Orphans and Orphanages profile picture

Orphans and Orphanages

African Orphans and Orphanages. Sponsor an orphan from Africa or sponsor an African widow and her ch

About Me

Spotlight on Orphans is a monthly newsletter that highlights the needs of African orphans and orphanages. Due to HIV/AIDS Africa has orphans, orphans every where. There are more orphans then there are orphanages to hold them. On the streets orphans are caring for orphans. These African orphans need sponsors so that they can be placed in an orphanage.
My name is Scot. I am a volunteer for Hearth to Hearth Ministries, a not for profit, nondenominational organization with a sole purpose of helping as many African orphanages, orphans and widows as possible. I am married with four children. We also sponsor five orphans from Africa.
I am working on putting together a website about orphanages. If you have an orphanage that you would like featured click on and follow the instructions there on how to get your orphanage featured. Every orphanage that is featured improves the possibility that someone searching for information on orphanages will find your orphanage.
My main picture is a picture of my son while he was volunteering for six months helping orphans in Africa. Logan volunteered in Kenya and Uganda Africa. Logan worked at the orphanages in Kenya and Uganda and with the widows programs in Uganda. Hearth to Hearth Ministries has three orphanages in Kenya and one orphanage in Uganda and is helping over 500 orphans.
Many of these orphans do not have sponsors yet. All the unsponsored orphans are really putting a strain on the finances of Hearth to Hearth Ministries. Will you please sponsor an African orphan or sponsor a widow's family in Uganda.
There are many orphans on our waiting list waiting for the new Glory Children's Center Orphanage to be built so that there will be room for them. The land for the orphanage has been purchased and now we are waiting for the money to be donated for the buildings. The older orphans have already helped dig the foundation for the girls dorm.
Now you can make a donation or sponsor an African orphan using paypal. It costs $30 a month to sponsor an orphan. 100% of the money you give goes to care for the orphans. All the staff in the US are volunteers and recieve no compensation.
Spotlight on African Orphanages, Orphans and Widows

Sponsor an African orphan or widow's family. by Hearth to Hearth Ministries

Youth helping orphans in Africa by Hearth to Hearth Ministries
Vicki, a volunteer for Hearth to Hearth, has just returned from Kenya Africa, where she helped with the African orphans and orphanages. You can learn about her trip by reading my blogs and following this link. From Clyde to Kenya
If you want to put one of these links on your site, go to

Hearth to Hearth Ministries Picture links All you have to do is follow this link, copy the text above the picture link that you like and paste it into your site. Thank you for your help.

We really do take what we have for granted. We do not have several starving kids showing up at our door each day asking for a little food and maybe a place to sleep. When my son was helping at an orphanage in Kenya last summer there were 60 starving orphans that came to the gate for food the first day he was there. It broke his heart. He went to town to buy some bread for them. (that was all he had money for) With in three days there were 250 children coming to the orphanage gate for their one piece of bread. He had to stop handing out bread because he didn't have the money to feed the ever increasing number of starving children that came crying at the gate each morning. He wrote us letters asking us to explain to him how we (living in America with three meals a day) could tell him we did not have more money to send him to help him give one piece of bread a day to starving children.
Here is a powerpoint made of some letters he wrote home.

Pictures of orphans in Kenya in need of Sponsors

My Interests

Helping orphans and gardening. I spend my free time volunteering as the webmaster for "www.hearthtohearth.org"

Hearth to Hearth Ministries' Orphanages: Hope for Children Center Orphanage, 250 orphans: November 2004 – Hope for Children Center Orphanage moves into its new orphanage. July-Sept. 2005 Maurice Odhiambo visits USA and nearly 100 new orphans are sponsored and taken into Hope for Children Center orphanage. March 2006 – the Kenyan Government brings 31 additional orphans to Hope Center orphanage.

Glory Children's Center Orphanage, 126 orphans: Dec. 2005/Jan. 2006 – Glory Children’s Center Orphanage moves from Nairobi to Kisii. June 2006 - More than fifty new orphans are brought into Glory Center Orphanage.

Bridge of Hope Center Orphanage, 36 orphans: November 2006 – The Bridge of Hope Center Orphanage in Uganda, in operation for two years, is finally recognized as an official orphanage of Hearth to Hearth Ministries.

Good Samaritan Lwanda Children's Home Orphanage, 48 orphans: April 2006 – The 31 orphans that the government brought to Hope for Children Center Orphanage, are taken to Teresa to be cared for. October 2006 – The Good Samaritan Lwanda Children’s Home Orphanage in Lwanda, Kenya, including the 31 orphans, officially becomes an orphanage under Hearth to Hearth Ministries.

I'd like to meet:

People who want to make a positive difference in an orphans life, any one who wants to sponsor an orphan, people working for an orphanage or with orphans. I would also like to meet orphans that have been helped through sponsorship.



I like older movies. I do not like movies with violence or that are scary. If I knew how I would like to make movies about the African orphans that need sponsors. When you sponsor an orphan from Africa you give them hope.


Like the orphans we do not have a television in our home.


I like World War Two books or books about the Great Depression.


Any one that wants to help orphans and widows. Many orphans in Africa have to care for their younger orphaned brothers and sisters. These orphans are mature beyond their years.

My Blog

Peace for Kenya?

This was writen by a young man who my wife and I help support his family of 9 after his father has died.At last, Kenya's political crisis has been resolved.The rival parties yesterday agreed to share ...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 03:55:00 PST

Friend from Kenya wrote me.

Calm is returning in this country of ours. The international community is really concerned with Kenya. They are pushing for a quick resolution of the political crisis. The parties concerned have not y...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:08:00 PST

Update from Kenya

This piece was written by Edna Shaffer, former Sponsorship Coordinator for Glory Children's Center. A condensed version of it was submitted to Traverse City's newspaper, Record Eagle, for printing as ...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 02:38:00 PST

Update continued

At this writing, hundreds of thousands of families are homeless; storming our gates, begging for entry and the safety of the orphanage compound which is fenced in and patrolled. All were starving and ...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 02:35:00 PST

Volunteer featured in local news paper.

The following article about Vicki, a  Hearth to Hearth volunteer was featured on http://www.thenews-messenger.com TALK ABOUT CLYDE - SATURDAY JANUARY 26, 2008- JEANETTE LIEBOLD RICKERA Clyde woma...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 03:28:00 PST

Human Kind Media blog about Orphans and Orphanages MySpace site.

Human Kind Media has written a nice blog about Orphans and Orphanages.  Check it out at Human Kind Media's    "Take Scot for example." It is their January 24th entry.  They ar...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 03:09:00 PST

Report on Kenya

The violence in Kenya is not confined to Nairobi. A church in Eldoret was burned down, killing dozens of displaced women and children; innocent victims of now-in-flamed tribal tensions that had been s...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:25:00 PST

Update from Kenya

Here is a note from a friend in Kenya.Tension is still high throghout the country. Skirmishes in most parts of the country. Ethnic groups have risen against each other. Many people are being killed ...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 02:18:00 PST

News report about Kenya

This news report video is about Maisha orphanage and the unrest in Kenya.News report video http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1111406010/bcl id1111621425/bctid1366496368...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 04:17:00 PST

Message from a Congo refugee in Kenya.

I didn't inform you earlier because the situation of insecurity in Kenya is so terrible so I didn't have a good chance. Even now situation in Kenya is so tense for us refugees and also for the Kenya...
Posted by Orphans and Orphanages on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 03:35:00 PST