- capoeira (brazilian martial arts)
- computers
- gaming
- poker
- reading
- writing
- poetry
- nature
- esotericism
- spirituality
- paranormal
- (all kind of) religions
- politics
- science
- communication
- philosophating
- problem solving
- inventing
- playing intruments
- listening to music
- clubbing/pubbing
- socializing
- networking
- etc.
- Nelson Mandela
- Jane Goodall
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
- Gillian Anderson
- Diane Gaidry
- Michael Moore
- Every person that fights for love, light and peace.
Wether it's by helping people, helping out animals, trying to saving the planet, sendingpositive thoughts, etc.
No matter how small the gesture. As long as it's meant tounite, then It's my honor to meet you!
I don't care who you are or what you do,
the only thing I care about is helping you. ~Pokerdirks, 2007~
Realization of my dream!!
I was sitting and thinking: "How can I help as much people as possible not just by adding themto my page, but also by doing a little bit of promotion for all the good causes, fundraisingsand every organisations and person that wants to raise awareness, that fights for equality,unity and peace in the world?"
When I started this page I just knew that I wanted to create a MySpace that respresentslovelight, light and peace. Now three weeks later I realize that fulfilling my dream is not onlymy destiny, it's my life!!! Since I have created this page I have never been happier. This whatI want. this what I need. It feels like it's all coming together and that the pieces of thepuzzle are falling into place. This is ME!!! I was meant to help out. And AS GOD IS MY WITNESS:"Help out I will!" ^_^
One step at a time
I have gone through several fases throughout the past weeks. And now I think if it, everyweek brought a new fase, LOLOL!! OMG, that's so weird, because it feels like I have beenworking on this for MONTHS!!!
Step 1: create a myspace for all the good causes, fundraisings and every organisations andperson that wants to raise awareness, that fights for equality, unity and peace in theworld.
Step 2: Collecting banners and buttons to either put on my page or in my blog.
Step 3: create a webpage for ALL the good causes, fundraisings and every organisations andperson that wants to raise awareness, that fights for equality, unity and peace in the world!
PEACE at last
Please be aware
that I will NOT put up banners, buttons and badges for the purpose of Commercial Benefit. Iwill only help to promote
organisations and people whoms goals it is to help the world out in any way, shape or form.My sole purpose is trying to make this world a better place for everyone and everything. And Iwant to help out in any way that I can.
Love, light and peace for all!Namaste,
To see the full review check my blog
Gay or European?
I love all kinds of music. From alternative to big bands and from soul to hard rock.
Still, I do have a weakness for songs with dept, beautiful intrumental play or a velvet singing voice.
When I go out I like to listen to anything that you can dance to. That means Pop, r&b, latin music, hard core, dance, trance, etc.
But if I'd have to name some artists, then I guess I'd say in no particular order:
- K's choice
- Krezip
- Sarah McLachlan
- The cranberries
- Jewel
- Katie Melua
- Corinne Bailey Rae
- Rufus Wainwright
- James Morrison
- Skunk Anasie
- Alanis Morissette
- India Arie
- Michael Bublé
- Jem
- Radiohead
- Intwine
- Eric Clapton
- Etc.
My ABSOLUTE favorite movies:
- Jude
- Loving Annabelle
- Straightheads
- Schindler's List
- Hotel Rwanda
- Out of Africa
- As Good As It Gets
- Girl Interrupted
- Fucking Amal
- The Piano
- Quills
- Léon
- The Last King Of Schotland
- Remember The Titans
- Devil's Advocate
- Fight Club
- The Gladiator
- The Matrix
- Interview With A Vampire
- The Girl With The Pearl Earring
- American History X
- Silence of the Lambs
- Sophie's Choice
- Princess of Tides
- Little Women
- Titanic
- Seven
- Sense & Sensibility
- Spirited Away
- Mathilda
- The Craft
- Final Fantasy
Arthouse/Independent Movies
Give me a Costume Drama any day
Anything Michael Moore
Movie Musicals
- The Sound of Music
- Annie
- Oliver Twist
- Sister Act
- Mary Poppins
- Grease
- Fame
- West Side Story
- etc.
Walt Disney Movies
- The X-Files
English Comedy:
- Absolutely Fabulous
- Coupling
- Two Pints Of Larger
American Comedy:
- Will & Grace
- Reno 911
- Scrubs
- The Daily Show
- Chappelle's Show
- That '70s Show
- Southpark
- Aeon Flux
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Fairly Odd Parents
Educational Television:
- Discovery Channel
- National Geographic
- Animal Planet
- I am the King of the Castle
- A Brave New World
- Fingerprints of the Gods
- The Celestine Phrophecy
- The Power of Now
- Angel Therapy
- Personal Power Through Awareness
- Almost Like a Whale (the Origin of Spicies Updated)
- The Universe in a Nutshell (Stephen Hawk)
- Comic books
- Nelson Mandela
- Jane Goodall
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
- Gillian Anderson
- Diane Gaidry
- Michael Moore
- Every single person on this planet that wants to fight for doing good in the world and that wants
to make a difference!
Those who also truely inspired me and will never be forgotten:
- Lao Tze
- Ghandi
- Mother Theresa
- Martin Luther King jr
- John F. Kennedy
Follow your heart not the herd ~Pokerdirks, 2007~