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Mari Boine

Mari Boine

About Me

Mari Boine was born on November 8th 1956 in Gámehisnjárga by Karasjok. Educated teacher from the Regional College in Alta. Full-time musician since 1985. Her debut album Jaskatvuoda manna came in 1985, her breakthrough came in 1989 with Gula Gula .
Music can touch on strings you might not know you had. It can provide meaning, but it can also create moments which cant be defined. Moments which go to your core, that touch some sort of primal instinct, and that put you in a trancelike condition. Music can confuse you. But it can also make you feel happy, uplifted or enriched. And maybe even more whole.
Mari Boines music has this effect. You cant leave a meeting with Mari and her music untouched. That is, if you dare to let her get close.
Her music is actually simple. It is in the meeting between the songs, her voice and the musicians in the band that it gains strength. And in the interaction with the listener, because you must meet Maris music with an open mind. If you dont give of yourself, you might not discover the wealth she has to offer.
Because Mari is exceptional. She is an artist who is difficult to categorize. Perhaps shes a Sámi artist, perhaps shes a practitioner of world music. Perhaps she makes music in the borderline between Sámi, other folk music, jazz and rock. Perhaps shes the sum of all this. Or perhaps shes just herself. A musician, singer and artist whos making her own mark. Who has gone down a road where she hasnt always seen the destination. And who is still travelling.
1985: Jaskatvuo?a ma??á (Etter Stillheten)
1989: Gula Gula (Hør stammødrenes stemme)
1991: Salmer på veien hjem (With Ole Paus and Kari Bremnes)
1992: Møte i Moskva (With the band Allians)
1993: Goaskinviellja (Ørnebror)
1994: Leahkastin (Unfolding)
1996: Eallin (Live)
1998: Bálvvoslatnja (Room of worship)
2001: Remix Vol. I: O??a hámis
2002: Gávcci jahkejuogu (Eigth Seasons)
2006: Idjagie?as (In the hand of the night)
2008: Remix Vol. II: It Ain't Necessarily Evil (Bo?eš bat gal buot biros)
Mari has also collaborated with a number of different artists, among them Peter Gabriel on One World One Voice (1990) and Jan Garbarek in 1991/1992. She has written commissioned works for both Vossajazz (1994) and Telemarksfestivalen (2005).
She composed the music to, and had the only role in, Mona J. Hoels short film Vuolgge mu mielde bassivárrái (Bli med meg til det hellige fjell) (1995). Has written the music for the German film adaptation of the Hans and Greta fairytale (2005).
Has received a number of awards, distinctions and grants. Among them several Spellemann awards, the Ole Vig award, Nordic Sámi Councils Honorary Award, Nordic Councils Music Award, the Norwegian Audio-Visual Funds large launching grant.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Musicians on Idjagieas

Myspace Backgrounds SVEIN SCHULTZ
PETER BADEN (alias Peterb.)

Other collaborators are Terje Rypdal, Anitta Suikkari, Marry Sarre and Kenneth Ekornes.


Eagle Talk Video

Eagle Talk

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Record Label: Universal Music / Emarcy
Type of Label: Major