Jen's Kittens profile picture

Jen's Kittens

We Rule The House

About Me

Hi! We're Asker and Visa* - Jen's kittens. Slideshow We're two female kittens that live with a family of big cats and small furries . But we're so special, we needed a space of our own! We've only been living here since May 2006 and we're already permanent members of the family. We have a long life ahead of us with Jen and she loves us so much already. Our owner Jen loves animals so much! People think she's a little odd for having a house full of pets, but she knows how lucky she is! Caring for her animals is tops on her list. She loves us soooo much!ASKER I'm Asker a.k.a. Little Asker a.k.a Mousity a.k.a. Rusty. I'm an orange tabby. I am very friendly and curious. I like people and other cats. My favorite place to nap is in my box with a fleece blanket. I like climbing screens. I was very open and loving from the start. The first thing I did when I came to live here is march up to all the big cats and introduce myself. I'm very brave. I like to interact with everyone around me.Oh yeah, and I LOVE watching soccer on TV! VISA I'm Visa a.k.a Ziva a.k.a. Veda a.k.a. Vis-A-Vis (The Whole Pie) a.k.a Mrs. P! I'm a black shorthair. When I first got here, I was a bit wild and hissed at everyone and everything. It took a few days before I stopped growling all the time. Now, I am very active and Asker and I are inseperable. I am much friendlier with everyone. My favorite place to nap is in Asker's box beside her. I like playing with ropes and ribbons. I like following Jen around when I'm not busy playing with Asker. I don't like the big cats as much as Asker does, so I tend to stay away from them.Meet David Brent: He is the inspiration behind Visa's name. For those of you who do not know who he is, David Brent is a character from the BBC original series "The Office". Visa's name was taken from his lines "vis-a-vis" and "vis-a-vis, the whole pie".(David Brent is portrayed by actor Ricky Gervais. "The Office" is a cult hit which has since been brought to American television via NBC, starring Steve Carell.)LINKS: Visit our Catster pages:
ASKER 's page.
VISA 's page.Visit our owner Jen 's space.
Visit the big cats , our feline siblings.
Visit Rodent Paradise , home of our rodent siblings.

My Interests

We Enjoy: Scratching
Plastic Bags
Window Screens
Screen Doors
Other Kittens
Other Cats
Human Hands
Human Feet
Cat Grass
Baby Formula
Things That Dangle
Cat Toys
Foil Balls
Boxes Our Perfect Petzzzâ„¢ Himalayan kitten:

I'd like to meet:

We'd Like To Meet: Other Kittens
Other Cats
Other Animals
Other Humans Who Love Animals We Want To Visit: &nbsp&nbsp
&nbsp&nbsp The Netherlands, England, Hawaii, Norway Why We Like MySpace: We get to meet cool friends like you!


We Listen To: Classic Rock


We Like: Kitten With A Whip (1946)


We Watch: Animal Planet
Felines Rule!


We Read: Schrodinger's Kittens
by J. Gribbin


Our Heroes Are: Other Kittens
Other Cats
Ernest Hemingway
Our Owner Other Stuff: &nbsp

My Blog

wild animal clinic

our owner jen started helping out at a wild animal clinic.  she really needed to do something to get out of the house once in a while and being with animals is what makes her happiest.&...
Posted by Jen's Kittens on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:32:00 PST