Hoping to go to Grad School in 2008 to get my Masters in Vedic Theology or Sanskrit
cuz I'm cool like dat and I have magickal nerdy powers and fairy
dust in abundance....Chanting and dancing to the maha mantra
is mind, body and soul touching sublime bliss from the spiritual
realm. This is ecstasy COMPLETELY FREE from material contaminations,
constraints or imperfections. It's freedom to love the Supersoul
residing within the heart and our life's purpose to reawaken
OUR UNIVERSAL dormant God consciousness and TASTE THE LOVE for which
we are all yearning. There is no greater love than God for He is
the Resevoir of All Pleasure, Hare Krishna! Plus, He's the coolest
Person ever! (Checkout Krishna Book or krishna.com) Show your
spirituality by showing love for everyone (the animals too)! Chant:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna / Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Hey if you wanna talk about Krishna Consciousness or are new to it and wanna know more about it, please contact me! It's a sweet, non-threatening and totally relaxed way to learn more about what all these wacky and loveable "Hare Krishnas" are all about. I'm happy to teach or explain and I'll answer any questions from the serious seeker! I already have shared these teaching with many myspacers and would love to share it with you! It's a great way to make friends here too. Just send me a message with questions and we can get started one-on-one! Or tell me about yourself and what you want out of life and we can start an open dialogue! Let's Bliss-Out!!!
All Glories to His Holiness Jayapataka Swami!
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