HRH Prince Magloire profile picture

HRH Prince Magloire

I am here for Friends

About Me


I have spent my early ages in Centrafric, before coming in France at 12 years old.
Those prime years were great moments for my education.
My father said to me : « You are the first, the leader of the entire family. So at any time, in any situation, you must still be the best. »
I was roughly educated, with no compromising, no indulgence for any kind of mistake.
That was completed by a full Jesuit education too, running from till the entrance at university.
Frankly speaking, it was only around 25 years old, that I had started to pay attention to the matter of our tradition. Remembering what happened when I was 4 years old.
My grand father, called the « Kota makoundji » The very big chief, took me up and spit in my mouth during a special ceremony.
It was like, according to the ancestors rules of our tradition, I was crowned as his successor.
Six months later, He passed away.
By the family path of my mother, I received also the symbolic title of Sultan of the Dar-El-Kebir, knowing how french colonization had destroyed around 1920 all traces of the Sultanate. Only memories keep it alive.
My full name is HRH Prince Magloire Malleboyako LAMINE of Bokanga. But using just my nickname 'Mag' is enough lol.

So, it was not easy to duly learn true life of average and common people. But it was worth its while to do it.

I found my life path through spirituality, and by the way 'met' Sri Aurobindo at my early 20, and others masters too.
What's behind the curtains, what's behind appearances were and are again my main goals.
I love people, love astonishing human being contacts, love music in whole its differences. That feeds me at each time, even sometimes it wasn't easy.
My life went from quite rags to riches, and at this moment, standing on the top of the mountain, I finally realize that it's only now that the trip truly begins.
What means being rich with money ? Being billionaire ? I am wondering again. Except having comfortable material life, it is nothing at all. Reality is otherwhere.
Most of my pupils used to call me master. What a stupid and crazy idea ?
The only master is inside us, not somewhere else.
And I dislike to be prisonner of that.
All I can do is to reveal the own master, if I may it.
I like running by the backdoors, that's my sort of funny game. 'coz only there, live real people, true men and women.

- Le principal trait de mon caractère :
La persévérance
- Your most marked characteristic : Never give up

La qualité que je désire chez un homme : Le courage
- The quality you most like in a man : Courage

- La qualité que je désire chez une femme : La passion
- The quality you most like in a woman : Passion

Ce que j'apprécie le plus chez mes amis : Leur présence
- What do you most value in your friends : Their presence

- Mon principal défaut :

- What is your principle defect : Dispersion

- Mon occupation préférée :
Enseigner le yoga
- What is your favorite occupation : Teaching yoga
- Mon rêve de bonheur :
Voir la fin de la guerre sur terre
- What is your dream of happiness : Seeing the end of all wars in the world

- Quel serait mon plus grand malheur :
Survivre à mes enfants
- What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes : Keeping my life after my kids lost their owns

- Ce que je voudrais être :
Un oiseau qui ne se pose jamais
- What would you like to be : A bird who never lands

- Le pays où je désirerais vivre :
Le pays des rêves
- In what country would you like to live : The country of dreams

- La couleur que je préfère :
- What is your favorite color : The rainbow

- La fleur que j'aime :
La rose jaune
- What is your favorite flower : A yellow rose

- L'oiseau que je préfère :
Le mandarin
- What is your favorite bird : The mandarin

- Mes auteurs favoris en prose :
- Who are your favorite prose writers : Conan Doyle, Rainer Maria Rilke, Tolstoï, Eiji Yoshikawa
- Mes poètes préférés :

- Who are your favorite poets : Rimbaud, Lord Byron, R. Browning, C. Baudelaire
- Mes héros dans la fiction :
- Who are your favorite heroes of fiction : Achille Talon, Oumpah Pah
- Mes héroïnes favorites dans la fiction :
- Who are your favorite heroines of fiction : Calamity Jane, Faith

- Mes peintres favoris :
- Who are your favorite painters : Dali, Bruegel senior
- Mes compositeurs préférés :
- Who are your favorite composers : Haendel, Boieldieu

- Ce que je déteste par dessus tout : Manquer à sa parole
- What is it you most dislike : To break a promise
- Le don de la nature que je voudrais avoir : La compassion infinie
- What natural gift you most like to possess : The infinite compassion
- Comment j'aimerais mourir : Dans un mahasamadhi
- How would you like to die : By a mahasamadhi

- Etat présent de mon esprit :
- What is your present state of mind : Cool
- Fautes qui m'inspirent le plus d'indulgence : Se tromper en essayant
- To what faults do you feel most indulgent : Making mistakes by trying to do something
- Ma devise : L'amour force les serrures
- What is your motto : Love laughs at locksmiths


Currently 23 music videos added !

Earth, Wind and Fire, September
envoyé par memmoria
Earth,Wind and Fire-Fantasy (Live)
envoyé par SirDroopy
Bootsy Collins - Stretchin'Out
envoyé par HORT94
James Brown - Sex Machine (live)
envoyé par Van_Lock
Deee-lite - Groove Is in the Heart
envoyé par hushhush112
Bob Marley _ Redemption Song _ live
envoyé par hiphopmomo
bob marley - stir it up
envoyé par bob2409
Bob Marley-Peter Tosh get up stand up
envoyé par kaya91
Bob Marley-One Love
envoyé par blade2409
Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
envoyé par voice-vortex
Madonna - La Isla Bonita
envoyé par rakosky
Peggy LEE Why Dont You Do Right
envoyé par fisher33
Madonna - Like A Prayer
envoyé par hakim93200
The Jacksons - Blame it on the boogie
envoyé par chilavert
The Jacksons Five - Can You Feel It
envoyé par hakim93200
envoyé par pierrot77
Grand master flash - the message
envoyé par seidrik a href=" JvZmlsZS5jb20v"&g

My Interests

Still in search to feed my Know how of life. Some passions among most bellow: Sports : (Soccer – I was quite a pro -, Racing cars – Formula one, Driving speed cars, Sailing, Tennis, Basket ball, Volley ball...) Graphic design, Drums, Bass guitar, Reading, Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Martial Arts, Nature (Specially African forests), Caring animals, Learning Spirituality; Chilling out and arguing with good friends, Travelling to meet new people around the world. Actresses: Rita Hayworth, Brittney Powell (Nuttz on Myspace), Halle Berry, Raquel Welch, Sharon Stone, Pam Grear, Jennifer Love Hewitt... Actors: Robert Redford (I do like him), Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Eddy Murphy, Samuel L Jackson.. Learning about languages, History and cultures.

I'd like to meet:

Jiva inside each human being



Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Albert Camus

Be wide in me, O Varuna; be mighty in me, O Indra; O Sun, be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not be subject to these gods, O Kali.

Sri Aurobindo

The glory of friendship is not the outstreched hand, nor the kindly smile,
nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am not a Bhakta, for I have not renounced the world for God. How can I renounce what He took from me by force and gave back to me against my will? These things are too hard for me.I am not a Bhakta, I am not a Jnani, I am not a worker for the Lord. What am I then? A tool in the hands of my Master, a flute blown upon by the divine Herd-Boy, a leaf driven by the breath of the Lord.Devotion is not utterly fulfilled till it becomes action and knowledge. If thou pursuest after God and canst overtake Him, let Him not go till thou hast His reality. If thou hast hold of His reality, insist on having also His totality. The first will give thee divine knowledge, the second will give thee divine works and a free and perfect joy in the universe.Others boast of their love for God. My boast is that I did not love God; it was He who loved me and sought me out and forced me to belong to Him.After I knew that God was a woman, I learned something from far- off about love; but it was only when I became a woman and served my Master and Paramour that I knew love utterly.

Sri Aurobindo

My Blog


..> BULLETIN N°1 ..> ..> EDITO ..> ..> Hey all friends ! Very pleased to post this first 'Wassup'. Early, when I came here, I felt this necessity. Myspace is a wonderful instrument, ...
Posted by HRH Prince Magloire on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 07:35:00 PST

L'homme sans tête

Note : If you need me to post my blog in two languages tell me°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°Je suis tombé ce matin sur un vieux livre que j'avais perdu de vue depui...
Posted by HRH Prince Magloire on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

L'instinct de tribu

Curieux le monde. A toutes les époques les hommes ont fait des choses contradictoires. Tout en se tapant dessus de milles manières, des plus cruelles au plus raffinées, ils n'arrêtent pas conjointemen...
Posted by HRH Prince Magloire on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST