Šëv=♥ profile picture


When you look at yourself from a universal standpoint, something inside always reminds or informs yo

About Me

Salutations and Greetings my fine feathered friends, humans and other life forms.

My name is Sevrina (but you can call me "Sev", only if you wish.
I’m currently enrolled at a college across the water from where I live, taking high school completion classes.
I love people and I would usually define myself as a very social, content and independent person.
I'm usually not a downer and usually try to think on the positive side.
I have some pretty strange interests and sense of humor.
I have a very active imagination and deep thoughts, that can keep me up for many hours a night.
My dreams are probably the most bizarre dreams you'll ever hear about, they are to me.
Our human lives being so complex, a little information isn't going to teach us about a person and all that they are.
If you have reasonable conversations with me, you may learn a little more.

I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus from Fetusmart!

Hooray fetus!

Plus I'm not planning on having any real kids at the moment, and he looked so lonely!

Myspace layouts from Pyzam.com

My Interests

Cemeteries+Abandoned Buildings+People Watching+UFO's+Photography+Drawing & Writing+Music+Ceramics+Independent Projects [Including crafting]+Older-fashioned things+Drama+Fantasy and "mythical" creatures[Dragons+Gnomes+etc]People who make me feel comfortable+Vampires+Jesters+Cultures+The many Moons+The Universes+Neptune+Earth Day+Halloween [Best day ever]+Christmas+Candles+Tea light holders+ALL Animals & Marine life [including all Insects, Spiders and birds]+Sunsets+Full moons+Strolling in the dark, foggy night with a Full Moon and cool air with mist glistening into the dark, clouded skies+Windy hilltops+Rain+Snow+Thunder[etc]+Power Outages+Clubs+ Fishnet+Essential oils+Acupuncture & Oriental medicine+Vases+Artificial flowers+ALL Phylum Traceophytas+Phylum Bryophytas+Magnoliophytas [Especially Trees]Bodies of water+Swimming+Trampolines+ Yoga+Dancing+Victorian houses+Medieval Castles & Gothic Cathedrals+Some Modern Style Castles+Lemon balm & Mint leaves+Lanterns+Pumpkins+Weeping willows+The ART [I'm an Artisan. Also including Dancing] Science+Feathers+Pianos and Keyboreds.

I'd like to meet:

KaRIN & Statik
Tarja Turunen
Tuomas Holopainen Marco Hietala
Emmpu Vuorinen
Jukka Nevalainen
Edward Sizzorhands
Martin Luther King Jr.
Neptunians and other Aliens
Also anyone else of my interest who roams this Earth, or other planet


Collide, Nightwish, Mr.Bungle, Dave Matthews, Sarah Brightmon, Tarja Turunen, Bob Marley, Mushroom Heads, Cannibal Ox, Danny Elfman, H.I.M. (the older music), and SO many others!!


Edward Sizzorhands, Benny and Joon, Mermaids, Powder, Beauty and the Beast, 10th Kingdom, and SO many more!!I usually like Suspense, fantasy, and drama movies. My favorite endings are usually endings that are dark/and or beautiful or endings that work out fairly well.Some television shows I've always liked have got to be What Should You Do?+ Arthur+ Little Bear+ Medical Incredible+ Degrassi+ And Science/Health. Really any channel that shows opening people up, freak accidents, medical situations and all that bloody, morbid stuff.I LOVE You Tube!


["Official Gnome book"]*[My "Sevrina's book"]*["The Saga of Darren Shan]*["*VAMPIRE books and all about their tasty lives]*[Twilight]*[Secret Life Of Plants]*[Grime Fairy Tales]*[Studies on nature]*[All about every Animal in the World, especially insects]*[Environmental issues and ways to help]*[World issues]*[Bill of Human Rights]*[Amnesty International]*[Guinness book of World Records]


Id have to say my uncle. He is a big influence on me. He has a kick-ass personality and he is a hard worker like me. My friends and various relatives. Without inspirational humans in our lives, I don't know exactly how I would turn out or if I would be here writing this...

Stop Forest Service! Click Here!


Sign the Million For Marriage petition (US only)
Sign a petition banning US legislature that bans Gay Marriage

My Blog

The Monster Under My Bed.

The monster under my bed As I lay here all alone, I cry myself to sleep.My gentle face burning from my acid tears.My heart and stomach aching with stress.My soul hurts more than you'll ever know.Your ...
Posted by `ëv=e on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:29:00 PST

Sleep Paralysis Anyone??

Has anyone experienced sleep paralysis? I've experienced it SO many times i can't count anymore, depending on how relaxed I am and/or tired I am, I can experience it 10 times in 3 minutes, it just dep...
Posted by `ëv=e on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 10:57:00 PST

Sleep Paralysis & Psychological Feelings-A Terrifying Night

I had the scariest sleep paralysis last night!! I've had it before, where I was falling and I seriously couldn't move at all. I've mentioned it in another blog. I think most of you know that my worst ...
Posted by `ëv=e on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 12:29:00 PST

Daily Journal 2008

Time for another Daily Journal Blog, as I do every year! I will submit any daily quotes/thoughts whenever I get on Myspace and have something important to say. Please keep in mind that whenever I do a...
Posted by `ëv=e on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 03:42:00 PST

Barack Obama Rally In Seattle, Wa.

My Journal of Notes During the Event.                             &n...
Posted by `ëv=e on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 05:02:00 PST

Asphyxiated Tears

As an innocent baby bird, I sit there, all alone, although theres someone,sitting across from me.Pouring foolish words from the mouth,like a faucet, running never ending water.I shed my dark,crimson t...
Posted by `ëv=e on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 07:27:00 PST

"COOTIES" New York improv theater...Check it out! Its SO cute!!

This videos SO cute! The little blond haired boy is SO cute also "I was only trading lunchables" ~Sev+...
Posted by `ëv=e on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 06:48:00 PST

True Friends

TRUE friends Only for those that need a reminder of what a "friend" really is. True Friends.... Friends are for your comfort, happiness and well-being. True friends are honest, caring, respectful a...
Posted by `ëv=e on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 10:38:00 PST

StRaNgE DrEaMs

"Uneasy Falling" Like a vacuum, I was sucked into the dark purple and blue psychedelic vortex. Falling into the pattern and not able to move. Terrified. Trying to move, but I couldn't. Consciously tr...
Posted by `ëv=e on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 07:55:00 PST

My "Dead Bodies" Dream

    To brief things up; I had a dream I was living with only my grandma in this very fancy, large house. It was an extremly sunny and bright day and as always I decided to take a stroll...
Posted by `ëv=e on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 11:18:00 PST