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About Me

Love Is Real~Real Is Love/John LennonWelcome and Hello:) My name is Barbara.I am half Armenian and half German which the *profile questionaire* does not allow me to I white,Middle Eastern or European? I suppose they would like for me to put white. I am(Cat/Rabbit) Capricorn Sun/Leo Moon/Libra Rising and Mars/w/Venus in Sag.and so much more. Born in Los Angeles,spent most of my life in California,Northern and Southern and am now living in North Lake Travis area,Texas. A lovely small town run by some sad people. I miss my son Joseph who is still in Cali. with my Grandson Elijah. I miss relatives, friends,swimming out past the breakers and riding my boogie board in the Pacific Ocean,walking in the sand and laying in it. The smell,the taste and the feel of the salt water on my skin, and the way life seemed to be. I also miss my vintage buying and resale at all of the events at Rosebowl,PasadenaCC,Glendale College,Melrose and so on....And miss those wonderfully fun fellow dealers and mentors I met and hooked up with along the way. But as Lyall Lovett put it, "Texas wants me anyway". I enjoy spending time w/ my daughter Mara and 3 yr.old grandaughter Arisella and new grandson Johnny.If and when there is any time at all,I enjoy gardening,fishing,swimming,hunting out vintage items,cooking,movies,running through the sprinklers on a hot day, watching the critters and picking up their vibes,BBQing,Rainy days,thunder,building fires,and just talking w/ real and honest people be they strangers or friends.Once in a while I clean house. Doing something a little different here in Texas. Somehow got involved in mail services with computer co., then moved to Security. Presently security supervisor/administrator/lobby receptionist at a *(&^(^%$ company. There is a new energy growing here in Austin. I sort of like it as new people are moving here from everywhere in the world.. Lots of energy!:) I'm living out in the wooded area and love it. Folks...Texas is strange, but it's an experience! Once it gets too crazy here, I will most likely move on. It's growing so fast! One of those places growing too fast in a different time, and not(over time)like in the past. Like they were saving it for something and the time is now. There are wonderful people here in Austin, but it appears that the people running Texas somehow lost what it is to be a human being somewhere back in their childhood. Strange occurances...hmmmmm. I always like to try and remember that,"When You Touch Something...It Touches You Back". Here it is sort of like too many people getting too big too fast, and losing awareness of their purpose in life and even their conscience. Like....self awareness is sleeping,and they are moving too quickly,all at once,(w/OLD GAMES). It's time to start a New Village!:) Watch those cameras...and hope they are working when you need them. Yet recently in the midst of wolves for the past 10 years here in Texas...I connected with some people that have affected my life, my livelyhood in an extraordinary way. It seems surreal...but I stuck with what I believe and things just started to happen as one would hope for them to. It was truly a connection from something bigger than all of us. We all thought of it, and it came together even without words.Without plans,control ceased and justice and fairness took their coarse.Everyone working together and pleased. Devine:) I'd sure like to find some old friends to add to list,so those of you in Classmates come on over! So far some of my son's and daughter's friends have joined me on myspace. Two of them have even moved here to Texas. Small world aye?Layout made by Chyna Blogs - Path - Vladislav MySpace Blog

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My Interests

Life... people,relationships,the earth...the sky...allowing pure truth to find me. Awakeing my senses.

I'd like to meet:

Dalai Lama...all of them:) Mostly everyday people. Hopefully each experience is a positive one...and if it is negative,,,we hopefully will learn from it:) Lots of Love and good vibes peeps!!! PEACE


I love so many types of music, I can't even begin. As long as the music expresses a positive message that inspires people to care and to become self aware in all phases of life,or,is just plain fun!R.E.M.,Coldplay,James,Death Cab for Cutie,Donovan,Grand National,Police,U2,Everclear,Depeche Mode,Wang Chung,Duran Duran,Love,Julian Lennon,John Lennon,Bob Dylan,Cat Stevens,Yusaf Islam, Electronic,Zucchero-Best of:),Pavarotti And All Of His Friends,Lovin Spoonful,Joni Mitchell,Yes,Moody Blues,Techung,Pink Floyd,Early Ezra Mohawk, Country Joe McDonald-So.Cal El Monte Bro!Neil Young,Buffalo Springfield,Emerson-Lake and Palmer,Beatles,Jean Luc Ponty,Janis Joplin,Carly Simon,Annie Lennox,Youngbloods-Jesse Colin Young,Rush,(HourGlass w/Allman Bros 60's, remember"Hertbeat"?),The Young Rascals, The Seeds, Captain Beefheart,David Grisman w/Jerry Garcia,David Gray,Electronic,Al Stewart,Quicksilver Messenger Service,The Who,The Guess Who,The Doors,The Animals,Traffic,Blind Faith,(Steve W)Spencer Davis Group,Airplane-Starship-Mickey Thomas, Chaka Khan,John LennonThe Sound of The OceanLaughter, The sound of natures natural orchestras like the wind and weather,Birds,Insects sometimes all playing together at one time when we are quiet enough to hear it. I also very much enjoy different cultural sounds and instruments. I love when artists have the gift to share truths that many people feel they aren't supposed to express.It's music that makes you feel good and alive! Music and sounds from the inside,lost or missing pieces of the puzzle kept alive through music. .........That gets me high.


MOVIES: "Second Hand Lions" w/ Robert Duval and Michael Cane, "Leaving Normal","Orphans" w/ Matthew Modine & Albert Finney,"Benny and Joon","The fountain","The Celestine Prophecy","Mothman Prophecy", Lewis Carroll's "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" w/ Charlotte Henry, Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, W.C. Fields and more...... try to find it."The Fountain","Quest For Fire","The Manchurian Candidate","Apocalypto","Harold and Maude","Moonstruck", "Michael","Harvey","Pay It Forward","The Phantom Of The Opera","The Hunting Party" W/ Richard Gere and Terrence Howard(very good!),and yes...Quinton T and John Waters films.Television: I love BBC and KLRU. Mostly Love British Comedy...As Time Goes By is a fave.Northern Exposure, Informative programs are good. Music stations like Austin City Limits is good. Oooh Rat,You did not trick me...They probably concocted this story about was probably part of a political scheme.You cannot change these things.I Am Not Rabbit...I Am Still Cat!" ;iLive with compassion, Work with compassion, Die with compassion, Meditate with compassion, Enjoy with compassion, When problems come, Experience them with compassion. Lama Zopa Rinpoche


Informative books, *Favorite Book is ("Essence Of The Heart Sutra")Inspired by His Holiness-The Dalai Lama*,Buddhist Inspirations,Poetry,old cook books,old children's books,old maps,old dictionaries,vintage interior Design,Books with old pictures and photos,Books about plants and herbs, medecinal,food healing,natural therapy,Books that identify vintage and antique items,Art and books of all kinds:) I enjoy reading books that bring this life to light. "How To See Yourself As You Really Are" by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Manuals of Taoist Practice-"Sex,Health & Long Life"-very interesting,a very very interesting book packed full by Thomas Cleary. Currently reading "The Tibetan Book Of The Dead"/HHDL


Everyday heroes and people allowing truth to flow in,People helping people to remove all of the chaos that has been taught into our lives since we were children and since the beginning of time. All of the stories and problems that exist appear to have been designed without mindfulness. We need to wake up and love...... Time for a cool change:)All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives. Dalai LamaI find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. Dalai LamaIf you have a particular faith or religion, that is good. But you can survive without it. Dalai LamaIf you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai LamaIn the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher. Dalai LamaIt is necessary to help others, not only in our prayers, but in our daily lives. If we find we cannot help others, the least we can do is to desist from harming them. Dalai LamaIt is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come. Dalai LamaLove and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.Dalai Lama Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. Dalai LamaOpen your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. Dalai LamaOur prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.Dalai LamaToday, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life. Dalai LamaMy daughter is Awesome:) She just sent me this photo of my favorite playground in California...Balboa's, "The Wedge"! This is where I spent many many hot summer days during my youth and before I left Cali. in the 90's. I still have the boogie board w/ me here in Texas that carried me through its ride. Just swimming out past its breakers, flaoting up and down in its swells was an awesome spiritual experience in itself!:) So many lessons and changes it allowed so many of us beach lovers to experience:)

My Blog


As far as places that you  go to because you want to go more than anywhere else....Beaches have to be where I spent most of my time whenever I got a chance throughout my life.(that’s beside...
Posted by Barbara on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:15:00 PST

Dont worry...Im not flipping out...Im just tripping.

I'm just being creative with things I see, hear, feel and smell each day since the beginning that have come to light.
Posted by Barbara on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 06:06:00 PST