care prin faptele si realizarile lor pot argumenta ca
opinia exprimata de Katlin Desgraviers in iulie 1995
este eronata :
“Romanul ocupa in cadrul
umanitatii un loc mai aparte : el se caracterizeaza
prin faptul ca nu stie ce vrea si face de cele mai
multe ori lucrurile la care se pricepe cel mai putin.
Frica de a nu avea mereu dreptate l-a stapinit mereu
incat sa-l opreasca din calea solidarizarii cu
individul de aceasi natie aflat in afirmare. Romanii
nu stiu sa lupte pentru apararea sau impunerea opiniei
lor, ci doar pentru infirmarea parerii celuilalt, dupa
care se refugiaza in folclor.
De aceea romanii nu s-au
afirmat niciodata la nivel de ratiune; au asteptat
sa-i afirme mereu altii si altii. Abia in momentul in
care altii au dovedit ca respectivul roman a avut
dreptate si folosesc deja idea lui, multimea de romani
izbucneste : “Ti-am spus eu!!!†Romanul isi traieste
si el viata; trece ca un ciine printre picioarele
ursului, fara sa-l muste: “Iaca, si eu p-aci, imi apar
saracia, nevoile si neamul.â€
Romania ca entitate a facut
din masochism o virtute. Faptul de a fi mereu
chinuita, de a fi mereu palmuita si batjocorita este
trait la nivel de paroxism apocaliptic. Orice lovitura
este considerata ca facind parte din destinul ei.
Romania n-a inteles ca EA isi creaza destinul prin
romanasii ei, iar resemnarea in fata destinului este
de fapt o resemnare in fata realitatii, pentru care a
optat si pe care singura si-a construit-o.
Totusi, destinul nu este o
piesa de muzeu, expusa pentru a fi privita din toate
unghiurile, fara a i se aduce vreo corectie. Romanul
incearca sa se afirme mereu ca un “EU SUNT†si nu ca
un “EU DEVINâ€, fixindu-si obiective, trecind prag dupa
prag si deschizind porti dupa porti. Nu exista
devenire statica, grecescul “STATOS†insemnind
stationar, si romanul incearca de sute de ani sa-l
nuanteze, sa se scuze parca. Static, “EU SUNT†nu
inseamna nici macar miscare foarte, foarte lenta : el
inseamna pur si simplu OPRIRE, negare a miscarii de
orice fel.
Si in oprire nu exista nici
macar un grad (fie el infinitesimal) de miscare. Daca
romanul ar vrea sa gindeasca responsabil la soarta sa
si a semenilor sai, am putea vorbi de miscare. Dar
vrea el asta ? Concluzionind,romanul arata cam asa :
un Iosif biblic ce stie sa accepte fara comentarii
Fiecare e liber sa-si aleaga calea
de urmat. Unii reusesc sa razbata si demonstreaza ca
este posibil sa te ridici deasupra mlastinii care te
inconjoara. Si sunt un altfel de repere, exemple demne
de urmat, pentru cei ce doresc asa ceva. Altii, se
complac sa fie mereu asimilati cu marasmul indus de
multitudinea de rebuturi umane, in voga azi
pretutindeni. Intrebarea mea este: TU CE
who through their deeds and achievements can argue
that Katlin Desgraviers’ opinion expressed in 1995 is
“The Romanian occupies a
singular place within the framework of humanity: he is
characterized by the fact that he doesn’t know what he
wants and does, for the most part, the things for
which he is least skilled. The fear of always not
being right has always suppressed him and, in that
way, stopped him from fraternizing with those
co-nationals who are pro-active. Romanians don’t know
how to fight for defending or enforcing their
opinions, but only for attacking the opinions of
others, and then they take refuge in
That is why Romanians never
distinguished themselves at a rational level; they
always waited for others and others to distinguish
them. Only when the others proved that the Romanian
in question was right and they are already using his
idea, the whole lot of Romanians burst out loud: “I
told you!!!†The Romanian lives his own life; he
passes like a dog between the bear’s legs, without
biting him: “Here I am! I am defending my poverty, my
needs and my people.â€
Romania as an entity made
masochism a virtue. The events of always being
tortured, slapped and mocked are lived at a level of
apocalyptic paroxysm. Every hit is considered as
being part of her destiny. Romania didn’t understand
that SHE creates her own destiny through her own
little Romanians, and resigning herself to destiny is
in fact a resignation in the face of reality, which
she herself chose and built.
However, fate is not a
museum piece, exposed so that it can be watched from
all angles, without any criticism. The Romanian
always tries to affirm himself with a “I AM†and not
with a “I BECOMEâ€, thereby setting objectives, passing
threshold after threshold and opening door after door.
There is no static formation, the Greek “STATOSâ€,
meaning stationary, and the Romanian has been trying
for hundreds of years to give new shades of meaning to
it, almost to the point of excuse. The static “I AMâ€
doesn’t even mean very, very slow movement: it simply
means STAGNATION, a negation of all types of
And in stagnation there is
not even a degree (be it infinitessimal) of movement.
If the Romanian were to think about his and his
people’s fate in a responsible manner, we could talk
about movement. But does he want that? In
conclusion, the Romanian looks a bit like this: a
Biblical Joseph who knows how to accept
unconditionally the will of GOD.â€
Everyone is free to choose his/her
own way in life. Some succeed in pulling through and
prove that it is possible for someone to raise oneself
from the quagmire that surrounds oneself thereby
becoming guides and examples worthy of being followed
by those who desire such a thing. Others allow
themselves to become assimilated with the morass
induced by the multitude of human refuse, which is
fashionable everywhere today. My question is: WHAT
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