Movies with integrity that teach and mentor positive change. Independent films with a poignant message. Share me your past and we will build a future, a continuum of what we have learned, on our journey toward our PEACE STAR*
A multiple-personality forum. Seek and you shall find. Be open-minded. Travel with caution. Don't believe everything you see and hear. Support the need for a story to be told ... and remembered.
We need to glean as much as we can about the experiences of other's. We need to BE interested. We need to become informed about all that happens in our world. And, we need to know all the sides and angles of every story. That way we will know and not just think we know. There are some life stories that should never be lost to the past, but kept alive, so as never to be repeated and become another's life story. And, no matter how painful and negative a story, WE NEED TO KNOW! By hearing, listening, seeing, reading, we honor those who have lived the stories.
~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~EVERYONE that has unconditionally touched lives in a positive way~ ~EVERYONE that does whatever it takes to help perpetuate Freedom, Human Rights, Social Justice~ ~EVERYONE that respects, appreciates and promotes a healthy Earth and all its inhabitants~ ~EVERYONE that gives and does well with no want or expectation of recognition~