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AMMA - Embracing the World!

About Me

Indian saint known as Ammachi, Amma, Mother of Immortal Bliss, and The Hugging Saint, a remarkable contemporary woman. Born the fourth of nine children to an extremely poor family in a fishing village on the west coast of India, she was named Sudhamani. A precocious child, she started composing songs of deep mystical significance at the age of five. Her enchanting singing became well known throughout the village. Aware from infancy of her constant connection to the divine, she immersed herself in carrying out compassionate acts towards her family and neighbors. She was often seen singing in a mood of ecstatic devotion or blissfully immersed in meditation. "From childhood I had an intense love of the Divine Name. I would repeat the Lord's Name incessantly with every breath and a constant flow of divine thoughts was kept up in my mind no matter the place where I was or the work I was doing."Ammachi had only four years of formal education before she was put to work full time. As a teen, she scandalized her family and community by refusing to marry, devoting herself to a life of mystical contemplation and social service. Her family and others scorned her "strange" behavior and threatened her. Eventually the girl was locked out of the house and not even given any food to eat. When sympathetic local women tried to bring her food and care for her, they were sent away by the family. Some of the local villagers who could not understand her state of divine bliss ridiculed her by throwing stones at her, and she endured threats on her life. She slept outdoors with the sand as her bed, the stars as her blanket and the moon her only light. Animals came to feed her, with reports of a dog that brought food packets to her in his mouth and a cow that stood near her so that she could drink from its udder. In late 1975, as she prayed fervently to the Divine Mother, longing for mystical union, she was rewarded with a vision and a message. She began instantly to manifest the qualities of the Divine Mother and became Mata Amritanandamayi, Mother of Immortal Nectar, respectfully called Ammachi, "revered mother." She began to perform small miracles and attain great visions. From 1981, a small group of dedicated devotees began to be attracted to her spiritual wisdom, her amazing command of advanced yogi states and her unceasing radiance that bestowed unconditional love to all.In the intervening years, she has become one of the best loved saints in India, and she has gained millions of followers worldwide. Hailed by many Indian leaders as a woman of unassailable sanctity and selflessness, she lives the life of a simple village woman, with few possessions. With boundless energy, she has founded hospitals, orphanages, cultural institutions and schools. Her work has blossomed into a worldwide organization, the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust, which is engaged in many spiritual and charitable activities. In 1993 she was elected one of three "presidents" of Hinduism, a lifetime position.Over the past several years, she has spent a third of each year traveling around the world with her teaching. When she appears in public, as many as a million people come to receive her blessing. She asks for nothing. When gifts are given, they are turned over to her charitable trust fund that feeds an estimated 50,000 poor Indians monthly. As the faithful or the curious line up, she embraces each person, radiating love and compassion. "Hugging," she said, "helps them to unfold and to awaken their true nature."
Amma does not run this myspace page, she's way too busy touring the word and giving hugs to be online!! I am a devotee and this is my seva, helping share the truth of unconditional love! I will be happy to answer any questions you have about Amma to the best of my ability! Namaste!

My Interests

Amma has time and again emphasised that the duty of every human being is to realise his true Self, or in other words, "know who we really are." She does not favour any particular religion. When asked to which religion she belongs, she says, my religion is love and service.Love is the foundation of a happy life. Knowingly or unknowingly we are forgetting this truth, she says. Amma, on several occasions, has said that it is important not only to feel love but also to express it. After all, love is our true nature. When we do not express love in our words and actions it is like honey hidden in a rock. She says, it is of no use to anyone. This mutual sharing and expressing of love should begin at home between married couples and between parents and children. Only then will there be peace and harmony at home and in society."Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear, at least for one night. Everyone should be able to eat to his fill, at least for one day. There should be at least one day when hospitals see no one admitted due to violence. By doing selfless service for at least one day, everyone should help the poor and needy. It is Ammas prayer that at least this small dream be realised."

I'd like to meet:

"The Divine is present in everyone, in all beings, in everything. Like space it is everywhere, all pervading, all powerful, all knowing. The Divine is the principle of Life, the inner light of consciousness, and pure bliss. It is our very own Self."


"In the river of Love, Thou raisest the waves of divine music and beauty. Thy smile radiates cooling light in which my inner self gets immersed."Amritanandamayi is well known for her singing, said to be soul stirring. Bhajans, or Indian devotional chants are a big part of the Ashram and Amritanandamayi joins the daily chanting when she is at the ashram. She has sang in over 30 different languages. Since her early childhood she has composed hundreds of bhajans. The senior swamis are accomplished musicians in both vocal and instrumental areas of music.

My Blog

The Union of Shiva and Shakti

"When a man and a woman move together with love, mutual understanding, and a willingness to be flexible to the otherĀ“s needs, what develops is not equality between them, but union - the union of Shiv...
Posted by AMMA on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:16:00 PST

Children, love the poor wholeheartedly!

"Children, love the poor wholeheartedly! Go to their level. Believe that it is your dharma, your God-given duty to love and serve the poor. No matter how rich we are, as long as we are not prepared to...
Posted by AMMA on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 08:21:00 PST

What is Devi Bhava?

DEVI BHAVA TONIGHT IN SAN RAMON, CA! (Mon. Nov.26)Go to for more infoBhava Darshan is the manifestation of different Isvara Bhavas or Divine Moods by an Incarnation of God according to th...
Posted by AMMA on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 03:34:00 PST


"Action performed with a spirit of selflessness is far superior to action performed with selfish motives. A person who is inspired by the ideal of selflessness is less attached to the action and more ...
Posted by AMMA on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 12:55:00 PST

Gratitude to the Guru

"A master teaches us to accept everything,to be thankful for good and bad, right and wrong,friend and enemy, helper and abuser, liberator and oppressor. A master helps us to forget the dark pastand th...
Posted by AMMA on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 02:08:00 PST

We Are One!

"The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. the reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we...
Posted by AMMA on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 03:33:00 PST

Amma is coming to California and Michigan this month!

"Love is not something that can be taught by someone or learned from somewhere. But in the presence of a perfect master we can feel it and, in due course, develop it, because a Satguru creates the nec...
Posted by AMMA on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:27:00 PST

"Compassion: The Only Way to Peace,"

Amma's Address upon Receiving the Cinema Verite Award,12 October 2007, Paris, France"The main reason for some of the conflicts in today's world is the separation between science and religion. In reali...
Posted by AMMA on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 04:31:00 PST

May the tree of our life...

"May the tree of our lifeBe firmly rooted in the soil of love.Let good deeds be the leaves on that tree.May words of kindness form its flowersAnd may peace be its fruits."~Amma~...
Posted by AMMA on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 12:12:00 PST

We should teach the children...

"We should tell children while they are very young that there is a power known as God who controls everything. If we teach a child to remember this divinity in all circumstances of life, that child wi...
Posted by AMMA on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:50:00 PST