Om Amriteshwaryai Namah!This devotional page is offered at the Lotus Feet of my Satguru Sri Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi ,known as "Amma, the hugging saint."
I'm Stacy. My whole life is devoted to spirituality. It is a passion of mine. I live and breathe it. I am so in love with Amma! I
follow the path of bhakti yoga (path of devotion). The bhakti path is more powerful than the path of meditation (raja yoga)because just five minutes of crying to God equals to one hour of meditation. Every tear we shed for our Guru, Beloved or God is a step closer to Her/Him. Amma always comes to you when you cry, long and call out to Her.
Om bhakti gamyayai namah
She who can be reached by devotion.
#119, Sri LalitaSahasranama
Devi is ever merciful and grants Her devotee's deepest desires.
Om kama-dughe namah
She who fulfills desires.
#795 Sri Lalita Sahasranama
When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Prior to meeting Amma for the first time in June 2005, I really knew nothing about Her except that She was called "the hugging saint." I first heard of Amma on a travel show called The Lonely Planet a few years ago. The hostess Justine had visited Kerala and had Amma's darshan in Amritapuri. She came out of the temple, so touched with tears on her face. I thought to myself If I were ever in India, I'd want to have Amma's darshan. Little did I know that I was destined to not only meet Amma, but to actually be intensely devoted to Her with all of my heart, mind, body and soul. I had never read anything about Amma.
One day in June 2005, my friend had told me that she found some information on the internet that Amma the hugging saint was going to be in California next week and wanted to go see Her. When she told me this, I was surprised that Amma was going to be in California! I had no idea that She came to the USA. As soon as I saw Amma's face on Her USA website , I knew I had to go! It was not a question at all. It was like my mind reacted real fast. So I went with my friend the following week to have Amma's darshan at Her San Ramon, CA ashram . I ended up being the very first person in line to receive Amma's darshan. I was sitting in front of Her while She was meditating. I had my eyes open not medtiating and looking at Her thinking Who is she? I was just so curious and intrigued by this really small woman who was the most beautiful human being that I had ever laid my eyes on. There was such a graceful way of walking and looking at all of us that Amma had.
Om marali-manda-gamanayai namah
She who has the slow gait like the swan.
#47, Sri Lalita Sahasranama
When I had my first darshan with Amma, She hugged me twice and motioned for me to sit next to Her. Just watching Her give Pure Love to all that came to Her, I felt the Love overflow to me too. It filled my heart to thebrim bringing me to tears. Something so silent and yet so powerful was beyond words. I knew I was in the presence of a truly Holy Person. It was also the day that I knew I had met my Master without a doubt in mymind.
A couple of days later, I went back to Amma's program on Devi Bhava night. When I had my second darshan with Amma, I also waited for my turn to get my mantra from Her. You have to first ask Amma for amantra, and if She says yes, then you can line up to receive it on Her right side. When it was my turn, I was just so happy to be next to Her again. As I got the piece of paper with my personal mantra, I did not knowhow to pronounce it. As if She could read my mind, Amma turned to face me and started mouthing the mantra to me. I repeated after Her. Amma knew I was deaf without my ever telling Her that. I was smiling big to get this precious gift which meant the world to me that I ended up giving Her a hug! I had become initiated by Amma that night which is a huge blessing. When you become initiated by a Satguru, they become responsible for you, taking you under their wing watching your every move and thought. They carry us over the Ocean of Transmigration. Ever since then, it has been like being on an express train! Amma takes Her devotees and disciples on the freeway towards God.
Please note that since I'm on dial up that I'm unable to comment and visit MySpace regularly. I'll occasionally add the friend requests and read my comments and messages whenever I'm on a faster speed. Thanks for your patience!
I have 600+ Amma photos on my Flickr album .
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