PENNY WARS work great for classrooms.
Create two teams and designate a jar for each. Set it up somewhere accessible by both teams.
Pennies are worth PLUS one point. However, Nickles, Dimes, Quarters and Bills SUBTRACT their value in points.
So, for example, Team A would want to put pennies in their jar, but anything else in Team B's jar.
At the end, the points are tallied and the winning Team gets a prize (pizza party, extra five minutes of recess, etc...) and the money is donated to Kids Cancer Crusade.
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Big THANK YOUs to:
Debbie for the great knitted winter hats! The kids love them!
Savana for dedicating her song "Say Goodbye" to our angels
Casey , our banner maker
CJ , for donating 120 CD samplers of his music
Coins 4 Kids , for postage and card donations
Christrina , for donating a significant amount of $4.05 priority mail postage
Hazel , for "goodie" donations
Shannan , for hats and goodie donations
Rachel , for postage, card and sticker donations
Patsy , for postage and card donations
Ellie, for postage and card donations
Brandon , for setting up a new KCC website as well as hosting it
Uncle Moondog for donating his CDs
Reta K. for tons of goodies
Denise P for $4.05 postage
and EVERYONE for all of your support!
(Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)
Brady E. | Breanna R. | Cassidy O. | Connor Du. | Angel Courtney D. | Donavynn C. | Doug R.-dougruleythirdtimearound | Dylan K. | Jada F.-ourlittleangeljada | Jenna A. | Jesse D. | Joshua H. | Kaeden V. | Kate S. | Mackenzie J. | Matthew V.-munchabunch | Malory T. | Mckenzie R. | Noah J. | Payton S. | Rainer P. | Rebecca B.-beccaboo2006 | Riley H. | Rob K. | Ryla E. |Savanna B.| Taylor K. | Zoe M.
(Acute Myeloid Leukemia)
Alexis M. | Brendon W. | Angel Caylee C. | Connor Do. | Jacey K. | Angel Jacob M. | Angel Matthew | Nicolas A. | Tanner G. (also Neuroblastoma)
(Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma)
Angel Trey D. | Tristan K.
Austin Ab.| Isaac H. | Olivia C.
(Choroid Plexus Carcinoma)
Angel Trey D.
(Diffuse Intramedullary Fibrillary Astrocytoma)
Jenna M.
(Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)
Kayla L.
Angel Brayden B. | Christian S.
(Ewings Sarcoma)
Alyssa D. | Jacob N. | Tanner L.
Tyler H.
(Glioblastoma Multiforme)
Angel Ryan O.
Brody B. | Isaiah T.-isaiahdelaney | Lindsey G. | Lindsey L. | Makade T. | Mason G.
(Hodgkins Lymphoma)
Julie M.
(Infantile Fibrosarcoma)
Gavin C.
(Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor)
Brock W.
(Juvenile Myleomonocytic Leukemia)
Angel Hannah E.
Austin R. | Austin S. | Caleb F.-calebfarthing | Kole K. | Randy P. | Ryan C. | Stephan H.
(Multiple Brain Tumors)
Alissa C.
(Near-Haploid Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)
Allen S.
Adi V. | Alara C. | Alexis E. | Alyssa H. | Amber R. | Annabelle O. | Angel Ashleigh K. | Ashlynn L. | Aurora I. | Ashley B. | Angel Austin A. | Angel Austin D. | Bailey J. | Angel Benny P. | Angel Bradley W. | Angel Brent N. |Caden B.| Angel Cameron C. | Carter F. | Chloe H.-chloehightower | Christa B. | Christi T. | Christopher C. | Codey S. | Connor G. | Angel Cortnie B. | Dalton B. | Daniel C. | Dawson D. | Destiny W. | Dillan J. | Dustin C. | Dylan H. | Eden A. | Angel Emily R. | Erin B. | Erin K. | Gage B. | Hannah D. | Imrie S. | Jack B. | Janie K. | Jay B. | Angel Jenna B. | Jessica M. | Angel Kaitlin R. | Kaitlyn A. | Angel Kaylee B. | Angel Kendall J. | Angel Kylie H. | Angel Lacey B. | Lenzie B. | Angel Lexie C. | Madelyn B. | Madison H.-maddiessickbug | Angel Megan K. | Molly C. | Nathan L. | Angel Raytheon P. | Ruth M. | Samantha H. | Angel Skylar B. | Sydney D. | Tanner G. (also Acute Myeloid Leukemia)| Tyler D. | Zachary F. | Angel Zachary S. (also Wilm's Tumor)
(Non-Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma)
Briana L.
(Optic Pathway Glioma)
Wyatt D.-wyattswarriors
Elizabeth L. | Jonah W. | Kirsten S. | Sammie H. | Trey J.
Mikayla C.
(Rhabdoid Tumor)
Jackson F. | Jill Z. | Angel Kaitlyn S. | Owen L.
Chase B. | Angel Joanna M. | Matthew H. | Tyler T.
(T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)
Justina W. | Tori N.
(Wilms Tumor)
Aydin B. | Brianna W. | Christian L. | Dillon G. | Emily K. | Gabreil D. | Ian B. | Jasmine D. | Kaitlyn H. |Nicolas S.| Samantha C. | Teena C. | William L. | Angel Zachary S. (and Neuroblastoma)