This group was founded in 2007 with one sole purpose, "To provide a safe haven for all young people...whether Gay, Straight, Black, White, Red, etc..."
It is estimated that 30% of the youth that commit suicide are Gay/Les/Bi. Also, gay/les/bi youth are up to 6 times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual youth. The highest rates are among those who are isolated from support. We aim to help solve this problem. Suicide should never be an option...
Our mission has changed since that time. While that is one of our aims we have also expanded a bit.
There are many of the GLBT community that is kicked out of their homes due to their orientation and many are forced to make a choice of homelessness or suffering from the verbal/mental abuse that often takes place. We will look for a safe place to house individuals from a list of volunteers.
We are currently looking for Volunteers to house people who have been kicked out of their homes because of their sexuality.If you are interested at all, feel free to message us for more information.
If you know any one who needs a home or any type of help, please contact us and lets us know. We will do whatever we can to help.
We also are looking to start up support groups in schools to help educate and to have a place to help others find the support of their peers. If you would like more infomation on how to start up a group at your school, feel free to message us for more information.
To use our name for your support group is free and all we need is you to let us know. Volunteer to make a group and you will make a difference in someones life.
We are currently looking for a Vice-Chairman, if you are interested, message us and we will get some information out to you.
Together, we can spread a message of Equality for all.
Thanks for all your support!