Amma has time and again emphasised that the duty of every human being is to realise his true Self, or in other words, "know who we really are." She does not favour any particular religion. When asked to which religion she belongs, she says, my religion is love and service.Love is the foundation of a happy life. Knowingly or unknowingly we are forgetting this truth, she says. Amma, on several occasions, has said that it is important not only to feel love but also to express it. After all, love is our true nature. When we do not express love in our words and actions it is like honey hidden in a rock. She says, it is of no use to anyone. This mutual sharing and expressing of love should begin at home between married couples and between parents and children. Only then will there be peace and harmony at home and in society."Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear, at least for one night. Everyone should be able to eat to his fill, at least for one day. There should be at least one day when hospitals see no one admitted due to violence. By doing selfless service for at least one day, everyone should help the poor and needy. It is Ammas prayer that at least this small dream be realised."
"The Divine is present in everyone, in all beings, in everything. Like space it is everywhere, all pervading, all powerful, all knowing. The Divine is the principle of Life, the inner light of consciousness, and pure bliss. It is our very own Self."
"In the river of Love, Thou raisest the waves of divine music and beauty. Thy smile radiates cooling light in which my inner self gets immersed."Amritanandamayi is well known for her singing, said to be soul stirring. Bhajans, or Indian devotional chants are a big part of the Ashram and Amritanandamayi joins the daily chanting when she is at the ashram. She has sang in over 30 different languages. Since her early childhood she has composed hundreds of bhajans. The senior swamis are accomplished musicians in both vocal and instrumental areas of music.