About Me
The purpose of our store is to be a vehicle for Crafters near and far to display their unique and wonderful talent to the world.
We are two mothers based in Boston, MA who want to give you, the buyer/customer, a view into this untapped and underdeveloped source of different crafts from around the globe. This also includes local crafters pottery, art work, whatever attracts your eye is what we hope to help you find. We also want to help these artists get their names out there and help people not only here, but also in third world countries make a living for themselves and their families.
Our store will be opening September 2008 in Dedham, MA. This section of Dedham has the feel of Newbury Street with designer clothes and day spas. We will add the Eco/Humanitarian side to the area.
Some of the items are made by women in various countries who have no financial independence for themselves or their families. Using local colors, designs folklore and historical facts, they will teach you about their culture and way of life.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we all have an eye as to what is beautiful to us.
Receiving a fabulous gift with a unique story, whether it be legendry or historic is what many people are looking for in a gift today.
Each of us has a talent, and to not showcase this talent is a loss for us all. There is so much that we can learn from a small piece of art, jewelry etc., which was made by a woman, living in a shack, with barely enough food to feed her children. By buying this item you are putting food on their table and making them self reliant.
Hands helping hands is what it’s all about.
Discover the talent in your own backyard and beyond.
We will also carry Eco friendly body, mind and spirit products which are in demand by one and all. We love our planet and want to save it for our children and our children’s children.
Let us show you what you have been missing and looking for and never knew where to find it!