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Debara - Call In All Angels

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~ We INVITE YOU to LISTEN to BOTH of OUR LIVE BROADCASTS~ Callin All Angels ON DreamVisions7Radio net work WARL 1320am Providence RH & KZNU 1450am FOX NEWS TALK Southern Utah's n.o. 1 Talk show. Calling All Angels WHERE POSTIVE ENERGY IS MOVING FORWARD!
or visit our online Angel Store .

I Welcome you to my space where Angels love to play. Welcome all Angel's as we together hold a Vision of Peace. We invite you to celebrate life. What if you knew today, was the last day of your life? How would you live your life today, if it where last day of your life? What would do? I know one thing that i realy love doing, is Singing. I would sing. I loving hearing the Songs in the Universe. I love writing songs for my friends & family..I have had several near death experience's. I've walked in many worlds. I have held my dear children & Father and Brother in my arms as I watched them pass away, now my Mother at 83 is passing on her legacy of love. I know as Chief Seattle say's, "Death is just Changing of worlds." I love this Planet, I do love our world. I feel so gratiful to just be alive. One of my favorite places in the Universe is Music, where i can hear the songs... I can hear your song....Everyone has a song.. What If Music, is the Vibrational song which ends Suffering? Where ever you are in life ...May You sing...or Create a place of Peace and Joy and Miracles for you... I invite you dance or sing or just embrace the new levels of realitys that are possible Today for you.I am Honored to be Adopted Cherokee & Navajo-Dine, ( 4 Conors region. ) To Dance * and Sing * in Celebration of Mother Earth is a deep love of mine. I enjoy being at Villiage of Many Nations at on top of the Mountian at Zion National Canyon.. Being with all My native Sisters and Brothers as we speak the language of the Unspoken. Listening to the Call of the Buffalo is a place Where tribes come together sharing there wisdom and ancient traditions in season. We recently lived on the Buffalo Reverse. What a Thrill it is to wake up in the Arms of my Sweet Heart with a heard of Buffalo surrounding us & our Cabin home, oh yes and One Cow we Call, Spot. As a very young child my Father, 'Big Bill Bruhn, took me to watch the Ceromonys and Dancers .. Through his love my Heart began to have eyes to see beyond into greater Realities. Where Nations heal & Peace is Possible. PEACE IS YOUR GIFT FOR MANKIND. TIME IS A GIFT THAT YOU ARE GIVEN TO CREATE. YOUR LIFE IS A CANVAS OF COLORS TO CREATE A NEW MASTER PIECE. We are now holding our 6th year at VISION QUEST FOR WORLD PEACE Suport group.. We meet in a Circle where we meditate, See Auras, talk about our Angels an guides and whats happening currently with our world. We send our energys where we are shown.. Prayer is a Power that is Real,. It changes all realitys.. When many or more come to together with Pure focus with energy of heart for Peace. Miracles constantly happen. Healing happens in all Deminsions. Healing with the power that continues to remind us how truely renewing we are and that when we continue to cherish this beautiful Earth and each other we all Win... Our Earth is in a phase of Renewal and so are we.. We are made up of particles *atoms of Earth .. We are Eternal and Alive. It is a Big Universal after all. We get to Make a Diffenrance, today. May we hold each other in the vision quest of beauty. Angels are Watching over us.... We see your divine nature, as we together invision our world in the maginifance of its creation. Send us your name or names of those you wish ot be held in our CIRCLE OF LOVE...We love you. WE meet every Thrusday at 5:30pm mst... JOIN US IN WITH YOUR PRAYER ENERGY, AS WE TOGETHER . as.. ONE. SEND OUT OUR ENGERY FOR PEACE FOR ALL DEMINSIONS OF TIME AND SPACE.I love children. I feel that those children who are being born and who have recently been born, are ready to help our planet get through a destructive phase on Earth. "We can turn this world around for good." was a young 13 year voice heard saying, recenltly at Our KIDS CIRCLE 4 PEACE group "We ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE, thats why We are here." The Children meet once a Month and PAY IT FORWARD with PROJECTS, or talk about there dreams, Angels, and subject's that Make them feel good. Recently they joined with a New voice in another state back on the East coast. Kids realy connect and talk with or with out phones.. The KIDS are 5 to 14 years of age. We will post pictures soon...Keep you updated Children are GIFTED with INTELIGENCE beyond those bright and beautiful minds from generation's past. They hold the KEYS for possiblties for global warming, and energy SOLUTIONS,, like Albert Einstein and the masters of love like unto Christ..These CREATIVE CHILDREN DESIRVE all the LOVE WE can GIVE them. We must LEARN TO LISTEN with our HEARTS as we learn to live LEARN TO LIVE with INTERGITY. We must be willing to learn new concepts. Our children hold the keys. in there tender hearts and minds that can unlock the old patterns of self destruction. As they lead us into a WORLD THAT WORKS. OUR FUTURE IS OUR YOUTH....I have two Angels who have lived short lives on earth. My second "Angel," child 'EMILY CRYSTAL was born with birth defects, which intimately introduced me to deeper understanding of the angelic realm and the gift of healing, through profound level's of experince's. Both of my children were Crystal and Indigo children. SUMER, My 1st "ANGEL," DAUGHTER passed at the age of 16 years in a car crash, and Crystal my second "ANGEL," daughter passed away after .. being in a COMA for eight years. CRYSTAL, was born with rare birth defects, from the Atomic fallout, which came from the Nuclear fallout in the desert where I grew up played as a child. I have been given through my divine Angel experence's an intrinsic Knowledge and insight into the hearts of INDIGO & CRYSTAL CHILDREN who are born with a NEW COLOUR, which I see as IRRESISANT CHILDREN.One of the books that I am currently writing, Feather's of Imortality," is taken from a book of stories that were left behind for me to share from my daughter, Sumer. She left alot of amazing journals. Some of her writings in which I found have Stories that sumer left written in four languages for the 'STAR SEEDS' of this day. SUMER wrote in her journal the day before she crossed over from auto accident. the second day of her Junior year of High School. As she new there are no accidents... We found in her locker the words in a lose journal that fell on the floor, the day she died. SUMER age 16 " THE DAY I DIED IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE, TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT, ACCIDENTS DO HAPPEN" and her last essay."WHATS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD?"I feel if we would FOCUS more on are SIMILARITIES, than are diffences we would find out that we have so much in common. We would than begin to CELEBRATE our DIFFERANCES." That is what this Website is all about and Our ANGELS RADIO SHOWS. Thank-you SUMER, for you're insight's. I Invite you to listen to Our/my Radio shows
or visit our online Angel Store .

LISTEN LIVE on SATURDAY MORNING 10/11 am Est. CALLING ALL ANGELS OUR Fifth Year NUMBER 1 listened to TALK SHOW in Southern Utah. Fox News 1450am with DeVona & Myself. We Have fascinating quest's from Around the World. Give us a call and share your Miracles or Concerns. Share stories about your Guides and Angles.. I have Messages for you as I read your Aura.. or Comunicate with Loved ones who have Crossed Over. Or just Listen..MONDAY'S 6/7 pm Est Time on DREAM VISIONS 7 Radio You can Caught the show CALLIN ALL ANGELS East coast WARL 1320am out of Providence RH/

OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABE'S is a show I LOVE that goes to your heart. You wont want to miss this once a month, show. I visit with my friends from our Gifted Children's Group as they share Amazings Insights about their Guides & Angel visits. They talk about Aura's..whats up with Mother Earth and the Our Future as a planet, and of course you can always be blessed with there deeper Insight. Caught the show. Listen as you become the change you wish for the World. I am a audio/visual/gifted clairvoyant..and much more. I talk to Angels seen and unseen. I have a message for you.

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May we all know that WE Make A Differance... Thankyou... to All of You... I'd like to meet you ...Maybe I have.. Thanks for Being You...! Research is showing us in Our DNA.. The profound... Possiblities.. beyond our wildest Dreams




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My Daughter Sumer loved this Music. Sumer and I share with you from the Angelic Realms, the film below. We would like to thank the Producer's who Produced this film... Enjoy Celebrate As we Usher in A New Reality.Let PEACE BE THE BREATH that you Breath. May Angel's Sing.... As we listen to the song's of Universe. let us breath and sing with GRACE and Gratitude. A Song remebered is a song worth Singing.BELIEVE Just BELIEVE THAT PEACE IS POSSIBLE IN ARE TIME.... NOW More Videos Yes, "PEACE IS A PROCESS OF FINDING WHERE WE ARE A LIKE not where we are Different. When looking for the difference it causes strife... PRAY FOR PEACE AND THE WORLD LEADERS WILL LOOK AT WHERE WE ARE ALIKE." amenamenamen.... :

thanks :)

Kat @ SOTY


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