((( Dreamer School ))) profile picture

((( Dreamer School )))

Dreamer School Music ((( make dreams come true )))

About Me

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((( Dreamer school ))) music :
God gave me melodies , but forgot to teach me playing instruments :) , then , He sent countless angels as my band , WOW ! I am singing for my original dream 20 years ago , so never give up your dream as mine !
I sing for your dreams and mine.
more details , feel free to visit "Dreamer school blog"
(former skyaria music has been changed into dreamer school music)
it seems very funny 2 everyone. but 4 me , maybe it will be a legend , if i have courage 2 step out... although i owned a guiter & keyboard accompanying me 4 over 10 something years,but i can't play any kinda music instrument head over heels, bcoz i sometimes thought of them ,not 4 practicing my skill , but 4 sweeping covered dirt upon them , they almost became my antiques , when i was young,i used 2 be eager 2 make my mark in pop music , but chances always passed me by , so that i changed my way 2 be engaged in other fields, i lost my passion of music , all of all seemed 2 have gone with winds in the air, but little by little , day by day , God blow a breath into my heart having been coverd with thick dirt , he begin 2 inspire me some melodies , i tried 2 remember them through a voice recording , spending time 2 piece each part till some mature tunes appeared...then i tried 2 decorate these tunes with lyrics , i also sang them in order 2 modify them 2 be more perfect ,to follow, from chinese 2 english, till now , i have composed many chinese & english songs , God sent 4 an angel (a certain musican) 2 help me in time, flames of fire deeply burnt in my heart again , God led me on his way 2 suffer a good many hardships which have transfigured into melodies as an aria in the sky, i hope all of them will become beautiful witnesses 2 move people in coming someday.
visit my site at www.skyaria.com
1.how old are you?
I'm always 25 till the end of the world.
2.where are you from?
I'm from taiwan, I live in a certain city about taipei county...
do you know a famous chinese movie director named Ang Lee in hollywood (brokeback mountain)? included Yankee baseball No.40 Wang , yea ! both were also form taiwan ,besides , nowadays the highest taipei 101 skyscraper in the world (although it looks so ugly).....even all apple mp3 device ipods made by taiwan..
well,there are good many funs of taiwan culture waiting here for you to taste..maybe i will be your local & free & fascinating tour guide someday..if you visit taiwan, plz not hesitate to drop me a line..
3.what's ur religious belief?
i was baptized a christian when i was about 18,now i have been a christian for 20 years and go to church weekly. my favorite verse in bible : as my age :)
4.what's ur experiences and skills in career?
•graduated from mass commmunication school majored in television & broadcasting
•attended military service about 2 years in a tiny island within taiwan & china
•worked in an advertising agency as copywriter and creative planner
•worked in a search engine related internet company
•working for my own internet business related developing application platform of enterprise websites.
•marketing planning
•design in web and ad.
•business operation
•music composition
•creative ideas
5.what are your appreciations and tastes?
•people : chinese director ang lee
•feeling : a sense of humor
•movies : war or knight rider related films
•place : coffee shop
•music : all kinda styles sound touching ,preferring christian music..
•topic : politics in taiwan
•travel desire: iceland(north europe related)
•notebook : ibm
•color : black
•female : extrovertive , independent , smart , good-looking , christian
•male : talented , honest
•hollywood star : tom hanks
•book : bible
•clothes : espirit
6.what's your favorites ?
i always do what i am interested in , mainly i make a living as an internet related business i own , bcoz i am especially eager 2 make my internet business ideas come ture,it make me happy,i have done such kinda job about 7 years.. i get uesd 2 multiple things meanwhile , so, i also like 2 create somethings else , 4 example : music ,art, literature , designing , politics, learning languages ,making friends worldwide , surfing on th internet , pursuing fresh affairs , hang out with notebook in coffee shops... and so on,if you are also as me,do not keep them in secret , share a little stuff with me,because i am a patient listener and a rapid feedbacker beyond comparison..
7. may i disturb u ?
of coz ,if u have a headache ,i will pray 4 u, but not 2 be abnormal..

My Interests


Member Since: 2/22/2007
Band Website: skyaria.com
Band Members: dreamer , god, angels
Influences: inspirations from god and his way i have experienced..
Sounds Like: an aria in the sky
Record Label: Dreamer School
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

((( New Music Releases : The Distance )))

.. My dear friends , have  you ever thought of what's  the  furthest distance in your life ? Well , the  furthest distance  in my life , sometimes I think it shall ...
Posted by ((( Dreamer School ))) on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:38:00 PST

((( could you help me 2 make a wish in 2008 4 yourself ? )))

could you help me 2 make a  wish in 2008  4 yourself ? huh , how time flies  , NOW is 2008 , dreams passed you by , or you passed dreams by ? your dreams are put down in museum , or sti...
Posted by ((( Dreamer School ))) on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 12:15:00 PST

There are only 2 possibilities in your life..

Subscribe | Email to a friend |discuss | Chinese Version | @dam cartoon | Dreamer school musicthere r only 2 possibilities in your life..there was an american young guy , called david , lately ,he rec...
Posted by ((( Dreamer School ))) on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 08:34:00 PST

((( which kind of coffin do u prefer ? )))

Subscribe | Email to a friend |discuss | Chinese Version | @dam cartoon | Dreamer school musicwow ! african have totally come up with  american , french , british in fashion , take a look at thei...
Posted by ((( Dreamer School ))) on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:52:00 PST

how can we get along with our haters ?

Subscribe | Email to a friend |discuss | Chinese Version | @dam cartoon | Dreamer school musichow can we get along with our haters ?can you get along with a hater all day long?! the outcome will make ...
Posted by ((( Dreamer School ))) on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:57:00 PST

((( Spread your wings and let your dreams soar into the sky.. )))

Subscribe | Email to a friend |discuss | Chinese Version | @dam cartoon | Dreamer school musicDreamer School :  Spread your wings and let your dreams soar into the sky..sunlight, water, food, air...
Posted by ((( Dreamer School ))) on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 02:39:00 PST

my old "new song" Water and fire (chinese tune)

i composed this song about 12 years ago...then i put it aside in silence & dusts  till now..because i couldn't play any music instrument at all ,but God sent an angel 2 help me 2 issue it ......
Posted by ((( Dreamer School ))) on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:35:00 PST