Burma Border Refugees profile picture

Burma Border Refugees

Burma – One of the worst human rights abuses happening right now – will you just let it happen?

About Me

Burma is currently in need of the international community’s support for the peaceful democratic movement. There are reports that the brutal military has actually killed and tortured several thousand people including many monks. The courage showed by the Burmese people is absolutely amazing and should be rewarded by support from those of us that don’t need to risk out lives to ask for peace and freedom. The last uprising in 1988 resulted in thousands killed and hundreds of thousands eventually escaping as refuges. It has taken people almost 20 years to get back the courage to risk their lives for democracy again and we should be supporting them in any way we can. If we don’t use our voices to help those that have been silence then we will be just as responsible for the pain and suffering as those that inflict it. Now is the time for the Burmese people to be free. Aung San Suu Kyi, the legally elected leader of the country has been patiently waiting (just as Nelson Mandela did) for her own freedom so that she can lead her country out of poverty, out of dictatorship and into a new ear of prosperity and peace. Now is the time for all of us to show compassion and do whatever we can from writing letters, raising money, raising awareness and showing the power of united people we can help bring Burma to freedom and democracy.Help kids get educational supplies – Buy a Karen Shoulder Bag com:office:office" /

Handmade weaved Karen shoulder / satchel bag Black

I have just received an order of 17 handmade Karen satchel bags made in the traditional Karen weaving style in the refugee camps on the border. They are just beautiful and really useful for a whole range of things. They have amazing patterns weaved into them and are of a very high quality.

All the proceeds will be sent back to the Karen’s women organization to purchase educational supplies for the kids in the camps.

This bag is 35cm x 38cm and stretches out about 12cm. the strap is 120cm long so that its sits at the hip. The strap is 16cm wide and can be worn full or folded over. The hand weaved design has beautiful features with very thin lines and tiny crosses all weaved into the bag. It also has tassels hanging from the bottom and the sides. You will love this bag!

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Just send me your email address in a message and I can send you a paypal invoice and post it off to you (please include your postal address in the message) also let me know what colour you would like...

They are $35AU each plus $5AU postage ($10AU for international).

But they are really worth it and you can be happy to know that they money is all going to a very needy cause!

I have them in red, green and blue, cream and grey…(sorry there is no black left)

Contact me for more details

Thanks for the support!


Burma (also known as Myanmar )has been run by a brutal military dictatorship for over 40 years. A large majority of the 53 million people of Burma have been used and abused by the military dictatorship as salve laborers to build the now many tourist destinations. The country is one of the worlds biggest producers of heroin and the black market trade funds the evil dictatorship.
They use rape and sexual abuse as an act of war against the many minority ethnic groups in the country and have internally displaced over 1 million civilians. The situation is horrific. In 1988 there was an uprising lead by the students of Burma to oppose the military dictatorship and its harsh policies. The military responded by opening fire on civilians, killing and badly wounding men, women and children. Over 3000 innocents were murdered but many of the bodies were never found at the officers cremated them to hid the proof. When the nurses from the hospitable linked arms and marched down the street in their whites, begging them to stop killing people, they were also shot dead.

This revolution-gone-wrong, forced thousands of people to flee for there life into the dense forest near the border with Thailand . They hid there, living and to this day are continuing to fight a bloody resistance against the Burmese military. Many more people where jailed and tortured, family members of dissidents were killed in pay-back for the disobedience of their kin.

Today, there is still a war being fought between the ethnic minority Karan people of Burma and the dictatorships military armed forces. Over 70,000 children have been used as child soldiers by the military, many of them being horribly murdered when they are no longer of use to them. Hundreds of thousands of women have been raped and sexually abused at the hands of the military and many people have just disappeared. This has caused an influx of desperate people to flee their homelands to the border with Thailand, where there are now an estimated 1 million people living as ‘internally displaced’ people, there are several hundred thousand in UN refugee camps, over 2 million migrant workers in Thailand and thousands have been relocated as refugees to third countries.

Many people are so scared for their life that they spend years hiding in the jungle, but the military keeps breaking down the resistance, forcing people to move yet again.
60- 80% of the refugees living on the border are women and children.

I got back in March from 5 weeks of travelling in Soth East Asia primarily on the Thai/Burma border. I spent two weeks visiting with Non-Government and Community based organisations (NGO and CBO) as well as going into the Ma Ra Mo refugee camp. The Karen people that I met were amazing, the stories heartbreaking, but the strength and courage shown by these persecuted people was heartening. I have included some photos on my myspace page and also will upload some more information about the organisations that I visited and ways in which you can help out. If anyone has any questions please feel free to message me...


WHAT TO DO SOMRTHING? The Moa Toa clinic on the border has recently set up a children’s medical fund which specifically provides for children that have been injured in their escape from Burma. The website http://burmachildren.com/ has several options for donating and anything helps as a small amount can go along way. Some ideas for easy fundraising; - have a dinner party and get all your friends to pay you for your cooking delights - send a collection envelope around at work with some information on the situation on the border and ask everyone to throw in some lose change...
Thanks to all those who came along to the fundraiser on Friday the 8th December in Melbourne. We are so happy to announce that we raised $3000 and will be donating to three very worthy organisations on the Thai/Burma border; an unaccompanied minors orphanage; the medical children’s fund for emergency operations; and a nursery school that looks after 1300 young children.
Do you want to donate to a very worthy fund to help refugee children?

The Moa Toa clinic on the border has recently set up a children’s medical fund which specifically provides for children that have been injured in their escape from ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = .."urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags.." / Burma .

The website http://burmachildren.com/ has several options for donating and anything helps as a small amount can go along way.

I myself have organised a fundraiser (see flyer below) to help get some money together for this clinic and an orphanage on the border.

Perhaps you could do a collection at work or among your family and friends?

You are now marked on my profile visitor map!

WAR IN ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = .."urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags.." / BURMA ..:namespace prefix = o ns = .."urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office.." /

I got back in March from 5 weeks of travelling in Soth East Asia primarily on the Thai/Burma border. I spent two weeks visiting with Non-Government and Community based organisations (NGO and CBO) as well as going into the Ma Ra Mo refugee camp. The Karen people that I met were amazing, the stories heartbreaking, but the strength and courage shown by these persecuted people was heartening. I have included some photos on my myspace page and also will upload some more information about the organisations that I visited and ways in which you can help out. If anyone has any questions please feel free to message me...

My Interests

We can not sit by and let this happen. Take action!

I'd like to meet:


She is the democratically elected president of Burma . She is the daughter of Aung San who was executed just before the military dictatorship took the power and after the student uprising she addressed half a million people, standing underneath a giant image of her father and said ‘as my fathers daughter, I can not leave my homeland’. She started the National League of Democracy (NLD) and in a rare display of diplomacy, the military allowed a democratic election after the uprising. The NLD won with a landslide 80% of the votes but since this (over 30 years ago) Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest. In 1991 she was awarded the noble peace prize and wasn’t able to even collect for fear of death from the military.

What to take some action to help out?


The Burmese dictatorship realized that one of the best ways to make money was through tourism. So they enslaved hundreds of thousands of civilians, displace about the same amount of people and built huge hotels, roads, them parks (that have been called human zoos as they have ‘native’ women in them) and western style restaurants. All these things were constructed on the idea that tourist would come and spend lots of money at these state run places and thus providing a steady income to the regime. Over 70% of the salve laborers used to construct these tourist places were children! This has been happening. Even though there is an international travel boycott against travel to Burma , people still go. If you go thinking that you will just stay in some local place, and will be of financial assistance to the locals, this is not the case. Only 25% of the population ever even see tourists as the industry is so heavily restricted, most foreigners are kept track of by government spy’s and have little options to move beyond the tourist designated areas. Aung san suu kyi has requested that no one travel to Burma until the military has given the power over to the democratically elected party the ‘National League of Democracy’ (NLD). So if you want to experience Burma , then perhaps you should read the next section, use your democratic voice and hopefully eventually these people will be free, and tourism there will be ethical.


Over 20,000 women each year re trafficked into the sex industry from the Thai/Burma border. Many of these are young girls who end up being enslaved sex workers. The stories are horrific and heartbreaking. The women are coerced or tricked into to the industry and many are so ashamed that it is very hard for them to get out. WHAT CAN YOU DO?

If you are appalled by the International business community essentially perpetuating the gross human rights abuses administered to the people of Burma, then boycott these companies (and the international ones) and write a letter to the companies from your country to let them know how you feel and why you are boycotting them. engagement with the regime.

Check out this website for more info of all the companies around the world involved in Burma … http://www.burmacampaign.org.uk/

There is loads of information about the Shwe gas pipeline that was built with foreign investment, and enslaved Burmese people…

One of the main companies supporting this development is the car company, Daewoo.


Watch the following documentaries for an insight into the plight of these people WHAT TO DO SOMRTHING?

The Moa Toa clinic on the border has recently set up a children’s medical fund which specifically provides for children that have been injured in their escape from Burma . The website http://burmachildren.com/ has several options for donating and anything helps as a small amount can go along way.

Some ideas for easy fundraising;
    Have a dinner party and get all your friends to pay you for your cooking delightsSend a collection envelope around at work with some information on the situation on the border and ask everyone to throw in some lose changeSell some of your old cloths and donate the proceedsSell your old cloths and donate the proceeds


Watch the following documentaries for an insight into the plight of these people

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    Make this site one of your TOP friends on myspace and invite your other friends to become a friend of this myspace. Write a letter to you local or federal government about the diplomatic and economic relationship it has with Burma and request that they impose sanctions (some countries and already done this) Read up about the situation from other sources (see links section) so that you can help inform other people DO NOT TRAVEL TO BURMA it is highly unethical as all money entering Burma supports the military dictatorship. Write letters to the companies who are involved with ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = .."urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags.." / Burma , requesting that they either get out, or at least condition their involvement with the regime so that NO slave labours are used and military spending is decreased. Spead the word!!! Tell as many people as you know and do something to help these people!


Did you know?

The name of the country was changed by the government after the 1988 student revolution to MYANMAR this was an attempt to whip clean the history of the stat. Confusing as it is, the country is refereed to as both names.


Make this myspace one of your top friends to help spread the word… You can also send out a bulletin to all your contacts and ask them to join…..:namespace prefix = o ns = .."urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office.." /



Its like a real life 1984! Author Emma Larkin states; ‘to many Burmese, (George) Orwell is know as ‘The Prophet’. The author spent many years in his youth in Burma when it was under British rule, his first book was called “Burmese Days’ and so many find it almost scary that he essentially prophesied the current situation when he wrote 1984.

My Blog

Help kids get educational supplies  Buy a Karen Shoulder Bag

Help kids get educational supplies  Buy a Karen Shoulder Bag!..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Handmade weaved Karen shoulder / satchel bag Black I have jus...
Posted by Burma Border Refugees on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 07:11:00 PST

Call to Action for Protests against Salween dams

On February 28, 2007 join activists from around the world Stand up in solidarity with Burma's victims of severe and systematic human rights violations and environmental destruction   &...
Posted by Burma Border Refugees on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 02:52:00 PST

Infomation of the Salween River dams

Salween River Dams "I would like to encourage foreign countries to think about how much suffering and destruction the building of the dam would cause for us. Without the dam, we already face many pro...
Posted by Burma Border Refugees on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 02:50:00 PST

List of International companies to Bocott for investing in Burma

Link to website with infomation on the companies, links to letters sent and more infomation: http://www.global-unions.org/burma/default3.asp Infomation from International Confederation of Free Trade U...
Posted by Burma Border Refugees on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:03:00 PST

Amazing Artical on Burma by John Pilger - Must read

Guarded prisoners forced to build the road by the Mandalay Palace. For 34 years the people of Burma have been ruled by a military junta as tyrannical and secretive as any in the modern era. Now, des...
Posted by Burma Border Refugees on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:00:00 PST

Some web links for more info

SOME LINKS (more to come) Aung San Suu Kyi's pages: http://www.dassk.org/index.php http://freeburma.org/ http://www.freeburmarangers.org/ www.csw.org.uk/latestnews/print.php?id=520 http://www.iwda.org...
Posted by Burma Border Refugees on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 10:19:00 PST

Stories from the Border - Wai's Story

Taken from: http://www.iwda.org.au/features/wais_story/ Wai's stoy By Susie Buxton When Mrs. Myint Myint Wai was forced to flee non-democratic Burma because of her political beliefs, she had to leave ...
Posted by Burma Border Refugees on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 10:14:00 PST