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Mama Oasis

Serving Him by loving them.

About Me

Oasis of Hope is a non-profit organization assisting homeless children living on the streets of Kitale, Kenya as well as other at-risk children in Kitale living in extreme proverty.Oasis was formed in September of 2004. Approximately 130 children are currently participating in at least one of our programs.These programs include:Oasis of Hope Children's Centre: A drop in centre providing 2 daily meals, basic literacy education and the love of God.Group Homes Project: We currently have 31 former street children living in our five group homes. These children transitioned into a group home after spending time in the Children's Centre. They are now attending formal school and each home operates as a family with a house parent and 6-7 children.Family Assistance Project: Ten children from Oasis who live with a parent or guardian are now attending formal school. Their families receive supplementary food as well as funding to begin small businesses that will allow them to become self-sufficient.Vocational Training: We have recently begun providing our older teen girls with training from a professional seamstress. This is the first of many career training opportunities we hope to offer. Please visit our website at for more info.Oasis of Hope is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are also qualified to recieve tax deductible bequests,devises, tranfers and gifts under section 2055,2106 or 2522 of the Code. Oasis of Hope is classified as a Public Charity.What that means (in normal English!) is that when you help Oasis of Hope to help the children of Kitale, Kenya through your get to pay LESS taxes!!! It's a win-win!...... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | ClassifiedsBelow is a video of 12 Oasis boys who formerly were street boys...but now live in 2 of our group homes and attend Kitale Forest Primary School. This video was shot on my recent trip in February 2007. I brought a team to visit the school. (Pause the music at right before playing so that you can hear them sing.)

My Interests

This video shows Moses Ambunya. Moses was a street boy for almost his entire life. He never knew his father and was abandoned by his mom when he was just a toddler. A homeless man heard him crying and cared for him the best he could while they lived on the street. God certainly had his hand on Moses who was somehow able to get an education and learn English by going to various orphan projects throughout Kenya. By the summer of 2006, he was living on the streets of Kitale, Kenya and found Oasis of Hope. In January of 2007, we had an opening in our boy's home and Moses was placed in that home. He has done remarkably well. He completed the 6th grade this past December and started the 7th grade in January! Here is Moses' story in his own words (sorry, the audio is a bit out of sync with the video....pause the song to hear the is really amazing): ..Mama Oasis would love all of the friends of Oasis of Hope to go to the Impact Awards page and nominate Oasis of Hope for the impact awards. Let's spread the news about the street children of Kitale, Kenya and let everybody know how they can help us change the lives of these kids for the better!......

I'd like to meet:

People with a heart for the cast-off, abandoned and scorned children of the world. People willing to sacrifice some of their own personal comfort and material wealth along with a bit of their time and energy to help these kids. People who understand that if we all gave a little that the world could be a better place for everyone. People who are outraged that children anywhere are allowed to sleep on the streets at night, that children go hungry every day, that there are evil people who sell drugs (like glue) to children. People who can't sleep peacefully in their beds at night knowing that there are over 150 million homeless boys and girls living on the streets of this world with no one to love them and to care for them. Are you one of these people? If so....I want to meet you.

Create your own Friend Test here


Here is a photo from the day in July 2007 that Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church (author of Purpose Driven Life) came to visit Oasis of Hope. He is standing with the Oasis of Hope Scouts.This video shows the Gospel Song and Dance group "Victory Melodies" formed by the boys living in two of our group homes. These are all former "street and glue boys" who now go to school. ..


Glue Boys (...see'm no film maker, but here is a video of two of my favorite boys in the whole world...Moses and Johnstone. Both are former street living in one of Oasis of Hope's group homes. Moses, who is 13, grew up on the streets after being abandoned by his mom as a toddler. Johnstone, 14, spent almost a year on the streets of Kitale after both of his parents died. They both found Oasis of Hope's Children's Centre...attended regularly and were each transitioned into the group home after about 6 months. Johnstone and Moses are in the same 7th grade class at Kitale Forest Primary School. They are doing great! One note: In the video, I say "Hi" to them and they respond with "I am fine"....turns out "Hi" isn't really used in Kenya and they think I am saying "How are you?". Look for little John (one of their house brothers) to pop into the screen too. TO HEAR AUDIO CLEARLY...PAUSE THE SONG ABOVE. ..


Who has time to watch TV? ......I entered this photo of Johnstone and Martin in a photo here to vote for it.... Rate my photo, Click here


The Bible, White Man Walking, Song of Kenya


The men and women in this world who live their lives as the hands and feet of Jesus. ..

My Blog

In the valley...but working my way up to the mountain.

I've been back from my 2 months in Kenya exactly 5 days.I am out of sorts. I am trying to be a good sport and a good American and a good worker and a good daughter and a good friend to those who misse...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 10:03:00 PST

Back in Kitale with my kids!

Habari my friends (how are you?) I know I promised to keep you updated on how things are going here in Kitale. I had such good intentions and today I realized that I have been gone 2 weeks and I haven...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 06:40:00 PST

Goodbye California...Hello Kitale...for 7 weeks anyway!

Habari my friends (that's "how are you" in Swahili)... In just about 34  hours I will be boarding a plane to take me "home" to Kenya...back to Oasis of Hope and to the 120 or so kids that mean th...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 10:12:00 PST

A jar full of jellybeans

Good morning, my friends... I love guessing games...although I have to admit that I am not very good at them. I was in a store yesterday that had a big jar full of Jellybeans on the counter. They ...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:14:00 PST

The good name of Mama Oasis was hijacked!

Dear Friends...It has just come to my attention that somehow a bulletin announcing "Free Ringtones" was posted to all of you last Friday under my name without my knowlege or authorization.I don't know...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 08:53:00 PST

Oasis of Hope on the radio!

Dear friends of Oasis... I am really excited to announce that Oasis of Hope is going to featured on a world-wide radio broadcase June 8th. Well known missionary, pastor, author and radio personality, ...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:35:00 PST

Blessed to be a blessing

I was just reading a blog from my friend Jana who is in Kitale right now helping to get an amazing program called Celebrate Recovery up and running. You can read about what she is doing at http://www...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:35:00 PST

Pray for children at risk around the world

World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk3rd - 4th June 2006For the 11th year running, Viva Network will bring together Christians around the world to pray for children at risk on the first weekend...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:20:00 PST

What's up at Oasis of Hope

The new Oasis of Hope website is up and running. Check it out at: It tells how we got started and has lots of little stories about what has been happening there lately. ...
Posted by Mama Oasis on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:28:00 PST