Jen profile picture


...Any Colour You Like

About Me

Welcome! My name is Jennifer.I come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow... No wonder I am so isolated. I Am A(n): -Old Soul
-Multipet Owner
-Night Owl
-Pack Rat/Collector
-Master Procrastinator
-Classic Rock/Music Lover
-Coffee Addict
-Nature Lover
-Animal Caretaker
-Dreamer/Soul Searcher
-Incurable Insomniac We're all so very random, aren't we?
I Am:-Reclusive
-Free-SpiritedI Am A Northern Girl: I breathe the North.
I sleep the North.
I live the North.
I love the North.
I am the North. After all,'s only a Northern song.
I've reached a point where I am able to work for myself and control my own time and schedule, which is nice.Sometimes I feel like I'm just a lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground - but who doesn't? Please visit my online pet photo album.
You will meet all of the wonderful pets I share my home with: -Cats
-Fish Click Here To Visit My Photo Album I rarely leave my house unless I'm working and so I've turned into somewhat of a wonder. No mystery - I'm just far too busy caring for the creatures that live here and handling the neverending domestic chores to be frolicking around. Why so many animals? Animals provide unconditional love and a sense of peace and relief from the chaotic demands of this very human world we live in. People can disappoint. Animals never do. Music and laughter are what I live for. I'm very fond of all things British as most of my favorite music and comedy hails from the UK. I like many different kinds of music, but, as with everything else, I prefer it older. I listen to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Beatles on a daily basis. But it doesn't end there. I take in all sorts of wonderful sounds every day. I spend a lot of time studying music of all kinds, but especially rock and roll history and the art of rock lyrics. If you know of any good music books, let me know. I also love reading things like band biographies and whatnot. Music fuels me and I would not want to live in a world without it. I am always looking for serious music lovers to have intense discussions with. I especially love having good conversations about Syd Barrett. If you are a band, an artist, a poet, a dancer, etc. feel free to add me as I am always interested in exposing myself to what fellow mankind is creating. I have done a lot of creative things in my life such as acting, dancing, playing the piano, playing the violin, playing the bagpipes, writing poetry and short stories, painting, figure skating, student film...if it's creative, I'm interested in it. I enjoy going to plays and really enjoy musicals in particular. I haven't seen as many plays as I'd like in the past few years, but I still try and get out to the theatre when I can. I also love going to concerts of any kind, classical to rock.If all else fails, send me something funny and make me laugh! And before you go to sleep tonight, listen to this song:I caught the train,
I met a dame,
She was a hipster, well and a real cool dame,
She was pretty, from New York City,
Well and we trucked on down in that old Fairlane
With a heave, and a ho,
Well, I just couldn't let her go.
Get along, sweet little woman, get along,
Be on your way,
With a heave, and a ho,
I just couldn't let her go.
Well, the train kept a-rollin', all night long,
The train kept a-rollin', all night long.

My Interests

I Like... -Animals
-Old Music
-Rock History
-Laughing My Ass Off
-True Crime
-Vintage Toys
-Retro Design
-The 50's
-The 60's
-The 70's
-Hippie Culture
-Pop Culture
-Pop Art
-Weird Art
-Open Minds
-Mind Expansion
-The Woods
-Mountain Biking
-Alice In Wonderland
-Collecting Books/Comics
-Collecting Cat Knacks
-Other Collectors
-Pet Stores
-Book Stores
-Vintage Clothing
-Building Pet Habitats
-Loving My Husband
-Being Good
-Staying Out Of Trouble
-Cranking Tunes
-Avoiding People
-Caring For My Pets
-The British
-The British Invasion
-UK Comedy
-UK Pub Quizzes
-Crafts I Hate... -Telephones
-Cell Phones
-Phone Calls
-Feeling Cold
-Waking Up
-Drinking Liquor
-The Cost Of Living
-ISP Outages
-The Decline Of TV
-Game Shows
-Facebook This is my idea of a parallel universe:Old Things... I am attached to the past. If it's old, I'm interested. I think your parents are cooler than you! Mr. Schweitzer... "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." -AS "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." -AS “Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.” -AS Lottery List... -Buy this log home
-Buy this BBQ
-Buy this RV
-Get more pets
-Wire the house
-Be a bigger recluse
-Give others money

I'd like to meet:

I Want To Meet ... The people in my Top Friends list that I haven't met already. -Larry David
-Ricky Gervais
-Woody Allen
-Pamela Des Barres
-Television Producers Sadly, everyone else I want to meet is already dead. -John Lennon
-Marilyn Monroe
-Timothy Leary
-Allen Ginsberg
-Jack Kerouac
-Andy Warhol
-Syd Barrett Etcetera, etcetera. I DON'T Want To Meet ... -Hypocrites
-Rude People
-People With No Sense Of Humor
-People I Already Know (!)I Would Love To Time-Travel Back To The Day This Photo Was Taken And Hang Out With These People: But I wouldn't have tried to sit on Robert's lap when he clearly wanted to be left alone! (Oh yes, I know the story!) Great Moment In History... The Northern Lights I Adore:One World: Something To Watch:


I Listen To... I couldn't possibly begin to list all the music I love. Music is my whole world. I would wither away if I couldn't hear it. It is my life fuel. If I were to start listing all the artists I like, this page would run miles and miles in length and you would be here for hours and hours and hours (and hours and hours) trying to absorb it all. Seriously.One of my favorite things to do is discuss music - so please - if you would like to discuss a band or anything musically related, please message me!Basically, as with everything else, I like my music old. My top 5 staples are: -The Beatles
-Pink Floyd
-Led Zeppelin
-The Who
-The Kinks All hail the British invasion! I like to go even further back in time. I like a lot of older music, stuff your graandmother and great grandmother listened to. I'd love to peruse a record collection worthy of Seymour's on 'Ghost World'.If you own 'Pink Floyd - Meddle' you are my instant friend.I like animals who sing, too.
Meet Mademoiselle Nobs: Choice Picks: -Presence (Zeppelin)
-Obscured By Clouds (Floyd)
-Meddle (Floyd)
-Animals (Floyd)
-DSOTM (Floyd)
-Complete Collection (Kinks)
-Revolver (Beatles)
-Rubber Soul (Beatles)
-Live At The BBC (Beatles)Visit my little "I Love The Beatles" space here. Visit my little "I Love Zep" space here. Visit my little "I Love Floyd" space here.


I Watch... I'll name the major ones: -Goodfellas
-Husbands And Wives
-American Beauty
-Ghost World
-The Royal Tenenbaums Amazing Directors... -Martin Scorsese
-Woody Allen
-Wes Anderson Also, praise for: -Dogma
-Office Space
-Rock Star
-Napoleon Dynamite
-Shaun Of The Dead
-Almost Famous
-Very Bad Things
-True Romance
-Sour Grapes*
-Requiem For A Dream
-Assassination Of R. Nixon
-Fear + Loathing In L. Vegas (*I won't lie, it was awful, but I feel the need to support Larry.)I absolutely adore mob movies or anything mafia related.I haven't seen a moving, impressive movie in a long time. If you know of any great ones that you think I might like, please let me know. Cinematic Genius... Life Seymour: "Please... go ahead and kill me! This stuff doesn't make you happy, believe me." Enid: "Oh, come on! What are you talking about?"Seymour: "You think it's healthy to obsessively collect things? You can't connect with other people so you fill your life with stuff... I'm just like all the rest of these pathetic collector losers."Enid writes her name in the dust.-Ghost World Love Linda's Voice: "Hi. You've reached the Novotnys. We're not around, but we'll call you back real soon. Have a nice day!"-Election Escape Richie dictates a letter: "Dear Eli, I'm in the middle of the ocean. I haven't left my room in four days. I've never been more lonely in my life, and I think I'm in love with Margot. New paragraph. Your friend, Richie. End of letter."-The Royal Tenenbaums Funny Tommy: "I'm funny how? I mean funny, like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean, funny? Funny how? How am I funny?" -Goodfellas Jennifer's Flair


I Watch... -Curb Your Enthusiasm
-The Office UK
-The Office US
-Arrested Development
-Freaks & Geeks
-The Comeback
-Smack The Pony
-People Like Us
-The Larry Sanders Show
-Lovespring International
-It's Always Sunny In PA
-H. H. Of Frightenstein
-Kids In The Hall
-Prisoners Of Gravity
-Tales From The Riverbank
-Law & Order
-Without A Trace
-Criminal Minds
-The Trailer Park Boys
-Northern Exposure
-That 80s Show (yes, 80s)
-Vintage Sesame Street
-Geico CavemanAnd so on. And so on.Like everything else, a lot of the TV shows I like are old, so they're either in re-runs or not airing at all.My ramble for the day:1. I'm very excited about the new upcoming season of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' and 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia'.2. I'm pissed off beyond belief that Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have decided not to make a third season of 'Extras'.3. The people at Fox can't seem to get anything right. I pretty much gave up on Fox the day 'Arrested Development' was cancelled.4. NBC gives us 'The Office', so for that, they are saved. As for '30 Rock', it's not as great as it could be/should be. If only there were more of Alec Baldwin and Jane Krakowski and less of Tracy Morgan...but that's just my opinion.5. HBO is amazing as always, but, remember, HBO is not TV!6. Apparently ABC is in the workings of creating a pilot based on the Geico caveman character. If it happens, I will definitely be tuning in. There's a lot of good material there. If you like him too, send ABC an e-mail so they know we're interested!What can I say? I'm desprate these days. Current television is sputtering its death rattle. It's sad. As a television-reared child of the 80's, I feel lost.And in case you're wondering, yes, I ramble on and on when it comes to television, so, at the urging of my friend Tom, I will be keeping a television critique blog. I haven't managed to post anything relevant yet, but I've erected its beginnings here . Retro TV Moment: Click Here


I Read... -True Crime
-Rock Band/Musician Bios
-The 60's
-The 70's
-Pop Culture
-Beat Poetry
-Jack Kerouac
-Allen Ginsberg
-Timothy Leary
-William Burroughs
-Canadian Poets
-Irving Layton
-Leonard Cohen
-Bill Bissett
-Comic Books
-Classic Children's Lit
-Alice In Wonderland
-Classic Teen Novels
-Nancy Drew
-Picture Books
-Art Books
-Old Zoology Books Etcetera, etcetera. 'Flashbacks' by Timothy Leary is my all-time favourite book. 10 Must Reads:
(In No Particular Order)-On The Road
-I'm With The Band
-The Diary of Andy Warhol
-Rock Wives
-Hammer of the Gods
-Le Petit Prince
-Oh What A Busy Day! BEAT MASTERS: "Ah, Carl, while you are not safe I am not safe, and now you're really in the total animal soup of time." -Allen Ginsberg


I Idolize... -Larry David
-Woody Allen
-George CostanzaAs far as women go, I wish I were the "Seinfeld" character Elaine Benes. I also adore Lisa Kudrow's character Valerie Cherish on HBO's (unfortunately short-lived brilliant) comedy "The Comeback". And finally, the character Angela Martin on NBC's "The Office". She's even obsessed with cats, meow! If you were to put all three of these women in a blender, I'd be the end result. I see myself in a little bit of each of them. I Love:Dr. Timothy Francis Leary
R.I.P. brilliant Dr. Leary!
Are You Smart?
Take a few of the Sploofus trivia quizzes I authored! All About Syd Barrett
PF's Meddle
The British Invasion
Jimmy Page
Beat Generation
Rock & Roll Zoo
PF's Animals
Rockin' Through The Week
Famous Album Covers
Led Zeppelin's Presence
Rockin' In Film
Rock In Rock
PF's The Final Cut
First Names in Rock I
First Names in Rock II
Rock and Roll Songs
You Rock!
The Pink Floyd Psyche
Spirituality in Rock
Led Zeppelin III
Beatle Wives
Rock & Roll Fruit Salad
PF's Obscured By Clouds
PF's Dark Side of the Moon
I Am Alice:
Alice and the cat.
Alice and the mouse.
Men And Cats:Jack with a cat:
And if seeing Jack with a cat weren't enough pleasure, here's Syd Barrett and William Burroughs: And here is Keith Moon (swoon!): And George Harrison and John Lennon... And my heroes, Ricky and Larry: I know the cat in the photo with Larry isn't real, but I loved it nonetheless. Seeing these men with cats is great!And finally, I'll end with this:
Goodbye! Aurevoir!

My Blog

wots...uh the deal

for those of you have commented on my profile song - and floyd fans in general, click here for old footage.
Posted by Jen on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 04:41:00 PST

my chaoscopes

i like playing around with chaoscope software and i've added a photo album in my gallery featuring some of my chaoscope pieces.  please leave comments!
Posted by Jen on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 01:46:00 PST


now this is what i call a treehouse!  
Posted by Jen on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 03:33:00 PST

please touch

every child should visit the please touch museum.
Posted by Jen on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 02:03:00 PST


aira shared this brilliant piece in her blog.please pass it along:  
Posted by Jen on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:41:00 PST

homemade dead end

for die-hard kinks fans, this homemade video will make you giggle: dead end street
Posted by Jen on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:55:00 PST

kinks documentary

what a fine find on an otherwise dull saturday: kinks documentary i wish i were amidst the screaming crowd. anyone have a time machine?...
Posted by Jen on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:35:00 PST

inside out

created with ms paint - amazing: woman - from the inside out
Posted by Jen on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:27:00 PST


i've been playing this song on repeat for a number of weeks now.  i think it is a perfect song.   "Autumn Almanac" Written by: Ray Davies Performed by: The Kinks From the dew-soaked hedge ...
Posted by Jen on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:47:00 PST


out of sheer boredom, i decided do the celebrity look-alike thing.  i must say, being compared to such beautiful women is quite flattering.  go on and do it too!  you'll proba...
Posted by Jen on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 05:09:00 PST