there eyes.
"What's wrong?" I mumbled. Kelly took turns with Kyle telling me what happened. They told me exactly what happened in my nightmare. My sister Lisa was upset, "Well Kira… mom and dad.. well..I don't know how to tell you this, well…….…'Mom and dad..are dead." Kelly said as tears poured out.
The woman who came in and did all this, the one who killed mom and dad, tried to kill you along with them. They tried to stop her but she killed them in the process. The police said her name was Marie. 'She was a bank teller', Kyle piped in'
So dad must have hired her to do this.
"Why did she not hurt you guys," I asked weakly. "Well we were all upstairs in Kelly's room hiding" Lisa said as she sat down by Kyle.
"Oh, so she saw me, tried to kill me killed mom and dad instead and hurt me." So she'll come back and try to kill me to finish what she started. Right..? "
"I think so" the police said as he entered the room. We have been tracking her down, but we have not caught her yet. We need your help.
Within the next 24 hours, the police and my family- what was left of us, devised a plan to catch Marie. It was Sunday, July 24th. I was at the 'steak house'.
The 'steak house' was where we stayed so that when she came the police could arrest her.. before she finished off with me.
It was about 12 am. And I was sitting in my bed with sweat pouring down my face. I was just sitting there thinking about the nightmare I had just had. Dead silence in the house.
I heard some one at the front door, I crept down to see what or who it was. I saw a shadow of some one, but no one was really there. So I went back upstairs to go to sleep.
Every now and then,
I wonder 'what happened to Marie, the police never caught her., and they may not. We just don't know.

I'd like to meet:

My grandpa died in 89, right before my sister Kerri was born. I was only three years old. I remember it started right before I turned 4 in April. (at least thats when I first remember it). My mom worked nights so it was always me, my sister, and my daddy. My daddy was mad one night and told me to sit in the kitchen. He told me to sit Indian style and to put my hands under my legs. All of a sudden he started yelling and laid Kerri on the table. The next thing I know, I was in the floor crying. He had kicked me out of the chair. I stayed there in the corner crying and didn’t' move. He picked my sister up and told her that it was ok... That was the beginning.
He started doing things like this more often, either hitting and kicking me, or just throwing me down the stairs in the dark. Once I hurt my arm and the next day my mom took me to the hospital. They put a cast on it and my mom said I had that I fell down the stairs. By the time I was in kindergarten I just went to the basement when I got home because it was better than being thrown down the stairs. I was so scared of the dark basement and all the crickets and spiders but it was better than dealing with my dad.
In the first grade people asked me what all the bruises and scrapes were from, I had to keep the secret so I would just say I fell or ran into something. I couldn't tell the truth or it would make things worse. I wish I would've told then because my life would be so much better. The next year I turned 8 and my dad came up with 'games' to play. He said they would show me how much he loved me. The first game we played was in the bathtub. He would wash me really slow and he would take a long time cleaning certain areas. I just thought that was how it was supposed to be done. I remember the quiet game and the push pop game. The quiet game was when he would put his fingers inside me and I couldn't make a sound. He did that a lot. The push pop game I hated, Its when I had to lick his penis like a push pop.
The last 'game' we played ended up not having a name. I called it the screaming game. It was time for my bath so I undressed and waited for him to cut the water on. He helped me in the bathtub and got a clear container of 'jelly' he called it. He started rubbing it over my lower areas. He took his clothes off and got in with me. He started rubbing the jelly all over his fingers and penis. He told me to lean back but he didnt' have enough room to lay down over me. He got up and threw me into the floor. My shoulder popped and I couldn't move my arm to get up. He laid down over me and kept putting his fingers inside me. He started adding the jelly and then he would add the number of fingers. When he got to three it started to hurt really bad, I don't think he had done that many before. He grabbed a handful of jelly and put it on me and on his penis and then started rubbing his penis around down there. All of a sudden there was this jabbing pain and I didn't know what was going on. I started screaming and trying to kick but he pushed my legs up onto my chest and I couldn't breathe. Then I could see what he was doing and I didn't know what to do. He told me to shut up and stop crying and that he would stop. I couldn't stop crying though. It hurt too bad. My shoulder hurt so bad and I couldn't get him off of me. He finally stopped and said to get dressed. On the way to the store he told me he only did it because he loved me and then he said I deserved it.
The next day I didn't want to play and the teacher saw I couldn't move my arm. She called my mom and we went to the hospital. She told them I hurt my arm playing outside. They wanted to examine me but my mom said that it would be bad for me at that age so they didn't. They popped my shoulder back into place and I had to stay the night. For once I was surrounded by nurses instead of my parents and for once I felt safe. One nurse, named Anita, held my hand until I fell asleep.
He did this every so often between beatings and it got to the point that he didnt' have to use lubricants anymore, but it still hurt every time. He said that all daddies did it. In the fifth grade we had sex ed and thats when I learned what he had been doing to me. I found out that it was wrong but by then I was too scared to tell. Once, Mrs. Huffman, my teacher, was standing beside me and lifted her arm up. I freaked out because I thought she was going to hit me, but she had just been waving for some students. That afternoon she took me back to the classroom while everyone was in gym. She asked me why I got so scared when she lifted her arm and started asking me questions about home. I just stared at the floor and played with my fingers. When I looked up she was crying and I jumped up and gave her a hug. She held me forever and then the other kids started coming back in.
In the seventh grade all my teachers started noticing how scared I was and told my guidance counselor about my bruises, broken bones, and my poetry. Then they started asking questions but I never admitted to the full truth. I just told them that my parents just yelled at me a lot but they loved me and would never hurt me.
On my 13th birthday I lost hope in happiness and a happy family. That was the worst night of my life. My dad had some friends over. I knew Steve, Danny, Junior, Larry, Stink, and Sonny, but I didn’t' know the other four. I still don't know how exactly, but when I realized what was going on I was in my room naked. Steve and daddy were holding me down and this guy was having sex with me. All the guys were laughing while I was screaming and crying for them to stop. I kept thinking maybe it was a nightmare but I never woke up. Steve put his penis in my face and told me to open my mouth but I wouldn't. My daddy held my nose shut so I couldn’t breathe and when I opened my mouth Steve put it in my mouth. I tried to shake lose but Steve was holding my head down. He flipped around and was pretty much sitting on my face. He kept pushing it into my throat and I was choking and I couldn't breathe. I gave up and I couldn't move anymore. I only remember bits and pieces after that. Every time I came to, they had switched places. I just laid there motionless, unable to do anything. A couple of days later I went back to school but I skipped all my classes. I sat in the bathroom and in the back of the auditorium and cut on myself all day.
I started playing softball to get away from the pain. Softball became my release until we lost and then I had to go home with him. One night my dad came home mad. I tried to hide but he found me anyway. He started beating me down, he had sex with me, stabbed me in my leg, and in the process held my leg down on the heater and it burned me. After that, I started cutting and scratching up my whole body so I wouldn't feel the emotional pain. One time I wore short sleeves so someone would see them and help me, but they said I was just doing it for attention and called my mom. She said I was a mistake and that is why daddy hurt me, because I deserved it. After that I covered all my cuts and scars.
In high school daddy's friends came over pretty regularly and hurt me, unless it was during softball season. During that time I was free. He said I had to be the best or he would get me. My freshman year I could throw harder than a grown man, I guess from all the anger inside. When I started catching, they replaced an 8th year starting all state catcher, for me. I started making all state catcher and my daddy calmed down a little. I never stayed home. I would either run away to a friend’s house or just run around the neighborhood all night. A few times I went up to my best friend's house, tapped on his window, and we hang out on the porch all night. I also started skipping school and doing drugs. It was the only way I could relax.
I was finally diagnosed with depression by Theresa, my doctor. She knew my parents wouldn't approve so she snuck me samples of Paxil so I wasn't trying to get through it on my own. A few months later my dad tried to grab my hair and when I backed up he scratched the side of my face really bad. The next day at school my softball coach asked what happened. I just said "it doesn’t matter anymore" and then left practice early. That afternoon I had to volunteer at the hospital and all the nurses that I knew noticed the scratch on the side of my face. Somehow it felt like they knew. One nurse, Sharon, took me to her office and talked to me about it. She called DSS and they sent someone to my house. I was so scared. I told Sharon I couldn't go home and told me to say I'm suicidal. So I did and they admitted me to the psych ward. By the time DSS came to see me, my face had already started to heal. My mom told them that I was sliding into 3rd base when it happened and they believed her. They said that were sending me home. When I got home my dad beat the shit out of me. My dad hit me with my own softball bat in my back and stomach. He put a rag over my face and it smelled like straight ammonia. I couldn't breathe and everything turned black. After that I covered every bruise, scar, cut, and decided not to speak of the hurt ever again.
The boy I sat on the porch with all night sometimes got shot and died on July 17th, 2003. He was the only guy that I ever trusted. I watched him get shot and die right in front of me. He was my best friend. I overdosed the next February but didn't make it. One night I finally tried to fight my dad back but I couldn't. When he left I ran down the road. I went to all the places I used to go, but no one was home. I called my friend's mom, who called the sheriff. They picked me up but I didn't press charges. I got cleaned up at the hospital and they sent me John Umstead for a month. Then I lived with my grandma until graduation and the day after I moved to Tennessee. Then I went to Ohio, I swore I would never come back.
While I was in Ohio they diagnosed me with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, because I had finally started talking about some of the things that happened. They said that’s why I have nightmares and I'm always scared. They said that it’s the flashbacks that are making me freak out all the time. I started missing my sister a lot and some of my friends too so after a year I decided to go back home. Stupid idea...
Things were getting to me really bad once I got back, I guess coming back brought back too many memories. Then my dad started coming over to my apartment and was hurting me in my own place which was right next to my grandparents’ house. To numb everything and escape I started doing cocaine really bad. It got to the point I lost all my money and I crashed so hard that I ended up in the hospital and I lost my job, so in turn I lost my apartment. Then I started living with my grandparents again. Well, that didn't stop him from hurting me. Whenever they left he would come over and hurt me again. Well it got too hard for my grandparents financially so I had to go back home. I figured I had no other choice. The beatings and sex never stopped, it just got worse. I was too scared to leave so I would just party all the time to get rid of everything. A friend online finally talked me into going to a battered women's shelter, so I did.
Oct 29, 2006 I decided to go to the battered women's shelter, No one had any idea where I was. Everyone though I was in a group home. I stayed there for about six months and my dad came to my old church a few times and would beat me up in the parking lot and stuff. But it wasn't as bad as at home. I finally moved in with a friend until I ended up in the hospital again.
Now I live in another kind of safe house called mustard seed house of refuge. It’s a whole lot better here and I can honestly say that most of the time I feel safe. I'm going to an awesome church where I can actually talk to a few people about some things but I've never been able to talk like I have written in this. Hopefully someday I will be able to. I'm applying for mercy ministries now and I'm just praying that I get in, because I believe God's calling me to be there and I think that’s the only way I'm going to get better.

Marie- Age 39
My name is Marie and I am a survivor of incest, childhood sexual assault, domestic violence and rape. I am the youngest of 6.
I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. My mother raised me up in church and my dad would drink alcohol and get drunk some of the time. I remember one time (it was a Saturday night) he got drunk and started beating my mother. Clearly this was Domestic Violence but at that time me being so young I had no clue what it was called. I know I hated my dad drinking. My mother came in my room and asked me if it was all right that she stayed in there because for some reason your dad wants to beat on me, well it didn't take him long to figure out where she was and he came in my room (my room had no door) and he had a hot cup of coffee in his hand and he backed my mother up against my bed and slapped the heck out of her and spilled hot coffee on me. My adrenalin started flowing heavy. I jumped up after he hit my mother and shoved him as hard as I could into my stereo. He fell over the top of it cracking the lid to the record player. It took him a while to get up. I then ran to get my brother Paul up to help. I was yelling for him to please get up, I need your help. He was a very sound sleeper and very hard to wake up. I had to shake him and yell at him to get up. I said I need your help please get up; dad is drunk and beating on mom. Help me. Then I went back to protect my mother from being hit again. My dad by this time had got up and came in the hallway and when I got back to the hallway he slapped the crap out of my face. My mother was trying to quietly get us to get a few things together so we could leave in the car but my dad knew she wanted to leave in the car and he went out to the car and pulled some plugs and things off of it so my mom couldn't drive it. The next day was Sunday and mom got us up for church. I didn't want to go because I was still upset and ashamed for what had happened and had only had a few hours sleep, but mom made us get ready and go anyway. I felt like the whole church could see through me and that they knew what had happened. I hate feeling that shame and embarrassment.
My first memory of being sexually assaulted I was five years old. We were in the living room watching T.V. it was kind of cold and my oldest brother Darriel asked me if I wanted to get under the blanket with him to watch T.V., so I did and as soon as I was under the blanket with him he put his hand in my panties and started fondling me. He was hurting me. Why did he do it? I really didn't know what to think about him doing that. He was my older brother. I trusted him. He betrayed my trust. He hurt me. I did not want him to do those things to me but he would always tell me it was OK for him to do that. It didn't feel OK. It did not feel good to me, it hurt and I did not like him doing that. I wasn't under the blanket to long until my mother started yelling at me to get up and she spanked my butt. He did this several times and my mom would spank me. Was it my fault? To me this showed Darriel that he could do stuff like that and get away with it, which he did. Darriel could do anything he wanted to do and my family would stick their head in the sand and excuse his behavior on his drug addictions. That was no EXCUSE for what he did to me. NO EXCUSE!!!! How could he do that to me? I was his baby sister, so small and trusting. He would say things to me like do you want me to cut you with my knife or slap the hell out of you. He was a sick pervert. He made me look at porn magazines before he raped me. I was his baby sister. He was 15 years older than me. Why did he do it?
I felt like my secret was going to the grave with me. I was ashamed of what happened to me, Ashamed of my family. I needed help. I couldn't take it any longer. I felt I was slowly dying inside and no one could see it but me because there wasn't anything physically wrong with me on the outside. I had to admit I needed help and that I couldn't handle this on my own any longer. I had isolated myself from the outside world. I felt like if I stepped outside I was putting myself in danger. I was scared that someone was waiting around the corner and if I walked past they would grab me and hurt me. I became very depressed and didn't realize that, that was what was wrong with me. I had lost all feelings. I was just here and didn't really understand why. I was in pain and didn't understand why. I would take pain medication, I would eat, I would hit myself in the stomach to help relieve the pain. I would cut so I could feel physical pain on the outside of my body so I wouldn't hurt inside. I gained 155 pounds. I felt I was singled out. I felt as if I had a huge sign on my back that said just take a piece of me, everyone else has. I hated being that way. I felt so out of place. I felt in a daze. I was ashamed of myself. I felt dirty, disgusting, ugly, and no good. No matter how many times I would take a bath in very hot water and scrub my skin. I couldn't feel clean enough. I was left wondering what my purpose was for being here in this world. I felt like a walking empty vessel, just taking up space. With all I went through I felt I didn't deserve anyone being nice to me and if they were nice sometimes I would cry because I felt I didn't deserve it. Sometimes I would think they wanted my body too. I was scared of asking for the help I needed, wondering if I would be believed. I wanted to wake up out of that nightmare I was in. I was tired of walking in that dark pit of despair. Tired of feeling the walls caving in around me, Tired of the venomous vipers waiting for me to move so that they could strike out at me. I wanted to know how I could escape the abuse I was going through. It seemed everywhere I turned I was being abused. I was told one time that is what girls were made for. Was it really? I didn't want that.
Darriel was only one of my perpetrators. He was the one who started my many years of cycled sexual abuse. My perpetrators include: My older brother Darriel (15 yrs older than me), a couple of my cousins, family friends, my granddad twice, and a preacher. When I reached the age of eleven that is when it really got worse. I can't remember who came first my cousin Hal or Darriel both were very evil, mean and disgusting pedophiles. Hal did so many hurtful things to me. He had razors or some sharp object on his finders when he shoved them up inside of me causing me to bleed really badly. I was so scared. I could feel the blood running out of me. I just shut my eyes and detached. My Mother called for us, saying it was time to go. I was relieved but very scared, nervous and in a bit of a daze. I told her I needed to go to the bathroom before we left my Aunts house. When I got in the bathroom I was so scared when I pulled my panties down and they were soaked full of blood. I couldn't wait to get home because I wanted Mom to help me. I thought I was going to die. I called Mom to the bathroom when we got home and was crying. I was so afraid of telling her I was hurt. She thought I just got my first period. I wanted to tell her so bad, but was too frightened. I bled for 3 days.
Darriel raped me twice in this year. The first time he raped me Paul and I had just got home from school and he came to me and ask me to come to his room, he had something special to show me...ahhh something special and me being trusting I went to see what he wanted and then he locked his door and then he asked me if I had any hair on my private. That sent a shockwave through my body. I was so scared. I said I don't know. I wanted out of that room but I was locked in and there was no way out for me. He said can I see, I said NO! He didn't care that I had said NO. He didn't listen to me. My voice was too small. I was too little to be heard. I said NO! He didn't care that I was his baby sister. He didn't care.....he didn't care. Darriel then pushed me down on his bed. I said "what are you doing?" Darriel said I want to see I said No again. He didn't care... NO means NO! I remember what I was wearing; I wasn't allowed to wear pants so I had on a green skirt and a yellow t-shirt with black trim on the neck and sleeves and a big red smiley face on the front of it. I kept telling him NO but it didn't matter to him. He had one thing on his mind and he was going to do it. He said I want to feel of it. I said NO! He said this want take but a minute and he pulled my panties off and unzipped his pants, pulled his penis out, got on top of me and shoved it in me as hard as he could. There was so much pain. Tears started rolling from my eyes. He didn't care. He would put his whole mouth over mine kissing me. I could not breathe; he was to strong for me to push him off of me. I felt like I was dying. He was killing my soul, ripping my heart out. I was so lifeless and numb. I was hurting and in pain. Why was this happening to me? Why? I was his baby sister, someone he was supposed to protect. Tears were rolling out of my eyes, my small body trembling, shaking with fear, hurting and in pain. I was so scared. He didn't care. He wanted to kiss me. I was turning my face side to side. I told him I could not breathe please get off of me. He said you will be ok. He stayed on top of me for about 35-45 minutes. It felt like and eternity. I could not do anything. I was helpless. I felt like I was dieing slowly. I felt so weak. I felt ashamed this had happened to me. I felt so dirty. I felt guilty that I couldn't make him leave me alone and not do that to me. He stole my innocence. He wounded my soul deeply. I lost my spirit. Why had this happened to me? Why? Paul started looking for me and Darriel told me to go out the back door and tell him that I had been outside. He threatened me to keep me from telling on him. He told me if I told anyone that I would get into trouble and get taken away from mama and daddy and that they would lock me up. He said they will lock me up to. I believed him and was really scared to say anything in fear that I would get taken away from mama and daddy.
The second time he raped me I had just got home from school and I was by myself. He told me he had to show me something and I was so stupid to trust him after the first time he tricked me, but I went to his room to see what he wanted to show me and again he locked his door and I got scared. He then pulled out a hardcore pornographic magazine and made me look at the pictures in it. Then he pushed me down on his bed. He said he wanted me to be like the girls in that magazine. I said I don't want to. He pushed me back and slid my panties off. I was so scared. I knew what he was going to do and didn't have any way out of it. If I screamed no one would here because no one was at home. I said no and he said it will only last a second. He went inside me once and it hurt so bad I began to cry, he didn't care, then he pulled out and put spit on his penis and then he went back in. There was tremendous pain. I was so scared. I was trying to push him off of me but I couldn't. I was too weak. I was crying. I couldn't breathe. He was smothering me. I told him he was hurting me, to please get off of me and he told me don't say anything this is only going to take a second. When he got through he got up and wiped his penis off on a towel and told me to get up and go clean myself up. He had busted me open and I was so scared when I went to the bathroom and found out I was bleeding uncontrollably. I thought I was going to die. All I could think was I am going to bleed to death and how could I get the bleeding to stop. I stayed in the bathroom seemed like hours. It took along time to get the bleeding to stop. When Darriel was through he walked out the door and got in the car with Sandra and left with her. I have been expected to overlook Sandra and Darriel in the past based largely on it being what the 'Good Lord' wants us to do.
There has been so much craziness going on in the family. Drugs, Alcohol, incest, child molestation, bestiality, prison sentences, child abuse, domestic violence, stealing, rape, pimping and prostitution, hurt, deceit and lies. What does brother and sister mean? In my case there was no brother and sister. All they did was took from us and caused pain.
Darriel had been doing very disgusting things to me. He did it to the chickens we had. My dad kept finding dead chickens and couldn't figure out why, and then my mother started noticing blood and feathers in his underwear when she was washing clothes. My question to this is why the heck they didn't ever do anything to him. They had to know that he was sick in the head to be screwing the chickens and killing them. Why didn't they put him in a hospital for help or make him move out on his own, or do something to him for those awful acts? What makes me so angry is that he never moved out on his own. To this day he lived with my dad until dad died December 21, 2005. What is wrong with family? They just turn their head and bury it in a deep sea of denial. I just don't get it. Why? You can see he is a very, very sick person.
I had a crush on my oldest sister's youngest brother-in-law. I was 11 years old. He is 8 years older than me. He always smiled at me. I thought he was cute. One day I was in the tree house my dad had built for me and Farrell. Dan climbed up to see what we were up to. Dan started telling me I sure was cute and he said wow your breast have grown are they real. I was embarrassed, but answered yes. He asked about the trails in the woods behind our house, wanting to know did I know them good. I said yes. He said will you show them to me. I didn't think anything about it and told him yes. We climbed down the ladder of the tree house and started walking toward the trail. I really don't know what happened next. I blanked out. I remember coming to with him on top of me and asking me if he was still inside of me. I remember asking him why he was doing that to me. I said “do you love me?” He said nothing and after he finished said to get up and he brushed the pine straw off the back of my dress and out of my hair. He said tell no one of this cause we will get in trouble.
When I was fourteen (just turned 14) this guy Glen who went to our church, who was seven years older than me asked my mother one day if he could bring me and my brother Paul home from church. (I just remembered he was a preacher about 2 years ago now. Oh, that is really sick). She said ok. Glen wanted to know if Paul and I could start riding with him to church. It seemed ok and I thought it was cool to ride with someone other than my mother. Glen then wanted to know if we could start going out which seemed ok because Paul was always with us. He then started picking us up from school. I thought this was great, not having to ride the bus home, and whatever I wanted he would get it for me. I had no clue he was grooming me and I would have to pay a price for that. He is the one who got Paul and I started smoking cigarettes. I thought I was doing something big smoking. I thought I looked really cool lighting up a cigarette and smoking it as I rode out of the parking lot of school. He would take us to his house to play pool and take us to play arcade games, all the fun stuff teenagers like to do. I didn't have a problem going out with him because it gave me a way to get away from Darriel and the mental, physical and emotional abuse from him. I was a very vulnerable target for him. I trusted him. He was supposed to be a Christian. Glen started off really slow. Getting me comfortable going to his house, playing pool at his house, then he started horsing around, tickling me and goosing me and he threw me on his bed once and I jumped up quickly and said what are you doing. Then he wanted to go a step farther and started kissing me with very passionate kisses. It was like he then got obsessed with me because he had to come and see me everyday. He would take my hand and place it on his private while we were riding home at night. He had my mother fooled as to what kind of person he was. My mother would invite him to go with us when we would take trips out of town. So I never really got away from him. He would fondle me every chance he got me alone with him and one day he sodomized me in the same room that my older brother Darriel raped me. I carried that burden around with me for 20 years, never telling anyone what he had done to me. I felt as if in some way it was my fault. It has been 3 years now since I started dealing with my abuse issues and 2 years since remembering that Glen was a preacher. After that he didn't have anything else to do with me. I remember him telling in front of my friend Malinda that I was a slut and whore. Yeah, a girl who just turned 14, a whore he bought by buying gifts, food and playing arcade games. Malinda told Glen to keep his mouth shut or she was going to slap the heck out of him. A couple of days later he went to Malinda's house and asked her mom and dad could he take her out and they told him no way because of the age difference. I am thankful for that because he would have done the same thing to her.
When I first had my memory that Glen was a preacher I didn't want to believe it. I told myself you must be crazy, but this bugged me very bad so I called a few other people that knew Glen to confirm my memory and they told me, yes, he was a preacher. I do remember now seeing him get up and preach several times. This is really sick. I am definitely confused about a lot of things. I would like to know why a man claiming to be a man of God would do something like that to a young girl. I was still a child and didn't have a full understanding of what was happening to me and why it was happening. I did feel a lot of guilt and shame for the things that he did to me and I carried that burden around with me for 20 years. I struggled with self-injury issues (cutting, burning, pulling hair out, etc.) when the pain in my heart from all the abuse was overwhelming to me. It gave me a release by feeling the pain on the outside. I know that was the wrong coping mechanism to use.
Sexual abuse of any form has a very profound effect on a person's life. It is hard for most to cope with it in a healthy manner. Some turn to drugs, alcohol and other addictions. Some try many other things to try and cope with the trauma they have endured.
My wish is that maybe my story will help someone who needs the encouragement to start in their own healing. Your very survival is a testimony to your ability to give yourself permission to protect and take care of yourself and heal. Healing is not going to be easy but, you can heal. We just have to keep taking those little steps, one step at a time, one day at a time and pray for God to help us through each day. I hope by sharing my experiences it will be of help to those struggling with similar experiences and know that God is our great physician and can heal our deepest wounds.

My Blog

Myspace is limited!!- My myspace 2. PLEASE READ AND REPOST TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS

Hey guys, I'm sorry I havent been on in the past couple of weeks. I just got a new job and have been extremely busy. You are probably wondering what this Myspace profile &035; 2 means. Well, to ...
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Couple Examined In Baby Death Case

Couple Examined In Baby Death Case During a preliminary trial for a couple who are facing child abuse charges and are under investigation for the death of another child, a Wayne County judge ruled tha...
Posted by SURVIVORS on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:42:00 PST

The Top Five Myths about Domestic Violence.

Learn the facts and work for a life free from violence and fear There are many myths and mis-understandings about domestic violence. A lack of understanding of the problem prevents people living with...
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My Story

Hey guy. You are probably wondering why I decided to start this site. I got the inspiration after reading a bulletin post from one of my friends. It was a sad story about a woman who was violently rap...
Posted by SURVIVORS on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:05:00 PST