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Refugees United Org.

Refugees United Organization.

About Me

Refugees United is a gateway for refugees torn apart from their loved ones. Our mission is to help reunite those who have been separated from their family and friends after fleeing their country.

Through a simple, easy and safe web database refugees can search for each others globally. Also they can choose to register, so others can search for them.

Due to the difficult living situation of many refugees it is possible to remain anonymous – registering with eg. birthmarks or nicknames only recognisable to family and friends.

The gateway is free of charge and involves no paperwork and absolutely no access to personal data by third parties.

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My Interests

Mads Mikkelsen , Actor, Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees United:

"What would you do if you were separated from your children, your spouse, siblings or parents fleeing your country? Who would help you reunite with them? 3rd world refugees do not have the power or possibilities necessary.

Refugees United offer that helping hand – free of charge. And you and I can help them. ”
- Mads Mikkelsen

For more information visit our homepage or look us up at other social networks:

I'd like to meet:

You can help more than you know just by spreading the word. Make us your friend, recommend us, forward us , read our blogs , donate if you can , participate .

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Thanking you sincerely, we are forever grateful!
Refugees United Org.

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the twilight conspiracy


My Blog

Refugees United Cartoon

Dear All,I've just posted a few screenshots from the upcoming Refunite cartoon by Anders Morgenthaler in our pic section, have a look and tell us what you think! The tale is of a computer mouse bringi...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:00:00 PST

Website/Search Engine

Dear All, From a hectic Refugees United camp, a short report on the coming website and database! We're in the midst of a beta test of the search module, while putting the finishing touches on the desi...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:07:00 PST

Myspace Badge of Support!

Dear All,A little update from a very busy Refugees United camp. We're about to undergo a complete transformation of the database and website, bringing everything to new levels, possibilities etc. and ...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 07:23:00 PST

silence is silence

he that speaks the least seems to know the most, while he that speaks the most masters the moment of no reflection or thought, while purporting to know the matters of man. but it must be in ...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:17:00 PST

Design, development and new possibilities!

Dear All, BIG NEWS! As of yesterday, Refugees United has entered BETA TEST status and have begun a major, thorough, in-depth renovation of the site, the search engine, the brand an...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:42:00 PST

Political Correctness.

Dear All, Again, a long absence of quietude on the front of Refunite Myspace blogs. However, as is always the case, it is the work of Refugees United which keeps us from sharing thoughts and practices...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 03:18:00 PST

The thief of time!

Ah yes, everyone, please accept out humble apology for such an inexcusable delay in updates! Honestly, seriously, we're overburdened, bogged down and basically just too damn busy to ensure the needed ...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 06:27:00 PST


On specific days, I believe it a wonderful thing to remind yourself that life comes with no guarantees and no warranty. If a part breaks down, it might be fixed, but the only warranty is your will and...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:10:00 PST

The Boy Scout President.

In this age of political fighting staged years ahead of relevance, we're invited to dutifully revel in the pious past of future presidents: High School years revisited, childhood friends drawn upon in...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:41:00 PST

Politics of Hope/Fear

Politics of Hope vs. Politics of Fear.Intrinsically, the political arena was created to reflect our core values in a channeled and focused way, a bid to correlate humanity to the world at large. This,...
Posted by Refugees United Org. on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 05:19:00 PST