The Mystic Traveller profile picture

The Mystic Traveller

Mystic Traveller - Free Burma & Tibet!

About Me

I am a Brit who has resided in Tokyo for twelve years.

My travels across the globe have taken me to countries such as Egypt, Peru, Burma, Nepal, India, Bolivia, China, Laos, Canada, Vietnam, Malaysia, Korea, Cambodia, the whole of Western Europe, 26 states in the US and many other places. For me, travel is an education. I am fascinated by different cultures. I also enjoy trekking, having climbed in the Himalayas, Andes, Alps, the Rockies and Mount Fuji, as well as hiking in the Amazon and in the jungles of Asia. You can read all about my various adventures at my website The Mystic Traveller .

I am always looking for employment in the publishing/media industry, as a writer, artist and photographer. Examples of my work can be seen at The Mystic Traveller Website and for my latest photography at FLICKR .

In 2008, I was awarded with a Honourable Mention certificate at the International Photography Awards (IPA).

For many years, from the age of ten upwards, I was a professional actor. I worked on many television programmes and theatre productions throughout the UK. I am still an Equity member, but I lost interest in theatre as a career, because there is little security.

In 2003, I worked as a credited Dialogue Coach and Screenplay Editor on the Japanese movie 'Collage Of Our Life'. The film was directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi, and starred Ryoko Hirosue and Ryuhei Matsuda.

Recently, I have been writing for a major video games company, developing a universe for an exciting new project. Unfortunately, I cannot share any details for the time being.

I am very much involved in the campaigns to free Burma and Tibet from the oppressive governments that rule over them. In particular, this has stemmed from a strong connection with Burma, after being lucky enough to travel extensively throughout it on four visits there. The Burmese people are the most gentle, beautiful and kindest I have yet met anywhere. It is time that the Burmese and the Tibetans are released from the hardships that they have had to endure for far too long. I urge you all to become proactive in the fight.

My life is driven by a passion for mysticism. I particularly adore Buddhism and Paganism, and apply both traditions within my life. My travels across the globe have allowed me to witness and partake in a myriad of sacred rituals, which I document on my blog. There is so much more to the universe than the one we observe through the conditioned bias of our senses.

Words to describe myself: creative, sensitive, mystical, eccentric, imaginative, witty, liberal, open, extrovert, thoughtful........... hopefully, NOT egotistical.

For The Mystic Traveller's website, photography, art and writings click here:


My Interests

Travelling, writing, photography, art, movies, Anthropology, History, Buddhism, Paganism, Mysticism, current affairs and international politics, Burma and Tibet issues. I am particularly fascinated by people and their cultures.

I'd like to meet:

Fascinating, open-minded, compassionate, creative and intelligent people with a lot to say from the heart. I celebrate and adore the vast myriad of lifestyles that contribute to human culture and welcome anyone who shares such sentiments.


Ethnic, Traditional, Jazz, 60's/70's Rock, Classical. My favourite bands are The Doors and The Pogues. My favourite singer is Janis Joplin, but I adore Nick Drake. Drake's 'Riverman' is about as close as a song could get to my soul. I have recently fallen in love with Beth Hart, who seems to me the closest incarnation of Janis.


Dawn Of The Dead (original), One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Casablanca, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Psycho, LOTR: Fellowship Of The Ring, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original), The Fabulous Baker Boys, Blue Velvet, Bride Of Frankenstein, The Blues Brothers, Universal Monsters, Ed Wood, Easy Rider, Jaws, Duck Soup, As Good As It Gets, The Old Dark House


The Original Star Trek series, The Prisoner, Michael Palin's travel series, Lonely Planet (only when Ian Wright presents).


H.P. Lovecraft, A Fortune-Teller Told Me, The Outsider, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, The New Rulers Of The World, The Chronicles Of Narnia, An Intimate History Of Humanity, Companero: The Life & Death Of Che Guevera, No Full-Stops In India, Gandhi, Non-Fiction


Buddha, The Dalai Lama, Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's Monks & Nuns, Gandhi, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Mother Theresa, Che Guevara, Aleister Crowley, H.P. Lovecraft, William Blake, Ed Wood, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Janis Joplin, The Doors, Groucho Marx, Alfred Hitchcock, David Lynch, Shane MacGowan, Ramses II, Andy Kaufman, Steven Spielberg, Humphrey Bogart, Jack Nicholson, Nick Drake, William Shatner, Michael Palin

My award-winning photographs at the 2008 International Photography Awards:

My Blog


This link may be of some use for those wishing to bypass the going through this site, you donate money directly to the monks in Burma.Givin...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Mon, 12 May 2008 01:30:00 PST


You can find a list of charities here at people were suffering before the cyclone disaster, and they will need your compassion and generosity to surv...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:35:00 PST

In Search Of A Burmese Monk

As many of you may be aware, I have been very, very concerned about a dear monk friend in Burma, since all communication with him had been lost, after the brutal crackdown in September. I have been ca...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:42:00 PST

The Rolling Stones In Tokyo

Throughout my life, there has been one rock band that has been a perennial presence - The Rolling Stones. I have never bought a Rolling Stones CD, but I have always loved their music, sense of rebelli...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 06:02:00 PST


Shattered Shattered dreams shredded Upon a stage of broken glass: Beneath lies crystal shards Disintegrating on mass. Above the dark abode of night Hangs low upon the hearts deceased. Talons graspin...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 06:29:00 PST

The Dead Man's Mass By El-Branden Brazil

The light of Twilight opened:Bruised in orange inclinationBelow a dark blue cascadeOf starlit elevation.He lay down to ponderUpon the complex folly of descentAnd all the foolish hooded liesThat embrac...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 04:05:00 PST

Mystical Dreams In The Amazon

Our Amazonian Shaman with a bottle containing the Ayahuasca Three years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Amazon, in Peru. It is an extraordinary place, where beauty veils the hidden danger...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 03:56:00 PST

The Performance

War is waiting In the darkness of the wings. His improvised performance Awaiting crowds to please. Gun and sword in hand, He lifts in battle readiness For pouncing out aggressively Upon the f...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 04:19:00 PST

Travel Photography By El-Branden Brazil

See images from arround the world.  I try to capture the mystical and sublime that lies behind the veneer.  Spirit: Photography By El-Branden Brazil The site is still under constructio...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 06:01:00 PST

Downfall & Kingdom Of Heaven: History In Films

With the release of the German-made Downfall and the very Hollywood Kingdom Of Heaven, we are given an opportunity to compare differences of approach in the production of historical dramas. Downfall...
Posted by The Mystic Traveller on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST